11-11 ago

Amazing job #septimasexta and commenters. This is very interesting. Thank you

carmencita ago

[–] Ronin3000 5 points (+5|-0) 1.3 years ago

SearchVoatBot ago

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septimasexta ago


"Confirmed: Zika Virus Patent Owned by Rockefeller Foundation Published at: 16:30, February 7, 2016 by Luis Miranda" https://real-agenda.com/breaking-zika-virus-patent-owned-by-rockefeller-foundation/

carmencita ago

Bill Gates, the Royals, Bill C, Bono and Clooney are all making money across the globe pushing vaccines, imo. When will people learn to stop spending money on their crap? The Carter Foundation is another one. No wonder people in Africa have so many Children, they are killing them as fast as they can have them. Why don't their planes ever crash?

Truthseeker3000 ago

The Rockefeller’s owned the lab and patents for making false and deadly viruses. HIV or AIDS, H1N1, Ebola, sars, the virus in Brazil that made pregnant women’s babies deformed are just a few thanks to these evil pieces of shit.

septimasexta ago

I think that is true. Do you have any links? I researched this several years ago and don't have any handy.

Truthseeker3000 ago

No links sorry but I heavily looked into this and sadly it was true. They still own these patents and labs today. Evil to the very core.

Vindicator ago

Septimasexta, can you add some stats on the number of orphans created by suspected bioweapons Ebola and HIV to securely tie this to pizzagate? Eg:

"The person most interested in adopting Sweetie Sweetie is a young health care worker who treated her mother and said the mother’s dying wish was for him to look after the little girl.

His name is Usman Koroma, and when he was tracked down at a rundown teachers’ college in Port Loko and asked if he knew a girl known as Sweetie Sweetie, the first thing he said was: “She’s mine.”

He explained, in what seemed an eager but heartfelt way, how he had fed her extra portions of rice, oranges, soup and cassava porridge in the clinic, to boost her immunity.

“I loved the child,” he said.

Musa Conteh, a government social services officer who has been helping with Sweetie Sweetie’s case, was suspicious at first.

“When this girl was discharged,” Mr. Conteh said, “there were a lot of guys standing around, saying they wanted to take her, because look at her, she’s nice.”

When asked what he meant by that, Mr. Conteh dropped his voice close to a whisper.

“This is a fluid time,” he said. “You never know.” He said that the authorities had to be on guard for any signs of strangers adopting children for the purposes of trafficking.

But the more he listened to the young health care worker, the more Mr. Conteh seemed reassured. “We will keep investigating,” Mr. Conteh said. “But this man is educated. He can give her a new life.”

septimasexta ago


Ebola-hit children in Sierra Leone go hungry amid food shortages: charity Reuters Nov. 7, 2016

"DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Thousands of Ebola orphans, teenage mothers and children in charge of households in Sierra Leone are struggling to feed themselves and their families amid widespread food shortages in the West African nation, a British charity said on Monday. While most families devastated by Ebola have received humanitarian aid, at least 1,400 children orphaned by the epidemic urgently need support, according to Street Child."

"The Ebola epidemic left more than 12,000 children orphaned while at least 18,000 teenage girls became pregnant during the outbreak, according to the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA). "A collapsed economy that is no longer propped up by the aid given during and immediately after Ebola means that life is very hard for everyone," Dannatt said, adding that more people may go hungry and more girls may be forced to sell sex to afford food." https://www.businessinsider.com/r-ebola-hit-children-in-sierra-leone-go-hungry-amid-food-shortages-charity-2016-11

Vindicator ago

18,000 teens pregnant. That's a lot. :-(

septimasexta ago

I'll do some digging over the weekend.Traffickers seem ready to exploit almost any crisis. I personally visited Haiti (with a group of doctors/nurses who were actually Christians) during the AIDS epidemic. I saw first-hand the orphan situation. 4 year olds were caring for 2 year-olds. A disease outbreak can disrupt many lives all at once, just like war.

