carmencita ago

I have been busy researchng another connection so have not looked into HFH but maybe they have been taken over by who knows who, and they have involved the Org. in things nefarious. We don't know yet. I am hoping that some of the people that have given time to the Org. are just do-gooders that have no ill will towards our children. I will continue believing that until I learn otherwise on here.

pnwpatriot97 ago

It's okay, I reformatted some better proof on v/pizzagate and it includes HFH ties with dyncorp. That's my main concern now. There has been organ harvesting and trafficking done by dyncorp in Haiti, and now that they are linked with HFH there's got to be more behind it all. Rabbit hole really does seem to be endless.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This is like the Kevin Bacon game. These random "connections" don't seem to amount to doodly. Removing per rule 1. If I am missing something, please provide a condensed explanation of why you suspect this company of anything nefarious. A heart with aorta and vena cava attached isn't enough, lol.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Hang on now... Look at these two links with habit for humanity and dyncorp having ties. That doesn't raise any suspicion?? May I remind you Dyncorp is the same company which had employees ordering lap dances from little boys at dyncorp parties.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I don't have time to go digging into your links unless you give me reason to believe seomthing significant is there. Please spell out for me what the connections are. Including how HailMerry is connected.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Hail merry has done work with HFH and there's proof in my links I was posting!! The images are on their website.

carmencita ago

I can't even think about the Carters being involved. I do believe this should be investigated further especially with the Haiti and Hawaii ties. Good Research. Will get to it later. God, I hope Jimmy and Roslyn are not part of this. HFH is not connected to the Carter Center and I think the Carters do not run it anymore. They just show up once in awhile I think for a promo.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Thank you so much! I too would hope that the Carter's were/are not involved, but this rabbit hole seems to just keep going & going. I'll try to come up with more connections throughout the week.

carmencita ago

Do what you have to do. We will have to swallow another red pill.