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letsdothis2 ago

So, in a previous comment a link was established between the school in Broward county and Habitat for Humanity via Tim Dobbins (

We know there are links between Habitat and Dyncorp. Now the links between Dyncorp and United Way (Bob Sorensen is connected to the Broward branch remember) : Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

The United Way of Western Connecticut, which established the Sandy Hook School Fund shortly after the shootings, has received many such calls in the past week, according to a statement released Tuesday by the organization.

Officials with the United Way said a Google technical error made it appear that the online form created to accept donations for the Sandy Hook fund was posted three days before the shootings occurred.


Then there's that little problem with Elaine Chao and United Way @carmencita

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carmencita ago

My jaw dropped and is still dropped. Artieri is Sayoc? Not Wow. Double WOW. I have been reading almost everything you sent including the threads. Gee we have lost so many good researchers. But we still have you Thank God.

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you carmencita. I believe in 'staying the course'. Fatigue is what TPTB rely on. I'm sure that many excellent researchers are not too far away. :-)

carmencita ago

I consider that a compliment coming from you. I hope they are waiting in the wings ready to jump in whenever we need them.