DMTco2Melatonin ago

Yeah, Madeleine was a clone.

anonOpenPress ago

reposted, happy if you repeat any valuable comments here /v/pizzagate/1768186

anonOpenPress ago

anonOpenPress ago

Waiting for the mod to reply

anonOpenPress ago

@Millennial_Falcon Ping on deletion of this post. You reasoned that you don't see genetic engineering related to pizzagate. Please refer to and additionally use a search word "gene" in the wiki. After doing that, please reconsider. My personal today's wiki quote for you:

The pictures ringing Tony's ninth-floor office at PodestaMattoon deliver an unusual welcome. A suite of arresting computer-manipulated photographs by Dutch artist Margi Geerlinks serves as a cautionary tale of genetic engineering. One shows a boy seemingly born from a sewing machine. Another finds a young girl knitting her own hair. A third has a naked woman immersed in blood-red liquid.

anonOpenPress ago

@wecanhelp @Vindicator Sorry to bother you, it seems MF isn't replying so could you check above /v/pizzagate/1766789/8653265

wecanhelp ago

I still don't see the link between Pizzagate and genetic engineering explained in your post. I can see how this could be related to Pizzagate (i.e., the prospect of "farming" children), but please make a little effort and reason about that in the post, and by reason I mean write just a line or two on the connection in your own words, instead of linking to other articles without much explanation or summary of those for your readership. If the connection is explained properly, I don't see a reason why this shouldn't be allowed on the sub. @Millennial_Falcon, FYI.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks. I'll repost adding my interpretation on the connection with a link to wiki with the search "genetic", let's see if it covers the connection well enough. The rule 1 doesn't seem easy to follow (could be more clear IMO) but I'll do my best. @Millennial_Falcon, FYI.

Millennial_Falcon ago

reading the pizzagate definition post carefully might help clear this up. rule 1 states that all post must be directly related to pizzagate, and the definition post specifies what pizzagate is. there is of course always going to be a subjective element, but unless it's self-evident that your post is directly relevant (as indicated by the pizzagate definition post), you will need to provide decent evidence/argumentation for whatever case you're making.

anonOpenPress ago

Yes, doing my best. Argumentation seemed to be the issue here, I hope you check the repost and find it sufficient.

anonOpenPress ago

@wecanhelp @Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon reposted /v/pizzagate/1768186 Thanks for your help on guiding me, keep up the good and important work you do. Next time I'll try to be precise from the start, still I do hope the Rule 1 gets some tuning to make it easier to follow.

wecanhelp ago

Thanks a lot for the extra work you've put into this, the post has actually turned out to be a very decently written one. Keep it up.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, I grabbed a couple of new names to look into from there. I'm not a fan of the tea party, but some posts are worth checking it seems.

Her visits included a visit to White House special advisor Valerie Jarrett’s office; two visits with communications guru Stephanie Cutter and a final visit with Nancy Sutley

YingYangMom ago

[email protected] IS SUBSCRIBED TO MAGAZINE and

Interesting to know Podesta likes to read stuff like:

  • Biopolitical Views & News: Human Gene Editing FAQs / CRISPR and Eugenics / Genetic Surveillance / Eugenic Infanticide

  • Forgotten Stories of the Eugenic Age #4, Part 3: The Blurry Boundaries of Eugenic Infanticide.

  • Should we as a society condone the genetic modification of future human beings? Here we take on some common questions about gene editing the human germline.

  • Biomedical researchers and Silicon Valley are increasingly looking to each other for access to human subjects and new ventures, raising questions about informed consent and the security of private genetic data.

  • Exploring the History of Eugenic Sterilization in Western Canada.

  • No Más Bebés : No Más Bebés originated with Virginia Espino’s original research on the coercive sterilizations of Mexican-origin women at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.

And so many more... sort=6#searchresult

P.S. I found this quote while reading through the emails. Thought it was a great quote for the PG group : “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead

anonOpenPress ago

reposted, please repost your valuable comment here /v/pizzagate/1768186

YingYangMom ago

Done :)

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks a lot, this might turn up useful to my studies

YingYangMom ago

Pleasure. Thank you very much also for two very, very interesting and well sourced posts!

anonOpenPress ago

Another one of those (the deleted one) is by another user @awarenessadventurer

YingYangMom ago

Ah yes, but I was referring to yours, this one and the "Revisiting the handkerchief, full timeline" threads. But yes, you're right :)

Mellowmountain ago


DonKeyhote ago

I guess the mod deleting it didn't know about Podesta's connection to Mr. Wyss yet, as that would have reasoned the connection to pizzagate by rule 1

Hahaha welcome to voat where the mods pretend they dont even read the wiki

anonOpenPress ago

anonOpenPress ago

Having the workload they have here, I don't wonder some mistakes happen on the way. The rule1 might be made more clear, as sometimes it causes dropping of some useful posts. IMO the upvote button is the best mod we have. Moderation done by the readers.

DonKeyhote ago

They banned me for "spamming" for one repost after they deleted the first one, saying David Geffen wasn't elated to PG tho he has his own wiki page. They pmed me, i said fuck you shills, and they didn't even reply, a tacit admission of guilt

anonOpenPress ago

I'm not one to discuss that with... I'm waiting for this post mod to reply on deleting. Not a word yet except for the reasoning.

DonKeyhote ago

Are you dense?

anonOpenPress ago

I'm a smoking gun, reloading

DonKeyhote ago

Millenial faggot is who banned me and always blew up my spot. So why even ask him shit.

anonOpenPress ago

The link rule is too hard when you have a source which can't be lkinked, I know... Just try to find a relatively close enough link and repost.

21yearsofdigging ago

Good one

bdiminishedminor7 ago

More info on Wyss, Soros and Podesta:

anonOpenPress ago

reposted, happy if you repeat your comment here /v/pizzagate/1768186

anonOpenPress ago

Cheers, twirl play space was something I hadn't run into. You might be interested in checking Soros connections to Peter B Lewis and John Sperling, two other billionaires now deceased. I don't know if Wyss is involved in anything with them.

PizzagateBot ago

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