letsdothis3 ago


In 1977, Perkin, along with Drs. Richard Mahoney and Gordon Duncan, started the Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology. They set up shop in Seattle mostly because Duncan was working for the BATTELLE Institute, at its former research and development branch near the University of Washington, and they were given the space for free.

Battelle manages or co-manages on behalf of the United States Department of Energy the following national laboratories: Brookhaven National Laboratory (through Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC – a collaboration between Battelle and Stony Brook University)

Dyncorp and the Child Mind Institute..yup, that's right...

Battelle CEO is Lou Von Thaer : https://www.battelle.org/about-us He's also CEO of Dyncorp International

connections to CERN..


letsdothis3 ago

Walt Disney deserves credit for our progress on the Moon and Mars – not just Mickey Mouse

A sequel, “Man and the Moon,” aired December 28, 1955. Another sequel, “Mars and Beyond,” aired December 4, 1957. Von Braun served as a consultant and contributor on all three shows. He also helped design the TWA Moonliner rocket that towered over Tomorrowland in Disneyland.

According to Ward Kimball, director of “Man and the Moon,” President Dwight Eisenhower called Walt the day after the episode aired to request a copy to show to Pentagon officials. In the pre-NASA era, the Pentagon viewed rockets as a delivery system for weapons, not a transportation system for human beings. Eisenhower wanted to promote the peaceful exploration of space. On July 29, 1958, three years after “Man in Space,” Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act and established NASA as America’s civilian space agency. Wernher von Braun was named director of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama.


Aleister Crowley Jack W Parsons Ron L Hubbard Werhner Von Braun Walt Disney What Does an Avowed Occultist the Founder of JPL and NASA a Science-Fiction Writer and Founder of the Church of Scientology an Ex-Nazi Turned America's Foremost Rocket Scientist and Walt Disney Founder of the Magic Kingdom Have in Common?

letsdothis3 ago

Well considering Dwight Eisenhower, SHAEF and his connections with Camp David, I thought I'd google his name with TWA:


SPEED DEMON : Commissioned in 1939 by TWA's eccentric owner, Howard Hughes (second from right with New York mayor FiorelloLa Guardia, far left, in 1939), the Lockheed Constellation "Connie" broke the era's transcontinental speed record on a flight from Burbank, California, to New York in 1946. The plane also served as Air Force One (top) for President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s.

That's quite some website. Isn't it? @Vindicator

letsdothis3 ago

Eero Saarinen, architect for the TWA Flight Center, worked for the OSS - https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2017-featured-story-archive/eero-saarinen-a-place-in-architectural-history.html

Shortly after World War II broke out, Eero became a naturalized citizen of the United States. He was recruited by a former classmate at Yale to join the OSS where he worked until 1944. It was the same classmate who several years prior had recruited Eero to work on the Futurama exhibit for the New York World’s Fair, an experience they now found directly relevant to their work at the OSS.

At the war’s end, Eero returned to Michigan to resume work with his father. Their first major undertaking together was designing the General Motors Technical Center which was constructed in 1956. That same year, Eero landed on the cover of Time magazine, a rare accomplishment for an architect to achieve. He shared this privilege with other greats such as Bucky Fuller and Frank Lloyd Wright. Eero was 45 years old when he appeared on Time’s cover, one of the youngest architects to do so. His work was featured in other magazines such as Vogue, Esquire, and Playboy.

With such publicity and success, it wasn’t long before other major American corporations were asking Eero to design their headquarters or corporate campuses. Eero accepted commissions from IBM, CBS, John Deere, Vassar College, MIT, Yale, The University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Chicago.

