ASolo ago

Watch Ben Affleck's newest film Live by Night

"Dion and his men ambush Pescatore's men through a series of underground tunnels that Joe used to move rum."

Ybor City tunnel myth comes to light again!

"Under the crowded streets of Ybor is a series of tunnels, the use of which has never been fully documented. The tunnels run under some of the early gaming palaces and down along the streets toward the port of Tampa."

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks, I'll see if I can watch the movie sometime.

Tanngrisnir ago

Fantastic link! Thank you so much, CapRICE92!

Criticalthinker615 ago

here is the Guy that I was talking about. He has a youtube channel too where he films his alleged proof

YingYangMom ago

Now that you're bringing the Walmart subject up... What is the real reason why Walmarts are shutting 269 stores around the globe including 154 in the USA? (Walmart to Shut Down 269 Stores, Including 154 in US) (Full list of US stores and dates of closure here) (THE REAL REASON WALMART IS CLOSING STORES SUDDENLY) (Walmart to close 269 stores, shut down 'Express' format, including a map of states and their shut downs. Texas alone is closing 29)

So does anyone know the real reason behind this?

Dressage2 ago

I thought I read somewhere because of wages going up to $15 an hour

YingYangMom ago

So wages are going up globally? I highly doubt it.

survey_girl ago

also, that DynCorp in Jax is only 22 miles from another WM distribution center in Macclenny (just west of Jax on I-10)

Address: 2686 Commerce Rd, Macclenny, FL 32063

Tanngrisnir ago

Excellent, the criminal web may be starting to become visible!

EndThePizza ago

Also relevant: shipments of goods from the Caracol plant in Haiti (Clinton connection) are transported from the Cap Haitien port in Haiti to the Port of Miami.

I have not been able to determine where they go after that point, as that's private info within​ the shipping companies.

Tanngrisnir ago

Nice call! I had been wondering about Miami.

EndThePizza ago

Well, it's the closest port to Haiti. So, anything that gets shipped into the US will come through there. Doesn't mean anything in itself, but it sure would be something to see the final destination of those Caracol goods.

survey_girl ago

The Walmart in Alachua is actually a distribution center, we are also supposed to be getting a store, but they have not built it yet (it is supposed to go right behind the old RTI building before they moved to Progress Park). There are a ton of semi's in and out of there.... there is also a Cisco & a Dollar General distribution center on the same road - and Cisco has a railroad spur that it serves too.

here is an aerial of where the distribution center is in relation to RTI

EDIT TO CLARIFY - a ton of semi trucks are in and out of the WM dist. center, not out of RTI - that is a business park.

Tanngrisnir ago

Huh! That is pretty interesting. Thanks for the info.

Criticalthinker615 ago

buddy from texas is a guy that posted on here about tunnels being under is home that connect to the home depot near his house. he was shot in his house allegedly and posts videos about the tunnels and sex trafficking going on there. ill try to find his youtube.

goodguy1367 ago

Yes! I remember reading that post, was creepy as fuck!

naturallyfree ago

Oh no. I remember a scientist from SantaFe NM area telling me about the highways dug underground that semis drive through and his adobe has been rattled to an inch wide gap in his house from the vibration. Figured it was a military "ufo" transport route but didn't ask what.

Micheal84 ago

I remember a post somewhere, with YTvids. A guy was locating secret Wallmart spots, which almost looked like millitary bases.

Just dont know if it was on Voat or not.

zlomsocz ago

Walmart has all the ncmec missing child posters too, so sad, mayb we should be looking inside of the Walmart for these kids

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Remember when Obunghole was first in office, they pushed if you see any suspicious activities to report it to your local Walmart! HillPedo was on board of Walmart or close ties.

goodguy1367 ago

Report it to your local Walmart? Hahahaha are you fucking serious?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

So, I went to go find an article saying this and this pops up?

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goodguy1367 ago

There's some strange happenings going On round here. Hahahaha homeland has a new parter to fight terrorism, Walmart haha well fuck I've heard it all now! Probably the biggest terrorists going

ReyaPhemhurth ago

This isn't a lib/democrat thing. Repubs/conservs are in this just as much as the other party. Take off your partisan colored glasses and realize they're all in on it and they're all buddies. Trump & Co. included. You picking a party/side shows that you've fallen victim to their desire to keep everyone divided.

3141592653 ago

That started under bush jr with his creation of the nefarious department of homeland security