Sackajahweeda ago

Just a thought but speaking of ADOPTIONS does anyone have any info on Cruz adoption? I know he said his birth mom was jewish and thats about it could he have been connected to this (or another) shady adoption agency? There seems to be A LOT OF MONEY involved in his family estate and he stood to inherit like close to a million right? Lots of questions....

PedoStomper ago

That shit reminds me of the Jimmy Comet "caris taped to a table" picture. It was clearly sick, wrong, and associated with pedophilia undertones, but what did all the normies say about it?

"You're making it perverted. You're the creepy one here."

I heard that reaction so many fucking times from PG deniers. Some people just can't handle the truth even when it's dick-slapping them in the face.

GeorgeT ago

I saw great piece on Jeff by Urbanmoving on Bitchute. He was banned on Youtube after exposing Florida Shooting and that DavidH guy (they track his name)! If we think about it, it all adds up. Which kid or a family would participate in high treason (which is exactly what crisis actors do) unless they are not like the rest of us!!!! It's a cabal of pedo/psychopaths. Take down PG and you take down the NWO.

Immelda ago

Ok one thing i have to ask guys, where you are from is spastic considered an acceptable word for someone dancing funny? ie kids doing a spastic dance?

Tanngrisnir ago

In response to @Kristina_Gilliam and @maggiethatcher I am just now hearing about all this. Looked up the channel and the voice is rather similar but I can't truly say. What struck me is how the "Jeffy" character is basically a retarded Autistic kid. If true Kasky runs the Autism Channel for good PR while he mocks actual autistic kids with Jeffy.

Also considering we are to believe Jeff has like 4 jobs already I wouldn't be surprised if Elsagate puppet master is one more.

maggiethatcher ago

This is interesting. I put up a post on whatever about the Jeffy youtube videos being much like Elsagate. When I looked into it there was a /pol post about Jeff Kasky being the owner of the channel/website that they came from, which I thought was weird (could not independently verify)

It is all creepy though

Here is the post

This is the pol post (or one similar)

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Has the SuperMarioLogan YouTube channel (ElsaGate) been verified as belonging to Jeff Kasky? There's some buzz on Twitter that it might be his.

Gothamgirl ago

The sad thing is that is kindve normal behavior for Sodom and Gomorrah. I mean Dade and Broward counties. It is so over the top sexualized there, and always has been. I trully believe female children actually develop younger there to. I used to think it was the hormones from the cows.

toutedesuite ago

Quite the disgusting YuTb* channel, creepy to say the least. I reported the vid as you suggested. SMDH😰

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you. I just watched the video titled "Julien May 1998." It has no nudity but Julien appears to me to have the "panda eyes" or sunken eyelids which are usually a sign of abuse. Let me know what you think.

carmencita ago Jeff, also served as the Vice President of One World Adoption Services, Inc., a Florida-licensed child-placing (adoption) agency for over 20 years. Further, he participated in the Broward County’s Guardian ad Litem program as a volunteer Guardian. Jeff continues to practice law, predominantly in the area of gestational surrogacy. Volunteer in the GUARDIAN AD LITEM PROGRAM Notice the Logo 39, 413 Children Represented Volunteer Your Legal Services If you’re an attorney who wants to use your legal expertise to give a voice to a child, you will find rewarding service through the Florida Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program. There are more than 30,000 abused, abandoned, and neglected children under the jurisdiction of Florida’s juvenile dependency courts. Effective legal advocacy of their best interests is crucial to ensure they reach permanency quickly, get the services they need, and have a voice in court. IS this how Jeff Kasky was volunteering? Donating his Legal Services? AND What is Gestational Surogacy? assist-reproOn January 14 at 2 pm, attorney, Jeffrey A. Kasky and Marla B. Neufeld, co-authors of the new book, The American Bar Association’s Guide to Assisted Reproduction will explain the available ART options; the process for choosing the appropriate team to assist with your ART journey such as medical providers, psychological implications, and legal representatives; understanding and entering into appropriate agreements; and the unique issues that may arise pre-and post-birth. The ABA’s guide provides those considering embarking upon ART with the foundational knowledge they need to make informed choices regarding which ART method to use and the criteria to select the right professionals. The book also contains insight from experts in the ART industry such as renowned reproductive doctors, embryologists, mental health professionals, lawyers, religious perspectives, and those who shared their personal struggles with family building. WOW. Just Wow.

maggiethatcher ago

Why am I not surprised that his organisation is donating to Haiti as well?

carmencita ago

I wish I could copy that pdf. Yes he donated about 18K to Hands Up For Haiti and if people actually think the money went to helping those 25K people, some of whom a re children, they are sadly mistaken. He has ties to Haiti, and ties to really quite a few org. that are connected to children. Unfortunately, being who he is, this is not a good thing for those children or their families.

