letsdothis2 ago

I was doing a bit of light research on the Kidguard app - check out the search phrase suggested by Google: https://imgur.com/a/JCSmV7d

Guess that goes along with this NY Times article: Hundreds of Apps Can Empower Stalkers to Track Their Victims https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/19/technology/phone-apps-stalking.html

KidGuard is a phone app that markets itself as a tool for keeping tabs on children. But it has also promoted its surveillance for other purposes and run blog posts with headlines like “How to Read Deleted Texts on Your Lover’s Phone.”

As digital tools that gather cellphone data for tracking children, friends or lost phones have multiplied in recent years, so have the options for people who abuse the technology to track others without consent.

More than 200 apps and services offer would-be stalkers a variety of capabilities, from basic location tracking to harvesting texts and even secretly recording video, according to a new academic study.

But data breaches at two surveillance companies last year — revealing accounts of more than 100,000 users, according to the technology site Motherboard — gave some sense of the scale. The tracking app company mSpy told The New York Times that it sold subscriptions to more than 27,000 users in the United States in the first quarter of this year.

That Motherboard link : Inside the 'Stalkerware' Surveillance Market, Where Ordinary People Tap Each Other's Phones - https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/53vm7n/inside-stalkerware-surveillance-market-flexispy-retina-x

John is just one of tens of thousands of individuals around the world who are unwitting targets of powerful, relatively cheap spyware that anyone can buy. Ordinary people—lawyers, teachers, construction workers, parents, jealous lovers—have bought malware to monitor mobile phones or computers, according to a large cache of hacked files from Retina-X and FlexiSpy, another spyware company.

I haven't read the whole article yet but apparently they've done a whole series of articles on tracker software. I'm wondering exactly who it is they are trying to educate.

@Piscina @Cc1914

Cc1914 ago

Wasn’t “ KidGuard “ promoted heavily by the masons ? Lions clubs? Sorry I can’t find anything on that but I remember researching that here

Cc1914 ago

Your right on target IMO . I’ve been researching them too since this post . I’ve also been researching the comments that were removed from Notinmyworld website like this one “ how did you like how I told the story, how we had to sacrifice somebody? “ and look ..https://imgur.com/a/sz1N6Sp This comment was in fact on that website but it was removed or hidden ? It shows up in the search results as coming from “ Notinmyworld” I want @gothamgirl to see this because she was asking about that . Also this ( stared sourly at the corpse of the young blonde woman. Her tongue looking like grape flavored bubble gum stuffed in her mouth. Her eyes had rolled back in her head. ) https://imgur.com/a/12avrpt

letsdothis2 ago

Also this ( stared sourly at the corpse of the young blonde woman. Her tongue looking like grape flavored bubble gum stuffed in her mouth. Her eyes had rolled back in her head. ) https://imgur.com/a/12avrptImgur

Seen this all before with the Hampstead case.

Cc1914 ago

Sorry what have you seen before with Hampstead case ? Ha I’m confused 🙂

letsdothis2 ago

You had to have been there, LOL. Here's a wordpress website that was set up around the Hampstead case - different scenario (on the surface), similar vibe. Check out the comments section on the blogs. Look at the way they interact with each other. In the UK, we call it 'pissing around'. https://hoaxteadresearch.wordpress.com/

Cc1914 ago

Those commenters really have their eye on what we’re doing and are having a good ol time mocking us , it’s obvious they have some sort of dog in this race .

Cc1914 ago

Those comments discrediting sra wow! In that link you sent , it shows live comments and I saw someone posted a tweet from Fiona Barnett saying this ..STORMY DANIELS, James ALEFANTIS, Anthony WEINER, Allison MACK recruited sex trafficking victims & showed SNUFF films at a 2007 party. Witness PASSES polygraph test!


Cc1914 ago

Can your see the comments in this screenshot? https://imgur.com/a/sepYks2

Cc1914 ago

Wait what ? The link I sent you isn’t there anymore ?

letsdothis2 ago

It's fine in your comment. Maybe I didn't copy it correctly.

letsdothis2 ago

Here's the full comment: https://imgur.com/a/54haK7G

And these two people liked it: https://imgur.com/a/Q3KcSZU

Cached link.

Cc1914 ago

Did you see “ Kait Kings “ reply ?

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you sharing this with me.

Cc1914 ago

Yw .. actually it’s still on the comment page https://imgur.com/a/sepYks2 To be clear , I’m not saying HB is connected to this organization , but it was her retweet of AOH that landed us here . She most likely didn’t know ( at least that’s what I hope for) but now that it’s been brought to our attention , we can’t just ignore it .

letsdothis2 ago

@Piscina, well done for your mini battle with this lot. Your thread has been deleted despite the obvious need for further research by this community. But many have seen that. Your post served it purpose and this is another example where TPTB re this forum, have shot themselves in the foot. This post certainly drew my attention to a few more pieces of the puzzle. Thank you.

Piscina ago

I have gathered more info and will put up another post tomorrow. Yes, I could have set put the facts better but I was in a hurry. However it's now clear to me what's going on here at Voat and it saddens me. I want to thank you and others like. @cc1914 who saw the post for what it was--- an honest statement of shock that some of us are now colluding with child traffickers while taking money from innocent people who believe they're donating to a worthy cause.

Cc1914 ago

Good ! I can’t wait to see it . If what’s happening here on voat is what we think it is , then it’s very sad. I’ve been scolded here too before . Having all those mods and then the owner mod chime in really gave me a whole different feel here . I’ve been saying this since 2016 they have “ compartmentalized “ us all !

letsdothis2 ago

I look forward to your post @Piscina. I don't follow HB on Twitter so I wasn't aware of this Ark of Hope for Children thing. I was stunned by the obvious fakery and also, tongue-in-cheek satire, of the whole cheap and shoddy setup while so-called well known figures of the alt truth community (all who were previously on my own personal list of probable intelligence assets) were supporting the whole sorry outfit. It's really striking how dumbed down people are. And it's no wonder that articles are beginning to appear in the MSM about the 'moral panic' of the alt right. That was clearly the next step in the script and it's these types of shite operations that were put in place for that.

an honest statement of shock that some of us are now colluding with child traffickers while taking money from innocent people who believe they're donating to a worthy cause.

Luciferians delight in that type of trickery. However, the 'duper's delight' is quite evident in the double entendre imagery and language once one decides to think for oneself and stop looking for false idols or messiahs... infantalization of the adult population... that's a difficult one to tackle...

think- ago

@Piscina, I will remove the post now per mods' comments, since it wasn't edited. My suggestion would be to look into 'notinmyworld', you could try to find old versions of their website using the wayback machine at archive.org. Please note that when doing a post abou them you would have to back up comment quotes with working links that show the comment (like an archive would).

Removing per Rule 2 (Empiricism).

Piscina ago

In fact, it was edited. I was asked to prove that honeybee had retweeted arkofhope, and I added a screenshot. I was also asked to provide evidence that aoh was in league with Tracy beanz and hagmann report and I added a screen shot of that. What you're doing is sad.

think- ago

@Piscina, I had already removed the flair yesterday after you edited according to my requests (those you mention in your comment above). @Vindicator then flaired the post again, see his comments. I removed the post per @Vindicator's comments, not per my initial edit requests.

Your post still had these quotes, which were not backed up with a link (since it was scrubbed since you first posted it a year ago):

… stared sourly at the corpse of the young blonde woman. Her tongue looking like grape flavored bubble gum stuffed in her mouth. Her eyes had rolled back in her head. ...The crown of her head was all soft and mushy from being banged against the wall – “banged” being the operative word. Disturbingly it was all post-mortem damage, including her badly broken neck

how did you like how I told the story, how we had to sacrifice somebody????

Also, this would have needed a link:

Robert Strongbow, calls himself Blackhorn333

but in reality does nothing except perhaps signal to other pedos that they are in the same business

While I agree that it is weird that they call the 'notinmyworld' guys affiliates, and the AoH charity might be shady, we need some evidence that they are pedos. This has already been pointed out before, see also the lengthy comment I wrote yesterday, and also @Crensch's comment.

As I said, it's totally fine to look into these two organizsations, but we'd need proof. This is why I suggested to do a new post, focusing on notinmyworld.


kazza64 ago

i just blocked a troll on twitter whose whole page was dedicated to smearing honeybee the pedos are out in full force fuck them all dirty dog cunts

Crensch ago

Honey Bee, Melissa; Tracy Beanz; and Hagmann Report are supporting Ark of Hope for Children--a group that we here have discussed a few times. I am in shock that they are associating themselves with Ark of Hope for Children, which is linked to NCMEC. https://arkofhopeforchildren org/about-us/the-issues


Where is it shown this is linked to NCMEC?

This is Honeybee retweeting Ark of Hope: https://imgur.com/edit?deletehash=nyOZSrKyRRRpfQZ&album_id=undefined


This is Ark of Hope's pinned tweet showcasing the names of Tracy Beanz, Hagmann Report and others. https://imgur.com/edit?deletehash=EvU5d7kS7dJR6D1&album_id=undefined

Why are your imgur links so fucked up?

Ark of Hope is a very shady organisation that purports to be anti-child-trafficking but in reality does nothing except perhaps signal to other pedos that they are in the same business.


