pnwpatriot97 ago

Thank you so much. Makes a big difference looking at what you just said to me compared to what @grlldcheese is still trying to banter me for. Making sure these were actual connections took a good amount of time, so thank you again for your acknowledgement 😊

grlldcheese ago

You shouldn't use words like banter if you don't know what they mean.

Fucking idiot piece of shit crybaby.

Here's what this cuck was doing all day yesterday. All day. Then he started crying about his posts getting deleted. Now he's crying about me calling him a crybaby idiot like he is.

This fucking child is going to be hilarious.

Look at his hot new dyncorp tip!!! Lmfao!

pnwpatriot97 ago

You're up there with @sanegoatiswear Lmfao. Calling me a shill when in reality there is blatant proof on my deleted submissions that I was the one being shilled minutes after posting, just like others have been on other threads with their submissions. Keep crying tho, the tears are so so so rich. Making yourself look like a pedo enabler more and more. Just saying. Lol.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little noob? bitch i'll have you know i have 100 confirmed reks of shills of the cabal on Voat, Inc that have been promoting the ideology of censorship on voat. they code voat, they run pizzagate, they run protectvoat, they mod most major non default subs, they janitor all the default subs, they talk to the admins off voat, they partipate in the discussion that directs voat that used to be the community's job. i am trained in being a penguine, and we penguines are great at never sleeping, always defending free speech against shills. you are a noob, free to speak, here on voat like any other. but you called a user shill without providing proper evidence, making you look like a shill. if you're a shill, i will call you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking niggers. you think you can get away with saying that shit and pinging me on the internet?!?! think again, fucker. as we speak i am contacting my secret network of anti-shill goatkus across the japan and antarctica, and your comments are being capped logged and archived as we speak, so you better prepare your anus, maggot. this anus reking wipes out pathetic little things you call life like you all day every day. you're fucking caplogchived, kid. i am everywhere at all times, and i can call you out as a shill in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare keyboard, no pasta. not only am i extensively trained in unaided shill detection, but i have access to the entire anti-shill aresenal of the dankest darkest corners of kek's laboratory and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable shill ass off the last bastion of free speech on the interweebs, voat, you little niggerfaggot. if only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, MAYBE you would have held your fucking tongue. but you're free to speak here, unless you're a paid shill, then your ass is grass, lit bootlippy. but you couldn't you didn't and now you're paying the price, you goddamn shitfucking downylover. i will shit fury all over you and you will go mad. you're fucking insane, kiddo.

pnwpatriot97 ago

@sanegoatiswear comment barrage in 3..2..1- d'awwww too late he beat me. Lmao

SaneGoatiSwear ago

1.4 day account

shill alt confirmed

capped logged and archived for shill alt

pnwpatriot97 ago

LOL. You couldn't be more of a joke dude. Sorry but more than 90% of your "shills" are people you just think are that are just new here trying to piece together information. Get bent.

grlldcheese ago

Yeah the people who have been here for more than a day are the shills.

You idiots are pathetic.

Shinsha ago

Are you talking about the CIA black ops DynCorp? Be careful where you tread there.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Well no one gets to stop those sick fucks without spreading info like this. #death2pedophiles

smokemirrors ago

Why? People have been talking about and outing Dyncorp on here for MONTHS. Bit late for careful treading.

pnwpatriot97 ago There's some even better proof since it was another thread if mine deleted by falcon just today. Better to leave JesusOfNazareth out of this.

pnwpatriot97 ago

So even after I Apologize for posting such a note post such as this, as I stated above, you still continue to pull it out of your ass an an excuse? refer to this instead, it's my other post after the one that only included the picture. Lot more detail if you take the time to actually click on the link.

grlldcheese ago

Why don't you criticize my credibility for my account not being old enough. You reek of whiny, self victimizing incompetence and witchhunting.

The mod did exactly what he was supposed to do and now you're crying about how he can't be trusted.

The only person who can't be trusted over today's nonsense is you.

Fuck you.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Because you aren't someone who created an account a mere 10 minutes after I posted some information about a company who has ties with Habitat For Humanity who had ties with Dyncorp. You know, the company that has employees which were caught paying for underage boys to give them lap dances at company parties? Go look at the other proof we have provided above and visit the links if you aren't too tired to hover your house over the links and click on them. Fuck off with your petty excuses. I've made 2 other posts which another was deleted because of bs reasons, which other users have seen before. (proof above in the links like I just said) the third post has stayed after I mentioned not to delete it, ironically enough. Chill out. I'm another dude trying to compile evidence and find leads between more companies that are active or have been active in Haiti. I have enough proof I've submitted anyways so I don't know WHY I bother acknowledging your whining comments. Probably because I can back my shit up. Fuck YOU.

grlldcheese ago


Dealing with fucks like you is truly my pleasure.

The truth follows you, now.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Keep downvoating my comments like the rest of the pedo enabling shills. You're just like them. Lmfao.

grlldcheese ago


Edit: lmfao. So much for this account.

Tanngrisnir ago

I think you hit a major artery! I just checked and RTI Surgical (once RTI Biologic) has ties to Habitat of Humanity. They were found to be selling human remains (bone marrow, organs, skin) from the Ukraine and also donated skin graft technology to people working during the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Good. I keep getting my shit removed from Millennial_Falcon

Don't know if it's because I didn't provide information in the right manner or what. But I'm glad this post hasn't yet been deleted. I have found that the company Hail Merry LLC has done projects with HFH before (you can check their website for proof) and also boasts on its packaging about its efforts to prevent child trafficking as seen here below in these two links:

Don-Keyhote ago

He's just an asshole who will delete if you don't double source what you had for breakfast.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Sounds about right from what you and several others have mentioned here alone.

Don-Keyhote ago

Tbh I never paid much attention to the modding at all which gives further value to my impression thAt he used to contribute a bit at the beginning and has only been bad cop since

Tanngrisnir ago

The Falcon removed my post on RTI Organics post after I spent a lot of time embedding an organizing the links after it was deleted the first time due to reason 2. All of a sudden he decided it was unrelated to Pizzagate. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for his site which helped introduce me to the cause. But his modding can get under my skin. Thank you for helping show me the connection I was missing before.

It really does piss me off how the guilty are the ones hiding in plain sight by claiming to be fighting against a crime they are actually profiting from.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Yeah I don't know. I think it's an effort to really get rid of all the shilling going around, but this is my third post and it finally stayed up. Dunno of it is because I asked them not to delete it or what, but nonetheless I'm happy my post is still up.

Couldn't have said it better myself about the ones hiding in plain sight. Those are the ones who should die slowest. But hey, that's just my opinion. #death2pedophiles

Baxterbaxter ago

Millennial Falcon removed my post today about how MSM will react to pizzagate arrests. We had a great discussion getting started.

pnwpatriot97 ago

There are no coincidences in this world. Check out some other posts regarding falcon deleting other threads. Some users have even gone far enough to name him a "pedo enabler". Just what I have seen, not said myself. Either way if someone wants to compile evidence and throw out a submission to v/protectvoat about him deleting submissions about pedophiles/evidence then they can do that. I'm not trying to cause any problems, I'm just trying to solve the ones that are clearly apparent in our community. Don't want it ending up like reddit.