Factfinder2 ago

Thanks for a really interesting post.

The Walmart logo you mentioned featured just a regular pentagram, not an inverted one, but anyway it's been changed now to what could be interpreted as a Luciferian illumination symbol. They call it "the iconic spark": https://imgoat.com/uploads/3f390d88e4/67691.jpg

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

WALMART is involved in the FEMA program and recently during the hurricanes, people were brought to closed Wall Marts as emergency center. People have been warning that Wall Mart is involved with FEMA to secretly have quickly convertable FEMA camps around the country. Wouldn't be shocked if they were part of traficking as well.

Shillaxe ago

"China White" isn't from China at all , it's Methylfentanyl , an opioid analgesic that is an analog of fentanyl.

septimasexta ago

Then, where is it from? It is opium based. It is grown in China.

Shillaxe ago

I think a majority is grown in Pakistan, not sure, but phentanyl isn't any stronger than other opiate pain killers as far as i know.

septimasexta ago

Basically, you are just guessing. This famous book lays it ALL out: https://issuu.com/guraja/docs/dope__inc._-_britain_s_opium_war_ag/340 p. 37-39 p. 246 READ THE ENTIRE BOOK!

Shillaxe ago

Ok but China White is not from China which was the claim , thats what my comment was for, do you dispute this?

septimasexta ago

Originally, the East India Co. imported (pushed) opium grown in India into China. This was the source of the Opium Wars. China was forced to legalize opium imports by Great Britain. Later, opium poppies were also grown in China. The poppies are also grown in Afghanistan and other countries. There is no reason to believe that "China white" was not sourced from China. This info is documented in that book I linked to. READ IT!

Shillaxe ago

China White is synthetic so anyone can make it , no heroin needed.

septimasexta ago

The article I posted (with info from the book I linked to) is older. Currently, "China White" refers to the synthetic. HOWEVER, when that article was written, the term referred to Southeast Asian heroin. This is documented in the NY Times article from 1987:


"Chinese criminals have taken over the dominant role in New York City's heroin industry, in a sudden restructuring of a multibillion-dollar enterprise that for decades was the preserve of the Mafia, Federal law-enforcement officials say.

Authorities say ethnic Chinese traffickers have recently been flooding the New York market with huge shipments of Southeast Asian heroin, or China White, which is among the world's purest.

The rise of Southeast Asian heroin in New York, where half the nation's heroin addicts live, comes as officials are warning that Chinese organized crime is on the rise around the country." http://www.nytimes.com/1987/08/09/nyregion/chinese-now-dominate-new-york-heroin-trade.html

septimasexta ago

Great post and documentation. The controlling players in Arkansas are the Rockefellers, Clintons, Waltons, Tyson (chicken), and Riady Family (Chinese), J.B. Hunt (trucking) THIS ARTICLE TIES IT ALL TOGETHER:

WAL-MART AND THE RED CHINESE SECRET POLICE http://thechildrenofthecovenant.com/articles/category/rockefeller/ "Another Rockefeller owned and operated state is Arkansas. Sizeable land, small population. You cannot be so much as a successful dog-catcher there without the blessings of the Rockefellers. Several terms before Clinton, Winthrop Rockefeller was Governor. Our interviews with middle-level members of the Rockefeller Family convinces us his proper name should be WILLIAM ROCKEFELLER CLINTON. We feel certain, from all we know, that Sludge Willy is the illegitimate great grandson of the unsmiling Rockefeller patriarch."

"It is surprising how some people look at a backward state like Arkansas, and yet do not wonder about the so-called great fortunes headquartered there. Tyson Chickens. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and all their subsidiaries, and J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc."

"Tyson has supposedly offered their chicken preparation expertise to Red China. Really? The Chinese have been handling chickens for centuries. Do they REALLY need consulting with Tyson? Need we point out, that Southwest China, where Tyson may have visited, are producers of “China White” dope, a major export to the U.S., much, often via Chicago.

