darkknight111 ago


Relevant info from some of my old threads. One of the higher ups in Cerebus Capital Management (Dyncorp's master) is Dan Quayle, the VP of George HW Bush.

The thread contains a whole of financial ties, including Dyncorp and Cerebus Capital Management.

letsdothis1 ago

Thanks. In case you didn't see this comment it has to do with Blackrock and Blackstone: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2013727/9932814

GreenDell144 ago

Excellent research. Well done

avgwhtguy1 ago

Child Mind Institue is torn apart by former employees on Glassdoor - https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Child-Mind-Institute-Reviews-E633019_P2.htm

giggelingpanda ago

Not that I have any knowledge...but doesn't the picture behind her and the Asian guy look a lot like the picture behind J PodesPodesta (the one with canabalism )...looks like the same style.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago


"Child Mind Institute"?

They even sound like names a supervillain would pick for a front organization.

letsdothis1 ago

GOOD GRIEF...connections to CERN !

Brookhaven is operated and managed for DOE’s Office of Science by Brookhaven Science Associates, a limited-liability company

Brookhave company overiew: https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=27884118

Mr. Samuel H. Aronson Lab Director

Former Lab Director Samuel Aronson Named Senior Scientist Emeritus

After completing his undergraduate training in physics at Columbia in 1964 and receiving his Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from Princeton in 1968, Aronson joined the Enrico Fermi Institute of the University of Chicago, working at Argonne and Fermilab, followed by research and teaching at the University of Wisconsin.

Aronson came to the Laboratory in 1978 as an associate physicist in the Accelerator Department to work on the ISABELLE project.

ISABELLE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISABELLE

The idea of using alternating gradient synchrotron (AGS) technology [3] to build storage rings for a proton-proton colliding beam accelerator was considered at a summer study held at Brookhaven in 1963.[4] The Intersecting Storage Rings (ISR) facility at CERN, a 30+30 GeV proton-proton system, opened in 1971 and became the first high energy hadron collider. The SPEAR collider at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, a 3+3 GeV electron-positron system, was completed in 1972 and soon contributed to discoveries of the ψ meson and τ lepton, both recognized in Nobel Prizes. The ψ had previously been found in a fixed-target experiment at the Brookhaven AGS, where it was called the J, but it was better measured with SPEAR.

ESOTERICshade ago

He's also CEO of Dyncorp International !

Dyncorp has already been busted for child trafficking once. They are at the heart of this.

letsdothis1 ago

And speaking of Stony Brook University, here's a blog about their Digital Filmmaking program, Paddle8, FAPE, John Kerry and Meryl Streep - all on one page. Lol http://easthamptonstar.com/blogs/jennifer-landes?page=14

Factfinder2 ago

Speaking of vaccinations and Bill Gates, it's interesting that recently arrested Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal worked in partnership with the Gates Foundation to vaccinate children around the world: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/27/business/a-princes-uncertain-fate-deepens-mystery-in-saudi-arabia.html

Gates responding to questions about Alwaleed's status post arrest:


IpointOutTrolls ago

Find the shill. Could it be any clearer who is trolling this subverse? Will be interesting to see if this comment gets deleted. If it does it will be flooded VOAT WIDE and it will never stop, forever...

"DonKeydich" writes:

It could not be clearer how intimidated you are by my intellect and discernment. Check the comment history: i knew you were a PUSSY from day one DIDNT I TELL YOU I CAN SMELL TUNA A MILE AWAY?


Ok, "DonKeydich", checking comments.

Slit your wrists says..."DonKeydich"


Slit your arteries says "crensch"


"DonKeydich" hates homosexuals


"crensch" hates homosexuals


crensch is obsessed with jews and trashes women


DonKeydich is obsessed with jews and trashes women


"DonKeydich" wants to gas the kikes


"crensch" wants to gas the kikes


Look over in the right hand sidebar at the "O" and that is your subverse owner sitting on the internet all day false flagging this subverse. This subverse is being held hostage. VictorSteinerDavion is part of it. Who is really who on that list?


Believe it or not DonKeydich and crensch are the same person. Why do you think Donkeydich is allowed to stay here? Because crensch is DonKeydich and all his aliases.

"Now you know, the rest of the story".....This is why your hard core pedophile research often gets deleted. Demand freedom.

srayzie ago

The only thing that makes me doubt this is that I've never seen donkey say sandnigger. The ONLY people I've ever seen donkey defend are Muslims. Maybe he has but I always fight with him and talk about goats because of that.

Shillaxe ago

oooh ... a Muslim racist among us , do you pray to a stone @donfucksboyholes ?

srayzie ago

Lol donfucksboyholes. Are you talking to Donkey?

Shillaxe ago


srayzie ago

Do I pray to a stone? What?

