downwithpizzaelite ago

Holy shit what if the March is just a money laundering effort for the "Adoption agency."

MolochHunter ago

agency is shut down

downwithpizzaelite ago

The GA one is but the FL one is still active.

Tanngrisnir ago

I like this article Jeff Kasky wrote called"Be Careful of Domestic Adoption Scams."

Cc1914 ago

Here's my deleted post from 9 days ago ..

elephantdoesntforget ago

President of the Autism Channel.... you can't make this shit up.

Do they 'like' autistic kids because they are easy to control?

Tanngrisnir ago

Found an extremely creepy interview with Jeff Kasky which is particularly illuminating in light of the information we just saw. Helps give us an idea of the liar we are dealing with.

BeTidy ago

Analysis of interview with Jeff Kasky - more to it than meets the eye:

The interview is an example of NLP/Success marketing. Those into that "market themselves" by writing books and appearing in "Summits". For someone unacquainted with those techniques, it sounds very impressive. However, in reality, its a mutual marketing scam utilizing techniques that in some ways relate to PizzaGate.

Dirty Tricks - He quotes Tony Robbins in the interview. "Self help" gurus like Tony Robbins used Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP to make millions in the 1980s. NLP is a collection of techniques commonly employed by stage hypnotists, cults, and... military intelligence agents. [significant for Pizzagate]

NLP - Best article I've seen about it, very insightful overview, and humorous. Particularly note the link about half way down - "Scamworld: Get rich quick schemes mutate into an online monster". It explains the purpose behind this bizarre interview

In my view, the very jarring and over the top intro from the interviewer made use of hypnotic techniques, typical of NLP.

Don't Judge - He is concerned about people "judging" him. Particular categories of people are famous for crying, "don't judge". [Sodom & Gomorah - the original PizzaGate]

Medical Malpractice - Kasky co hosted a show on Autism with medical malpractice lawyer Mark Rosen. A malpractice lawyer would be very valuable if caught "Programming to Kill" via hypnosis. (the interview is on Roku) Presumably this Mark L Rosen?

Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan - Superb book that explains how serial/spree killers are made. A difficult topic handled without gore, and with great black humour. There are two court cases I've seen crop up where CIA Psychiatrists have been sued (successfully) for programming patients to kill. Both in the USA. (follows on from Medical malpractice connection & NLP above) Look up the book "Programmed to Kill" by Dave McGowan on Amazon, or the author's web site. [I don't think I'm allowed to post the link here]

The NLP movement thrives on people writing books (of any quality) to give themselves a profile in a field. A book makes someone an "expert", which is good for business, or at least appearing in interviews and "summits". Which again are good marketing for business. Kasky lists a number of books he has written on adoption.

Excessive, sickening mutual praise. A key part of NLP brainwashing. Katsky and his interviewer over do it. I nearly threw up. He closes with "... and I know that if we had communications with other planets [pause for effect], they would all know you... you're just a great person, and its an honour to know you".

He says he's all about charities, values and he's not in it for the money. What a guy. He's also following the pattern of the "NLP" crowd, where every charitable act, summit, book, and carefully chosen word and movement, is about deceptive marketing, and hypnotic techniques. Is this the sort of cover one would expect for PizzaGate operations? Well... yes. It fits the profile.

Bizarre NLP / Marketing scam style interview here...

toutedesuite ago

Very much appreciate your post and the resources you point out. I could not bear more than a couple of minutes of the video, they both seem like nutjobs, droning on about absolutely nothing. No credentials, no accomplishments, no educational c.v. references, and no helpful info, leaving me scratching my head and wondering who watches this empty drivel? Guess I need to learn more about NLP and sales strategies. Coincidentally I am realizing 2 aquaintances who claim to have consulting practices, who post similarly nothing-burger video crap on FB, must also be using the same huckster manual. I lost all respect when I viewed the video links these people I know sent me, thought both were just puffing themselves up trying to look successful, but your post causes me to think perhaps there are people who actually fall for these tactics and pay?

