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letsdothis3 ago

Well, this is starting to get REALLY interesting..don't have much time now.. so quick data dump:

Century 21 President Joseph E. Gandy with Planned Parenthood executive director Lee Minto and Richard M. Nixon at the U.N. Pavilion, Seattle World's Fair, August 10, 1962 -

Lee Minto (born 1927) is an American women's health activist and sex education advocate. She served as Executive Director of the Seattle-King County chapter of Planned Parenthood for 27 years, and was instrumental in Washington State Referendum 20, a referendum in 1970 that successfully legalized early pregnancy abortion in the state of Washington

In 1967, Washington psychologist Sam Goldenberg organized a meeting of medical, legal and religious professionals to discuss the health crisis created by lack of access to safe abortions, and Minto was invited to attend.[3][1] Aside from her work at Planned Parenthood, Minto was already aware of the need for safe abortions through administrative work at the University Unitarian Church,

PATH is an international, nonprofit global health organization based in Seattle, with 1,600 employees in more than 70+ offices around the world. Its president and CEO is Steve Davis.

Much of their history seems to have been scrubbed..

Launched in 1977 by three intrepid researchers, PATH was a new kind of health organization: a nonprofit that would deliver the expertise, resources, and innovations of private industry to improve health for all.

Still trying to work out who those 3 researchers were...

About CEO Steve Davis

PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health)

This document provides leads to the early management