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letsdothis3 ago

Toney Anaya

26th governor of New Mexico from 1983 to 1987...As governor, he focused on energy alternatives, water development and conservation, the environment, education, economic development, and provided leadership in investing of the state’s multibillion-dollar trust funds.

See Pelosi scandal..

Toney Anaya Building ("Thor") Santa Fe, New Mexico (NM), US

The hospital that Jane drives Thor to after he lands on Earth

Thor >> Isaac Kappy

Address : 2550 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505

Houses New Mexico Securities Division; Regulation and Licensing Department; New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department; New Mexico Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional SuveyorsNEW MEXICO BOARD OF LICENSURE FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS & PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS and other government departments as well as, NM MASSAGE THERAPY BOARD

Toney Anaya had 3 children. The son was also named Toney Anaya. It's quite possible this is him (his CV matches)..

Panel Discussion with WaterAid & Coca Cola Bangladesh Ltd.

Toney Anaya -VP of Public Affairs, Communication & Sustainability, The Coca-Cola Company india-, Katelyn Jackson -Director of community partnership, Public Affairs & Communications for The Coca-Cola Company Washington D.C.-, Khairul Islam - Country representative of WaterAid Bangladesh-, Shamima Akhter - Director of Public Affairs & Communication Manager (PAC), Coca-Cola International Beverages Private Ltd. As Country PAC lead for Coca Cola business in Bangladesh-, Sanjoy Mukherjee - Programme Manager of WaterAid Bangladesh- and Samia Malik -Communication & Campaign Specialist of WaterAid Bangladesh together discussing the SDG-6 in an interactive panel discussion.


WaterAid is an international non-governmental organisation, focused on water, sanitation and hygiene. It was set up in 1981 as a response to the UN International Drinking Water decade (1981–1990). It operates in 34 countries as of 2018

The organization was first established by the UK water industry on 21 July 1981 as a charitable trust at their main office premises in London, and established first projects in Zambia and Sri Lanka. In 2010, it became a federation[1], comprising As of 2018 members in the United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Canada and India, and regional offices and country programmes in 27 countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia[2]. Activities involve providing people with clean water, safe sanitation and hygiene behaviour change, and advocacy with governments and water utilities. Its income has moved from £1 million per annum in 1987 to £102 million in 2017-18.

Its president is Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, since 1991...In 1993 WaterAid began work on their 1000th project, and also agreed to fund the Hitosa Gravity Scheme in Ethiopia. The Hitosa scheme was the largest single water supply scheme implemented in Ethiopia at the time, reaching 50,000 people...

WaterAid has been associated with the Glastonbury Festival since 1994. In 2006 the festival's founder Michael Eavis and his daughter Emily visited WaterAid's work in Mozambique and by 2007 130 WaterAid volunteers helped at the festival. In 2011, there were around 200 WaterAid volunteers present.[citation needed]. In 2016, by which time there were over 500 Wateraid volunteers at Glastonbury, the charity introduced Talking Toilets which gave out information voiced by celebrities such as Cerys Matthews and Brian Blessed...

WaterCan/EauVive was established as a registered Canadian charity in 1987 by Michael Lubbock to "helping the world's poorest people gain access to clean drinking water, basic sanitation and hygiene education".

Colonel Michael Ronald Lubbock, MBE, (31 May 1906 – March 1989) was a British military officer and businessman... Lubbock was the son of Cecil Lubbock (15 February 1872 – 18 January 1956) and Edith Furse (1867 – 14 December 1960), daughter of Rev. Charles Furse was Archdeacon of Westminster. He was a great-grandson of Sir John William Lubbock, 3rd Baronet, and was the nephew of Lt.-Gen. Sir William Furse, the artist Charles Wellington Furse, and The Rt Rev Bolton Michael Furse.

United Nations - In 1945/46, after reaching the rank of Colonel in the British Army, he became head of the UNRRA Mission (health, refugees, children, social welfare); and moved to UNRRA European headquarters in London for six months, before becoming the first paid staff member of UNICEF in Washington, D.C. in January 1947. He left UNICEF in June to join the newly formed U.N. Appeal for Children, which he managed and developed in fourteen European countries in 1947/48. When the Appeal was brought to an end, he became a full-time director of the Bank of London and South America. During 1948–1959 he travelled each year throughout Latin America, visiting the bank's branches.

