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letsdothis2 ago


Web Resources: Abuse, Trauma, & Dissociation -

Articles by traumatologist Bruce Perry, MD:

Ark of Hope for Children Programs: “Removing Chains” – Providing safe online chat areas for coaching and mentoring:

“Stop Bullying– Don’t Stand Alone”:

Make It Ultra Psychology [Yes, because that's exactly what's happening on a mass scale now in the public arena..]

Hello, my name is Dr. Perry and I am the founder of the MakeItUltra™ Blog. I created this blog in 2016 to support the online community by providing psychoeducational information. I also work in private practice providing mental health services in Sherman Oaks, CA.

Bruce D. Perry is an American psychiatrist, currently the Senior Fellow of the Child Trauma Academy in Houston, Texas and an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois.

Bruce Perry was born in 1955 in Bismarck, ND, the second of four children. His father, Duncan Richard Perry, was a dentist and his mother, Donna (Henry) Perry, a homemaker. Perry attended Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts but didn't graduate.[1] He took classes that interested him but did not fulfill requirements for a bachelor's degree.[2] Even without a bachelor's degree,[3] he earned a M.D. and Ph.D. at Northwestern University. He completed a residency, from 1984 through 1987, in psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine. In 1987, Perry did a fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Chicago.

Perry has served as a consultant and expert witness on many high-profile incidents involving traumatized children, including the Columbine High School massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco siege, and the YFZ Ranch custody cases.

Perry's first wife, Arlis Perry, was murdered in Stanford Memorial Church on the grounds of Stanford University in California on October 12, 1974.

Wow, that's a story:

Around 11:30 p.m. the night of October 12, 1974, the Perrys had an argument about their car's tire pressure. Arlis told her husband she wanted to pray alone inside the church, and they parted.[3] Bruce became concerned when his wife hadn't returned home by 3 a.m. He called the Stanford Police and reported her missing. Officers from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office went to the church and reported all the outer doors were locked.

And only last month:

Arlis Perry was brutally slain in Stanford University's church in 1974. This morning, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office served a warrant for someone who has been a suspect for a long time. Apparently they had long suspected him, but hadn't had concrete DNA evidence until recently. They knocked on the door and identified themselves, then heard a single gunshot from the other side of the door.

UPDATE: The Sheriffs Department is scheduled to make a statement at 5 p.m., but from what we can tell, it looks like the suspect is Stephen Crawford (the security guard who conveniently was also the one to discover Perry's body).

A comment:

At least this finally exonerates Dr.Perry. He was so utterly railroaded by the police. That story he told on This American Life about them lying about a witness to try and get him to confess upset me so much.

It's so bizarre how things work around here sometimes: People of the Black Circle

Convicted killer David Berkowitz -- more famous as the "Son of Sam" who terrorized New York in 1976 and '77 -- has also professed membership in the Four Pi cult, revealing inside knowledge of a California homicide allegedly committed by the group. In 1979, Berkowitz smuggled a book on witchcraft out of his prison cell, with passages on Manson and the Four Pi movement underlined. One page bore a cryptic notation in the killer's own handwriting : "Arlis Perry. Hunted, stalked, and slain. Followed to California." As researched by Maury Terry, the Berkowitz note points directly to an unsolved murder committed at Stanford University in mid-October 1974.

Four Pi or 4P Movement : see the Process Church (and my recent posts on them)

But apparently, after all these years Dr. Perry is in the clear.

Cc1914 ago

Weird because this guy says he’s the founder

letsdothis2 ago

ooh, Lol, you're going to love this...

on Dr. Judy Rosenberg's website he's now Dr. Eric Perry

Cc1914 ago

Wow things are really starting to get stranger ! I haven’t even put any real effort into his yet and looks like a huge rabbit hole once again !

Piscina ago

I think these fake charities like Ark of Hope and Notinmyworld are putting out feelers for vulnerable and homeless kids, taking them in and then using them for nefarious purposes. I'm so disappointed in honeybee.

Cc1914 ago

I want to call one of their hotlines and see how they handle a “ trauma “ situation.

letsdothis2 ago

With their 'Christian' emphasis they are also appealing to the alt right side of the political spectrum. The irony is that one or two degrees of separation away we have the same crowd we are supposedly investigating: all I found with your thread were dodgy wordpress websites (reminded me so much of the Hampstead case); New Age jargon used by the Tavistock/Harvard lot and their trauma based psychology which is actually mindfucking the public and links back to the Open Society and the UN Agenda 21 via cyber military groups that have been in operation, albeit in other names, since World War II and maybe, earlier. These social media characters (who still don't realize that the voat crowd is not like the simpleton followers on Twitter) are simply coralling the alt right crowd back into another form of 'social justice', similar to the cult like following of the leftie SJWs. Peace out.

letsdothis2 ago

Oh yes..gaar.. I forgot to go back to that. I saw that earlier and was going to look into him more but got interrupted with other things. Thanks for pointing that out.

think- ago

on Dr. Judy Rosenberg's website he's now Dr. Eric Perry

That's maybe a relative then, maybe his son?

letsdothis2 ago

Yes, I think so. Not going to spend too much time with this because there's obviously a flown blown psyop going on here for sheeple. I'm more interested in the meta picture and the top. They are connected to the the MKUltra, Tavistock programming... Harvard et al...

letsdothis2 ago

Sherman Oaks...hmmm... there's that voat database... nah, I'll leave that for someone else...