GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You think the steal all our tax payers money for little stuff? They use it for these tunnel systems all around the world. They use the cover of national secrecy and the fear of Russia to build countless under ground shit. And that is where they hide the kids, the bullets they bought up these last decade and the drugs they bring in on government aircraft. The Jew/Masons have all the bases covered.

organic1 ago

A month ago, someone on Reddit was asking about how to access the tunnels in Vegas.,

organic1 ago

The west coast entrance/exit is in Las Vegas Nevada, the central midpoint is northeast of Oklahoma City on I44(Broken Arrow central hub) & the east coast entrance/exit is in Raleigh North Carolina.

((Actually, I think this is a website about a video game??? Can anyone verify this. Then again, we know that truths are hidden in movies and other forms of entertainment. So, take this info for what you will.))

organic1 ago

This is an interesting read, which is full of secrecy surrounding power outages in Vegas. I can't paste any of the article though because it's copyrighted. Please note that I'm linking to the site for educational and research purposes.

Another interesting article from the same website mentioning how the Rand Corporation is involved with constructing the tunnels for light rails. Again, this is being linked to for the purposes of education and research.

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Copyrighted by Pegasus Research Consortium.

organic1 ago

Thanks, I thought that was strange, too.

MaxVieuxlieu ago

There's a lot of occult-type stuff at Cosmopolitan. It has a lot of ties to big finance. And it was home to the world's hottest nightclub for a few years, and all those clubs are pretty much filled with satanism.

organic1 ago

I don't doubt that one bit.

Omnicopy ago

Off subject but maybe this is how the Las Vegas massacre shooters got away.

organic1 ago

While researching the tunnels, I found this interesting:

The biggest advantage across the board to these hidden hotel-within-hotel gems is that they almost all have some kind of special check-in, with a dedicated entrance and lobby, standalone check-in area, or check-in through the VIP high roller welcome suite.

As we're wondering how he got away, maybe this is why there's no security footage of him arriving and checking in? After all, it's no secret that he was a high roller.

organic1 ago

That's exactly what I'm thinking, too. Dual purpose - helping the elite move about unnoticed and child/drug/arms trafficking.

carmencita ago

When Howard Hughes owned the Desert Inn and the Frontier it was rumored that there was a tunnel under LV Blvd. connecting the two hotels that allowed easy access to each property while avoiding traffic and, especially, the public. Wayne Newton claims to have used it but there are no known photos to prove it was ever really there. Someday I'll tell ya about the secret "underground house" that has existed for decades and was documented, with photos in the local newspaper here many years ago. Also, that goofy one about winning 10K and then keep winning and then start loosing til you get down to $46 to take a cab to the airport. Then the guy asks you if you ever brought a kid to Vegas. Then you get through a door and down the secret tunnel you go. That is really goofy. There is a lot of secret and sneaky stuff going all across this country. Tunnels everywhere. Droop Mountain if you remember is one of them.

carmencita ago

Here is an article about some tunnels, but people live there under the city Amazing! It does say there are children under there too but they live there I believe. It is all pretty sad when our people have no place to help or get a leg up when times are tough are trouble comes to call.

3141592653 ago

Check out the documentary called Dark Days

fogdryer ago

Believe this or not this has been on tv

carmencita ago

It has? Did you see the post also about the tunnels under CBS in NY? They had a tour actually of something that looked like catacombs. Amazing and CBS is near Pier96 near the Hudson. Now it seems gone.

fogdryer ago

Logically there has to be tunnels Very famous people and hi rollers.
Shoot. I'm still working on those Wisconsin tunnels

carmencita ago

You did a good job on that so far. This is not gonna happen overnight. Everything was meant to be secretive.

organic1 ago

It's possible those are related to the tunnels the question is in regards to, but at this point, it's anyone's guess.

Cc1914 ago

History channel and discovery channel have some good documentaries . That's about all I can handle watching .

LionElTrump ago

Browsed through some of that reviewers stuff, didn't see anything else that popped out, only 20 or so of the hundred+ replies

organic1 ago

Need help searching comments at Secret Pizza - Las Vegas

AgainstPedos ago

I've eaten at 'Secret Pizza." Known as one of the cheapest places to get a really good quality, especially for the low price & fast meal on the center strip. Tiny place, hard to find initially in a corner of the Cosmopolitan Casino. Does a very high volume business. Sure it attracts a lot of attractive teens & young adults after swimming or before clubbing. Open for long hours. Bright lights and nothing shady that I can see.

Not the #1 place you'd go to pick up kids in Vegas if you were a perv. Way, way too many people in the organized line, bored, scoping everything out around them. Did I say very bright lights so everyone can see the posted menu?

Boulevard & Meadows Mall attracts poor kids drooling over hot looking clothing. Usually not a lot of people nor security. Run down. Over-priced mall food compared to "Secret Pizza."

organic1 ago

Yeah, I agree. I searched through numerous comments and couldn't find anything suspicious. If there's a tunnel entrance near this place, I'm not seeing any evidence. Maybe we need to focus on the Cosmopolitan itself?

organic1 ago

Thanks for checking. I'm still digging and will post if I find anything else.

mooteensy ago

Keep us posted OP, and thanks.

organic1 ago

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Anyone else keep getting sent to other subverses, when refreshing? 😠😠

Cc1914 ago

Mine too .. I thought it had to do with the changes or something regarding the sticky about remembering your password?

carmencita ago

Yes, really weird stuff going on. I am being monitored now constantly. I am told they have to check my browser. Yeah, right.

13Buddha ago

For the past 4 days, every single time I access, my browser is checked.

3141592653 ago

What does this mean? And how do you know ?

13Buddha ago

A goat image appears with a message that your browser and "1's and 0's" are being checked (whatever the hell that means), there is a pause for no more than 5 seconds, and then you are able to see comments and replies to the posts.

3141592653 ago

Ok yes, that's happening to me. Much appreciated

carmencita ago

Same here. It seems connected to the shooting, but who knows really. It is annoying, but it will not stop me, if that is what they are trying to achieve.

DerivaUK ago

We were warned we would be checked 5 days ago in relation to attacks on Voat

carmencita ago

So We Did. Thank You. We are suppose to have a change over of sorts this weekend. We should all know our passwords.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

They are doing it to me too and I just come to voat to read what's going on! It's been happening for a week now.

TimeOutofJoint ago

that is happening to me so I suppose everyone

fogdryer ago

Me too

organic1 ago

Yep! Me, too. Wonder what my 1s and 0s are telling them...

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Me 2! So annoying😟

carmencita ago

Wonder if this is something before the big change over coming this weekend. But I am thinking we could be monitored because of the Shooting. I know something I commented that could have brought it on, it happened immediately after. Let's hope it will change soon. @organic1 @fogdryer

SayWhatNOWAY ago


fogdryer ago

this has been like a week now ????

having trouble figuring where to post stuff. I posted and got no comments. maybe I was in the wrong sub......

organic1 ago

That's really odd, and I can't say I've experienced that.