In 1960, he was asked to be the Executive Deputy Chairman of the Peruvian Corporation, a British company which ran the two major railways of Peru, later living in Peru in 1965-1968. In 1968, Lubbock returned to Canada to create the Canadian Association for Latin America, a centre of research, information and guidance to Canadian companies and others wishing to develop their interests in Latin America, and a growing link with Latin American governments and businessmen. He was its Executive Director until 1976.

He married, first, Diana Beatrice Crawley, daughter of Henry Ernest Crawley, on May 1929 and had 5 children: Jeremy Michael Lubbock b. 4 Jun 1931, Judith Caroline Gurney Lubbock b. 4 May 1934, Jessica Rose Lubbock b. 23 Dec 1937, Joanna Lubbock b. 29 Jan 1941, John David Peter Lubbock b. 18 Mar 1945. They were divorced in 1956. She died in 1976. From 1938 to 1940 he had a romantic affair with Lady Alexandra Metcalfe.

The main thrust of Baba's later life was her tireless efforts for the Save the Children Fund, a commitment that lasted for more than 40 years. Lady Alexandra joined the Save the Children Fund in 1950 and was very active in fund-raising in London. In 1955, she and her husband divorced and she became a member of the fund's governing council. Later she would become chairman of the Overseas Relief and Welfare Committee, which controls all overseas work of the fund. In 1974 she was elected vice-president.

letsdothis3 ago

@TrustTheTruth anything to see here?

TrustTheTruth ago

Where is the founder of Rotary International from?

Racine, Wisconsin

Why did Rotary dispute their donation to the Clinton Foundation?

What family company also donated to the Clinton Foundation?

Who controls Ghana?

Who is "Wise Counsel?"

Who did Bill Clinton appoint to the President's Council on Sustainable Development?

What was decided at the Earth Summit?

Who lost the bid to Brazil for the Olympics?

Where was Hillary Clinton from?

Where was Obama from?

Where is Oprah from?

What happened in Brazil, and what happens in Brazil?

Who is John of God?

What is next to Google in Chicago?

What is it modeled after?

What family company is closely connected to Brazil?

This is only The Beginning of The Truth.

Everything is connected to the Root.

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

What is the Base of the Pyramid?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for your response. A lot to revisit. I will start with this link SC Johnson Continues Long-Standing Commitment to Strengthen Communities in Developing Countries -

RACINE, Wis., March 24, 2017- More than four billion people occupy the base of the world’s economic pyramid and live on less than $1,500 dollars a year. These families lack access to basic goods and services, where everyday challenges can be as simple as finding clean water. Given this scale, SC Johnson, the worldwide manufacturer of trusted household consumer goods, has been supporting these communities for nearly two decades, by providing sustainable business models to raise the standard of living and provide opportunities for a better quality of life.

..SC Johnson has teamed with The Coca-Cola Company, Solarkiosk, and Society for Family Health Rwanda as a part of the EKOCENTER program, which provides safe drinking water, sanitation, solar energy, and wireless communication. EKOCENTERS are modular retail experiences, run by women operators that provide commerce of basic goods including OFF!® mosquito repellent lotion, Baygon® mosquito coils, and KIWI® shoe polish. EKOCENTERS also offer a place for community gathering and for entrepreneurs to set up business.

Find out more on SC Johnson’s Base of the Pyramid efforts by clicking...

'Base of the Pyramid' Holds Key to $5 Trillion Market -

Four billion people who live in relative poverty represent a $5 trillion market, according to a new report released by the International Finance Corporation and World Resources Institute.

..Professor C.K. Prahalad, who originated the "base of the pyramid" concept, said the mobile phone industry succeeded in "cracking the BOP code." Over 2.5 billion people now have access to the phones because of industry innovations like pre-paid phone cards, which gives them access to the service regardless of income.

Prahalad believes these examples are just the beginning. He told the WorldWatch Institute, "There is an opportunity here, but it’s not yet fully understood.... This is all about imagining the world differently. If we can not imagine a different world, we cannot create it."

