Dressage2 ago

Matt Hollamby works at the Wyss Foundation as the Program Director. He was found to be on James Alefantis' Facebook friends. Also he is mentioned in Podesta emails wanting to give grant money from Wyss to HRC/Podesta for $500K.

Dressage2 ago

Well one for sure was deleted by the mod squad. If it is a good lead it is sent to the deleted abyss!

cantsleepawink ago

In addition to the Biotech Campus project I've posted about below there seems to be a connection with James Alefantis. I haven't been able to verify this but here is Dr. Tim Alefantis (who I believe is the brother of James Alefantis) who heads a group of scientists working to develop next generation vaccines. He works for Sanofi Pasteur, one of the world's largest pharmaceuticals. The company is involved with the Biotech project.*

Twilight zone stuff, no?

stickittotheman ago

We need more investigators on this story. This may be one of the top goals of the whole operation.

spez_dispenser ago

It's become clearer every day that the heart of pizzagate is not pedophilia, it is human trafficking.

I sincerely applaud you for stating this.

Humans are being commodified like cattle. Each stage of the supply chain for cattle has different buyers and sellers. It's not about any one buyer, but the entire supply chain.

CandyPanda ago

Jump to the midway mark of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GED9rYPkAlQ They end up with multiple embryos to guarantee birth, and then they sell the extras.

stickittotheman ago

Great digging! That creature is a dead ringer for a Soros Spawn. The exact same mouth. Boys from brazil is not far fetched, most of the hollywood movies have an element of truth, hidden in plain sight as usual. I really believe you are on to something here.

Bentastixc ago


These name should be digged into. Jacob Caldwell President of the board, was public servant and fired. Whole story about it.

micha_ ago

WHOAH! Is Tony Wyss-Coray linked to Hansjorg Wyss and the Wyss foundation?

"Tony Wyss-Coray studies the impact of aging on the human body and brain. In this eye-opening talk, he shares new research from his Stanford lab and other teams which shows that a solution for some of the less great aspects of old age might actually lie within us all."


He is the researcher, that was referenced in the articles discussed here already:

Elixier of youth:


Young Blood May Hold Key to Reversing Aging:


In the thread

The eFits of the Podesta Brothers Were INTENTIONALLY Made to Rat on Them for Child Abduction


it is mentioned that Wyss Foundation was close to Podesta.

And coincidentially it is close to the Portugese embassy (Madeleine McCann disappeared in Portugal and seems to have an iris-defect similar to George Soros):



The idea of a bunch of thin lipped - upper teeth showing - eyebag sagging Soros genetic soldier clones is as scary as they come.


great find, this is one of the more important links so far.

crazyworld ago

This should not be forgotten either: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/43058

pgthrowaway ago

"It's become clear that the heart of pizzagate is not pedophilia, it is human trafficking" This. I do think that all the work and time invested in CPP might be stealing from the bigger picture, this is much larger than pedophilia. I'm not saying don't look into it, just that we should have a wider scope. Keep it going guys, this is going to be huge.

Hopevoats ago

This is what I keep saying. The kids with the eye thing all look alike and look like him!

What a great way to take over the world. Genetically linked human robot army.

DirtyRainbows ago


Hopevoats ago


This is how you play God.

DirtyRainbows ago

Wouldn't it just be way more convenient to create people who have certain diseases likes williams syndrome than to try and pull them off the street?

Hopevoats ago

I'm suggesting that they are being created and raised up by various people; possibly including members of the Satanic cults, unsuspecting IVF recipients of sperm donations, even other victims held in slavery. Some may be actually abducted and some may be fake abducted or sold if they turn out to be a good candidate.

The genetic defects could be something they are experimenting with. Perhaps they are easier to program. Williams Syndrome victims have an enhanced propensity towards music. Maybe they are good candidates for the harmonics method? They are cute, friendly, trusting, and innocent, along with being developmentally disabled. Just the traits a twisted pedophile would refer to as a "hotard".

Another thought is that they are working with Soro's genetic material and the trait which causes Colobama (wow, just realized how close that is to Obama) surfaces in some of the children. Perhaps they are working on a genetically ideal candidate for the transference of consciousness from these old fuckers to new life. If Madelaine McCann were alive, this would be a good explanation for why they keep her so close.

At any rate, it would make sense to get as many out there as possible, and use the rejects for the other various purposes of human trafficking.

DirtyRainbows ago

I think it is more realistic they are grow people for the sole purpose of being exploited. like a human farm. I don't agree with the transfer of consciences. I firmly believe consciousness is a by product of multiple variables and therefore not a physical thing to be "Transferred" into a new vessel so to speak.

Hopevoats ago

Think about it this way: The ruling elites have various genetic anomalies associated with inbreeding. They are breeding themselves like we breed livestock and pets; genetic engineering through sexual reproduction. They are passing down a certain genetic "memory". Links are now being made between the activities of fathers, years before insemination, and the effects that those activities carry through to their future offspring.

I've read that the Monarch mind control program is so named because Monarch butterflies pass the memory of their homeland location on to generations which have never been there. It's one of the world's greatest unsolved mysteries. The MKULTRA Monarch program works to do this with humans (forgive me for not explaining it well, but it's definitely worth reading up on if you haven't).

Now, what if we carry the memories of our ancestors in a genetic "chip" that is locked away in our brains? What if we could copy that gene and introduce it into a race of our progeny and unlock them at will; and even in replicate? What if this capability was so forthcoming that it would have earth-shattering consequences were the information to be revealed? CRISPR scientists understand just how real this is becoming.