Starting about the late 1970s, the Rockefeller banks, such as the First National of Chicago, now to confuse people re-named Bank One, began loaning billions and billions of dollars to mainland China. The promise was that Red China would pay back with gold from their western provinces. BUT, China did not allow in any inspectors to determiine if there is that much gold there to be used to re-pay the loans. Instead, China has been allowed to pay back with “China White” flooding into the U.S. All the while the pressfakers keep falsely saying that most of the dope is coming from Colombia."

"In the 1980s, the CIA was shipping through the southern states, guns to Central America, and return trips of dope. Some originating in Colombia and a few other places. It was centered around a small community in western Arkansas, Mena, and the Mena Airport. The Riadys bought the tiny First National Bank of Mena reportedly as a laundry vehicle to the Chicago markets. [Visit our extensive website stories about the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange.] With the aid of the Rockefellers and through the Riadys, reportedly billions of dope dollars traveled this route." READ ENTIRE ARTICLE http://thechildrenofthecovenant.com/articles/category/rockefeller/



"Other reputed patrons of Bill Clinton reportedly include the Jacobs family of Buffalo, New York (who also reportedly contributed to the rise to high position in sports of O.J. Simpson). They control concessions at sports stadia around the nation, through their operations, once called Emprise, and later, Sportsystems, Inc. Some contended the international sports concession firm had underworld ties.

(See, for example: Chicago Sun-Times, 6/6/72; 1/16/72; 11/28/72. Later, Jeremy Jacobs, president of Sportsystems, Inc., testified that the firmhas been "rehabilitated", Chicago Tribune, 3/4/75. In 1972, Emprise Corp., a Sportsystem subsidiary, was convicted in California Federal Court of making a series of loans to Las Vegas gamblers with crime syndicate connections. Chicago Tribune, 3/4/75.)

The Jacobs family runs dog racing, popular in Arkansas. They also have owned Marine Midland Bank, originally headquartered in Buffalo, and now have units nation-wide, and around the world by having merged with Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. The Hong Kong Bank financed the opium trade going back to the 19th Century Opium Wars, the British method of subjugating China. That Bank has been owned and operated by British royalty and is interlinked with British shipping firms in the Pacific rim. Also, some in law enforcement have accused the Marine Midland Bank of being reportedly a dope money laundry." https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/truthavengers/qzMAer0-Hac

nervewar ago

Excellent post, thank you.

42times5 ago

Reading your post reminded of this guy - Buddy Webb who used to post here sometimes. He said there were tunnels under his house that he thought were being used for terrorist activity. They connected to a WalMart. He is in Midland Texas. He had a crazy story that seemed to completely check out.

migratorypatterns ago

Great post.

UpVoat and thanks for the info.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

The waltons are heavily connected to the clintons, and are also one of the groups behind nafta.

Pringle ago

Great post! Very informative.

Cc1914 ago

This is one of the best research post I've seen ! Good job!

Piscina ago


New_FoundingFathers ago

Woe thanks for the post. This information is fucking insane, I mean I knew Wal-Mart was fucked, but holy shit

Millennial_Falcon ago

You might want to also mention that Hillary Clinton was once on Wal-Mart's Executive Board.

Piscina ago

Yes, she was the first woman on their board.

Dauphin ago

I would look into the locations of WHERE Walmarts are built. I remember it becoming a HUGE issue in Arizona. Walmart kept building stores on INDIAN BURIAL GROUNDS.... Random stores out in the middle of the desert. They then "close," but the entire infrastructure is left in tact. People always thought they were doing this to use one day as a FEMA camp or something... but I just realized, they are almost always near the border and I bet they are human trafficking hubs... Holy fuck!


They actually have quite a history of building Walmart over scared Indian land and burial sites... GREAT WORK!

TippyHome ago

I just posted in the "Holiday Cheer" thread about a cousin of ours working on the "mothballed" WalMarts on the East Coast. Could get no answer from anyone about who was going in there after they finished working on them. He is red-pilled, big time. Something really is weird about them and all the tunnels, too. Scary. But, if you try to get answers, people call you names and tell you that you are crazy and looking for conspiracies. (But, from last week, we now know that the Mueller probe fix was in--via all the text messages we are now seeing exposed. Not our imagination, at all. They had ultimate power for thirty years. Always was sure she was getting in. It's all over her face when she came out in that purple-lapeled suit after the election. She had "oh, crap" written all over her face.)

