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kestrel9 ago

Here's a socialite blog Who's Who of the event...(scroll down)

More catching up. A week ago Monday, October 26th, more than 400 leading names in international relations, politics and business gathered at New York’s Pier 60 at the Chelsea Piers to salute peacemakers for the Crisis Group’s 2015 In Pursuit of Peace Awards Dinner.

Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group and co-founder of The Elders, was presented with Crisis Group’s highest honor, the Chairman’s Award, for his inspiring leadership in pursuit of peace, human rights and sustainable development, by Jordan’s Queen Noor.

Longtime Crisis Group supporter, financier and philanthropist George Soros took to the podium to present Italian stateswoman Emma Bonino with the Fred Cuny Award for the Prevention of Deadly Conflict.

Two central players in the foundation of the new Tunisian democracy, President Béji Caid Essebsi and Nahda Party leader Rached Ghannouchi, jointly received the coveted Founder’s Award for pioneers in peacebuilding (former Tunisian Ambassador Ahmed Ounaies was on hand to accept the honor for President Essebsi).

Former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans was honored with a Founder’s Award for conflict prevention, while the outgoing governor of Nigeria’s Lagos state, Babatunde Fashola, was feted with the Steven J. Solarz Award for Commitment to Peace, Justice and Security. Former U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, was honored with Crisis Group’s President’s Award for her exemplary leadership in responding to the plight of civilians affected by war.

pic Richard Branson, Frank Giustra, and Jean-Marie Guéhenno.

pic Sir Harold Evans and Tina Brown.

Other notables who gathered to honor the winners and celebrate Crisis Group’s 20th anniversary of promoting peace included the organization’s President and CEO Jean-Marie Guéhenno and his wife, lawyer Michele Moss; publishing power couple Tina Brown and Sir Harold Evans; Alex Soros; former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, Italian fashion executive Angela Missoni; novelist Joanne Leedom-Ackerman and her husband, financier Peter Ackerman; Italian Ambassador to the U.S. Sebastiano Cardi, entertainment executive John Sykes, financier; and former U.S. Ambassador to Slovak Republic Carl Spielvogel and his wife, author and activist Barbaralee Diamonstein->Spielvogel, and Ken Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch.

pic Queen Noor and Richard Branson.

pic Sandy Berger and Crisis Group's Courtney Lobel.

Okay hold the phone, stop the record!

Let me read that again

Two central players in the foundation of the new Tunisian democracy, President Béji Caid Essebsi and Nahda Party leader Rached Ghannouchi, jointly received the coveted Founder’s Award for pioneers in peacebuilding (former Tunisian Ambassador Ahmed Ounaies was on hand to accept the honor for President Essebsi).

and now let me read what I just read in @Arrvee link


For nearly a year, Sheikh Rachid Ghannouchi has been seeking an American visa. Ghannouchi, the most prominent Islamist in the West, is the leader of Al-Nahda (The Revival), Tunisia’s major Islamist grouping.

Al-Nahda is now banned in Tunisia, and Ghannouchi resides in Britain.

He would like to visit the United States this summer, where he hopes to address religious and academic audiences. Until now, the U.S. government has denied him entry, because of his political views and the opposition of the Tunisian government. But Ghannouchi’s visa application is currently under active review.

Last week, Tunisia apparently indicated it would regard a U.S. decision to admit Ghannouchi as “a hostile act.”

Still, there are some who believe Ghannouchi’s visit to the United States would send a positive signal to “moderate” Islamists everywhere, and provide an opening for a dialogue with them. But is Ghannouchi a “moderate”? In the past, Ghannouchi has urged violence against U.S. interests, and he continues to demand Israel’s destruction. Might an American visit send precisely the wrong signal?

Rashid Ghannouchi was born in 1941 in the south of Tunisia. As a student in Damascus and Paris, he embraced the doctrines of the Muslim Brotherhood, which he disseminated on his return to Tunisia. His writings and activities against the government during the 1980s led to his repeated arrest. Ghannouchi chose voluntary exile in 1989.

In 1992, a Tunisian court sentenced him in absentia to life imprisonment, for plotting to overthrow the Tunisian government.

Ghannouchi arrived in Britain in November 1991, and requested political asylum. The Tunisian government objected, but members of the Muslim community in Britain took up Ghannouchi’s cause, and he was granted asylum in August 1993.

Fast forward to 2011 Oh look it's the Flower themed revolution!