He also designed the St. Louis's Gateway Arch https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/facts-about-st-louis-gateway-arch

The Secret Service has forbidden all presidents from ascending the Gateway Arch due to security concerns—it is, after all, a very tight, enclosed space. The only exception was Dwight D. Eisenhower, who signed the order for the construction of the arch in 1954. In 1967, when he was 77 years old, the former president visited St. Louis to give a speech. A trip to the top was not in his itinerary, but when he showed up early to the monument (after it had closed to the public), he insisted on riding the tram up.

letsdothis3 ago

Looking further into Camp David: Apparently it was named after the grandson of Dwight Eisenhower https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Eisenhower

Dwight David Eisenhower II (born March 31, 1948) is an American author, public policy fellow, professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and eponym of the U.S. Presidential retreat, Camp David. He is the only grandson of the 34th President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the son-in-law of the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon.

His father would go on to be a brigadier general in the U.S. Army Reserve, U.S. Ambassador to Belgium (1969–1971), and a renowned military historian. His grandfather would become president of Columbia University (1948–1953), and later the 34th President of the United States (1953–1961).

voat posts:

Did Adolf Hitler ESCAPE? US President Dwight Eisenhower 'visited Argentina hiding spot' in 1960, 15 years after Hitler's death by @Scrooblemeyer (see: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2961440/16026706)

The Rainbow flag, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) and the Occult

In 1934, Fromm turned up in New York associated with the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. The institute was funded by the wealthy Jewish Weil Family of Nazified Argentina. The FBI took a good look at Fromm when he met with English film critic, journalist, writer, and political activist Cedric Henning Belfrage just after WWII. During the war, he had worked as a Press Control Officer for SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). SHAEF was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The original Project Pegasus, Don't forget:

If anyone is previously unaware, Project Pegasus was originally a name first coined and promoted by paid Disinfo Agents Alfred Lambremont Webre, Andrew Bossagio, and Laura "Magdelene" Eisenhower.

Quick Background: Laura is Susan Eisenhower's Daughter, learn more about Susan's elite connections here: https://isgp-studies.com/ngo-list-foundations-and-think-tanks-worldwide

think- ago

Ru Paul (transvestite who identifies as males is used by the transgender community as a cause celebre)- conflation of issues.

Isn't he a male who identifies as a woman? looks confused

letsdothis3 ago

Lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RuPaul

I notice the use of the pronoun 'he'.

think- ago

I think they are just not political correct, lol. The pc version would probably to write 'she'.


letsdothis3 ago

Uh uh. I don't think so. Ru Paul

think- ago

sigh I know why I hate this transgender stuff, lol. So RuPaul was born as a woman, and now identifies as a male, who likes to dress as a Drag Queen = woman?

Is this correct now?! sigh LOL.

Piscina ago

Transgender is becoming mainstream and it's being pushed on society. Films like this one are now being made about kids who want to transition. This film is about a little boy who is lead to believe that because he likes pink and being pretty he must be girl. The mother is portrayed as the understanding one who supports this child in being a girl. The father is portrayed as a fearful bigot who thinks his son needs 'fixing'.

What The Butterfly doesn't do is tell the truth. Studies by Blanchard clearly show that little boys who want to dress as girls when they are little are gay. If they are left alone and taught to accept themselves, they grow up being gay. If they're indoctrinated by the adults around them into rigid stereotypes they're led to believe that only girls can wear lipstick and like pink, and the natural outcome is that they think they're in the wrong body. There is NO such thing as a child being in the wrong body. Why aren't we teaching children that they're perfect the way they are, and that it's okay for girls to be tomboys and boys to be sensitive and kind?

letsdothis3 ago

Why aren't we teaching children that they're perfect the way they are, and that it's okay for girls to be tomboys and boys to be sensitive and kind?

Good question. We actually have the answer if we look back at the real history of politics. I'll be posting soon...

Vindicator ago

Interestingly he points out a book written by someone who regretted undergoing gender reassignment, called 'Don't Get on the Plane' with a picture of a plane from Trans World Airlines.

So, are you saying the "Trans" in TWA is related to a globalist agenda to sow gender confusion? Are you saying Van Meter is saying this? Or that Van Meter is saying the book author is saying it?

