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carmencita ago

Don't know if this helps Obit of Randy Wilcox's father. Randy is owner of New River Pizza

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis2 ago

Thank you for following up on this. It's definitely very helpful. I will add it to the new post.

carmencita ago

This is Dr. Ben Sorenson's FB If you go to his favorites there is a list under Others and when you click on more in that large list you find Sheriff Scott Israel who was fired after the Parkland Shooting and it also lists Debbie Wasserman Scultz I have not found anything other than that but I just Cannot Believe there are not any connections. Can you believe Dr. Ben would not have appeared during the Shooting?

letsdothis2 ago

Excellent find.

carmencita ago

TY. have to go out but I am going to keep looking for the tie in. AARRGGHH!!!