Is Jeffy another version of Elsagate? (pizzagatewhatever)
submitted 7 years ago by maggiethatcher
Ok posting in /pizzagatewhatever as I'm not sure about this but there are 4channers thinking the same way. There is a youtube channel dedicated to "jeffy" who is a puppet. The content of the videos is a pile of shit but usually has >4m views per video. More concerning is that the videos have some adult themes with paedophile innuendo. Remind anyone of Elsagate?
Somebody on 4chan has looked at it and has linked jeffy to Jeff Kasky, interestingly the father of one of the florida crisis actors (Cameron Kasky) and who also is associated with an ADOPTION AGENCY
The 4plebs archive link:
It is worth looking at some of the videos and deciding for yourself:
The pizza one is particularly disturbing.
It doesn't stop there either. Remember the dodgy comments on the elsagate videos? Well looky here: and
Anybody think the same way?
42times5 7 years ago
My son just told me this came up in his recommendations - Pavo tv. Full of the same twisted themes as Elsagate.
It's a fucking epidemic.
Latest video has 14million views in a day?!?!
KILLtheRATS 7 years ago
Just be prepared to kill these demons when we get a chance
derram 7 years ago :
SML Movie: Jeffy Loses His Arms! - YouTube :
SML Movie: Jeffy's Parents! - YouTube :
SML Movie: The Pizza Delivery! - YouTube
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42times5 ago
My son just told me this came up in his recommendations - Pavo tv. Full of the same twisted themes as Elsagate.
It's a fucking epidemic.
Latest video has 14million views in a day?!?!
Just be prepared to kill these demons when we get a chance
derram ago : : :
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