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Vindicator ago

Giving this a "Potential Lead" flair, Tanngrisnir. :-)

septimasexta ago

A recent post was deleted but it contained some important video leads and connects Kasky's "Autism Channel" with some creepy You Tube videos of what appears to be children with autism who getting ther brains hooked up to a computer by Kasky's cohort, Lynette Louise, aka "The Brain Broad". Is this sick comedy or REAL? (she claims to have been a stand up comic, among other things. Don't forget the $3 million in donations collected by Kasky's son. srazy originally posted this BeTidy next posted this: "Bizarre NLP / Marketing scam style interview here..." You will notice that the first video was embedded here.

There were links to videos of her using "therapy" on a child and hooks him up to a laptop via electrodes on head! WATCH ALL! Lynette Louise works with autism 4 Lynette Louise works with autism 3

"Lynette Louise raised eight children (mostly) on her own. Her four adopted boys all landed in various places on the autism spectrum; they also had other various diagnosis."

" Lynette Louise paid the bills as a single mom by performing stand-up comedy, taking roles in B-movies and even having her own Canadian cooking show! "

"FIX IT IN FIVE with THE BRAIN BROAD, Seasons One (Uganda) and Season Two (USA) can be viewed in their entirety FREE on The Autism Channel. The channel is available (again, FREE) to anyone with a Roku Box or Panasonic Viera connected TV."

Autism & Neurofeedback Here's a creepy video of an autistic boy weilding a play SWORD:

Lynette Louise works with autism 2

Lynette Louise-Part1 Crazy to sane, science and the brain .

As a parent of a child with high functioning autism, THIS TERRIFIES ME.

septimasexta ago

Reposted: YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP! "The Autism Channel: all autism, all the time Produced by Flying Pig Ranch Studios"

"Jeffrey A. Kasky, Esq. President at the Autism Channel"

septimasexta ago

"Flying Pig Ranch Studios, located in Palm Beach County, Florida produces commercials, documentaries and does pro-bono production for not only the Achievement Centers for Children and Families but the United Way of Palm Beach County and Dogs and Cats Forever of Saint Lucie County, Florida."

RELATED? SIC 2 Description: Agricultural Production - Livestock And Animal Specialties SIC 4 Description: General Farms, Primarily Animals

Achievement Centers for Children and Families "Services target children who are at the highest risk for poverty, abuse, abandonment or neglect and for low-income families and adults."