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letsdothis2 ago

Chairman of the Boca Raton Police Foundation is Marc H. Bell

Marc Bell and his wife, Jennifer, opened their home to 70 foster children who had nowhere to stay after Hurricane Irma

On Monday when the power went out at one of the hurricane shelters in Boca Raton, Florida, the sheriff asked everyone to leave. That’s when the panic set in for the staff of the SOS Children’s Villages Florida. They had been staying there with 70 foster children and didn’t know where else to go. That’s when the executive director called Marc Bell.

Bell — a former executive for the adult magazine Penthouse, who sits on the board of SOS — knew his home, a $30 million, 27,000-square foot mansion, could handle a big group. And, he and wife, Jennifer, felt they had to help these children.

“They were traumatized before the storm,” he said. "Now, they were traumatized because they had no place to go."

After the children arrived, the Bells ordered 20 pizzas and made sure everyone bathed and had clean clothes — which only took 36 loads of laundry. The couple asked their friends for help and over the next 72 hours about 100 pitched in. It felt like a real sleepover with sleeping bags piled in every room but the Bells made it even more fun than the average sleepover. They invited clowns, balloon artists, athletes, and ice cream trucks to entertain the children. With the help of friends and family they served over 800 meals in 72 hours.

“We had an army of volunteers who selflessly gave up their time,” he said.

“There was an abundance of love. All these kids were getting one-on-one attention, which they never get. All the little kids were being held by someone and the older kids were getting one-on-one conversation,” he said.

So, this is an online account of Jennifer Bell

Look at those images and tell me if a bunch of children should be left with these people unsupervised?

Hre is an article on Marc Bell's mansion. It's basically full of toys:

He's mentioned here in this interesting post by @HennyPenny Isaias Family (Aborted Baby Harvesters) Mingle with the Rich and Famous: No Stigma There

William, Roberto, Luis, Andres and Estefano Sr/Jr Isaias of the notorious aborted baby organ company Da Vinci BioSciences continue to flaunt their stuff in Miami circles.

Daughter in law Alexis continues her fashion designing in Miami, selling to the Kardashians, Beyoncé, et al

It's unknown if her fashion line incorporates maternity clothes for the abortion patients or layettes for the babies before dissection. She has two lovely girls, impeccably dressed but is apparently able to put family business in a mental holding pattern.

One of the brothers Estefano apparently lives in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. One of his FB friends is Marc Bell, Florida millionaire, former Penthouse exec, who sits on board of directors of SOS Children's Village FL (foster kids). He likes to take the kids to Disneyland, sheltered them in his 27000 sq ft mansion during Hurricane Irma (where he gave them pizza, clowns, manicures for the girls

Why someone who sells aborted baby parts befriends someone who sits on the board of an orphanage (and vice versa) is a puzzler.

Another FB buddy is Leopold Lippens of Dutroux notoriety. This makes more sense: both have no pity for children. https://www.face

Well, not so puzzling I'm afraid. Here's a video of Marc and his wife Jennifer being interviewed

She's an odd duck, isn't she?

HennyPenny ago

Marc Bell is on his 2nd wife. This one can't keep putting her hand on his lap or stroking his arm during the interview. He can't keep his interest fixed during the 50 minute interview, yawning at the end or smiling at his wife (duping delight?) Marc Bell is linked with Lockheed Martin as chairman and founder of Terran Orbital, military intelligence nanosatellite provider

letsdothis2 ago

Wow. What a piece of information. Trying to get my head around that one. Good to see you here. Thank you.

A company like that has a one page website?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Marc and Jennifer Bell. You do know that “Jennifer” Bell is a tranny right? Born male. These two were constantly being trashed on an old website years ago called TheDirty and they threatened to sue many times every time they were posted. Jennifer doesn’t like being outed. These two are beyond ODD and alarming they were helping children. Makes zero sense they had a bunch of children rescued from the storm with no parents. Alarming to say the least.

HennyPenny ago I don't know who this "Jennifer Bell" is but her pininterest site is about cross dressing. Not for queasy stomachs. Young childen in sexualized outfits, included

carmencita ago

Both of them should be sheltered. IN A CELL. They are such liars. Listen to them as they make everything up. If they took those Children, I can't even. They say they put up 70 of them in their house and did their laundry. I am going to get sick.

letsdothis2 ago

You do know that “Jennifer” Bell is a tranny right?

That's what I thought when I watched the video. I think that that whole episode with the children was bizarre. A former executive of Penthouse , a mansion full of toys, the partner is transvestite and he sits on the board of a children's charity. Not good.

letsdothis2 ago

Also on the board of the BRPF is Brian Altschuler

Prior to joining Boca Regional, Brian played an integral role in leadership and staff development at both Palms West Hospital and Bethesda Healthcare System. Other career highlights include ten years with Marriott International in various operational and support positions.

Voat post: Our hotels are fighting human trafficking, but we can't do it alone: Marriott CEO

Marriott is CIA. And they are close with the Clintons

The Clinton Foundation continues to respond to critical needs in Haiti by focusing its efforts on Haiti’s long-term development and strategic planning and by encouraging foreign and private sector investments and job creation. In 2011, the Clinton Foundation facilitated the signing of a development and operating agreement between Marriott Hotel and the Digicel Group to build a 175-room Marriott branded hotel in the Turgeau area of Port-au-Prince. In 2014, the Marriott/Digicel hotel welcomed its first guests.