DarkFae ago

Yup. To this damn day, people still defend Bill Clinton and it is now public knowledge that a heck of alot more happened that just Monica & Flowers. People disappoint the shite out of me. :(

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

No doubt the media will lose their collective shit and scream that Trump is a dictator arresting political opponents. The left loves to play politics and prosecute via the court of public opinion (MSM), so it needs to be countered.

As soon as the high-profile arrests are made, there needs to be an iron clad case presented to the public in an address to the nation/world that cannot be refuted. All the evidence needs to be revealed and what can be shown - shown in a prime-time press conference in a similar fashion a President would address the nation in going to war. The left and these criminals need to be exposed and the media needs to sit there with their jaws hitting the floor for ignoring it for so long. [copied from duplicate thread]

carmencita ago

I am just hoping the whole thing will happen. This would be our Valentines present to the children of the world. But if it goes down everyone had better be prepared for who will be arrested. There will be people from both parties, hopefully MSM and Hollywood. I am hoping the people that are defiling our children get taken down no matter who they are.

wrok-wrok ago

The media is complicit in covering up Pizza Gate.

They will have to avoid talking about it completely. The more they try to make it look like some sort of "Conspiracy Theory" the more they actually redpill normies.

Streisand Effect

Baxterbaxter ago

Like they tried to avoid Clinton's health issues during the campaign, anything Wikileaks, etc. etc.

wankatanka ago

the flat hollow earth filled with space lizards and war in the Ukraine plus a big false flag at home

DevilintheDetails ago

I just had a crazy thought after reading your title

Like you said, the msm will likely try to spin this or something, maybe all be implicated and thrown in jail! Whatever it is, maybe trump is expecting that and so he took ben swann (others, too maybe? Alex jones help, ect) to create a new news channel and that is what ben wanted people to trust him about?

That would be awesome. I hate to get any hopes up though

pizzaequalspedo ago

All of the above

CeepsNo ago

Well of course they'll apologize, come clean about their finances and how stories and narratives are pushed, and promise to report just the facts in the future :^)

LostandFound ago

They have already their narrative operational, not quite as well as hoped but its there. From early December a number of news outlets have run with the story that muh Russians did it. It will all be planted and fabricated see example http://fortune.com/2016/12/12/russia-child-porn/

The MSM is so entrenched in this by virtue of not asking the questions they should have when they should have, and whom their boards report too that they will have to be disassembled and put back together before they will shoot straight on this one.

nomorepepperoni ago

I'd put money on this one, at least initially. They'll play the shit out of "Trump's trying to jail dissenters OMG OMG" and ignore when someone loyal to him gets thrown in the mix ("must have done something, Trump is so mean!").

Gammi ago

They will have mud on their faces, there is nothing they will be able to do and, their ratings will drop even more....and who knows, the investigation may lead to many of them being involved, I would not be surprised.

derram ago

https://archive.is/78V7L :

A Chronology: Key Moments In The Clinton-Lewinsky Saga

This has been an automated message.

Baxterbaxter ago

That's the kind of thing I'm afraid of. It would be classic Left behavior to accuse the other side of that which they are guilty.

Baxterbaxter ago

LOL nope. Just anxious for the big reveal and pondering how all these crazy liberals that have been spewing their "tolerance" at me for months are going to react.

cantsleepawink ago

My take: there is not going to be a big reveal. You will be thrown some breadcrumbs in terms of arrests of pimps and pedos lower down on the food chain, the system (which is entirely rigged) will remain intact, Seaman (who already has 'Head of Programming' on his Twitter account) will be anointed as one of the new faces of the alternative media, people will follow like lemmings and business (that is child abuse and kidnapping) will continue as usual.

Baxterbaxter ago

And if this report is true, NBC is being positioned as the new Conservative MSM (which of course will just be more controlled opposition). Insider: NBC Signed Megyn Kelly To Be ‘The Next Fox News’

cantsleepawink ago

It's just a refresh of the same old, same old. Many will fall for the crap.

Chatman ago

It's a tad bigger then some semen on a dress. I'm interested how they are going to try to spin this