Vindicator ago

That's great, septima. :-)

Vindicator ago

Ebola spreadability peaked with the 2014 outbreak

As I recall, didn't that outbreak create a spike in gold prices? Might be worth investigating that and who the biggest profiteers were.

Also, one of the fishiest things about that whole bruhaha was when the NBC cameraman (an employee for one day! redshirt?!) contracted Ebola, the whole news crew was quarantined, and then the chief medical correspondent, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, violated the quarantine by going to a restaurant as if it didn't matter she might be incubating the world's most horrific disease. Remember this?

"Several Planet Princeton readers have reported seeing NBC News Chief Medical Editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman in public over the past day.

Snyderman allegedly was seen sitting in her car outside of the Peasant Grill in Hopewell Boro this afternoon. A reader reported that a man who was with her got out of the car and went inside the restaurant to pick up a take-out order. Another man was in the back seat of her black Mercedes. Snyderman had sunglasses on and had her hair pulled back, the reader said.

NBC did not respond to inquiries about Snyderman today, and Snyderman could not be reached for comment.

Snyderman has been NBC’s chief medical correspondent since 2006. She joined the network after 15 years as a correspondent with ABC. She also previously served as a vice president at Johnson & Johnson."

New Jersey then slapped the whole team under mandatory quarantine, and NBC and Snyderman were forced to apologize.

Her "apology" said, "As a health professional I know that we have no symptoms and pose no risk to the public."

@septimasexta @darkknight111 @letsdothis3

darkknight111 ago

The big red flag to me as a microbiologist is that ebola is a supposed “zoonostic parasite” yet there was never a true positive ID of the resevoir species after 30+ years.

Compare with Hanta where the CDC had that thing figured out within a few weeks.

Vindicator ago


septimasexta ago

Exactly. I think it was engineered from an already existing hemorrhagic fever virus. Initially, it was too virulent. Just my opinion.

If the source is reliable, this is a relevant article:

"The Terrifying Story Of How Ebola Once Escaped Africa And Landed In Europe" Jul. 31, 2014, 1:43 PM

"But as it turns out, Ebola already jumped from Africa to Europe once before — 20 years ago. Here's the story behind the strange case."

"In 1994, several chimpanzees were found dead and decomposing in Taï National Park, in the Côte d'Ivoire. On November 16 of that year, three researchers who had been studying the park's community of chimps wanted to figure out what was happening, so they dissected the body of one who had been dead for less than 12 hours."

""They found signs of hemorrhage and non-clotting blood," a case report, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, explains. "Eight days later, 1 of the researchers, a 34-year-old woman, became ill.""

"The woman, a Swiss zoologist, started "shivering with fever," and thought she had come down with malaria."

"Ebola hadn't emerged in Africa in 15 years, and never been detected in the region — and, in any case, doctors still suspected malaria."

"Doctors checked her for parasites and didn't find any. They rehydrated her and administered antibiotics. But her condition didn't improve...That's when a dramatic decision was made: She would be flown out of the Côte d'Ivoire and back to Switzerland."

"they suspected it could be Lassa fever, a hemorrhagic fever similar to (though generally less deadly than) Ebola. The Swiss Air Ambulance jet that transported her took extensive precautions."

"In December 1994, they launched an epidemiological investigation to try to determine what had been killing the chimpanzees in the park — including the chimpanzee the zoologist had dissected. An analysis concluded that it was "a highly lethal epidemic with hemorrhagic syndrome," though the possibilities were still somewhat broad: "a viral infection of unknown origin, anthrax, dengue, and African hemorrhagic fevers" were all considered."

