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Vindicator ago

@Piscina, this is quite the string of logical leaps you've threaded together here, coincidentally the very same day we are getting hit by an obvious forum sliding attack studded with attacks on other well known Pizzagate names. Let me summarize your "argument":

Thesis: @Honeybee_ is not to be trusted, the supposed child abuse activist is a pedo enabler. Evidence: Child abuse activist retweeted a meme urging people to "volunteer" to "help survivors thrive" by an organization that fights child abuse Claim ("Ark of Hope is a very shady organization that purports to be anti-child-trafficking but in reality does nothing except perhaps signal to other pedos that they are in the same business"): It's a fake organization that caters to pedos. Evidence: No direct evidence given that this organization is not helping kids.

This lack of evidence supporting your claim is neatly hidden under a string of side claims beginning with the organization's founder that implies he is not protecting kids ("Ark of Hope is a very shady organisation...Ark of Hope's founder is Blair Corbett...You will see that he has posted an article on a Dutch court legalising a 'child love' (aka pedophilia) group.") without supplying any actual direct links to specific evidence of this, just a general link to his bio. A look at the article in question makes it very clear Corbett is raising awareness about government enabled abuse by pedo groups:

"The Dutch government has removed their ban of an organization called MARTIJN that fights for their “right” to have sex with children of any age.” For years they, along with groups such as NAMBLA and PNVD have sought to normalize sexual attraction to young boys and girls internationally. Victimization of very young to teen boys and girls is happening behind closed doors around the world, all over the social networks and in your community. Whether as blatant as child trafficking, by a teacher at your child’s grade school or by a well hidden neighbor down the street, it is happening near you. The cancer of child victimization is growing and we have become too desensitized to it. I help survivors of all forms of child abuse on a daily basis."

The article you linked is actually evidence Ark of Hope/Corbett ARE doing something -- namely informing the public about pro-pedo government policies. Yet you act as if this link -- which you mention but did not provide -- supports your negative you are trying to prove.

Next Claim: Ark of Hope guy "affiliated" (whatever that means, you don't say) with another organization you say is doing nothing to fight pedos ("Ark of Hope is affiliated with Robert Strongbow - Notinmyworld which calls itself a 'resource centre', although again it does nothing in reality.") Again, you give no evidence they "do nothing in reality." Instead you take us around Robinhood's barn which somehow strings Beau Biden to King Gustav of Sweden.

At this point, we have stumbled so far into the gravity well of confirmation bias, innuendo and logical fallacy you've created the connection to @Honeybee_ is...what again?

Come on.

Piscina ago

No, I am saying wtf is going on when a charity that has clear links to some Satanism shit is being promoted (and, yes, it's promoted if its retweeted to her 32,000 followers) by her.

You can say what you like about me, but anyone who goes back and looks over my threads will see that I have not prevaricated; I have not defended shady organisations; and I don't have a horse in the race. Perhaps HoneyBee didn't know about AOH dodgy links, but now she does and she's still defending. I don't get it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop being polite. You know exactly what is going on. Scrap that, you keep doing your thing your way. I will be blunt for all of us.

Honeybee_ ago

I only have 23,000, you are just full of disinfo...

Piscina ago

This is a perfect example of the way you interact with people. You attempt to discredit them when they ask a reasonable question. Newsflash: that makes YOU look bad, not anyone else. Why are you so hateful? Here you are accusing me of being full of disinfo because I made a mistake. You should admit you didn't look into Ark of Hope before you retweeted them. Otherwise the simple conclusion to draw is that you did, and you know that they're a BS charity. btw, their financial show that they collected no donations and spent NO money on any charity work.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Guess Miss Piggy can't manage her money.

letsdothis2 ago

32 and 23. Lol. This thread is a riot @ESOTERICshade think you'll get the joke here.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you Vin

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Don't forget to thank MF too.

Piscina ago

Wow, I am a long time poster here. I point out the following:

  1. I never accused HoneyBee of anything; I asked her to explain some issues. I did not draw a conclusion until her reply.
  2. I am a small nobody on the other side of the world. I am not seeking an audience; I'm not asking for money. I have been here from the get-go for the children, and I think my posts will attest to that.

  3. Despite all your claims, there is not one shred of evidence that points to ArkofHope is a charity.

  4. What happened to all the great detectives we had at the beginning of pizzagate. Now I see no one doing any critical thinking and a lot of ad hom attacks. What's happening?

  5. As I said, I had the utmost respect for HoneyBee, but I have to say that something is not right. Blind Freddie can see that ArkofHope is a BS charity and that it has links to Satanist BlackHorn33 with his MAKEITULTRA psychologist for vulnerable kids.

  6. Again, reputable charities will ALWAYS provide info on their websites about their outreach work and their objectives. But there is nothing on AOH or any of its connected 'charities'.

Vindicator ago

Despite all your claims, there is not one shred of evidence that points to ArkofHope is a charity.

How convenient. All my claims? I'm not the one making claims; you are. You are claiming it's fake and the burden of proof is on you to show evidence it is fake. You've given none.

I never accused HoneyBee of anything; I asked her to explain some issues. I did not draw a conclusion until her reply.

More dishonesty. Sixteen hours ago, you said in this very thread she was a shill: That was about eight hours before @Honeybee_ replied. You also attempted this hit piece on a fellow Voater without pinging her and got called out for it, another completely disingenuous tactic.

Now I see no one doing any critical thinking and a lot of ad hom attacks. What's happening?

Nice Alinsky move there. You post an entire thread that is an ad hom attack, one making numerous unsubstantiated claims that totally give the finger to the submission rules and you wonder what is happening. SMH.

You are running out of time to get your shit together in this thread.

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Piscina ago

You're shooting the messenger because you don't like the message, while other posters are doing the digging and can see exactly what I see. Sad that Voat has come to this :(

Vindicator ago

@think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Looks like Honeybee is being targeted by the disinfo crew.

Piscina ago

lol, I'm now a 'disinfo crew'.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You are the disnfo crew, gatekeepers. You control this sub, not us. We don't want either of you shills. Why not leave?