Blacksmith21 ago

Beautiful work @latsdothis2

KnightsofHubris ago

Um, so?

letsdothis2 ago


Here's the view just outside New River Pizza and Fresh Kitchen

The New River Tunnel, officially known as the Henry E. Kinney Tunnel, is a highway tunnel that carries U.S. Route 1 underneath the New River and Las Olas Boulevard in downtown Fort Lauderdale. The tunnel replaced the Federal Aid Highway Bridge, a drawbridge opened on August 26, 1926 and closed in 1958. Upon its completion in 1960, it was the only operating public tunnel in Florida, until the completion of the Port of Miami Tunnel in 2014, though two private tunnels exist at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista. Alfred Spear helped organize and capitalize the New River Tunnel, with The Thorington Construction Company responsible for construction.


carmencita ago

We chuffed past the former homes of Sonny and Cher, Lucy and Ricky, and Gloria Vanderbilt (including the yard where little Anderson Cooper used to frolic).

Tunnels again. Who Knew? Why would that be near there? Hmm. A tunnel near New River is highly suspect since we now have seen the connection to James A @Oh_Well_Ian

carmencita ago

Oh_Well_ian ago

great research @carmencita

these are the DOTS !

carmencita ago

Thanks. You're no slouch yourself! :)

Oh_Well_ian ago


we are getting closer to the conclusion of this nightmare !

carmencita ago

Wonderful to have great researchers still. Many have left. Thanks!

carmencita ago

What happened to your post about the similar emails? It's gone.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's now posted in v/QRV

I accidently deleted it while editing. Should I repost?

carmencita ago

YES! Repost. I saw the PDF. Amazing. The proof is in the pudding.

letsdothis2 ago

Yes, it's led to something interesting...

Oh_Well_ian ago


great work @letsdothis2 !

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letsdothis2 ago

Chairman of the Boca Raton Police Foundation is Marc H. Bell

Marc Bell and his wife, Jennifer, opened their home to 70 foster children who had nowhere to stay after Hurricane Irma

On Monday when the power went out at one of the hurricane shelters in Boca Raton, Florida, the sheriff asked everyone to leave. That’s when the panic set in for the staff of the SOS Children’s Villages Florida. They had been staying there with 70 foster children and didn’t know where else to go. That’s when the executive director called Marc Bell.

Bell — a former executive for the adult magazine Penthouse, who sits on the board of SOS — knew his home, a $30 million, 27,000-square foot mansion, could handle a big group. And, he and wife, Jennifer, felt they had to help these children.

“They were traumatized before the storm,” he said. "Now, they were traumatized because they had no place to go."

After the children arrived, the Bells ordered 20 pizzas and made sure everyone bathed and had clean clothes — which only took 36 loads of laundry. The couple asked their friends for help and over the next 72 hours about 100 pitched in. It felt like a real sleepover with sleeping bags piled in every room but the Bells made it even more fun than the average sleepover. They invited clowns, balloon artists, athletes, and ice cream trucks to entertain the children. With the help of friends and family they served over 800 meals in 72 hours.

“We had an army of volunteers who selflessly gave up their time,” he said.

“There was an abundance of love. All these kids were getting one-on-one attention, which they never get. All the little kids were being held by someone and the older kids were getting one-on-one conversation,” he said.

So, this is an online account of Jennifer Bell

Look at those images and tell me if a bunch of children should be left with these people unsupervised?

Hre is an article on Marc Bell's mansion. It's basically full of toys:

He's mentioned here in this interesting post by @HennyPenny Isaias Family (Aborted Baby Harvesters) Mingle with the Rich and Famous: No Stigma There

William, Roberto, Luis, Andres and Estefano Sr/Jr Isaias of the notorious aborted baby organ company Da Vinci BioSciences continue to flaunt their stuff in Miami circles.