Shillaxe ago

Referring to Donk

ESOTERICshade ago

I disagree. Its obviously the same person. No doubt.

DamnKeyhote ago

LMAO. "Obvious" huh. What a pathetic bunch.

ESOTERICshade ago

LMAO. "Obvious" huh. What a pathetic bunch.

Weird you are so addicted to a bunch of losers then.

DamnKeyhote ago

Are you kidding? This place gives material for an entire book on mass denial/delusion, groupthink, the disaster of women being involved in messy work, and so much more.

Shillaxe ago

And your the troll who's job it is to make us look like racist idiots , Hitler was a good Jew ?

srayzie ago

Donkey may just leave that part out for deniability. He was Equineluvr too.

DamnKeyhote ago

Nope. I'm actually @srayzie and I just ate a WHOLE PILE of paint chips, which were white, so now I don't need the dentist

srayzie ago

Lol you wish

letsdothis1 ago

If I could delete your comment I would. Just for the amount of room it's taking up. I'm aware of the way shills work. If you want to call attention to any accounts I'd prefer it if you started your own thread. Your comment is also detracting from this post.

IpointOutTrolls ago

Sorry but it had to go somewhere. If you deny people knowing who is harassing this subverse you are part of the problem. Don't be part of the problem.

GenghisSean ago

IpointOutTrolls' comment may not be the most relevant to your post but maybe it'll help someone learn to spot a shill. This lead looks strong so I understand why you want to stay focused. If the size of a comment bugs you, then just collapse it.

DomKeyhote ago

How might it help that you insipid little kike?

Because "kill yourself" is not so common that people write kys and it's understood? Because people being pissed at Jews is not a historical constant?
These "evidence" wouldn't even be SUGGESTIVE LET ALONE CONCLUSIVE!

The kikeshills probably have bar graphs prepared quarterly to show how many reactions they get from NAIVE WOMEN here.

srayzie ago

It must be killing you to not be on CAPS LOCK 😂 How long until you are "screaming"?

letsdothis1 ago

I can collapse it?

GenghisSean ago

Yea. If you don't want to see it hit the minus to the right of the upvoat button. If you're on a mobile app then it may not be there so just use a browser instead.

DomKeyhote ago

I don't know who told your bitch ass that it's acceptable to pretend you can "spot shills." Ultimately all propositions are judged on their own merits.

For example tenuous connections -- does this or that "board member" even have a vote, was this company a subsidiary or not, etc.

Certainly a shill wouldn't generate ire. In any case I'm accused of being a Jew shill myself which ALSO CONCEDES THAT THEY NEED PAID LIARS TO COVER UP THEIR CRIMES LOL!

letsdothis1 ago

I wasn't referring to you.

darkknight111 ago

Relevant lead. Dyncorp is owned by Cerebus Capital Management.

realityisinsanity ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerberus_Capital_Management http://archive.is/7ko2n They're invested in other large corporations like Chrysler and Little Tykes.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I can't wait until Dyncorp employees stand in front of God to answer for their evil

new4now ago

Does not the punishment come from Satan himself?

think- ago

They already got part of the punishment, they opted for Satan, and it destroyed their souls. They'll never experience the bliss of being a balanced, loving person with healthy relationships, who doesn't need money or power to lead a happy life and to experience peace of mind. Remember, deep in their hearts they're still terrified children, who'd fall apart when loosing control over others.

Fromundacheese ago

Nope One in the same. Everything you thought you knew was wrong. j/k. I thought you get to the gates and you get judged. The either your in the club or sent down to Satan.

VoatisCIA ago

Child Mind has a Board> this dude is on it : arthur g. altschul jr

He's is on another board : Overbrook Foundation ( A LIBERAL FRONT GROUP )

"Arthur G. Altschul, Jr.: He is on the board of directors of the Overbrook Foundation, an organization founded by his family. The organization does wonderful human-rights work, but also has a liberal slant, as evidenced by its focus on sustainability and environmentalism, as well as its sponsorship of Freedom to Marry, the Pro-Choice Public Education Project, and more. He has donated to the Forward Together PAC (a blue-dog Democrat group) and Walter Minnick (Democrat from Idaho). In 2008, he donated $2,500 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and $1,500 to Hillary Clinton for President. In 2004, Altschul contributed $5,000 to theDemocratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/251648/politics-npr-boards-matthew-shaffer"

VoatisCIA ago

Great work BTW !!!!! Another of those members connected to >>> http://www.fapeglobal.org/about-us/board-of-directors/

letsdothis1 ago

Who is connected to FAPE from CMI?

snapplemoose ago

Is Nora Volkow supposed to be a woman? Sure looks like a guy.

