Silverlining ago

Q Post 12/11/17 (Mon) 18:44:10

We have a special place picked out for GS.

Really special.

Q 1:13 pm - 17 Dec 2017

Wonderful weekend at Camp David. A very special place. A lot of very important work done. Heading back to the @WhiteHouse now.

Really special and very special - Hmm...

Silverlining ago

I'm having serious trouble finding these wretched Q posts in the "original" thread, where i can hover over the post numbers and see what Q is responding to.

But I found this..

the q post that said conf term 5 490b…

it is concourse f terminal 5 in atl airport. which is international flight departures and also he is referring to the flight 490 which leaves frankfurt every day and arrives in tacoma wa. the type of plane is a B (something or another) but the first initial is B. im assuming that they are tied together and that someone was on that train and they knew they were going to be on there and that maybe someone was trying to leave via atl and that they knew about that too. even if they are white hats their will always be unfortunate collateral damage

Silverlining ago

Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' Tweet [:13].


No coincidences.


Is this saying Q is DJT?

The Donald - Master Spy Master -

Silverlining ago

Day 59.1 youtube comment

twilo1234 - George what's your take on ATL Atlanta Airport losing power and no backup system kicking in and all cell service down for extended period of time? Also people reporting Russian plane tried to take off. Also Trump reporting going to Camp David which traditionally is used to interrogate prisoners. Any thoughts?

derram ago :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Wonderful weekend at Camp David. A very special place. A lot of very important work done. Heading back to the @WhiteHouse now." | :

New Q-anon Info - YouTube

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