Daughter in law Alexis continues her fashion designing in Miami, selling to the Kardashians, Beyoncé, et al

It's unknown if her fashion line incorporates maternity clothes for the abortion patients or layettes for the babies before dissection. She has two lovely girls, impeccably dressed but is apparently able to put family business in a mental holding pattern.

One of the brothers Estefano apparently lives in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. One of his FB friends is Marc Bell, Florida millionaire, former Penthouse exec, who sits on board of directors of SOS Children's Village FL (foster kids). He likes to take the kids to Disneyland, sheltered them in his 27000 sq ft mansion during Hurricane Irma (where he gave them pizza, clowns, manicures for the girls

Why someone who sells aborted baby parts befriends someone who sits on the board of an orphanage (and vice versa) is a puzzler.

Another FB buddy is Leopold Lippens of Dutroux notoriety. This makes more sense: both have no pity for children. https://www.face

Well, not so puzzling I'm afraid. Here's a video of Marc and his wife Jennifer being interviewed

She's an odd duck, isn't she?

HennyPenny ago

Marc Bell is on his 2nd wife. This one can't keep putting her hand on his lap or stroking his arm during the interview. He can't keep his interest fixed during the 50 minute interview, yawning at the end or smiling at his wife (duping delight?) Marc Bell is linked with Lockheed Martin as chairman and founder of Terran Orbital, military intelligence nanosatellite provider

letsdothis2 ago

Wow. What a piece of information. Trying to get my head around that one. Good to see you here. Thank you.

A company like that has a one page website?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Marc and Jennifer Bell. You do know that “Jennifer” Bell is a tranny right? Born male. These two were constantly being trashed on an old website years ago called TheDirty and they threatened to sue many times every time they were posted. Jennifer doesn’t like being outed. These two are beyond ODD and alarming they were helping children. Makes zero sense they had a bunch of children rescued from the storm with no parents. Alarming to say the least.

HennyPenny ago I don't know who this "Jennifer Bell" is but her pininterest site is about cross dressing. Not for queasy stomachs. Young childen in sexualized outfits, included

carmencita ago

Both of them should be sheltered. IN A CELL. They are such liars. Listen to them as they make everything up. If they took those Children, I can't even. They say they put up 70 of them in their house and did their laundry. I am going to get sick.

letsdothis2 ago

You do know that “Jennifer” Bell is a tranny right?

That's what I thought when I watched the video. I think that that whole episode with the children was bizarre. A former executive of Penthouse , a mansion full of toys, the partner is transvestite and he sits on the board of a children's charity. Not good.

letsdothis2 ago

Also on the board of the BRPF is Brian Altschuler

Prior to joining Boca Regional, Brian played an integral role in leadership and staff development at both Palms West Hospital and Bethesda Healthcare System. Other career highlights include ten years with Marriott International in various operational and support positions.

Voat post: Our hotels are fighting human trafficking, but we can't do it alone: Marriott CEO

Marriott is CIA. And they are close with the Clintons

The Clinton Foundation continues to respond to critical needs in Haiti by focusing its efforts on Haiti’s long-term development and strategic planning and by encouraging foreign and private sector investments and job creation. In 2011, the Clinton Foundation facilitated the signing of a development and operating agreement between Marriott Hotel and the Digicel Group to build a 175-room Marriott branded hotel in the Turgeau area of Port-au-Prince. In 2014, the Marriott/Digicel hotel welcomed its first guests.

Oh_Well_ian ago


Email for New River Pizza is VERY familiar >> 'Email: for more information'

BIG CHEESE LLC is James Alefantis' Corporation

letsdothis2 ago

More information on the CIA's company Salesforce:

July 2018 : If you thought the FB drop was bad, wait until everybody learns about what’s been going on with Salesforce

Let’s forget for a minute that going into this, $CRM was already the most atrociously overvalued company in the market. Who or whatever has pumped $10 Billion of fake value into this company over the last month or two is obviously insane.

Uhm, yes and no. The CIA has many uses for those funds.