"Researchers isolated the virus from the patient's serum sample and found something surprising: a novel version of the Ebola virus, one that had never been seen before. They dubbed it the Côte d'Ivoire strain (EBO-CI), also called the Taï Forest strain.What's more, they found the very same virus in the organs of the chimpanzees. "

"The Taï Forest strain has not been found in humans since her infection 20 years ago." https://www.businessinsider.com/ebola-once-escaped-africa-and-landed-in-europe-2014-7

Kahlypso79 ago

HelloDolly ago

The CDC has a patent on Ebola?

bennyquirk ago

Elana Freeland – Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chemtrails, HAARP

& elsagate transgender agenda pubertyblocker @letsdothis3 making-a-killing-with-cancer-a-124-6-billion-dollar-industry

"haarps" back @wisconsin_is_corrupt Johnson & Johnson Feared Baby Powder’s Possible... nytimes 2018/12/14/business


darkknight111 ago


I did a thread on Wellcome Trust.

Ebola is a suspected bioweapon.

Note that head shill (((AreWeSure))) shilled the hell out of this thread. Ebola being a bioweapon must be true if he stuck his nose in it.

truthdemon ago

The virus just starts of the cytokin storm.. There are a number of natural ways to calm.the cytokin storm.. ..which is the real killer...

Germ theory of disease is flawed...therr is a bout a billion times more bacteria and viruses in ur bdy right now ..than u have human cells

darkknight111 ago

Overwhelming numbers is true, but most of them are either benevolent (actively help their host) or harmless.

In fact, there’s research suggesting that these benign/harmless bacteria play an important role in normal immune system function (acting as a primer to prevent an excessive response). Some of the benign ones will try to fight the bad ones by releasing toxic compounds that the host is highly resilient to at the concentrations present (hydrogen peroxide for example).

Further data indicates that people who lose these native bacteria have a MUCH higher chance of developing hyper sensitivity and auto immune diseases. Likely linked to misuse of antibiotics (do NOT distinguish friend from foe in terms of bacteria).

septimasexta ago

Even before the 2014 outbreak, I had researched the original 1970's outbreak which occurred in the same area, then known as the "colonial" ruled Belgian Congo. Ebola had never been seen before, but had characteristics of hemorrhagic fever, was quite virulent with a 100% death rate. Because it quickly killed the host, it did not spread very far. Patient 0 came down with it after visiting a Belgian health clinic for a (think) malaria shot. They tried to pin it on a monkey virus that "jumped," but African monkeys are often used for research. Later, a less virulent strain showed up in other areas with a lower kill rate, but with an increased infection rate. Ebola spreadability peaked with the 2014 outbreak:

"“Your Majesty, Ladies, and Gentlemen. It is now almost 40 years ago since the so-called Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) was discovered. We speak of 1976 and it was a young and devoted Belgian doctor, Peter Piot, who identified the virus in the village of Yambuku, in today’s Democratic Republic of Congo.

Four decades have passed since then and the Ebola virus has struck communities on various occasions, each time in a harsh and cruel way. These epidemics somehow always ended after a few months of time and did not seem to result in a truly systemic crisis. Or at least, this is how the international community had perceived it up until last year.

2014 became the year of the global wake-up call. Most probably it was a two-year-old boy in the town of Guéckédou, in Guinea, who was the first victim of the current Ebola epidemic. He already died in 2013, on December 6th to be more precisely. Things went very fast then and it was the organization Médecins Sans Frontières who first sounded the alarm. Being active in the field and on Ebola for many years, they had never seen an outbreak of the virus with such dimensions."

The African journalist of this article has his own ideas about the cause of both HIV and Ebola:

"Was De Croo trying to hide something or because there were many celebrities, including the queen at the conference? Because De Croo failed to mention the role of Hillary Koprowski and Belgium nurses and doctors who deliberately sprayed contaminated vaccine into the mouths of the poor and innocent Congolese, which later gave birth to Ebola and other deadly diseases."

"That was a pity because Michel should have known the date of scientific literature of the criminal pharmaceutical, medical and corrupt (African) politicians, who also knew Aids and Ebola were man-made diseases, just as the Western World, Russia and Japan, and two top Belgium scientists, Guido van der Groen and Peter Piot knew of the medical crimes."

"But during the African Ebola crisis, the only thing Belgium really did was to let the Council of Ministers approved the deployment of a mobile laboratory in Guinea to fight the spread of the Ebola epidemic. The government of France received the expected guarantees for the safety of the Belgian team."