Ark of Hope's founder is Blair Corbett. He also founded the Good Men Project: https://goodmenproject com/author/blair-corbett/ You will see that he has posted an article on a Dutch court legalising a 'child love' (aka pedophilia) group. Blair talks about the 'battle for the hearts of oppressed children'.

http://archive.is/4PWhA Looks like he's writing that he's against such things. Odd turn of phrase, but what does it mean to you? Would an outfit against child trafficking NOT post about such developments, in your opinion?

Ark of Hope is affiliated with Robert Strongbow - Notinmyworld https://notinmyworld org/ http://archive.is/YyShD

I see where Notinmyworld links to AoH, but not the other way around.

which calls itself a 'resource centre', although again it does nothing in reality. Suspicious that he publishes articles on pedophile activity as a way of alerting pedophiles on what to watch out for or how to avoid being found out by authorities.


Strongbow talks about 'Our Circle' and his website features an owl. https://notinmyworld.org/about_our_world/our-circle/

Yes, it does.

Please read the comments: https://notinmyworld.org/ 'how did you like how I told the story, how we had to sacrifice somebody????'

I'm confused about the bunny crap. "Heather Anthony" in http://archive.is/fAJqZ says G_D like Jews do (they won't write the whole word). "Robert" always capitalizes "Our Children" and other random capitalizations that are suspect, so yes, this looks suspicious as fuck.

Robert Strongbow is an 'Ambassador for Ark of Hope. https://www.linkedin com/in/RobertStrongBow/de http://archive.is/YRBlZ He has spent many years as a scout master.

Archive doesn't work. Screenshots?

The rest of your post is about Notinmyworld, not AoH, which is the focus of all of this. You have a one-way link here so far, from what I've seen.

@Vindicator @Honeybee_ @think-

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think-

I'm suspicious of AoH, but possibly only because I'm suspicious of any "help the kids"-anything these days. I didn't see a real link admitted by AoH.

Was this comment out of turn in some way?

Vindicator ago

Not that I can see.

Crensch ago

Thank you.

TrishaUK ago

What a whole waste of time. The shills are getting what they want, using the valuable time of mods and genuine voaters. Suggestion: Lets just ignore this kind of post next time!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Here is the OP's original post about Ark of Hope. It's 1.4 years old and nobody had a problem with him having a problem with them back then. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1685537 He even applauded the Honeybee in the top of his post. So his question here in this post makes sense, why are they associating themselves? @Piscina I don't think anyone here is an authority on all organizations by any means but it's not like he is just pulling this one out of thin air, he's had concerns for 1.4 years.

letsdothis2 ago

Aww, isn't that special... Ark of Hope For Children is all teamed up with GAME 4 KIDS org ... Geddit? Another dodgy wordpress site : https://caroltoddsnowflakes.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/4219/

letsdothis2 ago

I knew nothing of Amanda Todd's story but a 5 second look at the home page of the above website and I diagnosed 'fakery afoot'. Apparently, others think so too....

Amanda Todd Hoax - http://fakeologist.com/blog/2012/10/17/amanda-todd-hoax/

Let the investigation begin into this new media hoax. ..


letsdothis2 ago

LOL. https://notinmyworld.org/

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award https://imgur.com/a/lDg6j4c


Last week, I was surprised to see I’d been nominated by Amanda over at ARomerTherapy for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I have to admit, I’d never heard of it before and had to rely on good old Google to see what it was all about. The award is based on peer nominations and recognises women within the travel blogging community. It’s a way of engaging with other bloggers and for our readers to find out more about us! I’m flattered to be chosen; it’s great to hear that people are enjoying reading my posts

Alys likes pizza https://imgur.com/a/w8cJgs1

Another blogger nominated for this award and she likes pizza too ! http://www.50shadesofage.com/2015/10/20/the-sisterhood-of-the-world-blogger-award/

Someone has a great sense of humour. Make sure you're laughing along and not being laughed at...

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

"Darkness to Light" was coincidentally the name of a Childhood Sexual Abuse training I went through recently that was being offered by CPS or some affiliated agency. After I was harassed for my journalism and someone reported me to CPS for "exposing my children to the dangers of journalism," CPS sided with me and referred me to it. Didn't know it was affiliated with the Bidens, that's pretty obvious for pedo affiliation. The presenter actually slipped up and used the term "little friend" which is another pedo code word. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

From the OP: "Ark of Hope's founder is Blair Corbett. He also founded the Good Men Project: https://goodmenproject.com/author/blair-corbett/ You will see that he has posted an article on a Dutch court legalising a 'child love' (aka pedophilia) group. Blair talks about the 'battle for the hearts of oppressed children'."

Actual quote:


Dutch Courts Lift Ban on ‘Child Love Group’ June 28, 2013 by Blair Corbett 10 Comments

Share 213 Tweet Share Stumble Pin 1 SHARES 214 caution children playing

After having been banned by the courts of Assen (The Netherlands) in July 2012, the appeals court has now decided to lift the ban against Martijn. The Dutch government has removed their ban of an organization called MARTIJN that fights for their “right” to have sex with children of any age.” For years they, along with groups such as NAMBLA and PNVD have sought to normalize sexual attraction to young boys and girls internationally. Victimization of very young to teen boys and girls is happening behind closed doors around the world, all over the social networks and in your community. Whether as blatant as child trafficking, by a teacher at your child’s grade school or by a well hidden neighbor down the street, it is happening near you.

The cancer of child victimization is growing and we have become too desensitized to it. I help survivors of all forms of child abuse on a daily basis. Whether abused physically or sexually by a “close friend of the family” or having “survived” the most abhorred and ignored varieties like institutional abuse, the lifelong damage can be so severe that we simply cannot turn a blind eye any longer.

Martijn is an association known for their glorification of sexual relationships between children and adults. Martijn advocates that “erotic contacts between adults and children of any age, that are pleasurable and consensual, should be accepted by society.” After having been banned by the courts of Assen (The Netherlands) in July 2012, the appeals court has now decided to lift the ban against Martijn.

Ring The Alarm is calling on the Dutch government for the re-banning of Martijn. It seeks legislation to prevent child sex advocacy activities by Martijn or other organizations from victimizing children by violating Article 34 of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and more. Ark of Hope for Children is helping raise the voices of APLE Cambodia and OBB South Africa and ask you to join us.

letsdothis2 ago


Web Resources: Abuse, Trauma, & Dissociation - http://archive.is/5av2v

Articles by traumatologist Bruce Perry, MD: http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/bruceperry/index.htm

Ark of Hope for Children Programs: http://arkofhopeforchildren.org/ “Removing Chains” – Providing safe online chat areas for coaching and mentoring: http://arkofhopeforchildren.org/programs/removing-chains-live-chat-support#.UUD68Tdvf3M

“Stop Bullying– Don’t Stand Alone”: http://arkofhopeforchildren.org/bullying/child-bullying-statistics-info

Make It Ultra Psychology https://makeitultrapsychology.wordpress.com/ [Yes, because that's exactly what's happening on a mass scale now in the public arena..]

Hello, my name is Dr. Perry and I am the founder of the MakeItUltra™ Blog. I created this blog in 2016 to support the online community by providing psychoeducational information. I also work in private practice providing mental health services in Sherman Oaks, CA.


Bruce D. Perry is an American psychiatrist, currently the Senior Fellow of the Child Trauma Academy in Houston, Texas and an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois.

Bruce Perry was born in 1955 in Bismarck, ND, the second of four children. His father, Duncan Richard Perry, was a dentist and his mother, Donna (Henry) Perry, a homemaker. Perry attended Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts but didn't graduate.[1] He took classes that interested him but did not fulfill requirements for a bachelor's degree.[2] Even without a bachelor's degree,[3] he earned a M.D. and Ph.D. at Northwestern University. He completed a residency, from 1984 through 1987, in psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine. In 1987, Perry did a fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Chicago.

Perry has served as a consultant and expert witness on many high-profile incidents involving traumatized children, including the Columbine High School massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco siege, and the YFZ Ranch custody cases.

Perry's first wife, Arlis Perry, was murdered in Stanford Memorial Church on the grounds of Stanford University in California on October 12, 1974.

Wow, that's a story: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Arlis_Perry

Around 11:30 p.m. the night of October 12, 1974, the Perrys had an argument about their car's tire pressure. Arlis told her husband she wanted to pray alone inside the church, and they parted.[3] Bruce became concerned when his wife hadn't returned home by 3 a.m. He called the Stanford Police and reported her missing. Officers from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office went to the church and reported all the outer doors were locked.

And only last month: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/8um2ag/suspect_in_arlis_perrys_brutal_murder_killed/

Arlis Perry was brutally slain in Stanford University's church in 1974. This morning, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office served a warrant for someone who has been a suspect for a long time. Apparently they had long suspected him, but hadn't had concrete DNA evidence until recently. They knocked on the door and identified themselves, then heard a single gunshot from the other side of the door.

UPDATE: The Sheriffs Department is scheduled to make a statement at 5 p.m., but from what we can tell, it looks like the suspect is Stephen Crawford (the security guard who conveniently was also the one to discover Perry's body).