There is no justification for this kind of market cap ($110 Billion now?) for a company that literally has no appreciable assets, no reason for its customers to not switch to cheaper or better alternatives. It should have flat to negative forecasting, not these baloney numbers it comes up with. Whoever buys this stock as an investment obviously has NO EXPERIENCE WITH SOFTWARE. Anybody who has worked in the industry knows: the more software you add to software, the bulkier and more complex and expensive it gets to manage. You’re not paying for the “software” you’re paying for the “service” of waiting in line to get service. Anybody using CRM is literally paying that company to manage its own unwieldy complexity. Customers are paying what is probably a 50X premium for something that doesn’t deserve a 50X premium.

I'm surprised no one has pointed this out before.

Source is from this thread discussing this story:

Ah, border patrol.. now we're getting somewhere...

Coffee company rejects $40K Salesforce contract, citing tech firm's ties to Trump border policy -

A San Francisco coffee company turned down a $40,000 contract to serve drinks at a Salesforce conference because of the tech company's financial ties to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Salesforce, a cloud computing company, announced in March that it was helping CBP "modernize its recruiting process" and "manage border activities."

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) said that while Salesforce was not directly contributing to the separation of migrant families under President Trump’s zero tolerance policy, the company is nonetheless supporting CBP's ability to implement the policy.

Hundreds of Salesforce employees have also been putting pressure on their employer to sever ties with CBP.

LoL at Salesforce employees getting all moralistic. Now that we've established the company's CIA creddentials, let's look just a little further at this story...

Inside Casa Padre, the converted Walmart where the U.S. is holding nearly 1,500 immigrant children -

Converted Walmart you say? The Clintons connections with the Walton family of Walmart are well documented.

voat related posts :

Are WalMart's satanist Waltons involved in the trafficking of children? by @Piscina

One of Alice Walton's favourite artists is Walton Ford. This is one of Ford's pieces-- a baby sucking on the tail of a vulture. Pedophiles take advantage of a baby's natural sucking reflex, as was seen in the Instagram photos of Alefantis.

So his painting is of a baby/toddler/child performing fellatio. Nice.

These are more of his paintings. Lots of animals' sexual organs, animals having or about to have sex.

Alice Walton tried to buy 1876 Thomas Eakins’ masterpiece The Gross Clinic for her museum. It is not dissimilar to the painting of cannibalism behind Podesta.

Well with a name like Alice. That whole post is a good read. People need to keep an eye on what she's up to now ;-)

And a comment from @swordfish69 :

Great post, remember that Alice Walton is also a member of the Art in Embassies group that many prominent Washingtonians (and members of the Comet Ping Pong inner circle) are members of. Her museum gives her board the ability to send certain artwork (including massive, cumbersome structures) overseas.

Remember the 400 arms stolen from UPS facility? Connections with the Clinton Foundation and the Annie E Casey Foundation (US child welfare data publishers)

Senator Jeff Merkley was barred from visiting a former Walmart that houses immigrant children in Brownsville, Texas on June 3rd. The building is both owned and operated by Southwest Key Programs. According to a 2015 study,* Southwest Key Programs receives 98% of their revenue through government contracts, and millions in private donations. The private donations are not huge, but five of the six top private funders have easily found Clinton ties, listed in the next section.

Possible storage locations for Florida trafficking ratlines?

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letsdothis2 ago

David W Horvitz, Kresge Foundation board

Since July 1, 2006, the foundation has been led by Rip Rapson, formerly of the McKnight Foundation

Tracking the Well-Being of Children and Youth at the State and Local Levels Using the Federal Statistical System :

This paper is part of the Urban Institute’s Assessing the New Federalism project

The project has received funding from The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, The Commonwealth Fund, the Stuart Foundation, the Weingart Foundation, The Fund for New Jersey, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

The Urban Institute and Salesforce

From their Technology Department:

Matt Mechenbier develops, implements, and maintains Urban’s Salesforce instance. His work focuses on data architecture design and building relationship management efforts, key business processes, and related analytics into Salesforce. He has over ten years of experience in database administration and knowledge management, holds two Salesforce certifications, and was the principal administrator behind Grameen Foundation’s award-winning Salesforce instance.

