kestrel9 ago

Interesting find thanks.

There's been controversy over the Yucca Mountain project and the nuclear waste shipments through Clark County. In this 2001 article Brian Greespun gives some scenarios that would have catastrophic impact to the community.

In order to get a complete picture of gaming industry leaders' concerns, the questioners created three assumptions upon which their questions were based. Here's what they said in the most conservative one: "Over the next 24 years, beginning July 2007, the U.S. Department of Energy plans to ship high-level nuclear waste through Clark County to a repository to be built at Yucca Mountain, Nevada." There will be 49,500 truck loads, which will average 5.7 shipments per day through our community. They will all move across the interstate system which means I-15, the northern and southern legs of the Las Vegas Beltway and U.S. 95. That pretty much covers where everybody down here lives.

Fast forward to 2017: Article regarding a hot spot found in a South Carolina nuclear waste shipment...

May 18, 2017 ‘Hot spot’ in nuclear waste shipment underscores Yucca Mountain concern

A radioactive “hot spot” discovered in a nuclear waste shipment in South Carolina is being cited by Nevada’s top nuclear safety official as fresh evidence of the folly of plans to transport thousands of tons of even-more-dangerous material to Yucca Mountain if a repository is built there.

The incident in April, first publicized this week by anti-nuclear groups, involved highly enriched uranium liquid waste trucked from Canada to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site near Aiken, South Carolina. The “hot spot” — an area of unexpectedly high radiation levels — was blamed on a defective, lead “pig” container that shields workers when waste is moved from inside transportation casks. The Department of Energy said that when the “pig” was positioned for emptying at the Savannah site, radiation rates were slightly higher than expected but did not pose an increased safety concern to the public or workers.

But Bob Halstead, executive director of Nevada’s Agency for Nuclear Projects and the state’s point man in the battle to block the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, said the incident illustrates the risks of shipping potentially deadly radioactive waste by rail or truck.

Canada paying U.S. to take waste

Anti-nuclear groups say Canada is paying $60 million to the U.S. government for the Savannah River Site to take 6,000 gallons of liquid waste from medical isotope production in Chalk River, Ontario.

The Department of Energy, citing security reasons, doesn’t release the amounts of radioactive waste being shipped, transportation routes or schedules.

But anti-nuclear watchdog organizations, including Beyond Nuclear and Savannah River Site Watch, believe the transport truck carrying the shipment entered the U.S. by crossing Peace Bridge in Buffalo, New York, and arrived in South Carolina sometime between April 16 and April 21.

Word of the incident came amid efforts in Washington to revive the proposal to permanently entomb at least 77,000 tons of high-level nuclear waste within Yucca Mountain in Nye County. President Donald Trump has proposed $120 million for licensing the waste facility and to create a robust interim storage program for fiscal year 2018, which begins Oct. 1.

kestrel9 ago

In case anyone didn't catch that...

"Word of the incident came amid efforts in Washington to revive the proposal to permanently entomb at least 77,000 tons of high-level nuclear waste within Yucca Mountain in Nye County. President Donald Trump has proposed $120 million for licensing the waste facility and to create a robust interim storage program for fiscal year 2018...

"which begins Oct. 1."

October 1 Paddock shoots and kills 58 people and injures 527.

Perhaps just a coincidence but if it did play any part in his motive then one could see why many people would not want to discuss it.

Also Updated June 15, 2017

WASHINGTON — A bill to expedite the licensing and development of Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site in Nevada was passed by a subcommittee Thursday, clearing the first hurdle for legislation expected to be taken up in the House this year.

ESOTERICshade ago

They could be using those dogs in child porn too. Horrible thought I know, but its routine in their world. MANY survivors talk about having it done to them. Horses and goats too.

sunshine702 ago

The corruption has to do with laundering money from their casinos and media interests through her animal shelter "nonprofit", and receiving tax money as well for the non care.