You should add more of a disclaimer here than "interestingly". :-) An implied claim is being made, and without more explicit framing by you, this post -- with all its very interesting tidbits -- is dancing on the hairy edge of confirmation bias, especially since you follow that lead down into the maze of information you've placed in the Comments. I get that you are dumping your raw gatherings to see what connects, but we want to avoid anything that makes serious research into the globalist swamp network look like a baffle-with-BS disinfo submission (which the submission rules are designed to cull). The best way to do that is to make a clear statement about why you're including stuff...i.e. briefly describe the research process you've gone through.

That kind of post wastes the time of both mods and researchers, is designed to exhaust people after playing with their emotions, and ultimately discredits the board as full of hogwash.

That said, the fact that you are using our past research to attempt to shed light on new leads is EXCELLENT. I wish everyone would do so! We have more evidence than we know.

letsdothis3 ago

And maybe we should be asking who first used the word 'transgender'? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Oliver_Cauldwell

Someone to look into for anyone who's interested. I have to sign off for today.

letsdothis3 ago

So, I google camp fire and Camp David (of course) and get this : Camp David Fire Department #51- https://aboutcampdavid.blogspot.com/2015/07/camp-david-fire-department-51.html

I think we have another rabbit hole here.

letsdothis3 ago

THE BELLS OF CAMP DAVID GOING TO THE CHAPEL - https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1988/01/26/the-bells-of-camp-david-going-to-the-chapel/bb10860c-a044-4045-a9fe-5ca15df18047/?utm_term=.4b6b91e2edde

A $500,000 wood and glass chapel will be built by fall at Camp David, the Catoctin Mountains presidential retreat, a White House spokeswoman said yesterday.

The privately funded, 150-seat, octagonal facility was proposed to President Reagan last fall by Kenneth Plummer, a retired area builder.

"As a Boy Scout he used to camp in the area before Shangri-La {later renamed Camp David} was developed. It had long been a dream of his," said Elaine Crispen, Nancy Reagan's press secretary.Reagan not only approved Plummer's idea, but also made the first contribution -- $1,000 -- to the nonprofit corporation Plummer set up to handle what Crispen called "discreet" fund raising. After Reagan's okay, Crispen said, the secretary of the Navy, which oversees the operation of Camp David, authorized construction.

Plans call for a separate bell tower through which worshipers will enter. The bell will be a ship's bell selected from an as yet undesignated Navy ship. The exact construction site, to be chosen by President and Mrs. Reagan, will be west of Linden Cottage, a guest house for visiting staff and others....

Nancy Reagan has kept in touch indirectly with former White House aide Michael K. Deaver by sending him "verbal messages" through others and one note, which she wrote after his perjury trial ended with his conviction, her press secretary said yesterday.

Denying published reports that Mrs. Reagan had "severed" relations with the man her husband once considered to be a "surrogate son," Crispen said Mrs. Reagan has sent him "verbal messages of concern.

"Granted, she is not in touch because she was advised by the White House counsel that she should have no direct contact," Crispen said. "But she sent him a note after the trial ended in December, and other people have been in touch with him to relay her caring."

... Nancy Reagan had to send her regrets because of a schedule conflict, but you can be sure some of her California pals haven't. Hot-ticket item in Long Beach next month is the intimate little dinner Britain's Duke and Duchess of York are giving aboard HMS Britannia.

Like "Mum" on her visit five years ago, the royal pair will be exploring Reagan country, including a trip to Sunnylands, the Rancho Mirage desert estate of former ambassador to Great Britain Walter Annenberg and his wife Lee. One difference: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip got lunch from the Annenbergs; Fergie and Andy will be house guests.

For the voyage home, their royal highnesses can expect their very own advance copy, courtesy of the author, of "Dance on a Sinking Ship," the forthcoming novel of Michael Kilian, the Washington-based Chicago Tribune columnist.

If that title sounds a little ominous, it should be pointed out that it's not the ship that should worry anyone but its passengers. On Kilian's fictional voyage there is also a royal highness, this one named Edward, along with a bunch of other not-so-fictional folks including Edward's soon-to-be lifetime shipmate Wallis Simpson and Lord and Lady Mountbatten.