Tanngrisnir ago

Fox running the hen house. Trying to think of how best to share some of this info with other sites. I get the feeling it gets worse.

carmencita ago

Notice what I just posted in the comments. I totally agree with your trying to post this elsewhere as well. This is an amazing amount of evidence I believe, and I think there is more out there. There is more to come, imo.

Tanngrisnir ago

Yeah, I saw it. I didn't know about the GAL part beforehand so that was very interesting. It doesn't surprise me though that they have the most corrupt people representing children, by design.

carmencita ago

It seems that there is no end to these Orgs. They are all over the place and I think are interconnected, in so that certain people are part of them. It seems he is involved in the start of life, being that he helps a mother or parent choose their choice of how they will give birth. This is a Horribly Scary nightmare, imo.

Immelda ago

Why the hell would you have a circumcision video on there too

Tanngrisnir ago

What was the name of that video? I didn't watch all of them because I had had all I could stand.

Immelda ago

Jordan danzansky's bris

Tanngrisnir ago

Woah, what the actual fuck! You were absolutely right.

srayzie ago

There is no way I would post a video of my child nude! I wouldn’t even post one in a bathing suit because I know how SICK people are

Tanngrisnir ago

It is vile. Of course I know it will be spun "Why are you going after this man for his precious home movies!"

anotherdream ago

Great F'n post! @srayzie @bopper

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you.

MolochHunter ago

Kasky's cold, callous adoption agency sounds like precisely the kind of institution which would create the Nicholas Cruz's of the world

betweentheseasons ago

cruz's mother only died in November, it's possible she was killed

septimasexta ago

"Details are beginning to surface about Cruz, whose adoptive mother died in November from pneumonia"

"(Paul)Gold and Deschamps tried to help their mother, who was in her 60s and in poor health."

NO WITNESSES? "“He was ostracized his whole life,” said (Paul) Gold, who said he was one of only four people, including Nikolas, and his younger brother, Zachary, who attended the funeral of his mother, Lynda Cruz, in November." "Lynda Cruz came down with the flu last year and refused to get medical treatment, (Paul) Gold said. “She was so frugal, she didn’t want to spend the money, she wanted to save everything for the boys,’’ (Paul) Gold said."

"Cruz was about 11 when (Paul) Gold and his girlfriend, Rocxanne Deschamps, moved next door to them in Parkland." "Lynda Cruz stayed home with the boys, and sometimes watched Gold’s daughter, who was friends with the boys." "(Paul) Gold said that Cruz escaped his misery by playing video games for eight, 12, even 15 hours a day. Gold, who owns a film and video production company, sometimes would play a game or two with them. “It was kill, kill, kill, blow up something, and kill some more, all day,” he said."

"Cruz — at 5-foot-7 and 120 pounds — was scrawny, and rarely, if ever, felt comfortable with other kids, either in his Parkland neighborhood or at Stoneman Douglas, according to Paul Gold, who lived next door to the Cruz family and remained in touch with Nikolas up until his mother’s funeral in November."

"By then she had sold the house and moved into an apartment. When she died, Nikolas Cruz called (Paul) Gold and asked him if he would drive him to the funeral. The only attendees, (Paul) Gold said, were Cruz, his brother, (Paul) Gold and Deschamps."

"After (Paul) Gold and Deschamps split up and went their separate ways a few years ago, Cruz stayed in touch with (Paul) Gold. His mother remained best friends with Deschamps, who took Nikolas Cruz and his brother into her home after their mother died."

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Speaking of Cruz, here's something interesting:

"After he left the Deschamps home, Cruz went to live with Kimberly and James Snead in Parkland, where he had grown up. Mr Snead, a military intelligence analyst, and his wife Kimberly, a neonatal intensive care nurse, said that given a second chance, they still would have let Cruz into their home and let him bring his guns with him."

The fact that he was staying with a military intelligence analyst and a neonatal intensive care nurse screams Pizzagate and MK Ultra to me.

urbanmoving ago


GreenDell144 ago

I wonder if there is an occult connection out there too.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I would say most certainly there is. At the very least, a masonic connection. Just a matter of finding it.

MolochHunter ago

dang straight it does

carmencita ago

Good that you are making that assessment. Stands out to me too. The whole arrangement is suspect. The Military and Alphabet Connections in this Shooting certainly point to the fact that there may be a Set Up going on here. FBI and the MIC are present in the background of the Alleged Shooter and the alleged crisis actors, whose fathers are suspect as well. This should be obvious to most.