"Belgium History About The So-Called First Ebola Outbreak in 1976.

Once in 1976, a research team had been formed, including a special Belgian Aids researcher, to meet at the Antwerp Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine. To their surprise, they didn’t find only members of the American National Institute of Health but also many others, including the director of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases NIAID, and surprisingly the director Peter Piot of the Prince Leopold Institute itself.

The highly experienced doctors at the American Center For Disease Control had enrolled an unfamiliar epidemiologist from Johns Hopkins Hospital, who told them exactly how the investigation in Zaire should be given. The plan is to hide the result of the investigation from the public as a medical crime. The outcome of the research remained a mystery because the results are never published." https://www.modernghana.com/news/892978/the-historical-role-of-belgium-in-congos-ebola-epidemic.html

Usually if a virus is patented, it is because it has been genetically altered for research.

septimasexta ago

"The Secret Behind The Tracking Down Of Ebola In Congo By Belgian Scientists" https://www.modernghana.com/news/853398/the-secret-behind-the-tracking-down-of-ebola-in-congo-by-bel.html


Enty on cdan went the same direction last year in his "church" series

He claims a religious entity is involved with the testing. Based on evidence uncovered, it appears to be the Mormons

truthdemon ago

Economic order of the knights of malta.. Ecom ...now known as maltese international get involved in german leprosy association and vacci e programs..i believe they test new bio warfare tech and cancer causing agents on unsuspecting thirld world populations ...who trust these chwrties for help and health Connection to saxe coburg will be found out if this org is researched... Also have personal info that ecom..in chennai was inv9lved in the coverup and providing safe house for assasins of an indian pm.. Chennai is jesuit country.. Here is a pr video for a deaf and dumb childrens school run by belgium nuns ..and frequented by saxe coburg family of belgium...and politicians like m k stalin


God knows how those children r treated.. The only way out is for the US to aim at european nobility , especially those associated with thirld world chariities..those r the ones ..who know how the debt system runs , creating poverty ..and then set up charities for pr ..and to source and research even more methods to farm human energy and suffering caused by the debt system

septimasexta ago

MUST READ! https://orderofmaltaamerican.org Connected to: The Order of St. John of Jerusalem

septimasexta ago


"For over 65 years, with over 100 projects annually in 25 countries worldwide, Malteser International has stood by those affected by poverty, disease, conflict and disaster, helping them lead a healthy life with dignity. We provide relief, vital health care, nutrition, clean water, hygiene, and sanitation, and disaster preparedness to vulnerable people in North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. In the Americas, we operate major projects in four key countries: Colombia, Haiti, Mexico and Peru. We also provide disaster relief and recovery in the United States, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and in countries where our assistance is requested. We are a non-governmental organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2018 at the United Nations. We provide emergency relief after disasters and supports recovery efforts, bridging the gap between humanitarian aid and sustainable development. Malteser International Americas is an affiliate of Malteser International, the global humanitarian relief organization of the Order of Malta, a lay religious order. With the help of community-based partners and local Order of Malta Associations, children and families live healthier lives with dignity. We work closely with the three U.S. Associations: American , Federal and Western." https://orderofmaltarelief.org/us/

septimasexta ago

"Someone Said Donald Trump Belongs to the Knights of Malta… What’s That?" https://suellenoceanchats.wordpress.com/tag/mediterranean-island-of-malta/

bennyquirk ago

Dead doctors, nagalase and vaccines: What's the connection? @trusthetruth

letsdothis3 ago

And my posts were initially flagged as Possible Disinformation and ordered to be deleted by MF back in the day ... https://searchvoat.co/v2/?q=wellcome++&sub=pizzagate&s=pizzagate&l=true

Vindicator ago

There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not grateful for both Voat's not-really-removal system, and the fact that @SearchVoat searches them. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Me too.

theoldones ago

even niggers arnt safe from being pawns and victims in (((their))) schemes