A comment:

At least this finally exonerates Dr.Perry. He was so utterly railroaded by the police. That story he told on This American Life about them lying about a witness to try and get him to confess upset me so much.

It's so bizarre how things work around here sometimes: People of the Black Circle http://peopleoftheblackcircle.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-four-pi-movement.html

Convicted killer David Berkowitz -- more famous as the "Son of Sam" who terrorized New York in 1976 and '77 -- has also professed membership in the Four Pi cult, revealing inside knowledge of a California homicide allegedly committed by the group. In 1979, Berkowitz smuggled a book on witchcraft out of his prison cell, with passages on Manson and the Four Pi movement underlined. One page bore a cryptic notation in the killer's own handwriting : "Arlis Perry. Hunted, stalked, and slain. Followed to California." As researched by Maury Terry, the Berkowitz note points directly to an unsolved murder committed at Stanford University in mid-October 1974.

Four Pi or 4P Movement : see the Process Church (and my recent posts on them)

But apparently, after all these years Dr. Perry is in the clear.

Cc1914 ago

Weird because this guy says he’s the founder http://archive.is/hF3kK

letsdothis2 ago

ooh, Lol, you're going to love this... https://psychologicalhealingcenter.com/about-us/

on Dr. Judy Rosenberg's website he's now Dr. Eric Perry https://imgur.com/a/xwbREP9

Cc1914 ago

Wow things are really starting to get stranger ! I haven’t even put any real effort into his yet and looks like a huge rabbit hole once again !

Piscina ago

I think these fake charities like Ark of Hope and Notinmyworld are putting out feelers for vulnerable and homeless kids, taking them in and then using them for nefarious purposes. I'm so disappointed in honeybee.

Cc1914 ago

I want to call one of their hotlines and see how they handle a “ trauma “ situation.

letsdothis2 ago

With their 'Christian' emphasis they are also appealing to the alt right side of the political spectrum. The irony is that one or two degrees of separation away we have the same crowd we are supposedly investigating: all I found with your thread were dodgy wordpress websites (reminded me so much of the Hampstead case); New Age jargon used by the Tavistock/Harvard lot and their trauma based psychology which is actually mindfucking the public and links back to the Open Society and the UN Agenda 21 via cyber military groups that have been in operation, albeit in other names, since World War II and maybe, earlier. These social media characters (who still don't realize that the voat crowd is not like the simpleton followers on Twitter) are simply coralling the alt right crowd back into another form of 'social justice', similar to the cult like following of the leftie SJWs. Peace out.

letsdothis2 ago

Oh yes..gaar.. I forgot to go back to that. I saw that earlier and was going to look into him more but got interrupted with other things. Thanks for pointing that out.

think- ago

on Dr. Judy Rosenberg's website he's now Dr. Eric Perry

That's maybe a relative then, maybe his son?

letsdothis2 ago

Yes, I think so. Not going to spend too much time with this because there's obviously a flown blown psyop going on here for sheeple. I'm more interested in the meta picture and the top. They are connected to the the MKUltra, Tavistock programming... Harvard et al...

letsdothis2 ago

Sherman Oaks...hmmm... there's that voat database... nah, I'll leave that for someone else...

letsdothis2 ago

The Earth Charter and the Ark of Hope

In the late 1990's, a document called the "Earth Charter" was drafted by a group of prominent Humanist-Socialists including:

Steven Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev

In place of the simple elegance of the rules for self-government and social stability expressed above, the Earth Charter calls for the imposition of a global tyranny over every aspect of human activity which becomes evident once you strip away the rhetorical devices and eco-socialist jargon.

The Earth Charter was inscribed on papyrus paper and enshrined in a wooden box called the "Ark of Hope" which was decorated with neo-pagan, politically correct artwork and paraded around the world by a troupe of believers. According to the official description, the carrying poles for the Ark are "unicorn horns" which ward off evil spirits (I'm not making this up, see for yourself).

I guess this video is dealing with the same connections (I haven't watched it yet, no time ..)

AGENDA 21: The Earth Charter, The Ark of Hope and the New World Order

letsdothis2 ago

@Piscina, the Earth Charter needs to be looked into. It leads back to the UN Sustainability Agenda, the Lucis Trust and a number of dodgy characters and psyops...eg: the Hampstead case. (No wonder you're getting such push back, I can't believe the scale of this thing. No time today to explain further about that .) Quick rundown re Hampstead:

I'll start with PETER FERRIS (Ricky Dearman's agent) who is connected to the UN, the Tony and Cherie Blair and the Clintons - voat posts:

London's magic circle, the Hampstead case, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and the Clinton Foundation - https://voat.co/v/PizzagateAcademics/2151018

Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2461290

His website: https://ferrisentertainment.com/

And his Ferris TV (with an Inner Sanctum and Outer Sanctum) http://www.ferrisentertainment.tv/

On his website homepage notice the link to the 'Ring of Peace' : http://theringofpeace.org/

Ring of Peace is a not-for-profit organisation promoting peace through fun and creative ... by the incredible Robin Dunseath with Peter Ferris as the Co-Founder.


The Ring is an annual event that we hold on the UN International Day of Peace..


Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” calls for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations and the Libra Full Moon by the Lucis Trust - https://www.lucistrust.org/el/blog_wgun/sustainable_development_goals_the_united_nations_and_the_libra_full_moon

A significant event in the heavens occurred during the period of the Sustainable Development Summit at UN Headquarters in New York. The full moon (with the sun in Libra) was late in the evening of Sunday, the final day of the Summit. And it was not just any full moon – popularly called a ‘Supermoon’ the moon was especially close to earth so it appeared much larger in the night sky than usual. And there was a full lunar eclipse producing a red effect on the moon.

From the ageless wisdom perspective humanity is in process of shifting from a culture characterised by Pisces – a culture of separation and devotion to an ideal – towards a culture characterised by Aquarius with keynotes of wholeness and sharing.

that began on Friday with the extraordinary energy that flowed into the General Assembly Hall during the Pope’s visit.

International Day of Peace - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Day_of_Peace

[Just look at all the talk about peace when their 'peace' soldiers are raping women and children in war zones around the world. It alllooks increasingly cult-like.]

Earth Charter - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Charter

The final text of the Earth Charter was approved at a meeting of the Earth Charter Commission at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in March 2000. The official launch was on 29 June 2000 in a ceremony at The Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the ceremony.

think- ago

Agree that the Earth Charter should be looked into, but wasn't that a different Ark of Hope? Would be interesting to find out whether they named themselves after the UN Ark of Hope though.

letsdothis2 ago

See: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2656551/13454329

From the Ark of Hope for Children website: https://arkofhopeforchildren.org/

Ark of Hope for Children is empowering advocates and donors to bring care and awareness to those victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse and bullying. Ark of Hope is a human rights umbrella organization using a trauma informed approach to serve survivors through our various programs.

Read rest of link.

think- ago


letsdothis2 ago

Note that the wording in the paragraph does not definitively tie them in but strongly implies. That's called PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY in the trade .. It's becoming really amusing dealing with and observing these idiots, no uhm cultists, people. wink wink

Cc1914 ago

I found this last night but when I clicked on that tweet I couldn’t find it . It showed up in a google search https://imgur.com/a/dJwURrD

Piscina ago

omg. thank you. I had seen (but have been unable to find it again) a comment by Blair Corbett, the founder of Ark of Hope, saying that the authorities had shut him down after they found kids in his basement.

Honeybee_ ago

The article by Corbett about the "child love group" was an article AGAINST the ban being lifted in the Netherlands, not for it. https://goodmenproject.com/good-feed-blog/dutch-courts-lift-ban-on-child-love-group/

And Strongbow, where's the reference for him using Blackhorn333?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Can you give us a PDF to an FBI criminal complaint form? I really want to get PG evidence to them asap.

think- ago

Yes, he asks to support an initiative to re-ban the pedo group. So this in fact is a counter-argument against @Piscina's claim that they are pedos.

I understand why @Piscina got triggered by the Ark of Hope NGO, and think it's good to looked into them, like we did with so many other anti-child trafficking organizations. It seems that Ark of Hope provides info, and offers chat rooms for survivors of abuse. This might be shady, since it offers the opportunity to collect money without in fact doing any real work apart from setting up a website and put some info about sexual abuse on it.

However, I don't see any proof that they are a pedo group, and while they might be a fake charity, this also would need to be proved. It's good to look into them, but more research should be done before before claiming

perhaps signal to other pedos that they are in the same business

Re the 'notinmyworld' site: Yesterday they showed a pic of two white rabbits when I accessed the site - this pic is gone now, instead it shows two eagles with a chick. (Strange.)

Considering they also show an owl on their main page, this organization should be researched.

TL;DR: I think it would be good to look into 'notinmyworld'. What I don't understand is why @Piscina didn't give @Honeybee_ the benefit of the doubt before questioning her motives in public, and even doing a post about her.

Why not wait until Honeybee_ would have replied to Piscina's Twitter message beore doing a post here?

Why instantly assume bad intentions?

@Vindicator @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

Piscina ago

I have been @ing HB for days on twitter. No response until yesterday with a rude ad hom attack. She has an attitude of 'us and them' which in itself is distutbing.

