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carmencita ago

I don't have time to research this now, but I know we have talked about there being money laundering in the fashion industry. If Alexis hob nobs and sells to the Kardashians, and Beyonce, there has to be some connection here to something nefarious. The family seems to be involved in doing some nasty things with babies and I bet kids too, so hey, no respect for Our Children, right? Just like the art museums are being used for hiding what is going on behind the scenes so is this industry.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I wrote a pizzagate article about baby body parts that sourced another article about the Isaias family but I hadn't taken the time to look farther into them. This is awesome research, thank you so much for doing this! I'm going to share this on Twitter.

HennyPenny ago

Thanks for the articles:

"In ten Planned Parenthood clinics, Live Action videos depict investigators posing as underage girls, as young as 13-years-old, saying they were impregnated by men over twice their age. Planned Parenthood’s typical response? “Whatever you tell us stays within these walls” (Alabama). Or, “I didn’t hear the age, I don’t want to know the age” (Indiana). Or, “You don’t have to say anything” (Arizona). Or, “Just say he’s 15” (Tennessee)."

Our tax dollars go for research dependent on baby cadavers:

The National Institutes for Health operate a Laboratory for Embryology at the university of Washington in Seattle that runs a 24 hour collection service at abortion clinics.

In 1993, President Clinton freshly greased that slope. Following vigorous lobbying by patient advocacy groups, Mr. Clinton signed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Revitalization Act, effectively lifting the ban on federally funded research involving the transplantation of fetal tissue.

This society cares more for feral cat protection than for human infants.

Vindicator ago

@HennyPenny, I'm giving this the "New Evidence" flair. I think you've highlighted a lot of connections that deserve deeper research.

derram ago :

Exclusive: Florida Rep Helped Fugitive Embezzlers :

Designer Alexis Barbara Isaias shares best spots in Miami to shop, nosh and hide out

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carmencita ago

The abortion posts continue. Thank You! They need to be exposed, the horrid monsters. Killing live babies.

HennyPenny ago

Right out in the open, Isaias puts Leopold Lippen of Belgium in his FB page as a "friend". And why does a ex Penthouse exec want to be sleep over buddies with orphans????

carmencita ago

Sounds like MJ to me. A total copy cat of just wanting to "be friends" and play games. Yeah, sure. Best Buds with Lippen is really a Red Flag imo. Sick.

Vindicator ago

HennyPenny, what exact role did Lippen play in the Dutreaux stuff? Not everyone can keep the horrible Who's Who straight.

HennyPenny ago

"Maurice Lippens and his brother Leopold have been named by witnesses as child abusers, not only involved in regular rape, but also in the snuff network (185)." more detail is listed in the source provided