Related voat post mentioning the Urban Institute:

Kevin Jennings - Obama's LGBT activist appointee to Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools and GLSEN founder

In 2011, Obama appointed Kevin Jennings to the Department of Education as Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools:

Also, saw found mention of him in Podesta's email, an email from media matters going to a group called "big campaign":

This website has done a lot of work to catalog activism efforts by GLSEN:

Activity includes

At GLSEN conferences in Atlanta (1999), Chicago (2000), and Boston (2005), teenage attendees were able to pick up directories to gay "leather" bars (where homosexuals meet for anonymous sex and sadomasochistic "play").

I think this info is important to the big picture of pizzagate, which is the attempt to subvert culture to the point it accepts pedophilia.

From a comment @Arrvee made on the original post

Jennings is a member of the Ad Council along with key people in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Gates Foundation, New America Foundation, Open Society Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Urban Institute, and New York Times.

letsdothis2 ago

So, in a previous comment a link was established between the school in Broward county and Habitat for Humanity via Tim Dobbins (

We know there are links between Habitat and Dyncorp. Now the links between Dyncorp and United Way (Bob Sorensen is connected to the Broward branch remember) : Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

The United Way of Western Connecticut, which established the Sandy Hook School Fund shortly after the shootings, has received many such calls in the past week, according to a statement released Tuesday by the organization.

Officials with the United Way said a Google technical error made it appear that the online form created to accept donations for the Sandy Hook fund was posted three days before the shootings occurred.


Then there's that little problem with Elaine Chao and United Way @carmencita

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carmencita ago

My jaw dropped and is still dropped. Artieri is Sayoc? Not Wow. Double WOW. I have been reading almost everything you sent including the threads. Gee we have lost so many good researchers. But we still have you Thank God.

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you carmencita. I believe in 'staying the course'. Fatigue is what TPTB rely on. I'm sure that many excellent researchers are not too far away. :-)

carmencita ago

I consider that a compliment coming from you. I hope they are waiting in the wings ready to jump in whenever we need them.

letsdothis2 ago

@carmencita if you look at the Network Visualizer on the info page for Happyland Day School:

You will see Tim Dobbins connects the school with Broward Coalition for the Homeless, Inc

He's also on the board of Habitat for Humanity Broward

voat posts:

My latest find: Dyncorp and their relation with Habitat For Humanity. Clues to possible Clinton/Habitat For Humanity ties in Haiti. Need help digging up more connections to see if this is a lead

Below are two links that prove ties between Dyncorp and Habitat for Humanity. May I remind you all that Dyncorp is the same company that has been exposed for having employees ordering lap dances from under age boys.

RTI Surgical (once RTI Biologic) has ties to Habitat of Humanity. They were found to be selling human remains (bone marrow, organs, skin) from the Ukraine and also donated skin graft technology to people working during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Habitat For Humanity has ties in Haiti, and has had past relations with Hillary Clinton & Bill Clinton

"32. Among the U.S. first families who have built with Habitat: Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter and their children; Gerald Ford; Bill and Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea; George W. and Laura Bush; and Barack and Michelle Obama"

For anyone wondering about the corruption behind Habitat for Humanity, refer to this link below: - Habitat for Humanity: Where does all the money go?

RTI Surgical, Habitat for Humanity, Dynacorp and the Deranged Dentists. by @Tanngrisnir

RTI Biologics Zimmer Dental Haiti Habitat For Humanity RTI Biologics is a company from Florida which was caught selling human body parts from corpses in the Ukraine.