St. Martin's Press of New York brings the book out in March but meanwhile it's been bought for an undisclosed sum by the British publisher Sidgwick & Jackson.

Kilian's treatment of that earlier Edward isn't likely to rattle the palace. Less certain is his portrayal of "Uncle Dickie" Mountbatten, a particular favorite of the Windsors. Among London publishers the word of caution was: Anyone who wants to be a "Sir" might think twice before buying.

re Deaver https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?p=1059744367

The idea of NAFTA first appeared in public in 1979, to everyone's surprise, as Ronald Reagan's core policy when he announced his candidacy for President. But, curiously, it was then never again mentioned in his campaign. In 1979, Reagan's campaign was run by Michael Deaver and Paul Hannaford, who reportedly also ran a public relations firm that represented the right-wing Guatemalan group Amigos del Pais and its leader Roberto Alejos, who had provided the ranch used for CIA training of Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion forces in 1961. In early 1980 William Casey became Reagan's campaign director. Casey began his career directing OSS espionage operations in Germany and China in the 1940s, and he ended his career as director of the CIA. It is not common for US presidential candidates to be so managed by those so linked to covert operations.

letsdothis3 ago

If we want to understand what is actually happening in the world today we have to revisit history with our newfound knowledge and pick everything apart. So, the 3 musketeers were pedophiles.. that is not speculation, there is documentation on all 3 which confirms this. Now we have to ask how did the three of them get together and why.

letsdothis3 ago

And since no one else seems to be picking up on some of these threads.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Mail_scandal

The Air Mail scandal, also known as the Air Mail fiasco, is the name that the American press gave to the political scandal resulting from a 1934 congressional investigation of the awarding of contracts to certain airlines to carry airmail and to the use of the U.S. Army Air Corps to fly the mail.

In 1930, during the administration of President Herbert Hoover, Congress passed the Air Mail Act of 1930...

Air mail operations by the U.S. Post Office began in August 1918 under Lipsner, who resigned from the Army on July 13 to take the post. [another rabbit hole but I digress..]


Lou Henry Hoover (March 29, 1874 – January 7, 1944) was the wife of President of the United States Herbert Hoover and served as the First Lady of the United States from 1929 to 1933.

She served as the national president of the Girl Scouts of the USA from 1922 to 1925 while Hoover served in the cabinet of Presidents Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge. She served as president again after leaving the White House, from 1935 to 1937.

She played a critical role in designing and overseeing the construction of a rustic presidential retreat at Rapidan Camp in Madison County, Virginia. It was a precursor of the current presidential retreat, Camp David.

Rapidan Camp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapidan_Camp

U.S. and foreign leaders came to the isolated and secure location of Rapidan Camp for strategy sessions with the President. His distinguished guests included inventor Thomas A. Edison and his wife,[18] aviator Charles Lindbergh and his wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Supreme Court Justice Harlan F. Stone, Governor Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.,[19] psychologist Lillian Moller Gilbreth, businessman Edsel Ford,[20] and British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald and Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston Churchill.[21] The President and guests would head immediately for the fishing ponds after arriving at camp.[22]

The press were rarely, if ever, invited to Rapidan Camp with the President, until his final year in office when he campaigned for a second term and "invited a massed attack by film men who were given the run of the camp."

Q Anon - A Very Special Place - George Soros - Camp David Interrogation? - Atlanta Flight - Atlanta BioHaz Event?

Trump tweets:

@silverlining comment: Wonderful weekend at Camp David. A very special place. A lot of very important work done. Heading back to the @WhiteHouse now.

Really special and very special - Hmm...

A special place..indeed.

letsdothis3 ago

So, your comment questioning the inclusion of TWA in my post has spurred me on to look further into this to see if this was a valid inclusion or not. Excuse the data dump but...

Trans World Airlines https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_World_Airlines

It was formed as Transcontinental & Western Air


Transcontinental Air Transport (T-A-T) was an airline founded in 1928 by Clement Melville Keys that merged in 1930 with Western Air Express to form what became TWA.


