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carmencita ago

When Howard Hughes owned the Desert Inn and the Frontier it was rumored that there was a tunnel under LV Blvd. connecting the two hotels that allowed easy access to each property while avoiding traffic and, especially, the public. Wayne Newton claims to have used it but there are no known photos to prove it was ever really there. Someday I'll tell ya about the secret "underground house" that has existed for decades and was documented, with photos in the local newspaper here many years ago. Also, that goofy one about winning 10K and then keep winning and then start loosing til you get down to $46 to take a cab to the airport. Then the guy asks you if you ever brought a kid to Vegas. Then you get through a door and down the secret tunnel you go. That is really goofy. There is a lot of secret and sneaky stuff going all across this country. Tunnels everywhere. Droop Mountain if you remember is one of them.