In Tunisia and the wider Arab world, the protests and change in government are called the Revolution or sometimes the Sidi Bouzid Revolt, derived from Sidi Bouzid, the city where the initial protests began.[21][22]

In the Western media, these events have been dubbed the Jasmine Revolution or Jasmine Spring[23] after Tunisia's national flower and in keeping with the geopolitical nomenclature of "color revolutions". The name "Jasmine Revolution" originated from American journalist Andy Carvin, but it was not widely adopted in Tunisia itself.[24]

In fact, the debate surrounding the name and the poetic influences behind the Tunisian revolution was a popular question among Tunisian intellectuals themselves as seen in the following article: Tunisia's revolution of dignity and freedom cannot be color-coded. The name adopted in Tunisia was the Dignity Revolution, which is a translation of the Tunisian Arabic name for the revolution ثورة الكرامة (Thawrat al-Karāmah).[25] Within Tunisia, Ben Ali's rise to power in 1987 was also known as the Jasmine Revolution.[26][27]

Arrvee ago

Sir Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group and co-founder of The Elders

I've noticed the Elders name attached to so much shady shit over the years it's unbelievable. Usually it's giving awards to and celebrating Hamasniks. It's something to keep a closer eye on.

Branson shows up in Gamergate digs a lot.

Breakthrough Energy Coalition includes Branson and Alwaleed bin Talal, among many very wealthy others.

Messianic Power

Recently there were a number of stories about billionaires who are pledging to give a significant portion, often a majority, of their wealth away once they die. The common thread running through all of these stories is that they have decided to do this after meeting with Bill and Melinda Gates.

Keep in mind that we are not talking about a “generous donation”. We are talking about billionaires who have pledged to give away 50%, 75%, or more of their own fortune to help support “the greater good”.

Here are just 10 of them:

  • Warren Buffet
  • Diane Von Furstenberg
  • David Rockefeller
  • Elon Musk
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • George Lucas
  • Richard Branson
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Paul Allen
  • Ted Turner

Google+ circle of Bonnie Russell, black PR operative for RH Reality Check, allegedly works for Brianna Wu:

  • Larry Page
  • Mark Cuban
  • Gen. Smith Benson (fake account, the image is Peter Pace)
  • Robert Scoble
  • Richard Branson
  • Guy Kawasaki

Nick Alexander, early chairman of EDGE (1995-1998), anon says he "looks like he has connections to Richard Branson."

Scilla Elworthy, founded Oxford Research Group, "helped to set up The Elders Initiative and acted as an advisor to Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Richard Branson."

She is a patron of Peace Direct with Helena Kennedy who is connected to the Rockefellers.

Trevor Neilson, member of CFR and World Economic Forum and Wikimedia Foundation, "provided strategic counsel for several well-known philanthropists including Bill Gates, Bono, Sir Richard Branson, and others."

Richard Branson claims that Twitter owner Suhail Rizvi predicted Obama's presidency in 2003.

Five years before President Obama was elected a good friend of mine, Suhail Rizvi, told me over dinner that he was convinced that this then-unknown man would become president.

Branson then goes on to promote Gavin Newsom who is being prepped for governor of California and a 2020 run against Trump.

kestrel9 ago

on the Qanon twitter

In 2012, Saudi Prince Alwaleed met with Twitter Management. Suhail Rizvi was at the meeting.

In that pic, Khashoggi related to Dodi Fayed, who was linked with Dianna.

Crazy coincidence of timing to look up Suhail Rizvi, go find that twitter page and then (((this)))

He just retweeted it an hour ago.


srayzie ago

I’m not sure what you mean. Q posted!

kestrel9 ago

Was looking through some of the gamergate posts from the Messianic Power link.

Wanted to paste this comment from it: 2014 The Answer to “Why?”

The GamerGate opposition was not protecting one unknown “indie dev” but was trying to hide its ties to a multi-billion dollar agenda to take control of the entire educational system of the United States.

The opposition did not attack “Gamers” as a personal vendetta against us, the very consumer market that created the game industry, it was attacking the preconceived notion of “gamers” in an effort to help promote gaming as a major educational tool in the Common Core initiative.

GamerGate is not up against a few websites, bloggers, and developers who seem to be close friends. We have found ourselves fighting a well-organized and highly funded effort by the richest and most powerful people in the world to gain control over the future.

Common Core is about more than simply changing the way we educate children. Common Core is about more than simply creating universal standards for education and a nation-wide curriculum. It is an effort to place the entirety of the U.S educational system in the hands of the global elite.

No longer will states be allowed to decide what should be taught and by what standards this education is judged.

No longer will we have the ability to decide what our children are taught or how they are taught.

Common Core will create two sets of educational systems. There will be one set, The Common Core, which is taught to the majority of the young population. There will also be another set, consisting of private schools and expensive private tutoring, that will be available to those who can afford it.

What we are facing with GamerGate is the entire web being used to promote this new binary form of education where the rich can afford to give their children one type of education while the rest of us are forced to submit our children to education that is created and approved by certain groups that are both funded and run by the rich and powerful.

The few pieces of this that GamerGate has uncovered is only a small portion of what is actually going on. This is something that extends all the way from gaming journalism, through government, all the way to top of the world’s elite.

This is not an issue of journalistic ethics. It is not solely an issue of corruption in the gaming industry.

GamerGate is a fight for our freedom and for the future freedom of the entire planet.