DonKeydich ago

Please educate yourself on the distinct physiognomy of Jews. Then you could make more interesting observations, like:

Dr. Volkow is the great-granddaughter of Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky. Her father Esteban Volkov is the son of Leon Trotsky’s eldest daughter Zinaida Volkova.[25][10] Born in Mexico City, Volkow and her three sisters grew up in Coyoacán in the house where Trotsky was killed (now the Leon Trotsky House Museum).[10][26][27]

Jewish name recognition is essential too: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2063874

I wasn't born with this knowledge. Jews kept popping up in PG so I decided to learn to identify them, because I'm a racist and a bad person.

Shillaxe ago

There's only one race, different skin colors, like a black dog vs a white one, your confusing race with religion. ..again. Try using the term Sephardic or AshkeNazi instead of Jew. 👍

DonKeydich ago

Lol are you retarded? Fur color within the same breed is like hair color for humans of the same race. Breeds evolved just as human races did. You are unbelievably naive.

Shillaxe ago

So Hitlerite , just how many humans would you like to see murdered, keeping in mind your 1/2 Sephardic or is it AshkeNazi Jew .

DonKeydich ago

Why don't you tell me why you think Hitler was evil. It's because Jews wrote that history books. How many do YOU think he murdered? 6 gorillion?

Shillaxe ago

The 6 gorillian were relocated to Palestine, one thing is for certain , 90 + million Goyim were murdered. Hitler helped consolidate rule by Jewish bankers as all countries had to borrow their money to fight.I just want people to know your , potmurderer,a mass murderer. 👍

DonKeydich ago

You already proved you don't know a GOD DAMN THING about history you little slut. GTFO my eyesight

Shillaxe ago

You give white people a bad name.

Shillaxe ago

By the way I do not like Judaism or any religion, for that matter.

ESOTERICshade ago

I wasn't born with this knowledge.

You already admitted you are jewish. Nice try.

Shillaxe ago

Hee hee , hes likely a devout 🔯 stirring up trouble as usual.At the end of the day he admits; having a Jewish family, speaks alot of Yiddish and loudly proclaims Israel is untouchable.

DamnKeyhote ago

Blast! I didn't anticipate someone would remember when I volunteered the information that I had one Jewish family member and thus don't hate all Jews! So do many whether they realize it or not because Jews intermarry more). You fucking moron.

As crensch correctly stated, whites SLAUGHTER EACH OTHER FOR THE LULZ. I suggest you wise up because this time it's gonna be for real and those who were offered the truth but rejected it for vanity will receive zero sympathy.

ESOTERICshade ago

Blast! I didn't anticipate someone would remember when I volunteered the information that I had one Jewish family member and thus don't hate all Jews!

Now you are acting suspicious and contradicting yourself.

As crensch correctly stated, whites SLAUGHTER EACH OTHER FOR THE LULZ.

That would be blacks trapped in inner city ghettos made hell by the CIA drug cartel. You and crensch both have flawed, inconsistent, and contradictory logic. curioser and curioser...

DamnKeyhote ago

I knew you were a fucking woman. You talk exactly like one.

@srayzie is similarly perplexed as to how someone with a drop of Jewish American ancestry could wish Jews had never come: why, that would mean he wouldn't even exist!

She literally cannot comprehend someone acknowledging an objective truth if it PERSONALLY AFFECTS HIM BADLY! Real asset in the truth movement!

Also you should get redpilled on race. Violence correlates to testosterone and intelligence, thus we find the exact same hierarchy of Asians then whites then Hispanics then blacks. Drugs and poverty don't make people violent like that. Or have you never been poor and unable to afford some weed? How many people did you beat and Rob?

srayzie ago

Drugs and poverty don't make people violent like that. Or have you never been poor and unable to afford some weed? How many people did you beat and Rob?

You're so lame LOL

letsdothis1 ago

Her photos make me wonder what she gets up to in private. At any rate, she is the great-granddaughter of Leon Trotsky no less http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/lens/article/?id=129&pg=999

DomKeyhote ago

"At any rate"? Oh my fucking GOD. Are you unaware that trotsky and all the Bolsheviks were Jews? They massacred and starved MILLIONS of Europeans...it's kind of a big deal

letsdothis1 ago

I'm aware. I'm currently looking into the occult leanings of Nora's sisters. And notice that the bio on Nora is from the Vanderbilt Medical Center http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/lens/article/?id=129&pg=999

DomKeyhote ago

Lol why? We know what they do "in private" because they depict it in films and we've found it here. Oh and they've been expelled en masse hundreds of times for the exact same thing. It's Kabbalah and going further only makes us look CLOWNISH.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's Kabbalah and going further only makes us look CLOWNISH.


3141592653 ago


think- ago

ROFLMAO. You made my day!