Read this link about Operation Smile: Laura Silsby, Michael Maccoby, and AreWeSure: The Hewlett-Packard connection

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letsdothis2 ago

This is the blogger who claimed that her husband took the picture of Cesar's van and sent it to news media and is now threatening to sue Fox News because she didn't give them permission to use it. She said earlier that she was lining up Avenatti. She seems to think all of this is funny

She is a rabid Democrat.

carmencita ago

letsdothis2 ago

Another friend of Klime Kovaceski is Democrat Congressman Patrick Kennedy

Kennedy authored and co-sponsored the Positive Aging Act, the Foundations for Learning Act, which established a grant program to improve mental and emotional health for school children through screening and early intervention, the National Neurotechnology Initiative Act, Genomics and Personalized Medicine Act; the COMBAT PTSD Act; the Nurse-Family Partnership Act, the Alzheimer’s Treatment and Caregiver Support Act, and the Ready, Willing, and Able Act

He was a founder of the Rhode Island Chapter of the National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse and chaired the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for two years (1999-2001).

Kennedy founded The Kennedy Forum in 2013, a behavioral health nonprofit, of which he is CEO, with the mission of leading the national dialogue on transforming mental health and addiction care delivery by uniting mental health advocates, business leaders, and government agencies around a common set of principles, including full implementation of the Federal Parity Law.[11] In 2018, Politico termed Kennedy "the unlikely go-to player for companies seeking to benefit from the Trump administration’s multibillion-dollar response to the opioid crisis".

In 1996 he was made Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry, Portugal

Other recipients include:

Prince Philip; Juan Carlos I, King of Spain; Angelo de Mojana di Cologna, Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller; Queen of Denmark, and many other heads of state...

Another recipient of that honor is Devin Nunes:

Why didn’t @DevinNunes file a FARA for his work promoting the Lajes Air Base in Portugal after being awarded the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator (Grand Officer) by Pres. Silva in 2013 - usually awarded to Communist Heads of State⁉️

...Remember the night Nunes bailed on the Uber and began to act like an amateur spy⁉️ He basically freaked out as if someone had unmasked HIM? Here’s a list of Trump Transition Team👇 Mueller has ALL their e-mails including Nunes...

..What if Nunes realized he might be compromised by emails or calls or INTEL he sent to Portugal and is now trying to save his own sorry ass⁉️Funny how the least likely congressman rose from a milk maid dairy farmer 🐄 to Head of US Select Intel..

..Nunes has something VERY big to hide🔥 perhaps it has something to do with his website being the Trojan Horse🐴 to gain access to politicians and voters and place a particularly nefarious code⁉️ Read this thread

Devin Gerald Nunes (/ˈnuːnɛs/;[1] born October 1, 1973) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for California's 22nd congressional district since 2003. A Republican, he serves as chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was a member of President Trump's transition team.

In March 2017, the U.S. House intelligence committee, which Nunes chairs, launched an investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. On April 6, 2017, he temporarily stepped aside from leading that investigation while the Office of Congressional Ethics investigated allegations, which Nunes denied, that he had improperly disclosed classified information to the public.[3][4] In December 2017, the United States House Committee on Ethics closed its investigation without taking any action against Nunes.

In 2017, he received the Commander of the Order of the Star of Romania

FreeRebel ago

Good work!

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

There is supposedly a CIA friend of Cesar's from his Military school days who Cesar is congratulating. It's in this thread at 2:04 PM - 26 Oct 2018

I don't know how the poster connected Enrique "Ric" Prado to Cesar's congratulation. Don't now if Cesar knows this guy or not or if it is just someone he went to school with.

carmencita ago

In the pic of Sorenson and Glassman I don't know about anyone else, but Sorenson's eyes are very dark underneath. I have seen this in a few other pics as well. If you look at his pic about his own twitter, the one with his family, the children have puffs under their eyes too. Just Sayin.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Wife has the crazy eyes and the dog looks unhappy.