I feel I may have put myself in danger by writing and publishing this but I feel it needs to be said. People must be made aware of what is happening all around us.

If GamerGate is ever defeated, I fear we will have also lost our future as free humans.

Please do not stop fighting.

Couldn't agree more with the observation that the emerging picture is that of enslavement and control. And not just any semblance of control that is rational under what we used to call the rule of law, but instead we see an insatiable lust for control, where laws are ignored in order to usurp the power of self determination away from the people.

Consider what we have today: Using the wrong pronoun can get people in Canada fired, fined or jailed. Citizens in Germany have the police visit them because of FB posts critical of mass migration policies and the resulting problems. So many University "Diversity" programs are hard core globalist propaganda indoctrination. There's hardly a news segment that doesn't involve crisis actors protesting their right to override American citizens constitutional rights and in the same breath, elevate non citizen's Constitutional "Rights" to vote.

There's a global push by the UN to fundamentally change a child's experience of childhood, pushing puberty blocking hormones onto to kids as young as 10 (leaving them sterilized), to set them up for mutilating surgery later on. Now Planned Parenthood is offering this in 17 cities across the US. Some of them very small towns, how many gender dysphoric kids do they anticipate? Probably not many without having porn star drag queens reading to them at the library every week and being submerged in 101 labels of "Awareness Education" being pushed globally that are all the same doctrine, buzz words sans substance. And don't forget to have the kids attend the "Be Transgender" camps springing up in progressive communities, that invite kids to pretend for a week that it's normal to choose a gender later on and be something other than what they are born with, like trying on a wardrobe.

Playing make believe, but the make believe part could turn into their worst nightmare that will rob them of any chance of a development of a sense of self that is integrated with their DNA, and a childhood not radically programmed to cater to pedophiles. No, the real control that the 1% is aspiring to goes so far beyond even education because they are transhumanists essentially, and we are entering the island of Dr. Moreau.

kestrel9 ago

Great post! Going to add that info to my links.

I have various types of info regarding Jeff Skoll and Richard Branson. Branson takes one down a rabbit hole of connections; no surprise for the guy who pals around with Obama on vacay, and published (CIA and nephew of Clement Freud) Uri Gellar's book. Uri Gellar was also a passenger on the maiden voyage of Branson's Virgin Atlantic. A little detour round the Pizzagate rabbit hole...

Gellar photos: Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath, who has reportedly been linked to pedophile rings, allegedly linked to Mossad.

(The New Age/UFO/Drug filled 60s/70s were CIA psyops btw, the mysticisms/the Crowelyisms/ the Channeling, all that)

In 1972, Uri left Israel for Europe, where he immediately attracted widespread attention. In Germany, witnessed by reporters and photographers, he stopped a cable car in mid-air using only the power of his mind. He then did the same to an escalator in a major department store. That same year he went to the United States at the invitation of astronaut Captain Edgar Mitchell of the Apollo 14 mission, the sixth man to set foot on the moon, and scientist, inventor and author (((Andrija Puharich MD)))

Among the notable scientists he met were Professor Gerald Feinberg of Columbia University physics department, Ronald Hawke from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Ron Robertson of the Atomic Energy Commission and NASA’s Dr Wernher von Braun, ” Father of the Space Age”, who testified that his own wedding ring bent in his hand without being touched at any time by Geller.

Yep, looking back the whole decade is riddled with MKULTRA/STARGATE/Men who stare at goats operations.

Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s, when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel.

I have a whole post waiting to be put together on Puharich and others who were part of the CIA prequel.

channeling The Nine

Tom, in The Only Planet of Choice, chooses his words carefully as he explains that all the races of the Earth were seeded from space-gods - except one, the "indigenous race", the blacks.

Andrija Puharich, James Hurtak and Richard Hoagland have all lectured at the United Nations in New York. And individuals connected with The Nine are also known to have influence with Vice-President Al Gore.  

He is very careful to urge us not to make an issue out of this. After all, it’s not the black race’s fault that they have no divine spark like the rest of us.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the history of The Nine is its relationship to the career of Andrija Puharich. Recent research has revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side.

As an Army doctor in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA mind control project.

And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same time that The Nine made their first appearance at the Round Table Foundation. The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological research.

Puharich’s use of hypnosis is particularly interesting in The Nine circle. In the case of Uri Geller and Bobby Horne, he first hypnotized them and then suggested that they were in touch with The Nine - and so, they were! Ira Einhorn - a close associate of Puharich’s during the 1970s - confirmed to us that he believed that Puharich was "humanly directing" The Nine communications.

And now we have a generation full of people believing it was legit.

Leaving that rabbit hole, sorry for the detour...

That kind of thing can happen when looking to far into Branson I think.  Mike Oldfield and Richard Branson: Tubular Bells

Anyway, better to switch to Jeff Skoll. A ton of info on him, his foundation and connections to HRC.

I think I hypnotized myself... LOL