Tanngrisnir ago

It certainly wouldn't seem likely to churn out well adjusted individuals.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks everyone. This one really weighed on me. It was incredulous that he would post that on his own personal Youtube so nonchalantly but still volunteer to be in the public eye.

auralsects ago

are u familiar with the term 'chutzpah'

Vindicator ago

Giving this a "Potential Lead" flair, Tanngrisnir. :-)

septimasexta ago

A recent post was deleted but it contained some important video leads and connects Kasky's "Autism Channel" with some creepy You Tube videos of what appears to be children with autism who getting ther brains hooked up to a computer by Kasky's cohort, Lynette Louise, aka "The Brain Broad". Is this sick comedy or REAL? (she claims to have been a stand up comic, among other things. Don't forget the $3 million in donations collected by Kasky's son. srazy originally posted this BeTidy next posted this: "Bizarre NLP / Marketing scam style interview here..." You will notice that the first video was embedded here.

There were links to videos of her using "therapy" on a child and hooks him up to a laptop via electrodes on head! WATCH ALL! Lynette Louise works with autism 4 Lynette Louise works with autism 3

"Lynette Louise raised eight children (mostly) on her own. Her four adopted boys all landed in various places on the autism spectrum; they also had other various diagnosis."

" Lynette Louise paid the bills as a single mom by performing stand-up comedy, taking roles in B-movies and even having her own Canadian cooking show! "

"FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, Seasons One (Uganda) and Season Two (USA) can be viewed in their entirety FREE on The Autism Channel. The channel is available (again, FREE) to anyone with a Roku Box or Panasonic Viera connected TV."

Autism & Neurofeedback Here's a creepy video of an autistic boy weilding a play SWORD:

Lynette Louise works with autism 2

Lynette Louise-Part1 Crazy to sane, science and the brain .

As a parent of a child with high functioning autism, THIS TERRIFIES ME.

septimasexta ago

Reposted: YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP! "The Autism Channel: all autism, all the time Produced by Flying Pig Ranch Studios"

"Jeffrey A. Kasky, Esq. President at the Autism Channel"

septimasexta ago

"Flying Pig Ranch Studios, located in Palm Beach County, Florida produces commercials, documentaries and does pro-bono production for not only the Achievement Centers for Children and Families but the United Way of Palm Beach County and Dogs and Cats Forever of Saint Lucie County, Florida."

RELATED? SIC 2 Description: Agricultural Production - Livestock And Animal Specialties SIC 4 Description: General Farms, Primarily Animals

Achievement Centers for Children and Families "Services target children who are at the highest risk for poverty, abuse, abandonment or neglect and for low-income families and adults."

GreenDell144 ago

Thank you for the resources. Great share.

septimasexta ago

I hope many will look further into these leads. Kasky's combo of talent/busineses is quite interesting. Not to mention that he is mentoring his son in managing the $3 MILLION in school shooting donations. Could this be an attempt to replenish cut off Saudi funds? "ROTHSCHILD'S FRIEND BLUNT; INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABUSE RING" America's Dopiest Drug Dealer Is Sent To Prison Perp wore cocaine sweatshirt to Florida court hearing "Billionaire Saudi prince freed from detention" "In 2015, he urged Donald Trump to drop out of the presidential race, calling him a "disgrace" over threats to ban Muslims from entering the United States. In response, Trump called the prince "dopey."

Tanngrisnir ago

I looked it up and I believe she is doing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. It appears to be a newer treatment for autism.

septimasexta ago

The videos are older, 2008. They were calling it "biofeedback". This woman is a clueless idiot. Autism is a brain injury from vaccine poisoning. They are born normal. The treatment is to detox them from mercury, aluminum, etc. Some can be helped, others cannot. Their sensory perception has been altered and many times their gut/digestion has been affected. Most are intelligent and their aberrant behavior is because they are suffering from the assault on their nervous system (including brain). I successfully home schooled my child. He grew up to be a great success and works for a Fortune 500 company in computer engineering. I can assure you, I would never hire this woman.

I believe autistic children are the new target for trafficking.

septimasexta ago

This is from L. L.'s video on adopted son with autism: "His destructive nature evolved into ki**ing animals" 4:38 (safe to watch, no violence)

LA_Trump ago

This is important and overlooked.

think- ago

This is what stood out to me in the last article you linked:

'I believe (...) adoption is in most cases a parent welfare intervention, an intervention often with disregard for first parents and their plight, with disregard for welfare solutions that could help children within their families and communities.

Follow the money leads also in adoption to the truth: the truth that those who have the money define the narrative. Adoption as a privatized and commercialized social service is an American invention

The goodness-of-adoption-normalcy myth found recently its top honors when the venerable American Bar Association (...) published in April 2016: The ABA Consumer Guide to Adopting a Child.

The book is written by the owners of a Florida adoption agency, father and son Robert and Jeffrey Kasky, both adoption lawyers. The latter runs a surrogacy agency on the side.

Those who protested on the web against the title, which shows a complete disregard for adoption as a child welfare measure of last resort and coins adoption as a commercial act, received demeaning tweets.

...he ABA officially signed off on a business-driven, client-driven adoption narrative, which is by growing numbers in the adoption community seen as immoral.'