TrishaUK ago

Well said @think-

think- ago

Thanks, Trisha.

TrishaUK ago

OMGoodness, has anyone watched this talk for Pro-Paedophiles? Their agenda seems to make us 'normal people' feel bad if we exclude or judge them because they are 'born like that and cannot help it' - so sick of this push to normalise child abuse. They state Paedophilia is NOT the same as Child Abuse? ------- **TED Conference by Mirjam Heine (ff 6:20 mins) The Paedophile Agenda - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8p5ijTfdPM** (though this Pastor makes a lot of sense so whole video is worth watching) @Honeybee_ @think- @Vindicator @Podge512 @Carmencita

As of January 2018, over 2600 TED talks had been posted.[16] Every week 5-7 new talks are published. In January 2009, the then number of videos had been viewed 50 million times. In June 2011, the number of views totaled 500 million,[56] and on November 13, 2012, TED reached its billionth video view.[18] Chris Anderson in an interview in March 2012: A snippeT about TED is scary, so far as the amount of people they 'reach' spreading this crap.
It used to be 800 people getting together once a year; now it's about a million people a day watching TED Talks online. When we first put up a few of the talks as an experiment, we got such impassioned responses that we decided to flip the organization on its head and think of ourselves not so much as a conference but as "ideas worth spreading," building a big website around it. The conference is still the engine, but the website is the amplifier that takes the ideas to the world. - from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TED_(conference)

carmencita ago

I have read about the TED push pedo normalizing their sick agenda before. Only real dummies will believe it which is what worries me. We have far too many dummies now. Dunces.

Vindicator ago

@Piscina, this is quite the string of logical leaps you've threaded together here, coincidentally the very same day we are getting hit by an obvious forum sliding attack studded with attacks on other well known Pizzagate names. Let me summarize your "argument":

Thesis: @Honeybee_ is not to be trusted, the supposed child abuse activist is a pedo enabler. Evidence: Child abuse activist retweeted a meme urging people to "volunteer" to "help survivors thrive" by an organization that fights child abuse Claim ("Ark of Hope is a very shady organization that purports to be anti-child-trafficking but in reality does nothing except perhaps signal to other pedos that they are in the same business"): It's a fake organization that caters to pedos. Evidence: No direct evidence given that this organization is not helping kids.

This lack of evidence supporting your claim is neatly hidden under a string of side claims beginning with the organization's founder that implies he is not protecting kids ("Ark of Hope is a very shady organisation...Ark of Hope's founder is Blair Corbett...You will see that he has posted an article on a Dutch court legalising a 'child love' (aka pedophilia) group.") without supplying any actual direct links to specific evidence of this, just a general link to his bio. A look at the article in question makes it very clear Corbett is raising awareness about government enabled abuse by pedo groups:

"The Dutch government has removed their ban of an organization called MARTIJN that fights for their “right” to have sex with children of any age.” For years they, along with groups such as NAMBLA and PNVD have sought to normalize sexual attraction to young boys and girls internationally. Victimization of very young to teen boys and girls is happening behind closed doors around the world, all over the social networks and in your community. Whether as blatant as child trafficking, by a teacher at your child’s grade school or by a well hidden neighbor down the street, it is happening near you. The cancer of child victimization is growing and we have become too desensitized to it. I help survivors of all forms of child abuse on a daily basis."

The article you linked is actually evidence Ark of Hope/Corbett ARE doing something -- namely informing the public about pro-pedo government policies. Yet you act as if this link -- which you mention but did not provide -- supports your negative you are trying to prove.

Next Claim: Ark of Hope guy "affiliated" (whatever that means, you don't say) with another organization you say is doing nothing to fight pedos ("Ark of Hope is affiliated with Robert Strongbow - Notinmyworld https://notinmyworld.org/ http://archive.is/YyShD which calls itself a 'resource centre', although again it does nothing in reality.") Again, you give no evidence they "do nothing in reality." Instead you take us around Robinhood's barn which somehow strings Beau Biden to King Gustav of Sweden.

At this point, we have stumbled so far into the gravity well of confirmation bias, innuendo and logical fallacy you've created the connection to @Honeybee_ is...what again?

Come on.

Piscina ago

No, I am saying wtf is going on when a charity that has clear links to some Satanism shit is being promoted (and, yes, it's promoted if its retweeted to her 32,000 followers) by her.

You can say what you like about me, but anyone who goes back and looks over my threads will see that I have not prevaricated; I have not defended shady organisations; and I don't have a horse in the race. Perhaps HoneyBee didn't know about AOH dodgy links, but now she does and she's still defending. I don't get it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop being polite. You know exactly what is going on. Scrap that, you keep doing your thing your way. I will be blunt for all of us.

Honeybee_ ago

I only have 23,000, you are just full of disinfo...

Piscina ago

This is a perfect example of the way you interact with people. You attempt to discredit them when they ask a reasonable question. Newsflash: that makes YOU look bad, not anyone else. Why are you so hateful? Here you are accusing me of being full of disinfo because I made a mistake. You should admit you didn't look into Ark of Hope before you retweeted them. Otherwise the simple conclusion to draw is that you did, and you know that they're a BS charity. btw, their financial show that they collected no donations and spent NO money on any charity work.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Guess Miss Piggy can't manage her money.

letsdothis2 ago

32 and 23. Lol. This thread is a riot @ESOTERICshade think you'll get the joke here.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you Vin

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Don't forget to thank MF too.

Piscina ago

Wow, I am a long time poster here. I point out the following:

  1. I never accused HoneyBee of anything; I asked her to explain some issues. I did not draw a conclusion until her reply.
  2. I am a small nobody on the other side of the world. I am not seeking an audience; I'm not asking for money. I have been here from the get-go for the children, and I think my posts will attest to that.

  3. Despite all your claims, there is not one shred of evidence that points to ArkofHope is a charity.

  4. What happened to all the great detectives we had at the beginning of pizzagate. Now I see no one doing any critical thinking and a lot of ad hom attacks. What's happening?

  5. As I said, I had the utmost respect for HoneyBee, but I have to say that something is not right. Blind Freddie can see that ArkofHope is a BS charity and that it has links to Satanist BlackHorn33 with his MAKEITULTRA psychologist for vulnerable kids.

  6. Again, reputable charities will ALWAYS provide info on their websites about their outreach work and their objectives. But there is nothing on AOH or any of its connected 'charities'.

Vindicator ago

Despite all your claims, there is not one shred of evidence that points to ArkofHope is a charity.

How convenient. All my claims? I'm not the one making claims; you are. You are claiming it's fake and the burden of proof is on you to show evidence it is fake. You've given none.

I never accused HoneyBee of anything; I asked her to explain some issues. I did not draw a conclusion until her reply.

More dishonesty. Sixteen hours ago, you said in this very thread she was a shill: https://archive.fo/BZ3go. That was about eight hours before @Honeybee_ replied. You also attempted this hit piece on a fellow Voater without pinging her and got called out for it, another completely disingenuous tactic.

Now I see no one doing any critical thinking and a lot of ad hom attacks. What's happening?

Nice Alinsky move there. You post an entire thread that is an ad hom attack, one making numerous unsubstantiated claims that totally give the finger to the submission rules and you wonder what is happening. SMH.

You are running out of time to get your shit together in this thread.

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Piscina ago

You're shooting the messenger because you don't like the message, while other posters are doing the digging and can see exactly what I see. Sad that Voat has come to this :(

Vindicator ago

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Looks like Honeybee is being targeted by the disinfo crew.

Piscina ago

lol, I'm now a 'disinfo crew'.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are the disnfo crew, gatekeepers. You control this sub, not us. We don't want either of you shills. Why not leave?

Honeybee_ ago

Hey Pisscina, I reported NCMEC to FBI for not showing images of children when they reported them missing and also for blocking citizens, not sure why one day I was unblocked, maybe because I scared them. NCMEC is definitely a clearing house for CP and tracking assets, not sure what Ark of Hopes Connection to them is, just because they have stats and make reports to them like we all do, doesn't mean they work togther, maybe show some proof of your claims that AOH=Pedophilia

Piscina ago

THank you for your reply. I'm surprised you would say to post the claims, when there's plenty of information above and in the attachments to prove that something is not right.

First, as Ark of Hope is registered as a charity, can you please post its financials seeing as your are somewhat affiliated?

Second, can you provide evidence of ANY charity work that Ark of Hope does. I can find none. That information is very easily found if it's a real charity. As I said, Ark provides nothing on it's 'charity' activities. The only thing I can recall is a note from its founder, Blair Corbett, saying that he was closed down by the authorities for keeping kids in his basement. I will try to find that message and attach it.

As clearly shown above, Ark's ambassador is Robert Strongbow, whose notinmyworld features an owl. Strongbow goes by the name of Blackhorn33. Again, this is another fake charity.

You say you don't know what Ark of Hope's connection to NCMEC is, and yet YOU are the one retweeting Ark and Ark's website clearly provides a link to NCMEC.

You are being deliberately obtuse and that surprises me considering how on-point and sharp you were during the initial stages of your investigations. Something has changed. Your are now affiliated with NCMEC by a few degrees of separation.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You nailed it.

