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Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine is the ROOT to the entire system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and they meet in secret to discuss their real agenda - Total Global Enslavement. Agenda 2030 is already in progress, and Sustainability is the key. Everything that has happened has only reinforced what we know to be True, and it is undeniable for anyone who actually looks into the Truth about Racine.

Since those who know the real truth have exposed what is going on in Racine, an alarming number of corrupt officials have resigned without any major media asking any questions. The corrupt criminal District Attorney, the corrupt city attorney, the corrupt city administrator who was the cousin of the mayor without any college degree, the city administrator before him who tried to commit suicide, the corrupt county executive who got a job to push a corrupt deal through the chamber of commerce then a promotion to a position at SC Johnson, corrupt city council members, and even people tied to the zoo who were involved in bid rigging and racketeering.

The last mayor was finally arrested on pedo crimes, but he was setup by others involved, and after some illegal campaign financing involving SC Johnson and others, the much more corrupt criminal mayor as quoted above took over. He pushed through extremely brazen corrupt deals for them and others, and he too just resigned a little over a week ago after he committed a few more crimes on the way out and is now being rewarded to help private corrupt interests take over control of the Great Lakes - one of the world's largest fresh water sources with ancient historical significance. See the discoveries of ancient formations in Wisconsin for more information and link that to the rest of the story below. One after another the officials and others involved have been exposed and it gets covered up while they move positions and retire. The FBI knows all about it, and is involved in the racketeering scheme itself. They are also involved in the more sinister part below, as there is an unusual number of LDS members in the FBI and CIA. This is part of a bigger global coalition, and that is where Paul Ryan and Agenda 2030 come in.

Racine is the birthplace of Sustainable Development and the model for Community Policing, started with the Clintons. The first company to implant microchips in employees recently announced is in Wisconsin. Part of their agenda is for everyone to be microchipped (it is the Mark of the Beast - computer linked to Club of Rome), and that will be the only way for you to get food, water or anything. They will use AI and Community Policing to enforce it. In Racine and Wisconsin, they already use drones, spy software, surveillance equipment, cameras, mobile command centers, and military equipment to stalk, harass, threaten, intimidate, fine, plant, frame, and murder dogs and innocent people. They also use the mafia, prisoners and gangs including MS-13 who have a safe haven in their Sanctuary Cities.

Racine is closely tied to Pilgrims Society and other major groups involved including Knights of Pythias, Knights of Malta, Club of Rome, Freemasons, Shriners, Royal Order of Jesters, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Committee of 300, Black Nobility, and Council of 13. It is also the birthplace of Rotary International founder, and is tied to many influential PACs and Foundations including Club for Growth and many others. One recent part of their agenda included testing with the Zika virus, and the Rockefellers own the patent, while SC Johnson owns the labs and distribution channels for, and was the main beneficiary of the experiment. The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons. Trump isn't even close to their league.

Their plan is to control the fresh water supply, food, energy, banking, religion, and all resources and aspects of life as they vaccinate, poison, monitor, track, experiment, censor, control, stalk, threaten, brainwash, extort, blackmail, bribe, stalk, slander, murder, use, abuse and harvest people from Cradle to Grave. They even come out and say that very phrase in the Educational takeover tied to Bill Clinton, Les Aspin and Jeff Neubauer (his sister is Kristin Bauer van Straten from True Blood, who is well known in the circles of Scientoflogy and related groups). Caron Butler also plays a major role in this, is a Freemason, and we believe was programmed while in detention centers. Look at who else was on the Young and the Guest DC invite list with him - James Alefantis, Huma Abedin, Eric Braverman, Mae Podesta, and many other familiar names.

They aren't the only celebrities with links to Racine, Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Ashton Kutcher is also linked to Racine through the Clintons, McCain, Emanuels and a group called The Fight to End Exploitation (real name Chris - Freemasonry and Kabbalah elite). Some of those involved in that organization are known to be involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, with ties to Penn State University and Tom DeLonge of Blink-182. Racine has close ties through Haiti, Brazil and other hubs involved, that LInkin Park was involved with also. Linkin Park and Blinkin Park were going to have shows together until Chris Cornell and Chester died.

Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker (LDS - Mormon) are closely tied to Chester Bennington and John Podesta. Peter Lavenda, who co-authorized Tom DeLonge's book, is a leader in OTO circles and linked to Jack Parson and Aleister Crowley. Others closely linked from LDS include Even McMullin and Mitt Romney, who made a deal for Paul Ryan to be VP (Roman Catholic - ties to mafia, Boy Scouts and secret societies). There is a partnership between Jesuits (Catholics), LDS and FLDS (Mormon), Kabbalah (Jewish), OTO (Thelema), Scientology and others with the mission of a one world Luciferian religious interfaith coalition.

Racine has a fully controlled International Airport and harbor, and has a massive data center that Quinn Michaels also corroborated as being a major link in Racine County. About the Arena deal, it is part of the racketeering scheme in Racine that is linked to the Clinton Foundation, Rotary International, and many, many others. That RICO case was railroaded by the mafia and corruption in the FBI. Loretta Lynch was personally involved in obstructing the RICO investigations in Racine, and it coincided with Paul Ryan being on the plane with Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch for their secret meeting.

They are going to use the arena for their own events and lure more children and families to the area. There are tunnels throughout Racine, and it is also tied to the Underground Railroad up to Canada and the ratlines from Chicago that go over to Minnesota, North Dakota, Omaha, Iowa, and Missouri. The arena is a pay back along with Machinery Row, an amphitheater, the harbor and airport, tax fee everything, control over the district and media, and control over the water supply. Racketeering in Racine goes a long way, but it is deeper and darker. It is also tied to Pizzagate, murder, organ harvesting, blood transfusions, bone marrow, abuse in schools and detention centers, abuse of foster and family services, and all other steps toward the gross reality of extreme corruption, tyranny, abuse, torture and enslavement.

In breaking news in Racine, another young girl was found dead in Racine this week, only 17 years old, right near one of SC Johnson's locations in an area not many people would be familiar with. She is one of many young girls, judges and other mysterious deaths in the area.

Racine is the ROOT of all Evil and the world needs to know the truth before it is too late.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They were introduced by Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, and Clinton is also close with Madonna and other ties to Kabbalah and OTO. Look at the others involved in his investment group tied to Clintons and Epstein including Ron Burkle.

This is part of the bigger agenda that merges the corrupt Church and State toward Total Global Enslavement.

Ashton's real name is Chris, and he is also tied to a group called The Fight to End Exploitation linked with the mafia, corrupt corporations and foundations, corrupt law enforcement, Penn State University, and Tom DeLonge from Blink-182 who is linked to Podesta, Peter Lavenda, Jack Parson and Aleister Crowley.

We need to expose the Real Chris Kutcher and the Root of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption in Racine, Wisconsin.