BeTidy ago

I know what you mean about not being able to bear to look at the video. I think the goal is to just turn out any content (in this case) and as long as each party is praising the other, its a reference, and they can tout having given "media interviews" with "well known industry figures". It's that hype of presenting at conferences, being interviewed or "going on tour", that can be used to impress at first glance. Tragically, enough people have believed this stuff, that NLP scams are an industry.

I know of two people who have lost a lot of money to a scam that uses NLP, and are still involved in it. In that case its a medical clinic offering expensive procedures that the governing body of that branch of medicine states on its web site to be useless. Although useless to "clients" (once called patients), the procedures are very expensive, and therefore useful to the clinic.

The clinic is very impressive at first, with a fawning, guru like atmosphere built around the clinic owner by staff. But as soon as a patient is signed up, the atmosphere becomes much more manipulative and controlling. The techniques to keep people coming back include not only NLP (basic stage hypnotist tricks, dramatization), but also interestingly hypnotic drugs. The clinic recommends patients have longer procedures done under a hypnotic drug that is best known to the public in news stories about "date rapes".

The procedures should not need anything more than local anaesthetic. Yet patients come in, have work done, and have absolutely no memory of anything that went on in their time at the clinic. A concern few would realize, is that someone under the influence of such a hypnotic drug will by definition be open to hypnotic suggestion. Given the environment, the background of those involved, and the opportunity to sell more "treatment", it does look like a situation ripe for abuse, both financial, and physical. It really is heartbreaking, but its all done "voluntarily".

As far as finding out more about NLP goes, I think it comes under the rubric of many horrible things that have been exposed by PizzaGate. For an investigation, some things have to be dealt with, but some things are not good for us to delve too deeply into either. That said, I think this stuff is growing, and on reflection, its only logical that people practicing this should appear in the context of PizzaGate.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks for the book recommendation. I will look up McGowan's book and NLP.

I saw the interview. Interesting most of it is talking up about how he is such a saint. The part about "consuming kids" to me seemed like a hiding in plain sight as they are essentially just another commodity to him. I've been looking into JAFCO which he mentioned doing a lot of work for in my last submission. Found some sites that have a lot of allegations against it but I am having trouble finding anything truly concrete on them.

ASolo ago

This shits gonna get heavy.

All of the same players from the Clinton cabal.

The gears are turning, the engines heating up. Not sure if anyone else is seeing the signs but the thread count is going to go up. Almost looks too as though the Clinton cartel is throwing shade for DT so he can get out of the sun for a second. Collusion to get the ball to goal.

"Nikolas Cruz's child psychology clinic run by Dr. David Lubin is just 3 blocks down the road from the office of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Sawgrass Parkway in Sunrise Township, Broward Country. It's a small world, after all, inhabited by enterprising young "survivors", manipulative parents, dirty cops, gun-toting religious fanatics, corrupt politicians, would-be tyrants and so-called crazed killers. It's just life and death in a fishbowl."

David Lubin, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Vice President – Clinical Affairs

Dr. Lubin is Co-Founder and Vice President of Clinical Affairs with the Children’s Center for Development and Behavior. With over 25 years of experience in the field of behavior analysis, Dr. Lubin obtained his initial clinical and academic experience in 1980 while attending the University of Florida's Behavioral Psychology Program. Dr. Lubin went on to study at Auburn University where he continued his work in clinical applications of behavior analysis while earning Masters of Science and Doctorate degrees. During this time, he also chose an emphasis in the study of sophisticated techniques for facilitation of learning curves, clinical neuropsychology, neuroanatomy and human engineering technology. Dr. Lubin also held positions with Army Intelligence and NASA where he led teams in the design of user-systems and automated training systems. Dr. Lubin is an Adjunct Professor at Florida International University and teaches courses in both experimental and applied behavior analysis. As the lead clinician for Children’s Center for Development and behavior, Dr. Lubin provides daily clinical staff and program supervision, however, he remains a ‘hands-on’ clinician providing first-contact intakes, assessments, program development and intervention.