Honeybee_ ago

I'm not affiliated with anyone, and if you actually looked at Ark of Hope's website, you would see what they are doing, I don't demonize every non profit that tries to help kids. Ark of Hope provides live chatrooms with volunteers who also take calls and emails to listen to survivors stories, they also do major awareness campaigns through social media providing information, resources, and statistics, some statistics are from NCMEC, hell, sometimes I use them too, it's all we have unfortunately. They are not affiliated with NCMEC, did you even look at their affiliates? You are totally wrong about everything, everyone go to Ark Of Hope yourself and read EXACTLY what they do, your whole post is bs.

Piscina ago

Thank you for that info about the chat lines and their 990s. Your statement about my whole post being bs is unfortunate. I still don't understand why, after all your agitation and foot-stomping about mcmec, you would choose to endorse aoh and its ambassador, Strongbow aka Blackhorn33. I have noticed that since last year's post he has removed his referral to MAKEITULTRA.

notagame ago

Ark of Hope's founder is Blair Corbett. He also founded the Good Men Project: https://goodmenproject.com/author/blair-corbett/ You will see that he has posted an article on a Dutch court legalising a 'child love' (aka pedophilia) group. Blair talks about the 'battle for the hearts of oppressed children'.

So you're saying this claim is false? @Honeybee_ , you've danced around the subject, but this is a major point that seems to be substantiated,

And what about this. This is for @Vindicator also who seems to be making false claims of his own. Isn't the following an example of ''proof';?

Ark of Hope is affiliated with Robert Strongbow - Notinmyworld https://notinmyworld.org/ http://archive.is/YyShD which calls itself a 'resource centre', although again it does nothing in reality. Suspicious that he publishes articles on pedophile activity as a way of alerting pedophiles on what to watch out for or how to avoid being found out by authorities.

Strongbow talks about 'Our Circle' and his website features an owl. https://notinmyworld.org/about_our_world/our-circle/ Please read the comments: https://notinmyworld.org/ 'how did you like how I told the story, how we had to sacrifice somebody????' Click on another link and this is what you find:

… stared sourly at the corpse of the young blonde woman. Her tongue looking like grape flavored bubble gum stuffed in her mouth. Her eyes had rolled back in her head. ...The crown of her head was all soft and mushy from being banged against the wall – “banged” being the operative word. Disturbingly it was all post-mortem damage, including her badly broken neck

So @piscina provides proof with links and @Vindicator and @Honeybee_ dismiss it with what? Saying there is no proof?

If this is coming down to a RT not being in support of anyone, then that is what should be said, but it's kind of a weak defense. We've been relying on follows and RTs, etc. as a way of proving relationships, and most of these trails turn out to be accurate. So IF someone does RT something because it purports to be helping children, they should make that clear. It's difficult to remember every freakin' organization involved in this shit, so that would be the way to go.

Because that's not the way either of you went, I can only conclude this is another example of unfairness in getting rid of thread you don't like, and that's too damn bad. You're supposed to offer free speech, and refuting thing is fine, but not when you take advantage of your positions here and delete threads on the basis of conjecture and miscategorizing something as having ''no proof'' when it did offer ''proof by way of quotes and links''.

You're encouraged to disagree, but burying something isn't the way to go.

letsdothis2 ago

Because I'm a bit of an arithmetic and numerology nerd, I just want to point to the numbers in their address:

6501 Northeast 32nd Place, High Springs, FL, USA

6501 = 66, then there's that pesky 32.. just an observation.

Also, Google maps.... can't get a street view on that address..no time to look any further. Perhaps someone else will.

cc: @Piscina

Piscina ago

Thanks. I will have a bit more of a look tomorrow when I have more time.

Vindicator ago

First, as Ark of Hope is registered as a charity, can you please post its financials seeing as your are somewhat affiliated?

How does retweeting a positive message by someone on Twitter make anyone "somewhat affiliated"? That's just complete bullshit.

Also, just saying these guys are fake because you haven't seen X or Y doesn't make them fake. You need to provide linked evidence they are not divulging something required of organizations claiming similar status. Yet here you are, making a false claim Honeybee_ is "affiliated" and then requiring her to provide financials you say are required and missing (with no evidence). This is the logical equivalent of asking her "Are you still beating your children?" No matter how she responds, you've framed her. It's completely dishonest.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

We knew all the mods positions on this subject before any of you showed up. Why comment You continually hang yourselves.

Piscina ago

Vindicator, I would absolutely LOVE for Melissa to prove me wrong, but she hasn't. When she retweets AOF, she is in fact signalling that she approves of what they do. She has 30,000+ followers. If they are blindly following, which I imagine most are, they will immediately assume that AOH is legit, which at the moment is not the case. There is NOTHING on its website that is evidence of its legitimacy, but there are tonnes of red flags that it is a sham.

If you bothered to read my post, you would see that I have not 'claiming' anything. I am asking a question: why is HoneyBee retweeting AOH considering they're sketchy (and there's plenty of evidence that they are). She has not been able to answer me.

I am asking her to provide financials because, unlike a legit charity, there is nothing that I can find regarding the finances of AOH. Perhaps HoneyBee has access to information that the rest of us are not privy to, and I would love that to be the case. She has a fantastic opportunity here to clear the air and give us the facts. But instead I see her sidestepping and giving a very defensive answer. As I have said, I had a huge amount of respect for her, but this is as shady af.

Vindicator ago

I have not 'claiming' anything. I am asking a question: why is HoneyBee retweeting AOH considering they're sketchy (and there's plenty of evidence that they are).

"Considering they're sketchy" is a claim, and you have not provided any evidence of it. The very first thing I did was look to see if you had made any previous posts about Ark of Hope. I expected to see a solid thread providing all kinds of evidence about them. But all I found was the very same year-old thread you linked at the end of your post...which low and behold is a copypasta word for word of the vast majority of this thread...with all of the same problems. Circular argumentation. Repeating yourself is not evidence and doesn't meet the Rule 2 requirements of this subverse.

letsdothis2 ago

gaystapo ago

God bless you Mellisa. Supported your work from the beginning. I know you're the real deal.

auralsects ago


pilluminaatti ago

Strongbow talks about 'Our Circle' and his website features an owl. https://notinmyworld.org/about_our_world/our-circle/ Please read the comments: https://notinmyworld.org/ 'how did you like how I told the story, how we had to sacrifice somebody????' Click on another link and this is what you find:

… stared sourly at the corpse of the young blonde woman. Her tongue looking like grape flavored bubble gum stuffed in her mouth. Her eyes had rolled back in her head. ...The crown of her head was all soft and mushy from being banged against the wall – “banged” being the operative word. Disturbingly it was all post-mortem damage, including her badly broken neck

Nope there is no such text in the comments! Fake news! Could you please provide the link where it says that?


Strongbow's most recent post talks about a Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse funded by Darkness to Light. Darkness to Light is partnered with the Beau Biden Foundation http://www.d2l.org/about/partners/ and with Sweden's Queen Silvia's World Childhood Foundation.

Nope, Strongbows latest blog article is "NO PROTESTS FOR THESE TWO LITTLE BOYS????" and there is no mention about Darkness to Light. Please provide proof.


Yet, voat moderators claim me to be a shill! And fake shitpost like this get plenty of upvotes.

It's funny and everyone with half a brain should see who are the real shills.

ps. Peace out, stay vigilant and take care of yourselves ♥

Omnicopy ago

She’s a shill

Gothamgirl ago

I could be totally wrong, but I am just not seeing anything here at all that suggests pedophilia, have you asked Honeybee about any of this?

Cc1914 ago

You read everything and nothing looked shady ?

Gothamgirl ago

Well I said I could be wrong. I definitely am not the best researcher. The problem is this post isn't very clear and hard to follow and I have found a few contradictions in the opinions stated. Like this:

https://notinmyworld.org/ 'how did you like how I told the story, how we had to sacrifice somebody????'

(Where exactly is that comment I just can't find it?)

Click on another link and this is what you find:

(Where is this link?)

Piscina ago

I have noticed that the more incriminating comments have been deleted since last year.

think- ago

@Piscina, you can always try the waybackmachine at archive.org in order to find old versions of a website.

Cc1914 ago

Well your a good researcher I know that . Please see the info letsdothis2 has brought to the table . These organizations are sus .

Gothamgirl ago

I will look into the info by letsdothis2, and thank you.

Cc1914 ago

Ok I don’t know why this guy seems like all the rest . I nearly had an anxiety attack at the end of this “ testimony “ from AOH when he was asking for “ donations “ basically . The testimony was a letter he read from a child he helped break away from an abusive family . https://youtu.be/ltfs_XF8BCI I’m sorry , maybe I just don’t trust anyone claiming to help children who ask for money anymore . Non profits that claim to help children have always been suspicious to us . So now all of the sudden we are supposed to trust them? You see where I’m coming from ? At this point I’m more interested in checking out more details on AOH and all affiliates than I am about honeybee knowing they’re shady . I just have had the utmost respect for her and when I saw this post , I felt completely sideswiped !

Gothamgirl ago

"maybe I just don’t trust anyone claiming to help children who ask for money anymore"

I don't either we have learned some horrible things here haven't we? I will give it all a better look, and watch the video later, thank you.