Of course, this all seems like science fiction; but humanity is rapidly understanding just how little we know about itself, science and the Universe. I've personally experienced things that help me keep my mind open to things such as the transference of consciousness, in the terms of science we simply don't yet understand. Interesting and scary things to think about...

DirtyRainbows ago

I can buy the transfer of memories easy. I just don't think you can go from one body to another and be the same person on the inside. I will read up on the monarch thing thanks for the tip.

RexAxisMundi ago

Fantastic post.


According to this article, five people died as a result of the experiments:


It's an insight into his mentaltiy that Wyss attributed the fact that he was not indicted simply to the fact that the authorities did not possess enough by way of incriminating materials:

'“They do not have enough on me. They don’t have enough emails on me,” he reportedly said.'

bdiminishedminor7 ago

That article is quite the treasure trove of information. Wow! We should definitely check out Hansjorg Wyss ...


I picked out this section of the Mills email to Podesta as of particular interest:

'Wyss, who now lives in Wyoming, is a major donor to scores of liberal groups in this country, with his contributions estimated to total more than $110 million, according to the HJW Foundation's tax filings with the IRS since 2008.'

More information comes from this article:


"Wyss enjoys political connections to prominent Democrats, including those in the Obama and Clinton administrations.

In 2013 Wyss committed $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and has given at least $4 million to Podesta’s Center for American Progress. The Swiss citizen has a seat on CAP’s 12-person board.

The reclusive Swiss businessman hired away a top Clinton administration environmental figure, Mollie McUsic to run his private foundation. He also has given hundreds of millions to scores of other activist liberal organizations across the country. In 2013 Wyss paid Podesta $87,000 in consulting fees, according to a White House financial disclosure form.

Last week, a Wyss Foundation memo surfaced reportedly from computers at the Democratic National Committee that shows the Swiss citizen promised to spend $100 million on U.S. voter registration “to alter the electorate.”

Although foreigners are barred by law from donating to election campaigns, a loophole permits foreign citizens who run foundations to give unlimited funds to activist groups and even to finance voter registration drives."

So Wyss and Soros are both incredibly wealthy Europeans who live in the U.S. and dig deep into their pockets to finance the left. It would be reasonable to assume that they have a common political agenda, and that the Democratic Party (and its great many ancillary organs such as Media Matters) has degenerated into more or less the vehicle for that agenda. This agenda certainly intersects with the crimes under scrutiny in Pizzagate, but in what manner it clearly remains to be seen.

NB: The Soros riots should probably be renamed the Soros-Wyss riots.


article states he was in Portugal 2010

"A woman who accompanied Wyss to Lisbon, Portugal in July 2010 "

what I find most curious, is the cement like substance they injected...what was it for?

Hopevoats ago

I am not at my computer, but I remember this site from a trail I was following on the charity that changed their logo. One of the people recommended this bizarre page on their FB: Just another lab rat. Watch the videos on his YT channel.. He is a human lab rat and makes his living in pharmaceutical trials on healthy people.

So strange. It got me to wondering about the market for human slaves in these trials...

cantsleepawink ago

Well your 'just another lab rat' link is interesting because it lists Phase 1 clinics. I just posted about Dr. Tim Alefantis who heads up a team of scientists. They are the team for vaccination development in the early stage of the study(Phase 1 I guess). Tim, I think, is James's brother.

Hopevoats ago

It really sucks having lost all of my /r/Pizzagate history. If I get time I will try to retrace my steps to this site.

cantsleepawink ago

I've seen some really interesting conversations in the cache for reddit. Was the pizzagate thread there not archived by someone?

Hopevoats ago

I'm sure it was archived, I just don't have enough time to go through and find it. There was also one on here, not long ago. It's the one about the orphanage that that the boy lover symbol in their logo and changed it after it was discovered by PG. If I could find the names of the key players, I'd recognize it. Funny I can see the guy's face in my memory, but can't recall the name. Gray hair and I think a beard and mustache.

cantsleepawink ago

I think you may be talking about Frank Giustra and the Radcliffe Foundation ?

Hopevoats ago

That's ringing a bell; but I don't find his FB page, now. Thanks for jogging my memory. I'll look around this evening and see if I find that.

cantsleepawink ago

Hansjorg Wyss has an interesting connection with Marina Abramovich. They are both interested in the brain and are collaborating on a project in Geneva. Haven't got the time to walk you through but here are links of interest:*

Here is Wyss at a convention discussing his project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8upkDIwTaY&t=388s*

Geneva based Biotech Campus Website: http://www.campusbiotech.ch/en/*

Abramovic connection: https://news.artnet.com/art-world/marina-abramovic-brain-interview-660743*

More Abramovic weirdness: https://vimeo.com/185422692*

spez_dispenser ago

Very good analysis. Also, Synthes has an office in West Chester, PA.

Strange, but unrelated connection here:


Jeff Gannon Born James Dale Guckert May 22, 1957 (age 59) Nationality American Education West Chester University of Pennsylvania Occupation Writer, journalist, author


Nick Berg Born Nicholas Evan Berg April 2, 1978 West Chester, Pennsylvania Died May 7, 2004 (aged 26) Iraq Cause of death Decapitation Occupation Freelance radio-tower repairman[1] Religion Judaism[2] Parent(s) Michael Berg, Susan Berg

Also, the highway near West Chester is #322 and the local Mason's Lodge is #322 (Skull & Bones anyone?)