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Holy shit - great write up, but that's not a vulture in the Walton Ford painting, that's a chicken hawk!

Factfinder2 ago

Yes. It's a red kite as noted on the painting itself: https://imgoat.com/uploads/3f390d88e4/67681.jpg

Here's the story of Leonardo DaVinci's earliest childhood memory that obviously inspired this painting (scroll down a little to Earliest Memory section): http://leonardo.wikia.com/wiki/Leonardo's_Childhood

It was Sigmund Freud's interpretation of that memory that brought in the vulture mistranslation and sexual connotations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci,_A_Memory_of_His_Childhood

Freud's analysis: https://biblioklept.org/2012/04/24/freuds-psychosexual-study-of-leonardo-da-vincis-vulture-fantasy/

Piscina ago

I didn't realise it was a chicken hawk. That makes it even grosser and sicker.

realityisinsanity ago

It goes back to Phoenix worship throughout the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East. The Canaanites I believe worshipped it.

pixiesbitch ago

Great post mate. Those paintings are vile. It’s definitely no coincidence all these rich elites love “modern art”

AnAnonandOnandOn ago

There's a reason we say: EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Walton married a rich Jewess and their subsequent business practices reveal their almost entire Jewish corporate ranks as do their SHITTY PRODUCTS

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Your user name made me "Lol". I felt inclined to let you know.

Z11Mama ago

I was just reminded by someone here about the photos I have (sorry, haven't figured out how to post photos here) of the 'furry costumes' Wal-Mart sells for adults. Ones like they use for pedo. Also, Dr. Suess movie furry costumes with the fbi like double heart pedo symbol.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes they do and they also sell full Halloween costumes for adults all year long. The horse head and bear, etc...

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, I saw the animal heads on sale this Halloween. Also, had the rabbit heads. They are way to big for kids. The rabbit heads were really creepy, esp. after some pics I have seen here.

Cheesebooger ago

To post photo's, go here: https://imgjar.co/

Drag photo from your photo's into the box, copy link then post link here. Easy-peasy

and holy shit I was in Wal-Mart recently and saw those costumes in the mens section. Very odd.

Z11Mama ago

Excellent post! Very impressively put together. Thank you! To demonstrate the importance of posts like this: I have read countless posts and articles about the suspicions with Wal-Mart. Then, reading this, something struck me. No wonder I have a friend who worked for Wal-Mart for 15 years and told me hundreds of horrible horrible stories. Like none I have ever heard. It always struck me that Wal-Mart manipulated people to extreme degrees to get what they wanted. One thing was the terrible terrible ways they made sure no one ever had enough hours for the minimum required for company insurance. My friend was management. She left for a job I could never work. Super high stress. She has been there for years. I don't believe I have heard her complain once. Talk about my eyes being opened. Wal-Mart practices mind control on its employees. And more. I would bet anything. Heaven only know what goes on underground. Also, it is well known they force companies to sell to them for less. Force.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I’ve seen them make all the employees gather around before store opening and do excercises and chants to syke them up for the work day. It was always so odd and this went on for years.

swordfish69 ago

Great post, remember that Alice Walton is also a member of the Art in Embassies group that many prominent Washingtonians (and members of the Comet Ping Pong inner circle) are members of. Her museum gives her board the ability to send certain artwork (including massive, cumbersome structures) overseas.



DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Good thread, TY.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/4mqSU :

The Butchering Art: Victorian Medicine, From Blood-Caked Aprons And Body Snatching, To Antiseptic | Gizmodo Australia

https://archive.fo/jgp6Y :

My daughter saved my life today! My... - Terrie Madron Fox | Facebook

https://archive.fo/aCoW4 :

Crystal Bridges art museum wows — and also confuses - The Washington Post

https://archive.fo/cHIYs :

Traces of the Occult on a Farm Pose Mystery for Arkansas Town - The New York Times

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