Cc1914 ago

Thank you ! Yes we have !

letsdothis2 ago

I don't really like posting too much info on how some researchers can spot the operatives, scam artists and intelligence plants and websites as the info is used for better training and systems but AI systems will never beat human intuition and good old fashioned common sense so...

..After all the work we've done on this forum on ARK and ARC...LOL... AND Open Society's use of NLP meaningless trigger words like HOPE (Remember HOPE and CHANGE ?) How'd that work out for everyone ? But I digress...

ARK of HOPE 4 CHILDREN https://arkofhopeforchildren.org/mainpage

Silver star of transparency from GuideStar

LOL.. do I really need to re-post all the VOAT posts on GuideStar ??? Or can this 'research community' do that for themselves?

Note the sponsorship by KidGuard: https://imgur.com/a/aYSF4uN


KidGuard is a technology services company that provides information & tools for parents to keep their kids safe online.

The KidGuard Phone Monitoring service is a cell phone tracking software provided to parents to "spy" on their kids text messages, monitor gps location, track phone logs, chats, allowing the parent to stay on top of issues such as cyberbullying, online predators, teen depression, and other risks to their children arising from the internet.

Lol, okay then.. let's take a look..

SCAMGUARD™ | Kidguard.com has 22 complaints - https://www.scamguard.com/kidguardcom/

Company information: http://www.investing.businessweek.wallst.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapid=430055302

Address: 633 West 5th Street

LOL... I could do a whole post on the architects for that building but I'll leave that for others if they are really interested... http://www.spabusiness.com/detail.cfm?pagetype=detail&subject=news&codeID=316994

CEO: Lawrence Ng - https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=26362350&privcapId=317310458

Mr. Lawrence C. Ng serves as the Founder, Principal, and Chief Executive Officer at OnRamp Fund. Mr. Ng also serves as an Advisor at Compound and Metamorphic Ventures. He also serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Simply Bridal; Founder and Chief Executive Officer at KidGuard.com; and leads LNG Management. Prior to firm, Mr. Ng served as a Co-Founder at Oversee.net, Inc. since 2000, where he also served as the Chief Executive Officer until 2008 and the Chairman of the firm from 2008 to May 2015. Prior to that, he worked at Startpath.com; Merrill Lynch; and Smith Barney.

Oversee.Net, Inc., http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/shill_bids_for_domain_names_made_by_auction_co._exec_suit_alleges/

Shill bids for tens of thousands of domain names were secretly made by a former executive of the company that auctioned the domain names, a lawsuit alleges. An unidentified former vice-president of SnapNames.com, which is a subsidiary of Oversee.Net, Inc., manipulated the auction and drove up prices for domain name purchasers by making the shill bids, contends a lawsuit filed today in Miami-Dade Circuit Court by the Cueto law firm. Cueto is seeking class action status for the suit, reports a PR Newswirepress release.

Not going to look any further on the tracking app.. I know what I'll find...

Back to ARK of HOPE

Blair Corbett and wife Verna chose to use their own childhood experiences and faith to make a differencefor hurting children. In 1999 the Corbett's adopted five special needs children, to increase their totalnumber of children in their home to ten.

Sounds like anyone you know?

Anyhoo, googling ARK of CHILDREN for HOPE with the Agenda 2030/Lucis Trust trigger word 'transformation', google gives us : https://www.mightycause.com/organization/Arkofhope

RemovingChains.org is our global live chat survivor support website with 15 topically focused chat rooms for group or private help. We provide listening and mentoring for all ages of survivors through specialized text only chat rooms. 

Uh huh... https://www.removingchains.org/

Removing Chains support site, a nonprofit program arm of Ark of Hope for Children, is breaking the chains for those victimized as children by #HumanTrafficking, #ChildAbuse and #Bullying. Notice the common core/purpose language in there... people who are into public manipulation with psychological degrees give themselves away with all the usual trigger words and touchy feely jargon...

Throw in a 'blog' using a quote from JK Rowling...you can search for the voat posts on her too...

Look at the yearly sonsors..example, Briefcase Bash... If you want to see what a CIA website masquerading as a business looks like..just go have a look at that one... just sayin...

I could go on and on... But the lazy ass comments on here from people who should know better … you just show yourselves up... just sayin...

Piscina ago

Thank you. If I could I'd give you 20 upvotes.

Piscina ago

Thank you. Well said and some great research.

letsdothis2 ago

Thanks. More on KIDGUARD: https://twitter.com/CorpWatch/status/998706508446797824

How apps like mSpy, KidGuard and Spyzie offer stalkers a variety of capabilities, from basic location tracking to harvesting texts and even secretly recording video

https://buff. ly/2rYayEy - Hundreds of Apps Can Empower Stalkers to Track Their Victims



Gothamgirl ago

Kidguard.com has 22 complaints -

Because people sign up for the app for a $1 then get a bill for $34 dollars. Every complaint is that, like with so many apps today. Tracking apps are used by parents, spouses, employers and are actually very common. Pedo's probably do use them as well, those compliants don't reflect that, or anything close.

Cc1914 ago

LOL not shady at all ! 🙄

letsdothis2 ago

UN-CHAINED PROJECT https://unchainedproject.org/issues/child-trafficking-statistics

[note the DONATE buttons which are all over these wordpress pages of these 'websites'...lol]

TheDefenderFoundation.org Who exactly is the Defender Foundation?

https://sharedhope.org/ A Vancouver PO Box for yet another TRAFFICKING ORGANISATION....

Related voat post: Heifer International Own Lots of Ships and Is Tied to Clinton Foundation

If someone wantsta share the load, Im looking at their http://www.halftheskymovement.org/pages/other-organizations site

can see any classic pedo logos in the NGO's listed, so I'm homing in on these 'Sex trafficking' NGO partners ECPAT Polaris Project Shared Hope International

Link not working .. but the wayback machine is.. they are listed

Lots of connections with Clinton Foundation/Global Initiative

Cc1914 ago

Wow! Excellent job , thank you ! I guess @vindicater is right , nothing to see here !?!?

Piscina ago

Where are they getting their 'victims' from? Where are they sheltering these 'victims'? Where are the financials for this organisation? None appear on its website. Where does Ark talk about ANY of its charity work? I can find none.

As I said, it links to notinmyworld, who provides a link to a psychologist called 'MAKEITULTRA' …. No, not dodgy at all!!

letsdothis2 ago

Gothamgirl ago

Why would they ever state were victims come from, if their protecting them from harmful situations ?

They very well could be sheltering these victims, in the 8 bedroom house they own.

6501 NE 32nd Pl, High Springs, FL 32643

Financials I believe is here, but I can not download a pdf at the moment.

Tax id 59-3585457


If they are sheltering and lodging victims to protect them from dangerous situations wouldn't they keep it out of the public eye?

A link to another link, with a couple of words that includes ultra?

Sorry it seems none of this has made any sense, to me at this point.

letsdothis2 ago

'notinmyworld' website is full of NLP-speak. Going to take a closer look. You're absolutely right to flag this.

Piscina ago

I know!! It's full of red flags.

letsdothis2 ago

Loving the down voat..Lol..their contact page, white rabbits?? Lol https://notinmyworld.org/contact-us/

think- ago

....and the owl at the top of the page is just a.....coincidence.... ;-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

And you not calling out the other mods is just a....coincidence.......:)

Cc1914 ago

Oh those rabbits aren’t creepy !?

letsdothis2 ago

Nah, nothing to see here...

think- ago

They changed the pic today, now they show a pair of eagles with a chick. Weird. I guess they read our comments....lol.


letsdothis2 ago

Yes, a few things have been scrubbed. But this is just laughable at this point. I need to get back to something more serious. I'm out.... :-)

think- ago

Hmm....at least they seem to know why a pic of White Rabbits is suspicious.....lol.


Cc1914 ago

Everything about those people gives me the creeps . I went to their FB and seriously, the pics of them and all their adopted kids , some were disabled , it all just sent me a bad vibe . They are totally pushing the whole “ main stream Christianity “ theme that goes along with being that “ special “ couple that will fool many behind the guise of “ Jesus “ and get to adopt as many kids as they want because hey , they have been abused as kids too and since statistics show that a very large number of abused turn into abusers themselves then let’s find as many victims to adopt more victims to continue this degenerative cycle !

Piscina ago

I agree!! Then why can't such a great researcher like Honey Bee see it?

Cc1914 ago

I’m wondering the same thing here ? It bothers me that you never got a reply on twitter ? It bothers me that they say you provided no evidence . Oh and the chastising is very unsettling. I don’t feel you were targeting HB . If I saw that tweet as you did , and I remembered that over a year ago I did research on said shady organization, I would have said what is this all about too !

Honeybee_ ago

I did reply on twitter, again, lies

Cc1914 ago

Oh then I’m mistaken. I didn’t see if or when you did reply . So have you had a chance to check out AOH and friends ? Still doesn’t look a bit shady ?