Clement Melville Keys (1876–1952) was a financier involved in the establishment of many aviation companies including Curtiss-Wright, China National Aviation Corporation, North American Aviation and TWA. He has been called "the father of commercial aviation in America."

In 1916 he became an unpaid vice president for Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company and assumed controlling interest of the financially troubled company in 1920. The company merged with Wright Aeronautical in 1929 to form Curtiss-Wright and he was the new company's president.

In 1932 Keys withdrew from the aviation business citing health reasons but in fact the directors of North American Aviation had discovered that he had embezzled funds in order to settle personal debts incurred from his private speculation in stocks and shares. Nonetheless he maintained his investment business. In 1942 he went back to the aviation business establishing the C.M. Keys Aircraft Service Company and after World War II helped organize the Peruvian International Airways in 1947 [Home to Nazis after the second world war]


In 1907, Glenn Curtiss was recruited by the scientist Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, to be among the founding members of Bell's Aerial Experimental Association (AEA), with the purpose of helping establish an aeronautical research and development organization


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriental_Telephone_Company The Oriental Telephone Company was established on January 25, 1881, as the result of an agreement between Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, the Oriental Bell Telephone Company of New York and the Anglo-Indian Telephone Company, Ltd.

Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone on a "Vagabonds" Camping Trip, 1918

Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone pose on a waterwheel at old Evans Mill near Lead Mine, West Virginia. The photograph was taken in August 1918. The group called themselves Vagabonds and made a series of trips between 1916 and 1924. On these trips they communed with nature, explored their personal interests and acted like boys again.

The Ford Foundation is one of the biggest funders of the Transgender movement https://www.outrightinternational.org/our-people/funders

letsdothis3 ago

I just found his inclusion of that book mentioning the name of the airline interesting and perhaps alluding to something more. We have been interested in the use of airlines in the trafficking of children. We know that the elite love their double entendres. Howard Hughes owned it in the past. Here are some voat posts about him:


When Howard Hughes owned the Desert Inn and the Frontier it was rumored that there was a tunnel under LV Blvd. connecting the two hotels that allowed easy access to each property while avoiding traffic and, especially, the public. Wayne Newton claims to have used it but there are no known photos to prove it was ever really there. Someday I'll tell ya about the secret "underground house" that has existed for decades and was documented, with photos in the local newspaper here many years ago. Also, that goofy one about winning 10K and then keep winning and then start loosing til you get down to $46 to take a cab to the airport. Then the guy asks you if you ever brought a kid to Vegas. Then you get through a door and down the secret tunnel you go. That is really goofy. There is a lot of secret and sneaky stuff going all across this country. Tunnels everywhere. Droop Mountain if you remember is one of them.


I def remember some testimmony where a woman who was pizzagate slaving back in the day would the room with the celebrities and saw howard hughes, joseph mengele, a lot of rocket scientists some of them nazis. Well NASA using a lot of Germans in operation paper clip that's official record.


Apparently Howard Hughes employed attractive honeytraps and had infiltrated Deep State and learned that the government instiutions to some degree were run by satanists.


So apparently Paddock had an LLC by the name of Paradise Ranch 21 and 22.

The address for them is 1- Howard Hughes center. This makes sense this is a centrally located series of offices. This is likely the agent that helped him set up the filings.

If you think that looking into TWA is too much of a stretch and confirmation bias and weakening the post I'll be happy to take it out and do my own TRansvestigations on my own. See what I did there? :-)

letsdothis3 ago

.NIH has funded a 4 center study : LA; Chicago; Boston and Seattle


The National Institutes of Health has awarded $5.7 million for a five-year, multicenter study, which will be the first in the U.S. to evaluate the long-term outcomes of medical treatment for transgender youth.

The multicenter study will be located at four academic medical centers with dedicated transgender youth clinics. The co-investigators and their institutions include:

  • Johanna Olson, MD, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
  • Stephen Rosenthal, MD, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital San Francisco
  • Robert Garofalo, MD, MPH, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Norman Spack, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UCSF_Benioff_Children%27s_Hospital

In June 2010, Marc Benioff and his wife Lynne[2] announced a $100 Million Gift to UCSF Children's Hospital with the goal of not only seeing the new hospital built but significantly advancing children’s health worldwide.