Tanngrisnir ago

Susan Secor Manning is very interesting because she she was Executive director of One World Adoption Services and both of the other adoption places she worked for had adoption scandals as well. She also worked for as a supposed child advocate.

TrishaUK ago

Fantastic video from The Truth Factory - 1 thing she says I HAVE NOT HEARD YET IS: One of the kids dad at the school, who is a police officer, GAVE HIM A BULLET PROOF VEST that day and told him to wear it!!! The Parkland Story- Full Review - watch before deleted I recommend . :) @carmencita @srayzie @Cc1914 @Darkknight111 @Blacksmith21

MolochHunter ago

I've seen 2 vids, now scrubbed, of students telling Hogg holding the camera 'we were told it was going to be just a DRILL, so i was really surprised when it became an active live shooter situation' then theres the vid of a student saying she was in Cruz' presence when another shot from elsewhere in the building rang out and another vid saying Hogg had full police gear on, mask included (may therefore not have been Hogg)

they all get scrubbed

TrishaUK ago

(1) Heres 2 videos with that info: - "vid of a student saying she was in Cruz' presence when another shot from elsewhere" - (@5:30 mins) Is the Media Telling Us the Truth About the Parkland Shooting? by reallyGracefulbackup - & (2) (@3:24 mins) The Parkland Story- Full Review by The Truth Factory - - (Also in this Truth Factory video, (@4:18 mins) it states that one of the students dads is a policeman, and he gave his son a bullet proof vest and told him to wear it THAT DAY!) You can't make this stuff up! Sorry repeating it. @Vindicator

MolochHunter ago

thanks for those. The 2 vids I saw of students saying they were told in advance of a drill on the same day, coincidentally, have both been scrubbed from the links I initially captured them on, and neither appeared in your vids above

TrishaUK ago

This censorship is unbelievable. I think we are all still in shock, we talked about it coming but did not realise it could possibly be this BAD! Almost all the channels I watch have been given strikes or deleted. People are signing this petition, share if you know lots of people:- POTUS make executive order stopping YouTube, Facebook and Twitter from violating free speech of conservatives online Created by C.G. on February 28, 2018 -

Cc1914 ago

Whoa 😲 thanks Trish !

darkknight111 ago

This is smoking gun proof of the theory I had regarding the Parkland Shooting:

Parkland PD was the culprit in the false flag.

srayzie ago

This is good! Thank you Trisha!

carmencita ago

I really don't know what it will take for people to believe they are putting on a show every time one of these occurs? What needs to happen? Yesterday someone found a connection with Kasky and Haiti and a mother who's child they wanted. It's just plain sick.

TrishaUK ago

Need to be praying these 'actors' will turn on them and expose these setups. Problem is they know that the 'bosses' are ruthless and not think twice of putting out a hit on them. = Podsta emails eg., judge Scalia, S.Rich and DWS threat, even on camera, to the chief of police. - This is separate but I came across this photo for an Adoption agency - very odd picture?

carmencita ago

That org. is Highly Suspect. You should do a post.

TrishaUK ago

Okay, I was just reading up about the founder. Name Anne Belle Illien and nearly had a heart attack, I missed off her surname and all these Chucky ugly doll pictures came up! - I will post something, but shock she worked in the 'arts for years' in Washington DC!

carmencita ago

"she worked in the arts for years in DC" Is a message to keep looking for sure. Maybe those dolls came up for a reason. It could be nothing, but put her name in and the doll info. See what comes up. You never know. Maybe her name spelling has been changed.

TrishaUK ago

I see just typing in the name Anne Belle was the cause of the 'chucky doll' its a film called Annabelle .... just gross thats all I can say. Isn't this one of their code names for pizza ? I think I remember posts on it a long while back when all this Elsagate stuff was being looked into.

carmencita ago

They are a horrible disgusting lot. I am sick of all of them. They have no morals whatsoever and do not care for a living thing but themselves. They would kill and murder and maim their mother or child in a flash. I can't even imagine how any of them trust their own family members. They should be afraid to turn their backs for a knife may be plunged. Perverted Scumbags All of Them. I am at a point today where I am full to the brim.

septimasexta ago

YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP! "The Autism Channel: all autism, all the time Produced by Flying Pig Ranch Studios"

"Jeffrey A. Kasky, Esq. President at the Autism Channel"

Are autistic children the next target/organ donors? Vaccines cause 7x risk of autism. Coincidence????????