Cc1914 ago

Haha ! Wow

Cc1914 ago

Here’s “Blair” giving his testimony as to why he helps children .. https://youtu.be/ltfs_XF8BCI

pilluminaatti ago

Me neither, thought I didn't read all the articles.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

arkofhopeforchildren - https://archive.fo/4NJ3a

goodmenproject - https://archive.fo/hCpfQ

notinmyworld - https://archive.fo/RGlL8 and https://archive.fo/z3OUS

d21 - https://archive.fo/nb5sz

darkpolitricks - https://archive.fo/rIwPk - https://web.archive.org/web/20180802181551/https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rMhnG_Vux80J:www.darkpolitricks.com/2014/01/hot-sex-in-sweden/+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au

think- ago

Thank you for the great work you're doing! :-) :-)

LoveableSatan ago

@atko Atko the majority of people on this forum think the mods are pedos, can we replace them by a "voat"? The Pizzagate Mods forum is obviously also compromised so would be a redundant avenue to pursue. Atko can you help us?

@piscina @DeathToMasonsASAP @notagame @Criticalthinker615 @Cc1914

Shizy ago

You've been here less than an hour? Yes, by all means, tell everyone what the majority of users here think shill!

LoveableSatan ago

@piscina @DeathToMasonsASAP @notagame @Criticalthinker615

@atko We further have reason to believe the Mods are Mossad and your corporation in uncovering potential war crimes https://www.aclu.org/blog/free-speech/military-may-be-engaged-illegal-psychological-operations-and-propaganda-against-us

Psychological warfare perpetrated upon an apparently free citizenry undermines the rule of law and decency and violates the Geneva Convention as well as Federal and State laws. Please keep this in mind as you reach your decision regarding the Mods.

notagame ago

I hear you and I'd pretty much believe anything about them.

Pizzalawyer ago

Maybe she didnt do her homework on this one. Dont crucify her without giving her chance to explain. Her work up till now as been beyond reproach.

LoveableSatan ago

Hiya Stratfor.

Still overweight I see.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Holy shit, all of these loaded names are triggering me something fierce.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Honeybee is one of the pedo protecting mods here, so you should have known this thread was going to get a warning. That was automatic. Honeybee tells people the FBI is legit, get evidence to them, and offers FBI criminal complaint forms. Honeybee has been called out for profiting from PG, and trying to be a personality. I don't understand why those who are supposedly red pilled get caught up with these suddenly appearing personalities that coax you to follow them and praise them. There is nothing I like or repect about that disingenuous opportunistic individual. I put here in the company of PizzagateGear, Seaman, Titus Frost and the rest of the online beggars and scammers.

kazza64 ago

you can just leave honeybee the fuck alone

LoveableSatan ago

Eat shit you deranged cow

Piscina ago

I have always respected HoneyBee. That's why I'm shocked that she's promoting this organisation. Your language and lack of critical thinking says more about you than it does about anyone else. And you do HoneyBee no favours whatsoever with your ignorant comment.

kazza64 ago

you can get fucked too

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Hello Melissa, you are fat and ugly no matter how you color your hair and what angle you hold your face in the glamor pose photos that you post online...for PG?..Bitch.

PollyPeterson ago

@kazza64 She's a made up character. remember she had a baby in her image on voat in the midst of a pedo investigation? Yeah that's how pedos signal to each other.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Awww, still have idols that should be off limits? Cherry not popped yet?

kazza64 ago

get fucked

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

By that pink pig? No thanks. She is a mess.

PollyPeterson ago

Heard of the OTO cunt?

Shizy ago

Fuck you and your stupid butt fucking cult!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Lose weight Melissa.


There are gullible people who take everyone at face value - this is the target audience for the front organizations of children's organs harvesters. They're the kind of people who if told there's candy in the van, they get in the van. Doesn't make them shills.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So she is a dope that all of the sudden cannot research anymore? So when we show her, she will denounce them? Can't wait, get her in here.

Piscina ago

I didn't say they were shills. I am asking for an explanation, especially now that they will be made aware of the facts.

PollyPeterson ago

It's the same reason they are filtering posts they don't like.

Shizy ago

No, it's just you lame ass shills are so easy to spot and too stupid to do a better job😂🖕🏻

EricKaliberhall ago

Fuck you... Shill.

rarepeeks ago

Fuck you... Shill.

naaaa, fuck YOU zionist shill bag.

EricKaliberhall ago

Fuck you.... Shill

notagame ago

Great catch.

Very disturbing info, but a lot of very big names are exposing themselves. Either people are going to wake the hell up or just go along for a trip that is in the opposite direction of the truth.

UndeniableForce ago

Remember Bill Hicks made a joke about dating 12 year old girls in the waco video?

Apparently waco had underground tunnels.

notagame ago

David Koresh was rumored to be sexually abusing minors.

He really does resemble Keith Raniere. Think they're working on prototypes in creating these cult leaders. I guess my question now is whether the compound was destroyed because of sex trafficking. Was Koresh farming out these children to polticians, etc.? I haven't heard that brought up, but knowing what we do now, might be good to explore and either prove and disprove whether that was involved.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Not just politicians, but to Military, too. The kids were also subject to SRA abuse and studies were being performed on the effects of sexual abuse and how it could be weaponized. Fort Hood was used as a staging area during the siege. No coincidence, because Fort Hood is the location where most of the children were abused. The entire Waco incident was a witness elimination mission. Were children abused at the compound? Maybe. But it's much more likely that the children were leased out to the military and the Branch Davidians were financed by Uncle Sam. When the children began to tell their parents, that is when the program was cleaned.

notagame ago

Yes, I'm thinking along those lines. It was the early prototype of what they're doing now. Only NXIVM was more sophisticated in terms of getting these sex slaves in positions of power. Probably, Playboy and Hefner previously held that role.

Cc1914 ago


UndeniableForce ago

2.16 of this video Bill makes pedo joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K1yDTje5KA

"Alex Jones and his affiliates of Inforwars and PrisonPlanet have likely been gathering intelligence, data and information on patriotic Americans since 1996, coincidently the exact same year that STRATFOR was founded."

"Alex Jones and his affiliates of Inforwars and PrisonPlanet have likely been gathering intelligence, data and information on patriotic Americans since 1996, coincidently the exact same year that STRATFOR was founded."

Piscina ago

Ark of Hope is advertising that they are supported by Tracy Beanz, Hagmann Report and others: https://twitter.com/AbusedKids wtf is going on?? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!

risewithoutfear ago

If you're referring to the pinned tweet, it's not the video of Ark of Hope. It's a video made by No Restrictions Entertainment, and the trio listed, of which Ark of Hope supported the creation of.


Piscina ago

I am talking about the fact that:

  1. Honey Bee Melissa is retweeting Ark of Hope in clear support (29 July);

  2. Ark of Hope's pinned tweet may be for a movie, but they are clearly associating themselves with: (a) Tracy Beanz; (b) Hagmann Report; (c) Asian American Hotel Owners Association; (d) SGT Report

thereby implying that they are supported by the above people and organisations.

Cc1914 ago

Excellent job pointing this out ! The way their names are presented , makes them look like sponsors themselves . 🙄

think- ago

Hi @Piscina, could you please edit your post and add a link to Honeybee_'s tweet of July 29?

Also, could you explain in a sentence or two in which way Tracy Beanz and the Hagman Report support Ark of Hope or Ark of Hope supported the creation of the video, and who did it?

Thank you! :-)

I will give you our 24 hours Grace flair, so that you'll have time to edit, per Rule 2 (Empiricism).

Vindicator ago

OP is making numerous claims he's linked no evidence of, and when I challenged him on them, he made no edits. Instead, he repeated his claims. His argument consists of saying there is no evidence this is not a fake charity, but not actually providing any evidence that it is illegitimate.

He claims to be just asking questions to give Honeybee_ a chance to explain (without ever actually proving anything NEEDS to be explained), but then when she replies and points out that he completely mischaracterized a post on the charity web page, he deepens the attack.

Not that he didn't make his intentions clear at the very beginning.

If he doesn't provide the evidence for all of his claims within 24 hours of your flair, this needs to be reflaired Potential Disinfo and pulled for Rule 2.

Crensch ago

He claims to be just asking questions to give Honeybee_ a chance to explain

No reason to really explain any more than that.

@Piscina, I suggest you take the rules and the mods seriously here, because if you choose not to, you'd better hope your posts and arguments are airtight. If they're not, I'll dismantle you and everything you've posted here in a way that makes you regret making your account.

I trust my mods to ping me when necessary, but I do not like being pinged.

Since I'm feeling EXTREMELY charitable right now, I'll give you a small dose of what you'll find in response to far more of your content than you would ever imagine.

You wrote:

Despite all your claims, there is not one shred of evidence that points to ArkofHope is a charity.

It is NOT on ANYONE ELSE to prove that ArkofHope is a charity. It is on YOU to prove that it is NOT. YOU are the one making the claim, and attempting to push the burden of proof onto someone else to prove the opposite is dishonest and shows AT BEST a level of stupidity that suggests you can't actually help anyone here, and at worst, that you're a disinfo shill.

This is me being extremely nice. Now get your shit together and stop causing a headache for my mods.

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Honeybee_

Vindicator ago

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Knew you would be here at light speed to give a warning, all the while promoting "Q watch", instead of labeling it "possible disinfo". You pedo mods need to be swept out for good.

think- ago

....says the guy who recently stated that Tony Podesta's collection of cp pics are 'tasteful nudes'.

letsdothis2 ago

Piscina ago

I'm reserving my judgement for the time being. I'd like to hear an explanation though. HoneyBee has not responded to me on twitter. I have also tweeted Tracy Beanz and Hagmann Report, neither of whom have as yet responded (but I tweeted them only an hour ago).