carmencita ago

I agree. The wife could be on to what is happening IF he is abusing those Children. If his eyes are they eyes of a pedo then I seriously worry for those children. The older girl's eyes are worse. But his, well really sick. We have not talked about these eyes for quite some time on here @Cc1914 @EffYouJohnPodesta

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

I've lurked the pizzagate boards for years and I remember reading someone saying that the bags under children's eyes are from internal pressure their small bodies experience during, and from, the repeated sexual abuse. My heart breaks and my skin crawls!

carmencita ago

Yes, those eyes can be indicative of sexual abuse. It is heartbreaking to look at and to think about. It's been awhile since I have seen eyes as bad as his.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

They really are dark and doesn't appear to be the lighting.


carmencita ago

Yes, I agree. Hopefully others will notice too. :(

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

I believe if we keep talking about it and shouting it out, a lot will. Amen for boards and people like you who weather the storms and continue to keep this stuff out in the public conciousness. Thank you!

carmencita ago

Thank You it's not easy reading through this sick stuff. Hopefully as you say, some will chime in.

letsdothis2 ago

Then there was the speculation that Kasky was connected to Nellie Ohr of Fusion GPS:

First off let’s start with Cameron Casky. One of the overnight stars that boiled to the surface after the Parkland shooting. Seen here with his grandma. That’s not Nellie Ohr BTW. It was a hoax by Shareblue to poison the well.

Shareblue is David Brock. Where have we seen that tactic before? But given what we know about Cameron's father.. there may well be a Fusion GPS link and that stunt was to divert researchers away.

Also, in that Parkland story we have a CNN link: Mother of Exploited Shooting Survivor Turns Out to Be A CNN VIP & Anti-Trump Activist

carmencita ago

All the bad actors rolled into another crazy FF. I can't believe how this is playing out.

letsdothis2 ago

Sorensen's connection with the Happyland Dayschool is another very good find.

They are attached to the First Presbyterian Church of Ft. Lauderdale. So, I thought I'd look into any possible adoption programs there and in Broward County and came across the following:

1,200 Babies Allegedly Trafficked From Allied Hospital in Faisalabad, Pakistan -- Allied Partner JICA Is a Member of the Clinton Global Initiative -- Awan Brothers Potential Connection

Dont know if this applies but DWS had affair w/Awan and she is from Broward County where the Kaskys live. They run an Adoption Agency we researched during the Parkland Shooting.

Father of media beloved Florida Douglas HS shooting survivor has newborn nudity and obscene videos of his kids on Youtube. Connected to corrupt adoption agency.

Jeff Kasky is the father of Cameron Kasky, one of the students at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School calling for gun control after the shooting that occurred there. Jeff Kasky is notable to Pizzagate because he was vice-president of One World Adoption Services in Florida.

In conclusion, I believe there is strong evidence of predatory adoptions and human trafficking being rampant in Florida and Jeff Kasky is merely one example and egregous case.

Jeff Kasky, Autism TV Channel and Touch-Map Tracking Systems

As well as being an adoption lawyer, Jeff Kasky is President of the Autism Channel

in 2014, a video from PGRS with Jeff Kasky and Disney Spectrum At Law & Disney

Autism Speaks is partnering with Google

In 2014, ‘MSSNG’ Project, Partnership Between Autism Speaks and Google for Autism Research, Has Official Launch

AND there is a connection because I just posted about the connection between the Autism Genome Project and Porton Down in a thread on the McCanns

Ray Smithers - CEO and founding Partner at The Autism Channel®, FPR Studios / Touch-Map Systems®

My partner and I launched The Autism Channel around four years ago. We are a free streaming channel that can be seen worldwide via the Roku set-top box, and the Panasonic Viera connected TVs. Now reaching more than 200,000 homes worldwide. Over 80 hours of programming all about autism FREE to viewers. In mid July the entire channel will be available on the web at

ROKU TV Streaming: What Parents Need To Know!!!

The adult entertainment industry has latched onto Roku with a vengeance! While most require subscriptions there are a number of adult channels that are completely free, just like online porn sites.

