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Honeybee_ ago

Hey Pisscina, I reported NCMEC to FBI for not showing images of children when they reported them missing and also for blocking citizens, not sure why one day I was unblocked, maybe because I scared them. NCMEC is definitely a clearing house for CP and tracking assets, not sure what Ark of Hopes Connection to them is, just because they have stats and make reports to them like we all do, doesn't mean they work togther, maybe show some proof of your claims that AOH=Pedophilia

Piscina ago

THank you for your reply. I'm surprised you would say to post the claims, when there's plenty of information above and in the attachments to prove that something is not right.

First, as Ark of Hope is registered as a charity, can you please post its financials seeing as your are somewhat affiliated?

Second, can you provide evidence of ANY charity work that Ark of Hope does. I can find none. That information is very easily found if it's a real charity. As I said, Ark provides nothing on it's 'charity' activities. The only thing I can recall is a note from its founder, Blair Corbett, saying that he was closed down by the authorities for keeping kids in his basement. I will try to find that message and attach it.

As clearly shown above, Ark's ambassador is Robert Strongbow, whose notinmyworld features an owl. Strongbow goes by the name of Blackhorn33. Again, this is another fake charity.

You say you don't know what Ark of Hope's connection to NCMEC is, and yet YOU are the one retweeting Ark and Ark's website clearly provides a link to NCMEC.

You are being deliberately obtuse and that surprises me considering how on-point and sharp you were during the initial stages of your investigations. Something has changed. Your are now affiliated with NCMEC by a few degrees of separation.

Vindicator ago

First, as Ark of Hope is registered as a charity, can you please post its financials seeing as your are somewhat affiliated?

How does retweeting a positive message by someone on Twitter make anyone "somewhat affiliated"? That's just complete bullshit.

Also, just saying these guys are fake because you haven't seen X or Y doesn't make them fake. You need to provide linked evidence they are not divulging something required of organizations claiming similar status. Yet here you are, making a false claim Honeybee_ is "affiliated" and then requiring her to provide financials you say are required and missing (with no evidence). This is the logical equivalent of asking her "Are you still beating your children?" No matter how she responds, you've framed her. It's completely dishonest.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

We knew all the mods positions on this subject before any of you showed up. Why comment You continually hang yourselves.

Piscina ago

Vindicator, I would absolutely LOVE for Melissa to prove me wrong, but she hasn't. When she retweets AOF, she is in fact signalling that she approves of what they do. She has 30,000+ followers. If they are blindly following, which I imagine most are, they will immediately assume that AOH is legit, which at the moment is not the case. There is NOTHING on its website that is evidence of its legitimacy, but there are tonnes of red flags that it is a sham.

If you bothered to read my post, you would see that I have not 'claiming' anything. I am asking a question: why is HoneyBee retweeting AOH considering they're sketchy (and there's plenty of evidence that they are). She has not been able to answer me.

I am asking her to provide financials because, unlike a legit charity, there is nothing that I can find regarding the finances of AOH. Perhaps HoneyBee has access to information that the rest of us are not privy to, and I would love that to be the case. She has a fantastic opportunity here to clear the air and give us the facts. But instead I see her sidestepping and giving a very defensive answer. As I have said, I had a huge amount of respect for her, but this is as shady af.

Vindicator ago

I have not 'claiming' anything. I am asking a question: why is HoneyBee retweeting AOH considering they're sketchy (and there's plenty of evidence that they are).

"Considering they're sketchy" is a claim, and you have not provided any evidence of it. The very first thing I did was look to see if you had made any previous posts about Ark of Hope. I expected to see a solid thread providing all kinds of evidence about them. But all I found was the very same year-old thread you linked at the end of your post...which low and behold is a copypasta word for word of the vast majority of this thread...with all of the same problems. Circular argumentation. Repeating yourself is not evidence and doesn't meet the Rule 2 requirements of this subverse.

letsdothis2 ago