TrishaUK ago

I'll ask Honeybee on Patreon I support her there and believe she is LEGIT and 100% for the children and EXPOSING the PEDOS. Please don't attack our own. We are not DemonRats - remember they want us divided. @Honeybee_

Honeybee_ ago

Trisha, again, thank you ♡

Piscina ago

I always supported you until you personally attacked me for asking a reasonable question.

Honeybee_ ago

You attacked first. Deal with it or don't be a jackass

Honeybee_ ago

Trisha, the trolling here is baseless, I am getting attacked from all sides because people want clicks and glory for a breaking story. They once called me a satanic Jew on voat!

TrishaUK ago

True voaters know you are the genuine real deal and will have your back. Best solution is to reply once then ignore. Trolls just like to steal you time from the real work you are doing. It is SO important what you do.......just continue being the lovely you that you are! Q. If He ☝🏻 is for us who can be against us? A. No one 🙏

Piscina ago

I have been trying. I will try again.

think- ago

Thanks, @Piscina. You can use the image of the retweet @letsdothis just posted.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Do your job and stop putting in question legit threads. If you must label everything to control the spin, go label Q threads, "posiible larp disinfo". Or, "unverified anonymous hearsay". Resign, take Vindicator with you. Leave AreWeShill, I'll handle that one.

think- ago

Ah, here's the guy who recently said Tony Podesta's collection of cp pics are 'tasteful nudes'. :-)

Piscina ago

No, it's fair enough. I have now provided the screenshots to prove my statements.

EricKaliberhall ago

Maybe you should ping @Honeybee_... You know, let her in on the conversation...

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I would love love love to get her in here. Lmao, got your FBI criminal complaint forms?

Piscina ago

Thank you. I knew she was on here somewhere. @honeybee_ please come and explain why you're supporting this org.

Judgejewdy ago

Always felt like she was a shill.

gaystapo ago


MollyPeterson ago

Then does this mean the entirety of the mods are compromised?

Shizy ago

Yes and you should run away immediately Molly! Don't come back! It's too scary here!!!

TheTuringTest ago

Saving up for more plastic surgery Laura?

Stay in the half shadow.

Shizy ago

Things really went downhill when they started letting the mental patients have access to the internet.

Shizy ago

well since you can't accurately identify me you have just confirmed that you suck at shilling! Go get a real job faggot!

Cc1914 ago


risewithoutfear ago

Can you please post links of proof that she's sharing this? I searched her twitter for 'ark of hope' and just 'ark' but nadda.

Just to clarify, I'm not calling you a liar. Just can't find it on her twitter.

Piscina ago

She has retweeted them on 29 July 2018: https://twitter.com/AbusedKids/status/1023703237751259137

letsdothis2 ago

pilluminaatti ago

Thats not a proof, please provide link to that tweet. Anyone can photoshop a picture like above.

Cc1914 ago

Wow smh ! Why not ask her right on twitter ?! Ask her why she’s endorsing them ! I want to know @honeybee ?! Also what did you do with the list of names you collected as to the people who were banned from twitter ? WE are still banned ! Your not though ...🤔

Vindicator ago

Wrong username, Cc1914. Melissa's Voat account is @Honeybee_.

Cc1914 ago

The question was for Melissa . In 2016 she had everyone who was banned for tweeting to NCEMC put on a list . I was under the impression she was going to do something with that and maybe get us unbanned? I just want to know what the purpose was? She is active on twitter and never helped us get our accounts back . Just wonder why ?

Piscina ago

It was Melissa who was one of the first to go after and investigate NCMEC. It clearly states on Ark of Hope's website that they are associated with NCMEC. Doesn't make sense that she would now be associated with an organisation linking itself to NCMEC

Vindicator ago

@Cc1914, Piscina here is the one "associating" Melissa with NCMEC and Ark of Hope. You are commenting on his thread...did you actually read his linked "evidence"? What if he uses another account in six months to attack you for "associating" with Piscina who he claims you are affiliated with? This thread is loaded to the gills with shill tactics all designed to smear with nothing more than innuendo. Now you are thinking she has something to do with your account getting banned from Twitter??? After all the hell we've been through with disinfo pushers on v/pizzagate, the inability to discern it is astounding.

Cc1914 ago

Did I actually read the linked evidence? YES ! Did you ? If you can honestly say this place and all who are connected aren’t shady then , I’m in complete shock ! After all we’ve learned about how to spot these places .. smh

Piscina ago

Thank you. Interesting that I'm being labelled a 'shill' for pointing out the glaringly obvious.

Cc1914 ago

Your welcome . It is glaringly obvious!

Cc1914 ago

Whoa ! I didn’t say she had something to do with my twitter being banned wow! I wanted to know what she was planning to do with that list? I didn’t start this thing but really ? Ark of hope isn’t shady at all ? https://imgur.com/a/3E8owop

letsdothis2 ago

It was Melissa who was one of the first to go after and investigate NCMEC.

I think it was Voat that was doing a lot of work around that first.

TrishaUK ago

It was because of Melissa Honeybee and David Seaman that I even heard of pizzagate. I watched every one of her videos, she is a die hard reporter of child abuse/trafficking and exposing the peods. I don't know whats going on but how can people turn on her in a second? I am shocked. Let her explain, if she has not replied yet she is obviously busy. She has NOT turned away from her initial goal, I don't believe all the things people are saying until we hear from her. C'mon guys.

Piscina ago

I've not turned on her. I asked a reasonable question. Now all the mods are here calling me a shill.

Vindicator ago

She has replied...re-read the whole comment stream. The OP used her reply to try to discredit her even more, all while claiming good faith.

letsdothis2 ago

It was because of Melissa Honeybee and David Seaman that I even heard of pizzagate.

I understand that is the case for a lot of people. I was looking into pizzagate before those two so my experience and perspective are a bit different. I agree that both Melissa and Seaman have brought attention to the pizzagate issue through their open online presence and there is much value in that, which I recognize. But I am a different type of researcher and one of the functions (I believe) of people like me is to draw attention to something if it does not look or feel right. I have some experience of the 'games people play' in the online research community. We don't always get it right, it's not fun to be critical of someone else, especially if they are putting themselves 'out there' but sometimes critics perform a needed levelling function. There's much more I could say on this particular issue but I won't because I don't enjoy being part of any discord. Piscina's post though is a valuable one as we all need 'quality checks' occasionally.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You really never heard of controlling the opposition? you really need that explained? That in itself is suspicious.

Piscina ago

Yes, I'm beginning to suspect that she's been bought and paid for.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly why I’m so curious to find out what her plans were for that list . My account was 10 years old and it was for work only . Pizzagate broke out and I used it to red pill over 500 clients . The people who followed me were business related and I lost all of them and was told they would not reinstate my account ! They gave me NO reason ! That’s just what they decided to do after tweeting to Laura Silsby .

Piscina ago

I HAVE asked her on twitter. Yesterday and today repeatedly. She didn't respond, although Ark did with a snide comment.

I have no idea to whom your question about twitter bans is directed.

Cc1914 ago

Where is the snide comment AOH made?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Do not follow pied pipers from this point forward. PizzagateGear

risewithoutfear ago

Okay. In my trawling of Google search engine, Ark of Hope has supported THEM, not the other way around. It's possible they are sharing the support back, without realizing what you've unearthed? I mean I really hope that's the case. I'd hate to think we were being dragged around by fake people.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'd hate to think we were being dragged around by fake people.

Tracy Beanz is a fraud. She knew that Pamphlet from CBTS Patriot Stream was larping as Q and scamming people out of their money. When she got called out she said "I didn't think it was responsibility to tell people who Q is."

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

But you are always being dragged around by fake people. Because you get behind internet heroes. That individual is the happiest person I have ever seen talking about PG, besides that other pig Simply whatever her names is and her fake delicate act. Tell me, what has HoneyBee revealed?

Piscina ago

No, Melissa is retweeting Ark of Hope--as I said, on 29th of July.

I have had the utmost respect for Melissa, but she's either been paid off or she's been duped. I hope she responds here or on twitter.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yes, a shill or a dope. I think that is fair. You lean towards dope, I lean towards controlled op from day one.

Fateswebb ago

Probably just didn't know. She takes this very seriously. No way she has been bought out.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yeah man, No way!, she is the best!, a real deal, and a beauty!, a fat pig with colored hair and a bloated face in reality picks, but she is beyond reproach.

Fateswebb ago

I'm confused now. You like her or not lol. I mean she is cute and sweet... Sure she isn't a supermodel, but still her sweetness makes up for all that I think.

MollyPeterson ago

@Piscina She's mossad, since George Webb is here defending her.

Well guess what, I'm fucking SATAN

UndeniableForce ago

Hail Satan

Cc1914 ago

She didn’t know ? Your talking about the research queen here ! She “ vets “ everything ! I hope she has a good explanation because I really thought HB was good 😔

TrishaUK ago

She will have a good explanation.