InnocentAngels ago

The shooter and his brother's adoptions were both done through private pay adoptions. When I saw recently about the connection to Fbi dad and the adoption agency I wondered if they had been through that agency.

BeTidy ago

Quoting RoseThistleArtworks comment on Youtube

That One World Adoption Agency has been in business 22 years according to the BBB and is located in Florida. That is long enough to have been involved with Cruz and his brother's adoption. Was their mother coerced? One of the scams mentioned was that they would say the kids were born to different fathers...they say Cruz and his brother are from different fathers. This is not conclusive of anything, but definitely worth investigating more thoroughly. Is it possible these kids have been monitored and/or consistently messed with over their lives?

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Without a doubt

MolochHunter ago

very interesting conjecture...

MrrHandsome ago

Well, this certainly threw a spanner in the works. A very significant find, thanks for posting this. This should be voted up thousands of times

srayzie ago

Here it is archived!

srayzie ago

Yes! Check out the posts I made. You can add it to your research. The first one has to do with Cameron Kasky. The other 2 are related. In case you want to dig further, I’ll add all 3 posts...

This is the post on Cameron Kasky.
This is the post of another “student” David Hogg.
This is the post on the Sherriff Scott Israel

This is HUGE if true. This image is being spread around on social media saying this is a picture of Cameron Kasky with Nellie Ohr of Fusion GPS!

MolochHunter ago

Person of Interest; Marge Snider

thanks for compiling these summary links

Tanngrisnir ago

I found a Huffpost article (of all places!) from 2017 where they call Jeffrey Kasky out for using the word "consumer" to refer to adoptions and for treating it like a purely commercial act without regards to the child.

lamplight ago

Looks like the Swamp is fighting back. Shootings - Las Vegas (FBI), Florida (FBI), GPS involvement (FBI), Adoption Agency and Human Trafficking (FBI). I'd say the FBI is up to it's neck in crap.

Justaddcoffee ago

They want to disarm Americans so they can take your kids.

WHAMMO63 ago


carmencita ago

LOOK At This! Jerry Brown Signs Bill That Teacher's Can't Shoot Back!

MolochHunter ago

my jaw just hit the ground and the fucking screws that kept it hinged fell into a drain.

I cant reattach the fucking thing

carmencita ago

Every day we hear things so shocking the can't be believed. You and I had the same reaction.OOH I am SO MAD. Even if Teachers can't being guns to schools, what if they are in their car before or after school and keep a gun in their car. In the glove bos or trunk for safety. What if they see a shooter with a gun? What if they are on the street with a gun, can they not shoot then either? We have to find out the fine print on this bill.

carmencita ago This is being spread on Twitter. True Pundit Let's hope this Goes Viral!

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Margie Snider and Kasky are further connected through this agency . On this page, Snider is described as a "legendary adoption social worker". Cough.

carmencita ago

Nellie Ohr was the wife of that DOJ guy. She was caught peddling the Steele Dossier to Yahoo News. Good God! Can't they do Anything Right. So, she is Cameron Kasky's Grandmother. Honestly I am ROMFLing.

EricKaliberhall ago

No carmencita... David Brock's Media Matters put out that hoax, probably because they where afraid of this and more.

New_years_day ago

Nothing to see here, move along peasants. Defiantly just another strange coincidence.

think- ago

srayzie ago

Thank you. I replied!

think- ago


carmencita ago

I knew it. I just knew it. So many things pointed to that dad and grandpa being caught up in something. An adoption agency that seals the adoption with cards or a handshake. But I bet my husband will still say, mmhmm. This news feels so good!

think- ago

Wow, just wow! Thanks for this, @MolochHunter!

ben_matlock ago

Just seeing this! Wow is right. This is monumental.

Syndicalism ago

Wow. This is pretty significant. I feel like I should be surprised.

