UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago


o0shad0o ago

FWIR they successfully analyzed samples from the corpse of someone who died from the Spanish Flu - and what they found was H1N1, which is fairly common nowadays...

The current theory is that was the first time H1N1 came around and killed off almost everyone who had low defenses against it; and the survivors and their descendants are more resistant.

divine_human ago

analyzed samples from the corpse of someone who died from the Spanish Flu - and what they found was H1N1

thanks for that info. ok, one corpse of 50+ million showed H1N1. where did that virus suddenly come from?

there is the strange fact that this pandemic basically hit people in their prime, not weak ones (children and seniors) as usual with a flu.

there is also a different reason why so many people died from pneumonia. its usually not the flu, the virus, that kills people, but a pneumonia that follows.

this pneumonia, as many holisitc health practitioners but hardly any university medics know, is an auto-immune reaction.

when a person doesnt have an active trained immune system - a cold once or twice a year, and a fever every 5 years or so gives great training to our immunity - because they havent been ill in a long time (seniors) or havent yet had opportunities for training (small kids), a flu brings the system into over-drive.

it leads to too many antibodies being active in the body even when the flu has been beaten. these antibodies then attack the lungs which leads to pneumonia.

this pneumonia isnt bacterial so the usually given antibiotics nowadays dont help at all. what helps is cortisone; its life-saving.

thus, it could be that all these people who died from pneumonia may have indeed suffered an auto-immune penumonia, not a bacterial one.

Diggernicks ago

If so we need another experiment like this. If we could kill off 5% of the fucktards that exist now that'd be a good start.