And this is where our kids can get into trouble: They find out about these channels and install them! Parents would only know about their installation if you looked at all your installed channels via the Roku box, or if you monitored your account via the MANAGE YOUR ACCOUNT section, online.

Father of media beloved Florida Douglas HS shooting survivor has newborn nudity and obscene videos of his kids on Youtube. Connected to corrupt adoption agency.

"Flying Pig Ranch Studios, located in Palm Beach County, Florida produces commercials, documentaries and does pro-bono production for not only the Achievement Centers for Children and Families but the United Way of Palm Beach County and Dogs and Cats Forever of Saint Lucie County, Florida."

Apologies for the stream of consciousness...

carmencita ago

I had a feeling the Awans might be included in this if DWS was especially since she had an affair with Imran and used him to do a lot of her dirty work. Kasky, I wondered as well and now I know what a slimeball and perverted scumbag he is. No wonder he turned out a son like that. The grandfather is no prize. Apple feel pretty close to the tree. The Autism aspect is really sickening. They use these poor Children and get people to believe they are actually doing good. Disgusting beyond words. Disney thrown in for the heck of it. I remember seeing that video of his son before and it is beyond gross. Yuck. Thanks so much for looking into all this because I so wanted to expose Kasky again. And Brock? That would be a lark.

Awake2Truth ago

Also check out George Webb's post on Sayoc- Points to possible connection with mob, "sayoc" military training, and death of Bernie Whisenant. Not convinced, but interesting speculation.

carmencita ago

Despite his claims to be an “independent voice,” Ben Sorensen funded his 2014 State House race with thousands of dollars from special interests and political committees. According to campaign treasurer reports, Sorensen received $1,000 contributions from Disney companies including Walt Disney Travel, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Disney Photo Imaging and Magic Kingdom, Inc.

Would an “independent voice” defend south Florida over the needs of Orlando after taking so much money from Walt Disney companies?

Sorensen’s campaign is using these contributions to pay for services from a Jacksonville firm with ties to the Republican Party. Sorensen has paid nearly $12,000 to The Whitson Group for consultation, palm cards and yard signs. The Whitson Group (aka TWS Technologies) usually works for Republican candidates such as State Senator Jack Latvala.

So he has ties to Disney, the Clintons, and Republicans. Also I question if he knows Sheriff Scott Israel the Sheriff of Broward County who

we know is a Freemason and also was overseeing and involved with the Parkland Shooting. I have not looked into that yet.

I thank you for expanding on my find.

maurice ago

Some more strange connections. David W Horvitz

Note, Troy, Mi. Hmmm..................about half way between Flint and Detroit.

Look on google maps at Troy. The northwestern area of Troy has a Bharatiya Temple,-83.1626141,12.5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x35c4d5f84e90426e!8m2!3d42.6188079!4d-83.2083651

Any of this long list of flunkies have connections to this temple?

maurice ago

"Anna Sorensen, who works at the NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale" David and Francie Horvitz Family Foundation. Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate • 2 contributions · $5,400 (Sep 21 '15)

Pesky ass Clinton's seem to show up everywhere.............. Donor/common recipients Tony Podesta ACTBLUE, John B Larson, Democratic National Committee, Ron Klein, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Patrick Murphy, Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte, Joe Lieberman, Bill Clinton, Richard Blumenthal, Chris Dodd, John Kerry

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you. That's very interesting. I've linked your comment to the main post.

carmencita ago

In tat first link of the museum you see Celine Handbags. They are highly expensive. We have researched the fashion ind. before as being involved in trafficking and also the museums with the money laundering aspect. That's what I think is going on there. Especially since we know Sorenson is involved with the Clintons and the rest of the cabal of the Dem. & Rep. parties. OH GEE. As I mentioned in another comment, Sorenson has Disney connections as well as with Chris Dodd i see, who left the Congress to work for a faction Disney and Malia O got a job with them as well.

maurice ago

Chris Dodd is another name among that list of donors/recipients.

carmencita ago

Bingo! These people are all connected to each other on and off. Why, because they are so evil the elist cabals use them over and over. They know they have them with blackmail and know they will keep doing their dirty work. Possibly Disney is a bigger player with this group than thought.

letsdothis2 ago

In 2014, Sorensen was a Democratic Party candidate for the Florida House District 100 seat serving Hollywood, Hallandale Beach and parts of Miami.