Baichu ago

Wow....just wow. What's with the fbi fathers?

stillinit ago

So both boys who are spouting scripted lines for gun control have FBI dads?

MolochHunter ago


who knows, maybe this operation is what got the butterfly symbol added to that infamous pedo-symbol page

Blacksmith21 ago

Step back for a second. How many kids are there on CNN from Parkland? 4 or 5? The teensheep follow them. Who is the genderneutral dykeofthefuture? Who are the other ones?

I hereby declare them #THEMKKKIDS spread the word.

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Jacob A Wohl is controlled opposition.

InnocentAngels ago

Just for the record, I don't follow him. I was just linking the video I had seen. I know nothing about this guy. I just want truth and justice to come out no matter which side it happens to fall on.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hehe, #THEMKKKIDS I like it... Them kids probably won't get it though, wrong use of Tide pods is partly to blame.

Vindicator ago

Nice find MolochHunter. I'm giving this a "New Evidence" flair. Haven't seen this before and it certainly connects a bunch of different threads of information.

Immelda ago

Jesus pizzagate is like playing 6 degrees of separation!

hels ago

What pizzagate needs to happen is someone with plenty of free time put all the links together. The linkage in this post is easy to see but other than already known players/targets (FBI/Haiti/Adoption Agency) the trail closes with this post. It would be a gigantic job to try and put it all together with all the evidence.

I think if we needed a starting point to try and link it all together the Clinton Foundation would hold easy links. It's pretty easy to put FBI and Haiti with the Clinton Foundation, wouldn't be surprised if One World Adoption Agency has connections as well.

MolochHunter ago

well if you've been into it from the podesta-wiki drop days you'd know why they call it the conspiracy theory to connect all conspiracy theories

BIGLY17 ago

I call it the grand web of scum

Immelda ago

I came late to the party, better later than never though. Right?

BIGLY17 ago


Tanngrisnir ago

Nice find. Apparently OWSA tried bribes and the like after being found out as well. The plot thickens.

Shizy ago

Uuggrrrr! These people are so disgusting and infuriating! They steal people's children, why wouldn't they try and take our guns. It's easier to take children from unarmed peasants!

truthdemon ago

Is there a loophole in the laws that they r trying to plug.. What if a parent shoots and kills a CPS officer and sheriff ..while they try to kidnap a child...and the parent at the same time sues the CPS for attempt to kidnap..would that be protected by the second amendment..i'm not a lawyer..but would that motion to sue trump state action... I know the US treasury protects against child trafficking..and the home being federal zip code is protected under federal jurisdiction.. ..

Shizy ago

Hmmmm, very interesting!

truthdemon ago

The State administer vaccines.and .dangerous dugs for anxiety ..which turns childdren and adults the same to show psycothic behaviour as a precursor to they become difficult..The food marketed by big corp..also makes children fructose and sodium glutamase..then clamazipam and other benzos are. administered...this creates mental problems overnight by messing up the natural braking systems of the GABA receptors..the frontal lobe gets damaged..induced sociopathy progressively gets worse.. such a situation there will be more instances for CPS to come in.. ...if a parent also refuses the administeation of these drugs the CPS comes in.. Google clamazipam withdrawal

So basically they r farming these children for the state..this generates miney for .. But the rogues in the feds working to create such an environment see that the constitution protects the parent shooting potential the rogues r trying to plug the hole..if the child is on drugs the parent will not be able to buy a gun...they will have that in the bill.. ..But som expert. on constitutional law trumping state law can only study this loophole.. But to me..for the mo.. this explains their push ..towards gun control...they r farming children for the CPS..they have the seeds..fertilizers ..farmland ready for planting..they just need to get rid of the weeds

Blacksmith21 ago

And the best part....I'm pretty sure it was a Jew that put this together. Oy gevalt. LOL.

Blacksmith21 ago

Holy schnikey. It doesn't surprise me one effing bit. Good catch.

truthdemon ago

Was ur reply to the now deleted comment

yurisrevenge ago

WUT wut wut!!!!! angry yell