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letsdothis2 ago

The Earth Charter and the Ark of Hope

In the late 1990's, a document called the "Earth Charter" was drafted by a group of prominent Humanist-Socialists including:

Steven Rockefeller, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev

In place of the simple elegance of the rules for self-government and social stability expressed above, the Earth Charter calls for the imposition of a global tyranny over every aspect of human activity which becomes evident once you strip away the rhetorical devices and eco-socialist jargon.

The Earth Charter was inscribed on papyrus paper and enshrined in a wooden box called the "Ark of Hope" which was decorated with neo-pagan, politically correct artwork and paraded around the world by a troupe of believers. According to the official description, the carrying poles for the Ark are "unicorn horns" which ward off evil spirits (I'm not making this up, see for yourself).

I guess this video is dealing with the same connections (I haven't watched it yet, no time ..)

AGENDA 21: The Earth Charter, The Ark of Hope and the New World Order

letsdothis2 ago

@Piscina, the Earth Charter needs to be looked into. It leads back to the UN Sustainability Agenda, the Lucis Trust and a number of dodgy characters and the Hampstead case. (No wonder you're getting such push back, I can't believe the scale of this thing. No time today to explain further about that .) Quick rundown re Hampstead:

I'll start with PETER FERRIS (Ricky Dearman's agent) who is connected to the UN, the Tony and Cherie Blair and the Clintons - voat posts:

London's magic circle, the Hampstead case, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and the Clinton Foundation -

Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead -

His website:

And his Ferris TV (with an Inner Sanctum and Outer Sanctum)

On his website homepage notice the link to the 'Ring of Peace' :

Ring of Peace is a not-for-profit organisation promoting peace through fun and creative ... by the incredible Robin Dunseath with Peter Ferris as the Co-Founder.

The Ring is an annual event that we hold on the UN International Day of Peace..

Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” calls for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations and the Libra Full Moon by the Lucis Trust -

A significant event in the heavens occurred during the period of the Sustainable Development Summit at UN Headquarters in New York. The full moon (with the sun in Libra) was late in the evening of Sunday, the final day of the Summit. And it was not just any full moon – popularly called a ‘Supermoon’ the moon was especially close to earth so it appeared much larger in the night sky than usual. And there was a full lunar eclipse producing a red effect on the moon.

From the ageless wisdom perspective humanity is in process of shifting from a culture characterised by Pisces – a culture of separation and devotion to an ideal – towards a culture characterised by Aquarius with keynotes of wholeness and sharing.

that began on Friday with the extraordinary energy that flowed into the General Assembly Hall during the Pope’s visit.

International Day of Peace -

[Just look at all the talk about peace when their 'peace' soldiers are raping women and children in war zones around the world. It alllooks increasingly cult-like.]

Earth Charter -

The final text of the Earth Charter was approved at a meeting of the Earth Charter Commission at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in March 2000. The official launch was on 29 June 2000 in a ceremony at The Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the ceremony.

think- ago

Agree that the Earth Charter should be looked into, but wasn't that a different Ark of Hope? Would be interesting to find out whether they named themselves after the UN Ark of Hope though.

letsdothis2 ago


From the Ark of Hope for Children website:

Ark of Hope for Children is empowering advocates and donors to bring care and awareness to those victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse and bullying. Ark of Hope is a human rights umbrella organization using a trauma informed approach to serve survivors through our various programs.

Read rest of link.

think- ago


letsdothis2 ago

Note that the wording in the paragraph does not definitively tie them in but strongly implies. That's called PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY in the trade .. It's becoming really amusing dealing with and observing these idiots, no uhm cultists, people. wink wink

Cc1914 ago

I found this last night but when I clicked on that tweet I couldn’t find it . It showed up in a google search

Piscina ago

omg. thank you. I had seen (but have been unable to find it again) a comment by Blair Corbett, the founder of Ark of Hope, saying that the authorities had shut him down after they found kids in his basement.