The hospital hosts a nearby Family House and onsite Ronald McDonald House for families to sleep under the same roof as their child.

Benioff voat posts:


Mitt Romney's wife had blind trust invested in Goldman Sachs' sex trafficking fund- Marc Russell Benioff is the founder, chairman and co-CEO of Salesforce, an enterprise cloud computing company....

Cesar Sayok's former employer at New River Pizza attended a private military school where sexual abuse charges were lodged. His connections to military intelligence and the Democrat party are noted. - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2816556/14708795

letsdothis3 ago

voat post on Feinberg School of Medicine: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2656551/13456632

web Resources: Abuse, Trauma, & Dissociation - http://archive.is/5av2v

Articles by traumatologist Bruce Perry, MD: http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/bruceperry/index.htm

Ark of Hope for Children Programs: http://arkofhopeforchildren.org/ “Removing Chains” – Providing safe online chat areas for coaching and mentoring: http://arkofhopeforchildren.org/programs/removing-chains-live-chat-support#.UUD68Tdvf3M

Bruce D. Perry is an American psychiatrist, currently the Senior Fellow of the Child Trauma Academy in Houston, Texas and an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois.

letsdothis3 ago

A director of PATH: Raymond J. Waldmann (Boeing) - The Mossadegh Project http://www.mohammadmossadegh.com/news/raymond-j-waldmann/

In the early weeks of the hostage crisis in Iran, Waldmann composed a newspaper column diagnosing the cause of America’s misfortunes in that country, and concluded that the solution was a robust, unhampered Central Intelligence Agency.

LETTER TO FRANK FROM RAYMOND J. WALDMANN - https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/document/cia-rdp91-00901r000100230006-9


letsdothis3 ago


Starbucks has made generous employee benefits part of its corporate identity, and it’s doing so again with an expanded coverage of medical procedures for its trans workers.

While the coffee giant has covered gender reassignment surgery since 2012, the company’s health insurance policy will now cover procedures such as breast and facial surgery, skin grafts, and hair transplants, treatments viewed as medically essential by trans people but often regarded as cosmetic, and therefore not covered, by insurers.

To get its policy right, Starbucks consulted with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which issues a 120-page guide for medical professionals treating trans people. Starbucks was the first company to directly ask WPATH’s advice, according to Jamison Green, the organization’s former president.

Under the guidance of Howard Schultz, its former CEO and chairman (and potential presidential candidate), Starbucks mastered the art of turning social responsibility into a powerful marketing tool.


Starbucks executive chair Howard Schultz had expected to step down last month, but a Philadelphia racial bias incident and the subsequent fallout kept him on for an extra few weeks. But on Monday, Schultz announced he will step away from the coffee company on June 26. The move immediately ignited suspicions about potential political ambitions, including a possible 2020 bid for the White House — speculation fed by his going-away message, which sounded quite a bit like a stump speech

letsdothis3 ago


PATH was one of the first agencies to address the problem of AIDS in developing countries, starting in 1987 with a project aimed at increasing condom use by sex workers in Thailand. In the past decade, PATH has managed AIDS projects in over 35 countries. - Gordon W. Perkin, M.D., President


Gordon W. Perkin is the founder of Program for Appropriate Technology in Health. In 1968 (at least) he worked at the Ford Foundation as a program advisor in their Thailand and Regional Southeast Asia (Bangkok) department. [1] In 1977 (at least) he worked under Oscar Harkavy at the Ford Foundation as a population program officer. [2] In 2001 he was director of the global health program of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

"In 1977, * Perkin, along with Drs. Richard Mahoney and Gordon Duncan, started the Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology**. They set up shop in Seattle mostly because Duncan was working for the Battelle Institute, at its former research and development branch near the University of Washington, and they were given the space for free.

"As time went on, he said, the mission grew to include other primary health care needs. The name was changed to PATH in 1980.

