KnewAmericanCentury ago

Do you mean this guy, George Webb?

He seems to be hot on the trail of Hillary.

LargePepperoni ago

I do. Message him till he responds.

FloridaMom1974 ago

Senator Lamar Alexander appears to have made a fortune off of Bright Horizons through possible inside info, I seem to recall other ties to Senator Alexander posted on Reddit -

BethesdaDC ago

Very interesting. Great work

specialplan ago

What is suspicious about those instagram posts??

falseflagthesenuts ago

Bright Horizon's news 'abuse' search yields:

BH Daycare Facility: Alpharetta School Administrator Faces Child Molestation Charges

BH Preschool Facility: School to Pay $3M in 4-yo Child Molestation Charges by Administrator

Seems a stretch maybe to add to the info-web we're making but I'm now curious about what the data is on abuse in daycare's and preschools in general.

falseflagthesenuts ago

The non-US Bright Horizons leg has facilities in Canada, India, Ireland, The Netherlands and the UK.


Single income family could purchase a house and provide child development only 40 years ago. True and you don't have to bring in workers from a foreign country.....But more productive for who.?

PresudentMcCheese ago


PresudentMcCheese ago

You labeled a Tortilla pizza recipe as suspicious? Get a life, Man.

LargePepperoni ago

tortilla is a suspected code word from wikileaks.

PresudentMcCheese ago

So? This instagram post clearly references the food and there is nothing suspicious about it at all.

LargePepperoni ago

It can be an inside joke is all. It's better to share too much irrelevant info, than not enough important info. Error on the side of caution.

Gorillion ago

He's anti-PG. Ignore him. Well, downvoat him, then ignore him.

Fatsack ago

and also exposes their children to abduction.

Fatsack ago

This is HUGE, maybe this is what Guccifer the hacker wanted us to find to connect the dots. Well done, keep up the good work. Us meddling kids will stop them from getting away with it too.

Cbradio ago

You have done a lot of work. I'll try to look. Multi juggling, and then more leads keep popping up; but this is def worth looking into. Public healthcare is so corrupt at every level. I've been advocating with others, nationwide for years, and every type of corruption is covered up.

Many pieces to the puzzle and then organizing, social media and so much more.

I'm praying and imaging that a child will escape; and that any can feel our love, effort and concern.

I posted a website last night that has reviews on child adopt agency from.parents and the mothers carrying. Some, posted their phone numbers, and I found a number posted by a patient of Glenn, and another mom on fb that had a child taken by CP's that died.

Contacting victims and families are another level of research. I'm going to try to do some, as good with working with victims and can gain trust with authenticity.

If Anyone else is good at that, without retraumatizing victims, we can gather and share numbers privately for their safety/privacy..))

Another good read up is the Justine Pelletier case, a FAM that now stays quiet in fear. If Justine did not have such active loving parents, cps would still have here if alive. She went from ice skate competing to a wheelchair. Mitochondria disease called somatic, even though blood lab DX at renowned hospital. A mere visit to Boston Children Medical with the flu, had a resident psych DX her as somatic and parents DX. Yet, by law, residents cannot DX.

Once a victim caught in system or parent accused or any negligence has a complaint; boy, does it get weird and an endless maze of never justice.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I passed the info to him, not sure if anyone had yet ;)

LargePepperoni ago

Thanks stranger.

Celticgirlonamission ago

anything to help this cause...

KingKongisCTR ago

Anyone contact the local authorities to look into this? Never know when you may catch a break.


Was it not rockefellafoundation that funded women's liberation and consequently brought into being the child care phenomena.

FloridaMom1974 ago

neo50 ago

Good find!

Don-Keyhote ago

Can we set up throwaway accounts for researchers to usr on all these social media sites? I hate not being able to view certain linkedin profiles for ex

concernedaboutitall ago

Fridays child is loving and giving. 😣's+Child+(rhyme)

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

So, I wonder who came first? I'd check if I had time. Prey or predator?

victuruslibertas ago

I will bring this to my YT channel. I guarantee people will be interested in your post.. and Please.. That spiral circle is NOT common.. Good catch.

bolus ago

you're going to have to give me a better connection than a five minute walk - i don't see anything at all compelling about this. i see the symbols you're referring to, but i don't think the context exists to make the leap that these two operations are associated.

quantokitty ago

Awesome. Thanks for following up on this. I will try to look tomorrow. I'm so overwhelmed right now.

party1981 ago

These creepy private adoption agencies are like cockroaches... fucking everywhere. It's so depressing.

Souru ago

Thank you for compiling this. Sorry I'm kind of an idiot and don't have much else to contribute within a comment, but the work everyone does is appreciated.

I've been trying to search through the leaked emails about Bright Horizons if there's anything else to find.

2impendingdoom ago

I was thinking from the title that Bright Horizons would have been there first, and that to be creepy, Friday's Child moved next door, but your find butterflies suggest that Bright Horizon's could be creepy too. Are there reviews confirming this? Is there no place where kids are safe?