I did some digging, and came across some stuff worth I feel is worth mentioning. Granted a lot of this will have most likely been found by others by now as well, and some of it could turn out to be nothing. Much of it is from one instagram account in particular, k8damon (aka Kate Damon). She and James Alefantis are both board members of Transformer (Vice President and President respectively). Site: http://www.transformerdc.org/.
First, we have something that seems innocent enough at first glance–a man reading a book–but if you notice the title of the book, you'll see that it is a book on “the hidden qualities that make us influential”, titled “Compelling People”. There is a young boy looking at the book with interest, and James Alefantis in the comments saying “Hmmm....” - http://archive.is/d3nVg
Next, Kate Damon has found a “love note” clearly scribbled by a child. I'm not entirely sure what it all means, but the note is as follows: “Good Night. We Love You. Avoid the Marie Curie Night Terrors.
[another heart] MMR & AJR.
P.S. See you in DC.”
Underneath is a poem (I guess) that mentions something about “California peeps”, which I'm not entirely sure on, but there are other posts about peeps (the candy), so it could be nothing. I'm not sure what the “Mary Curie cabin” is either, but Kate Damon has this to say about the love note: “it is with both JOY and SHAME that I present this picture!!! look what I found PEEPle!!!!!” - http://archive.is/WSRYZ
Some girls made a small broadway stage for some peeps performing Mary Poppins? Only really notable things about this are the peeps which were mentioned above, young girls, and some of the same names that pop up in the likes on many of these posts (namely campbimco and ebradyrobinson). - http://archive.is/Ip5CU
Seemingly a list of materials for the previous art project. What is notable is that there is another mention of Marie Curie for some reason. - http://archive.is/fsLrE
A picture of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta posing next to a... I'm guessing there's a person behind them wearing a black costume with a giant slice of pizza for his head for some reason? - http://archive.is/Ioj9O
"ZOMBIE LOVE” Kate Damon found spray painted somewhere, but the o's are replaced by pedophile symbols. Or it could just be regular swirls. - http://archive.is/6YD0C
This page lists the people credited for designing and building Comet Ping Pong. Some of these names are people I recognize as having liked or commented on James Alefantis' instagram posts. Many (if not all) are already set to private, of course, since some people just had to tip them off. - http://archive.is/psxii
You'll recognize the name Scott Cummings from the site above. He is, or at least was at some point, an executive chef at Martha's Vineyard, a place where Obama has eaten at least once. He is also associated with the Podesta brothers. The picture itself isn't really notable, as it's just a shitty quality photo of a young girl's face, but it has 18 likes for some reason. This is the only post I was able to find on his account, so he has likely deleted everything else he had. - http://archive.is/H5fxB
Another instagram account I came across while digging is jabbaroos. There are really only two notable posts that I saw there, and even then it could be nothing.
First, a picture of some wifi networks, three of which having FBI Surveillance Van in the name. He doesn't seem thrilled about it. - http://archive.is/woU2A
And then, a picture of a Mr. Potato Head. This wouldn't be notable at all if not for thecheesebay also having Mr. Potato Head associated with it. Plus if you google it, there are photos of both Obama and Hillary posing with one for some reason. - http://archive.is/ZBrl0
Then we have nootropics, one of the most suspicious people, even though it's also just two photos that I really found worthy of mentioning.
There's a baby doll here wrapped in plastic at some kind of party he went to. - http://archive.is/q2plX
And here is what appears to be a child's drawing of living plants coming out of the ground, with cocks ejaculating into a rift floating in the air that could or could not be meant to be a giant floating vagina. There are also pedophile symbols (or just regular swirls) all over the page. “The confrontation of the pretenders” is written at the top. There is an album by that name (L'Affrontment Des Pretendants), but that could be coincidence.
Also suspicious is this instagram account apedogood. It's for a screen printing company called Ape Do Good, although you could also read the account name as “A Pedo Good”. Could be a coincidence, but probably not considering the strange comments left on their posts in regards to their child shirt models plus the fact that I found this account because they were following one of Alefantis' followers. - http://archive.is/vvqVe, http://archive.is/ykGSX, http://archive.is/8PQhe
Oh, and here is a picture of a puzzle he posted. Two cocks sword-fighting. It reminds him of work? - http://archive.is/HcufM
Finally, we have these three posts which were all made by separate accounts. They are only loosely connected to Alefantis, as they are associates of associates, rather than direct followers.
"Young love.” Two kids in a bed together, and at the very least they ain't fully dressed. The comments aren't really excessive, but still inappropriate. - http://archive.is/ebC8k
"Put her on a menu!” - http://archive.is/mMQbz
"#teachemyoung” - http://archive.is/ahWGO
Much of this can be explained away without much effort, but take from it what you will.
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l23r ago
I clicked on the profiles of the people who liked the baby in saran wrap. Juliaoldham has an owl as their icon. Could be nothing, but an owl is a symbol used in ceremony...
I assume the "teachemyoung" thing is in relation to weed. Amber Justis (the person who posted it) appears to have a kid
The "Put her on a menu" comment is super creepy. It was posted by Diana Phillips. The CH part stands for Century 21, which is where she works.
The "young love" comment on the 2 kids in a bed is even creepier when you look at her profile page where she says she likes "Likes puppies, babies, and cheese."