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letsdothis3 ago

Putting this here as a note. There's an absolutely huge post I need to do ...

IPPF works with Mercy Corps

REPORT from ActionAid, War Child International, International Center for Research on Women, Islamic Relief, Marie Stopes International, International Planned Parenthood Federation, CARE, Mercy Corps, Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion, Action Contre la Faim France, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, International Medical Corps, Save the Children, Plan International, Women's Refugee Commission, Legal Action Worldwide

Thank you to @9217 for this comment on Latest news on Oxfam sex scandal links children's charity BRIGHT HORIZONS with Clinton Foundation and many others...

Mercy Corps - Linda Mason, Board of Directors Co-Chair & Global Leadership Council Chair

Comment from @Vindicator on The pattern is clear, organizations created to help less fortunate involved in sex crimes. Soros NGOs

People need to look into the execs and staff of Mercy Corps and see if there are any connections.


See The Crowley Company

The Crowley Company works with Eastman Kodak Company....Info on Chicago Pharma Abbott...Mercy Corp is Chaired by Linda A. Mason, who also co-founded Bright Horizons, a large child care organization that has previously operated in Haiti with Mercy Corp.

Bright Horizons is connected to SC Johnson [See this comment], and also linked through programs such as Hope and Homes for Children in such places as US, UK, Ireland and Rwanda, and the USAA Child Development Center in Colorado Springs.

The Eastman Kodak links will take us to the Triangle Fraternity, the military, the video gaming industry, child trafficking there, HEK 293, vaccinations, Marvel : Thor, HELA, use of the occult (or mind control techniques, if you prefer) to manipulate the masses.. but that's for another post..

For now I'll just list the Bright Horizons posts here:

Bright Horizons, a large international child care network, is two blocks from Friday's Child Adoption Services Inc., which used to share an address with Podesta's cousin's 8 other businesses.

Latest news on Oxfam sex scandal links children's charity BRIGHT HORIZONS with Clinton Foundation and many others...

Bright Horizons..Connection To Republican Pedophilias

Talking About RYB Ed. Those Who Have Been Around A While Will Remember Bright Horizons

About connections between the Military/Intelligence complex, Bain Capital, Toys R Us, eBay and pedophilia - oh, and James Alefantis too

So what does Damien Hirst know about big pharma? On Baxter Labs based at Thousand Oaks, Tim Alefantis of Sanofi, COBRA, the NIH and biowarfare

Bright Horizons serves many leading corporations, including more than 95 Fortune 500 companies and 75 of Working Mother Magazine’s “100 Best Companies for Working Mothers”. Our employer clients include Abbott Laboratories, Alston & Bird, Amgen, Bank of America, Boeing, Bristol Myers Squibb, British Petroleum, Citigroup, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, LandRover, Microsoft, Motorola, Pfizer, Royal Bank of Scotland, Starbucks, Target, Timberland, Toyota, Union Pacific, Universal Studios, and Wachovia. We also provide services for well-known institutions such as Cambridge University, Duke University, the European Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), JFK Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) and Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Tours. Bright Horizons operates multiple early care and education centers for 50 of its employer clients.

That's an awful lot of data gathering (at the very least) on children..

Edit - Further Notes

MUST READ - more deaths of pedo whistleblowers

the MIT Media Lab founder

Gamergate's research led to several associates of current MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito and some of their attackers were pedos. The powers that be shut that down hard and are still working to suppress it.

MIT MEDIA LAB Researcher compling Red Pill Articles on PIZZAGATE connecting to Voat research /NY TIMES/Social Media/WikiLeaks This writer better watch it as they are likely in danger because MIT and MIT media lab are connected to Pizzagate and Aaron Schwartz being suicided.

They are linked to Gamergate also. The director's sister Mimi Ito is a friend of Jonathan McIntosh. Gamergate had one of the biggest cover-ups of anything that was ever covered up, so there was definitely something unusual going on there.

International Crisis Group Awards Peace Prize To Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood Leader

Branson shows up in Gamergate digs a lot.

Jeffrey Epstein and MIT Media Lab

letsdothis3 ago

Voat post re Warchild International: Princess Mabel of Orange Nassau, her relationship with Arpad Busson, and her ties to Soros' OSI.

OSI arranged include the financial flows to the national Soros Foundations in various countries, with an emphasis on Eastern Europe, namely Soros is originally from Hungary. These East European activities, a later stage extended towards the Balkans, stimulated that Mabel got an affair with former Bosnian Foreign Minister Sacirbey, who was later charged with a flourishing arms trade with Iran. Mabel was also involved in the foundation War Child Netherlands, among others funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (during the years 2003 -2006 more than 3.7 million Euros).

Given its good relations in the Balkans, it is almost certain that Mabel was a welcome partner of the national intelligence services, and perhaps secret services of other countries. (...)

On the one hand Mabel tried by supporting its efforts in WarChild in Amsterdam child war victims in Bosnia, while on the other hand, also in The Hague, lobbied for arms supplies to that country, in order to corroborate her boyfriend Sacirbey. A very ambivalent attitude.