anonOpenPress ago

oops I have a wrong link there. Thanks, editing soon

equineluvr ago

"These are tortured people"

NO, they are not "tortured." All of this evil crap comes to them naturally via genetics and upbringing.

YingYangMom ago

[email protected] IS SUBSCRIBED TO MAGAZINE and

Interesting to know Podesta likes to read stuff like:

  • Biopolitical Views & News: Human Gene Editing FAQs / CRISPR and Eugenics / Genetic Surveillance / Eugenic Infanticide

  • Forgotten Stories of the Eugenic Age #4, Part 3: The Blurry Boundaries of Eugenic Infanticide.

  • Should we as a society condone the genetic modification of future human beings? Here we take on some common questions about gene editing the human germline.

  • Biomedical researchers and Silicon Valley are increasingly looking to each other for access to human subjects and new ventures, raising questions about informed consent and the security of private genetic data.

  • Exploring the History of Eugenic Sterilization in Western Canada.

  • No Más Bebés : No Más Bebés originated with Virginia Espino’s original research on the coercive sterilizations of Mexican-origin women at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.

And so many more... sort=6#searchresult

P.S. I found this quote while reading through the emails. Thought it was a great quote for the PG group : “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead

anonOpenPress ago

Podesta forwarding California taxpayer money on CIRM, stem cell research on 2009

srayzie ago

Wow. I read how they would keep babies alive after late term abortions so they could take their organs. That KILLS me. I'm sure they don't even give the baby anything for pain before they cut into the body. They feel pain after 20 weeks. Maybe sooner! It takes a special kind of sick breed to be a doctor or nurse that can do such a horrible thing. No amount of money is worth hurting babies. How could they go home to their families after performing these procedures? How do they sleep at night? It's so hard for my brain to process this.

equineluvr ago

That is discussed in one of the undercover videos linked above. It really needs a warning label; it almost made me vomit.

"How could they go home to their families after performing these procedures? How do they sleep at night?"

Thanks to genetics and brain structure, they feel no empathy.

User88 ago

Today I came across this website Donald Marshall claims to be a former illuminati insider. He talks about cloning and microchipheads and also how queen Elisabeth II was found guilty in a missing children's case in 2013. I have no idea how legit this information is, I haven't had enough time to read all of this yet, but maybe someone will find it interesting.

equineluvr ago

"On February 25, 2013 six international judges found Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. The children left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10, 1964, and their grieving parents haven't seen them since.

The order to arrest the Queen was issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, after nearly a year of litigation. This prosecution concerned 50,000 missing native Canadian children and included a 1964 kidnapping case that implicated the Queen.

The four month long trial found Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Queen Elizabeth and forty other global elites guilty of crimes against humanity. The guilty verdict may have even influenced the surprising resignation of the Pope, which was announced later that same week."

That is BS. The Queen is Sovereign.

Jem777 ago

I think you are on the right track.This is the cognitive jump people have to make. These people pick children for many reasons and I believe it will be proven grow their own children for specific parts.

Pedophiles, ritual sacrifice, organ donation, skin & tissue donation, carry on bloodline, & worse.

twistedmac11 ago

Ever since reading on the Soros-McCann-coloboma thing, I'm inclined to believe the elites are doing organ harvesting, genetic testing, etc for their own physical gain.

PizzagateBot ago

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