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Gothamgirl ago

I could be totally wrong, but I am just not seeing anything here at all that suggests pedophilia, have you asked Honeybee about any of this?

letsdothis2 ago

I don't really like posting too much info on how some researchers can spot the operatives, scam artists and intelligence plants and websites as the info is used for better training and systems but AI systems will never beat human intuition and good old fashioned common sense so...

..After all the work we've done on this forum on ARK and ARC...LOL... AND Open Society's use of NLP meaningless trigger words like HOPE (Remember HOPE and CHANGE ?) How'd that work out for everyone ? But I digress...


Silver star of transparency from GuideStar

LOL.. do I really need to re-post all the VOAT posts on GuideStar ??? Or can this 'research community' do that for themselves?

Note the sponsorship by KidGuard:

KidGuard is a technology services company that provides information & tools for parents to keep their kids safe online.

The KidGuard Phone Monitoring service is a cell phone tracking software provided to parents to "spy" on their kids text messages, monitor gps location, track phone logs, chats, allowing the parent to stay on top of issues such as cyberbullying, online predators, teen depression, and other risks to their children arising from the internet.

Lol, okay then.. let's take a look..

SCAMGUARD™ | has 22 complaints -

Company information:

Address: 633 West 5th Street

LOL... I could do a whole post on the architects for that building but I'll leave that for others if they are really interested...

CEO: Lawrence Ng -

Mr. Lawrence C. Ng serves as the Founder, Principal, and Chief Executive Officer at OnRamp Fund. Mr. Ng also serves as an Advisor at Compound and Metamorphic Ventures. He also serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Simply Bridal; Founder and Chief Executive Officer at; and leads LNG Management. Prior to firm, Mr. Ng served as a Co-Founder at, Inc. since 2000, where he also served as the Chief Executive Officer until 2008 and the Chairman of the firm from 2008 to May 2015. Prior to that, he worked at; Merrill Lynch; and Smith Barney.

Oversee.Net, Inc.,

Shill bids for tens of thousands of domain names were secretly made by a former executive of the company that auctioned the domain names, a lawsuit alleges. An unidentified former vice-president of, which is a subsidiary of Oversee.Net, Inc., manipulated the auction and drove up prices for domain name purchasers by making the shill bids, contends a lawsuit filed today in Miami-Dade Circuit Court by the Cueto law firm. Cueto is seeking class action status for the suit, reports a PR Newswirepress release.

Not going to look any further on the tracking app.. I know what I'll find...

Back to ARK of HOPE

Blair Corbett and wife Verna chose to use their own childhood experiences and faith to make a differencefor hurting children. In 1999 the Corbett's adopted five special needs children, to increase their totalnumber of children in their home to ten.

Sounds like anyone you know?

Anyhoo, googling ARK of CHILDREN for HOPE with the Agenda 2030/Lucis Trust trigger word 'transformation', google gives us : is our global live chat survivor support website with 15 topically focused chat rooms for group or private help. We provide listening and mentoring for all ages of survivors through specialized text only chat rooms. 

Uh huh...

Removing Chains support site, a nonprofit program arm of Ark of Hope for Children, is breaking the chains for those victimized as children by #HumanTrafficking, #ChildAbuse and #Bullying. Notice the common core/purpose language in there... people who are into public manipulation with psychological degrees give themselves away with all the usual trigger words and touchy feely jargon...

Throw in a 'blog' using a quote from JK can search for the voat posts on her too...

Look at the yearly sonsors..example, Briefcase Bash... If you want to see what a CIA website masquerading as a business looks like..just go have a look at that one... just sayin...

I could go on and on... But the lazy ass comments on here from people who should know better … you just show yourselves up... just sayin...

Piscina ago

Thank you. If I could I'd give you 20 upvotes.

Piscina ago

Thank you. Well said and some great research.

letsdothis2 ago

Thanks. More on KIDGUARD:

How apps like mSpy, KidGuard and Spyzie offer stalkers a variety of capabilities, from basic location tracking to harvesting texts and even secretly recording video

https://buff. ly/2rYayEy - Hundreds of Apps Can Empower Stalkers to Track Their Victims



Gothamgirl ago has 22 complaints -

Because people sign up for the app for a $1 then get a bill for $34 dollars. Every complaint is that, like with so many apps today. Tracking apps are used by parents, spouses, employers and are actually very common. Pedo's probably do use them as well, those compliants don't reflect that, or anything close.

Cc1914 ago

LOL not shady at all ! 🙄

letsdothis2 ago


[note the DONATE buttons which are all over these wordpress pages of these 'websites'] Who exactly is the Defender Foundation? A Vancouver PO Box for yet another TRAFFICKING ORGANISATION....

Related voat post: Heifer International Own Lots of Ships and Is Tied to Clinton Foundation

If someone wantsta share the load, Im looking at their site

can see any classic pedo logos in the NGO's listed, so I'm homing in on these 'Sex trafficking' NGO partners ECPAT Polaris Project Shared Hope International

Link not working .. but the wayback machine is.. they are listed

Lots of connections with Clinton Foundation/Global Initiative

Cc1914 ago

Wow! Excellent job , thank you ! I guess @vindicater is right , nothing to see here !?!?