"In 1995, Perkin was approached by Bill Gates Sr., who was seeking advice and information on family planning issues for his son's new philanthropic outlet, the Gates Foundation. Perkin offered his thoughts but also told the Gateses about the growing crisis in childhood immunizations. He didn't ask Gates for money or for a job."

letsdothis3 ago

Dr. Richard Mahoney: International Vaccine Institute; The Rockefeller Foundation; Research Professor- Arizona State University



Also look into "Justine Schober" and "Torston Weisel"

Rockefeller university is the leading source of pro-transgender studies

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks. Will do.

letsdothis3 ago


PATH is pleased to add Chris Hedrick as a new board member. Chris has varied experience in public service and corporate philanthropy as well as a strong commitment to PATH’s mission, based on his experience as a Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal. Chris later served as an assistant director of the Peace Corps.

Chris was senior program manager in Microsoft’s corporate contributions office, managing the company’s support for education and launching its first national philanthropic initiative, Libraries Online. Last year, Chris helped PATH secure a donation of Microsoft software valued at $100,000. We welcome Chris’ leadership as PATH moves forward with plans for expansion and new fundraising initiatives. PATH’s board will now total nine members, the majority of whom are from developing countries.


Christopher "Chris" Hedrick[1] (born 1962) is an entrepreneur and expert in global health, international development, technology, and learning. He is CEO of NextStep Interactive.

From 2014 through 2016, Hedrick was CEO of Kepler,[3] a university program based in Kigali, Rwanda that blends technology-based learning, intense local seminars and education-to-employment support to offer U.S.-accredited degrees at very low cost.[4] Kepler's aim is to dramatically expand access to high quality college education across Africa.[5] Hedrick led growth of Kepler from a start up class of 50 students to over 400 students on two campuses, one in Kigali and the other a unique program in partnership with the UNHCR based at the Kiziba Refugee Camp in western Rwanda

Hedrick led the development of the Peace Corps/Senegal Food Security initiative which is the largest **USAID-funded Peace Corps **food security project in the world under the global Feed the Future program.[12] The Peace Corps program in Senegal under Hedrick's leadership was awarded the prestigious Learning Spotlight Award in 2010 for innovation in its training programs.[13] In 2012, he was awarded the Director's Distinguished Service Award, the agency's highest honor, for his work in creating and coordinating the Peace Corps Stomping Out Malaria in Africa initiative.[14] After partnering with Peace Corps Senegal in a major bed net distribution effort, the international NGO Malaria No More called Hedrick "part international diplomat, part community health worker, part development MacGyver" in its annual report.[15] Hedrick promoted the concept of the "New Peace Corps," the professionalization of Peace Corps programming and service, including enhanced partnerships with USAID and other development institutions and improved utilization of technology.

From 1999 to 2007, Hedrick was the President and CEO of Intrepid Learning Solutions,[17] a Seattle, Washington-based learning services company which he co-founded with Dennis Heck. Under his leadership, Intrepid was named by Inc. magazine[18] as one of the fastest-growing companies in America.[19] Hedrick raised investments for Intrepid from venture capital companies Madrona Venture Group, FTV Capital, and Rustic Canyon Partners and from individuals including William H. Gates, Sr. While Hedrick was CEO, Intrepid signed a landmark contract to provide outsourced training services to the Boeing Company, landed other clients such as Microsoft, United Airlines, Autodesk, and Bank of America, and was named one of the Top 20 Learning Outsourcing Providers in the world.[20] In 2014, the training outsourcing arm of Intrepid was sold to Xerox to bolster its learning services division.

Dennis heck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denny_Heck

Heck was the co-founder and from 1999 to 2012 was board director of Intrepid Learning Solutions,[3] a company specializing in business oriented education and training programs. He helped found Digital Efficiency[4] which specializes in aiding businesses and medical facilities in transferring toward an all digital format. Heck helped found TVW,[5] the public affairs network for the state. TVW provides coverage of the Washington State Legislature and sessions of the Washington Supreme Court.