Would an “independent voice” fight expanded gambling in Fort Lauderdale after taking contributions from the casinos in Hallandale Beach?

Coincidentally, Communities First, the group BrowardBeat reported was behind pro-Sorensen ads, received thousands of dollars from the same insurance agents groups.

How does an “independent voice” get hooked up with shadowy PACS funded by special interest groups?

As Buddy Nevins reported three years ago, Democrat Ben Sorensen has a knack for getting money and support from Republican sources. In the 2014 Democrat primary, Sorensen was endorsed by right-leaning groups such as The Florida Chamber of Commerce, a builders political committee and a pro-school vouchers group.

“We need someone who is able to have their door open to other ideas,” Sorensen told Nevins. “We need someone who is not a line-in-the-sand Democrat. Someone who will talk to the other side.”

carmencita ago

Thanks for that! I had to leave & knew you wouldn't miss it! This is turning into another Rat Line False Flag. A movie with a cast of thousands perhaps? I can't believe people can't find this stuff themselves and wake up. I am not a techie. If I can do it so can they. Frustrating to know that they still believe in Don Lemon. Sorenson is a snake in the grass like Randy Wilcox.

letsdothis2 ago

Cesar Sayok aka Altieri had a business partner. He is connected to him on FN as his only firiend on his Altieri profile : Justin Humberger

From those images he may have been a cage fighter at the Semoline Hard Rock Casino?

The business was Ver Tech AG, LLC

Another business was Native American Catering and Vending LLC

letsdothis2 ago

Reporter Jeff Burnside & Gerry Kelly

April 2012:

NBC Miami reporter fired for edited Zimmerman tape-

WTVJ reporter Jeff Burnside was fired Friday after being involved in editing a tape of George Zimmerman's 911 call before he shot Trayvon Martin. Burnside, who has been with the NBC owned and operated Miami station for 13 years, still has a bio page on its website.

The original call transcript said:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

The edit changed Zimmerman's words to: "This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black."

notagame ago

He's got clown written all over him.

Reminds me of Paddock.

Send in the clowns.

letsdothis2 ago

Ben Sorensen blog:

In my experience as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve, I serve as an intelligence officer at the Pentagon. Often times when considering an issue with national security implications, a red cell is employed to identify the weakness of a plan or tactic. Following the work of the red cell, their findings are shared with decision makers to implement an even better plan or tactic. Incorporating a very different perspective is vital to our national security decision making.

As a life-long Democrat I have worked for Senator Bob Graham to improve our schools and have seen first hand his ability to move Florida forward. I believe that we, as Democrats, can lead with conviction while also finding common ground with others to positively affect the people of District 100 and all Floridians.

derram ago : : :

randy wilcox pizza - Twitter Search :

Brittany Wallman on Twitter: "Winterfest White Party - Fort Lauderdale Commissioners Steve Glassman and Ben Sorensen… " :

Ben Sorensen on Twitter: "Wonderful Leadership Broward 2018 Profiles in Leadership Gala! Thank you to all who are part of Leadership Broward and congratulations to all the honorees!…" :

Steve Glassman on Twitter: "33rd Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival- November 2-18. Support the Arts!… " :

Steve Glassman on Twitter: "Happy anniversary to Steve and Rande… " :

CRUST - There will always be time for a bit of... | Facebook : :

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letsdothis2 ago

Have an upvoat from me as you beaver away quietly in the background. Thank you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You are welcome.