Business Impacts on Millennium Development Goals: A Virtuous Cycle or a Coin Toss? -

The notion that business plays an important role in alleviating poverty and other United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a main topic of discussion today at the U.N.'s 2005 World Summit, has been well established by academics C. K. Prahalad and Stuart Hart. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a global coalition of 175 companies committed to sustainability, furthers the case with the recent release of a report on 14 member projects (of 66 in the works) making advances toward achieving the MDGs.

"As world leaders gather in New York to review progress on the Millennium Development Goals, it is becoming increasingly apparent that we are falling far short in meeting these vital targets," states WBCSD's Cécile Churet, lead author of the report entitled Business for Development. "

Oh, what a surprise..not.

..The report also documents increasing movement away from adversarial and toward collaborative relationships between companies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) -- 13 of the 14 case studies include such partnerships. For example, Proctor & Gamble collaborated with AmeriCares and the International Rescue Committee to provide enough of its PUR water filters for more than 10 million liters of potable water to Sudanese refugees fleeing the genocidal regime in Darfur to northern Chad.

..However, the profile underemphasizes the primary reason BP is in Azerbaijan: to exploit the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, and it completely elides that fact that the project is the subject of persistent and ongoing critiques due to its social and environmental impacts. The CEE BankWatch Network, an NGO with members from 10 Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, has compiled a laundry list of reports finding fault with the pipeline, for example potential human rights abuses in Turkey and environmental threats to sturgeon stocks in the Caspian Sea.

Bottom of the Pyramid

Management scholar CK Prahalad popularised the idea of this demographic as a profitable consumer base in his 2004 book The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, written alongside Stuart Hart.

Stuart L. Hart is an American academic, writer and theorist and the founder of Enterprise for a Sustainable World,[1] a non-profit dedicated to helping businesses make the transition to sustainability. A Fortune 100 consultant, Hart is one of the world's leading authorities on the implications of sustainable development and environmentalism relative to business strategy. He is the S.C. Johnson Chair of Sustainable Global Enterprise and Professor of Management at Cornell University's Johnson School of Management; he is also the founder of the school's Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise and the Base of the Pyramid Learning Lab, comprising seven global facilities.

U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt used the term in his April 7, 1932 radio address, The Forgotten Man...

Voat posts re Roosevelt:

Another look at SPiN .. A story of basements and tunnels... There’s no way to detect it from above ground, but right below the Waldorf is a little-known extension of Grand Central Station, built in the 1930s to help Franklin Delano Roosevelt keep his polio diagnosis private.

Paralytic illness of Franklin D. Roosevelt -

In August 1921, 39-year-old Franklin D. Roosevelt, at the time a practicing lawyer in New York, joined his family at their vacation home at Campobello, a Canadian island off the coast of Maine. As former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, he had spent two weeks in mid-July in Washington, D.C., giving testimony to a Senate committee investigating a Navy scandal.[1]:247–248 On August 5, Roosevelt sailed up the New England coast with his friend and new employer, Van Lear Black, on Black's ocean-going yacht. Among those at Campobello when Roosevelt arrived were his wife Eleanor, their children, his political aide Louis Howe, Howe's wife, and their young son...On August 10, after a day of strenuous activity, Roosevelt came down with an illness characterized by fever, ascending paralysis, facial paralysis, prolonged bowel and bladder dysfunction, and numbness and hypersensitivity of the skin.[3][2]:47 Most of the symptoms resolved themselves, but he was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down...


In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). It was an agency of the U.S. federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during WWII that also had been heavily infiltrated by Frankfurters.[28] The OSRD was also interested in psychology and psycho-acou stics — topics that were precisely in tune with Adorno’s research and area of expertise.

Meanwhile, Hart and his colleague Erik Simanis at Cornell University's Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise advance another approach, one that focuses on the poor as business partners and innovators, rather than just as potential producers or consumers. Hart and Simanis have led the development of the Base of the Pyramid Protocol, an entrepreneurial process that guides companies in developing business partnerships with income-poor communities in order to "co-create businesses and markets that mutually benefit the companies and the communities". This process has been adopted by the SC Johnson Company[8] and the Solae Company (a subsidiary of DuPont).