Heck is the author of Challenges and Opportunities: The Transformation of Washington's Schools, published in 1987. He also co-chaired the Education Committee and wrote the state’s historic Basic Education Act.

letsdothis3 ago

Well, this is starting to get REALLY interesting..don't have much time now.. so quick data dump:

Century 21 President Joseph E. Gandy with Planned Parenthood executive director Lee Minto and Richard M. Nixon at the U.N. Pavilion, Seattle World's Fair, August 10, 1962 - https://digitalcollections.lib.washington.edu/digital/collection/seattle/id/3402/


Lee Minto (born 1927) is an American women's health activist and sex education advocate. She served as Executive Director of the Seattle-King County chapter of Planned Parenthood for 27 years, and was instrumental in Washington State Referendum 20, a referendum in 1970 that successfully legalized early pregnancy abortion in the state of Washington

In 1967, Washington psychologist Sam Goldenberg organized a meeting of medical, legal and religious professionals to discuss the health crisis created by lack of access to safe abortions, and Minto was invited to attend.[3][1] Aside from her work at Planned Parenthood, Minto was already aware of the need for safe abortions through administrative work at the University Unitarian Church,


PATH is an international, nonprofit global health organization based in Seattle, with 1,600 employees in more than 70+ offices around the world. Its president and CEO is Steve Davis.

Much of their history seems to have been scrubbed.. https://www.path.org/about/our-story/


Launched in 1977 by three intrepid researchers, PATH was a new kind of health organization: a nonprofit that would deliver the expertise, resources, and innovations of private industry to improve health for all.

Still trying to work out who those 3 researchers were...

About CEO Steve Davis https://www.wghalliance.org/bio/steve-davis-ma-jd/

PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) https://www.myphilanthropedia.org/top-nonprofits/international/water-sanitation-hygiene/2011/path-program-for-appropriate-technology-in-health

This document provides leads to the early management https://path.azureedge.net/media/documents/tdy97-winter.pdf

letsdothis3 ago

“Sex Change” Surgery: What Bruce Jenner, Diane Sawyer, and You Should Know

The transgender movement began as the brainchild of three men who shared a common bond: all three were pedophilia activists.

...In 2000, at the age of thirty-five, David and his twin brother finally exposed the sexual abuse Dr. Money had inflicted on them in the privacy of his office. The boys told how Dr. Money took naked photos of them when they were just seven years old. But pictures were not enough for Money. The pedophilic doctor also forced the boys to engage in incestuous sexual activities with each other.

letsdothis3 ago


If Century 21 is sold, Transworld would still be firmly anchored in the lodging industry through its Hilton International chain, and in the food service business with its Spartan Foods Systems Inc. and Canteen Corportion subsidiaries.

At the end of 1984, Spartan operated 287 fast-food restaurants as a franchisee of Hardee's Food Systems Inc., while Canteen provided food services to more than 950 customers. Hilton International, meanwhile, operated 89 franchised hotels in 44 foreign countries.

letsdothis3 ago

Howard Hughes acquired control of TWA in 1939, and after World War II led the expansion of the airline to serve Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, making TWA a second unofficial flag carrier of the United States after Pan Am.[5][6] Hughes gave up control in the 1960s, and the new management of TWA acquired Hilton International and Century 21 in an attempt to diversify the company's business.

Century 21 voat references:

Some things from instagram that may have been overlooked. - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1429693/7076979

The "Put her on a menu" comment is super creepy. It was posted by Diana Phillips. The CH part stands for Century 21, which is where she works.

Transformer 2014 Silent Auction (Alefantis art foundation) whole list of names as platinum, gold, silver, bronze members - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1489822

AUCTION HOST COMMITTEE (as of 11.12.14).... Gold Andrea Evers & Brian Aitken, Susan Alefantis, Alefantis & Associates, Christopher F. Carr, David Hatfield & Sidney Stolz, Pilar & Bill O'Leary, Andrea Kirstein, Kirstein Family Foundation, M. Cameron Shosh, Century 21 Redwood Realty