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Vindicator ago

Interestingly he points out a book written by someone who regretted undergoing gender reassignment, called 'Don't Get on the Plane' with a picture of a plane from Trans World Airlines.

So, are you saying the "Trans" in TWA is related to a globalist agenda to sow gender confusion? Are you saying Van Meter is saying this? Or that Van Meter is saying the book author is saying it?

You should add more of a disclaimer here than "interestingly". :-) An implied claim is being made, and without more explicit framing by you, this post -- with all its very interesting tidbits -- is dancing on the hairy edge of confirmation bias, especially since you follow that lead down into the maze of information you've placed in the Comments. I get that you are dumping your raw gatherings to see what connects, but we want to avoid anything that makes serious research into the globalist swamp network look like a baffle-with-BS disinfo submission (which the submission rules are designed to cull). The best way to do that is to make a clear statement about why you're including stuff...i.e. briefly describe the research process you've gone through.

That kind of post wastes the time of both mods and researchers, is designed to exhaust people after playing with their emotions, and ultimately discredits the board as full of hogwash.

That said, the fact that you are using our past research to attempt to shed light on new leads is EXCELLENT. I wish everyone would do so! We have more evidence than we know.

letsdothis3 ago

So, your comment questioning the inclusion of TWA in my post has spurred me on to look further into this to see if this was a valid inclusion or not. Excuse the data dump but...

Trans World Airlines

It was formed as Transcontinental & Western Air

Transcontinental Air Transport (T-A-T) was an airline founded in 1928 by Clement Melville Keys that merged in 1930 with Western Air Express to form what became TWA.

Clement Melville Keys (1876–1952) was a financier involved in the establishment of many aviation companies including Curtiss-Wright, China National Aviation Corporation, North American Aviation and TWA. He has been called "the father of commercial aviation in America."

In 1916 he became an unpaid vice president for Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company and assumed controlling interest of the financially troubled company in 1920. The company merged with Wright Aeronautical in 1929 to form Curtiss-Wright and he was the new company's president.

In 1932 Keys withdrew from the aviation business citing health reasons but in fact the directors of North American Aviation had discovered that he had embezzled funds in order to settle personal debts incurred from his private speculation in stocks and shares. Nonetheless he maintained his investment business. In 1942 he went back to the aviation business establishing the C.M. Keys Aircraft Service Company and after World War II helped organize the Peruvian International Airways in 1947 [Home to Nazis after the second world war]

In 1907, Glenn Curtiss was recruited by the scientist Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, to be among the founding members of Bell's Aerial Experimental Association (AEA), with the purpose of helping establish an aeronautical research and development organization The Oriental Telephone Company was established on January 25, 1881, as the result of an agreement between Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, the Oriental Bell Telephone Company of New York and the Anglo-Indian Telephone Company, Ltd.

Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone on a "Vagabonds" Camping Trip, 1918

Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone pose on a waterwheel at old Evans Mill near Lead Mine, West Virginia. The photograph was taken in August 1918. The group called themselves Vagabonds and made a series of trips between 1916 and 1924. On these trips they communed with nature, explored their personal interests and acted like boys again.

The Ford Foundation is one of the biggest funders of the Transgender movement