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letsdothis2 ago

@carmencita if you look at the Network Visualizer on the info page for Happyland Day School:

You will see Tim Dobbins connects the school with Broward Coalition for the Homeless, Inc

He's also on the board of Habitat for Humanity Broward

voat posts:

My latest find: Dyncorp and their relation with Habitat For Humanity. Clues to possible Clinton/Habitat For Humanity ties in Haiti. Need help digging up more connections to see if this is a lead

Below are two links that prove ties between Dyncorp and Habitat for Humanity. May I remind you all that Dyncorp is the same company that has been exposed for having employees ordering lap dances from under age boys.

RTI Surgical (once RTI Biologic) has ties to Habitat of Humanity. They were found to be selling human remains (bone marrow, organs, skin) from the Ukraine and also donated skin graft technology to people working during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Habitat For Humanity has ties in Haiti, and has had past relations with Hillary Clinton & Bill Clinton

"32. Among the U.S. first families who have built with Habitat: Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter and their children; Gerald Ford; Bill and Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea; George W. and Laura Bush; and Barack and Michelle Obama"

For anyone wondering about the corruption behind Habitat for Humanity, refer to this link below: - Habitat for Humanity: Where does all the money go?

RTI Surgical, Habitat for Humanity, Dynacorp and the Deranged Dentists. by @Tanngrisnir

RTI Biologics Zimmer Dental Haiti Habitat For Humanity RTI Biologics is a company from Florida which was caught selling human body parts from corpses in the Ukraine.

Read this link about Operation Smile: Laura Silsby, Michael Maccoby, and AreWeSure: The Hewlett-Packard connection

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