SearchVoatBot ago

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7alon ago

An Open Secret is a shill. Check twatter. Obvious shill.

letsdothis2 ago

So is Kappy.

urbanmoving ago

Troma jewish you think Brock doesn't know who Kappy is, let this all play out keep hitting them

letsdothis2 ago

you think Brock doesn't know who Kappy is


keep hitting them

I fully intend to

carmencita ago

Don't know if this helps but the distance from Taos NM (Dream Tree Proj) to Stanley NM (Epsteins Zorro Ranch) is 112 mi. Dream Tree is in a very convenient place for trafficking of European Children

"Reportedly human traffickers use New Mexico when they bring sex slaves into the USA from such places as Eastern Europe, Mexico and Africa.

To make things even more interesting the Dream Project is only about 48 mi from that Compound those Children were found at. Amalia NM.

I would wager that DB and JA would be friendly with Epstein. This Dream Project reminds me of that Ranch that was connected to Steven Pollock too in NM. A Ranch for Children too.

carmencita ago

USA has been playing the recession game since the inauguration of the Non-Democratically installed President George Bush and its mostly military regime creating chaos in the world market as US industries reorganize to be dominant economic forces.

What a game. I don't understand all the talk about investments, not my forte, but that I DO understand.Correct, he was not legally elected.

letsdothis2 ago

tag words: "London Early Years Foundation" , Michael Garstka, Bain and Company, UNHCR, the World Childhood Foundation,Teach for America, Americorps

Related voat posts by @new4now and @wooqy and by @voats4goats AmeriCorps now fighting for own survival under Trump

This will be of interest:

David Caprara, the head of AmeriCorps/ VISTA, directed the American Family Coalition, a faith-based social-action group affiliated with Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church

David Caprara is the director of the Brookings Initiative on International Volunteering and Service. He previously served as the director of AmeriCorps VISTA, and director of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives at the Corporation for National and Community Service.

He is director of Strategic Partnership at Global Peace Foundation

Hyun Jin Preston Moon is the founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation. His father is Sun Myung Moon

The Unification movement or Unificationism, also called the Unification Church (UC), is a worldwide new religious movement. Its members are colloquially called "Moonies".

Alefantis and Pegasus Museum connections to the Moonie Cult

letsdothis2 ago

tags: Fortecho Solutions; Lord Browne of Madingley, Chairman of the Courtauld Institute of Art, rent boy Jeff Chevalier, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown

voat post with Courtauld Institute of Art : The Secret Life of Ely Cathedral, the diocese of Westminster and Eel Pie Island

At the time, I knew Anthony Blunt to be not only a prominent art historian but the director of the prestigious Courtauld Institute and curator of the Queen’s art collection. I had also read his books on the 17th-century French classicist Nicolas Poussin and on the early Picasso. What I did not know was that he was also the mysterious “fourth man” of the notorious Cambridge spy ring whose other members—Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby—had been exposed by British intelligence (and fled to safe haven in Moscow). All three of the latter—like Blunt himself, they were either homosexual or bisexual—had been recruited by the KGB in the 1930’s, had become loyal servants of the Stalinist regime, and during World War II and later, from their high-ranking positions in British intelligence and at the British Foreign Office, had passed top secrets to their Soviet patrons. The activities of the Cambridge group are now regarded as the biggest case of political treason in the history of England.

Blunt had been recruited in the 1920’s or possibly early 1930’s while a student at Cambridge and a member of the Society of Apostles—an elitist club inside an elitist university. The main principle of the society, as Bertrand Russell, one of its former members, later testified, was absolute freedom in discussion and an equal freedom in political and moral attitudes. Politically, most of the Apostles in Blunt’s time were Marxists. As to their morals, they readily assimilated the idea, vouched for in the ancient classics, that sexual love between men is of a higher order than love of woman.

It is not surprising that this political/sexual cocktail should have made Cambridge, and the Apostles in particular, a main target of Soviet secret intelligence. Young Marxist sympathizers were an easy prey for political seduction while their homosexual orientation—which until 1964 carried a criminal conviction in England if discovered—provided a convenient weapon of blackmail. Of the four members of the Society of Apostles who became Soviet spies, at least two, it is now known, were recruited by Blunt.

letsdothis2 ago

Continuing with Worldwide Underground, JP Eaglin is a co-founder:

According to his FB profile, he's friends with Aquilla Kappy and is a Former Founding Member, CTO, Art & Music Dir., Teacher at Green Dot Public Schools

Steve Barr (born 1959) is an educator, political activist, and author, best known as a co-founder of Rock the Vote and founder of Green Dot Public Schools, a charter school organization in Los Angeles, California. He led Green Dot from 2000 to 2009. Barr also founded Future is Now Schools, a non-profit school organization that works on reforming schools from within.

Barr worked on the presidential campaigns of two Democratic Party candidates in the 1980s and served as Finance Chairman of the California Democratic Party. After having worked on school reform for many years, in June 2016 Steve Barr announced his candidacy for the 2017 Los Angeles mayoral election, challenging incumbent mayor Eric Garcetti.[1][2] Garcetti won with an overwhelming majority.

Barr was influenced by meeting Reed Hastings, education activist and founder of Netflix, and Don Shalvey, the founder of California's first charter school, the San Carlos Learning Center, in Northern California. At an event in 1997, President Bill Clinton announced a federally funded public charter school-grant program.

As a result, Barr founded his flagship organization, Green Dot Public Schools, and opened his first charter high school, Animo Leadership High School in Lennox, California in 2000. He later opened subsequent schools, including Animo Inglewood in 2002 and Animo Oscar de la Hoya in Boyle Heights in 2004. By the end of Barr's involvement at Green Dot, his organization was operating 20 public schools under his auspice. He left Green Dot in 2009.

Rock the Vote

Rock the Vote is a non-profit organization, progressive-aligned group in the United States whose stated mission is "to engage and build the political power of young people."[2]

The organization was founded in 1990 by Virgin Records America Co-Chairman Jeff Ayeroff, to encourage young people to vote.[3] It is geared toward increasing voter turnout among voters ages 18 to 24.[4][5] Rock the Vote is known for its celebrity spokespeople and its partnership with MTV

letsdothis2 ago

Okay, so another Oppenheimer is Lisa Oppenheimer who is a Director at Bright Horizons. She also used to write for the Disney magazine. She is married to Steve Chilinski

CEO/President/Senior Executive of several international middle-market companies in a broad array of industries, primarily owned by premier PE firms, such as Bain Capital, Parthenon Capital and American Securities Capital.

voat related threads:

Bright Horizons, a large international child care network, is two blocks from Friday's Child Adoption Services Inc., which used to share an address with Podesta's cousin's 8 other businesses.

Looks like someone was really close to finding this a while back, but got buried. Read this article from this thread:

New address: Friday's Child Adoption Services, Inc. 90 Whitewood Road Suite 4 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901

Look what I found is in walking distance... Bright Horizons.

Bright Horizons Family Solutions Subsidiaries ....

Update: I found that Mitt Romney's Bain Capital owns Bright Horizons Family Solution. Where does Bain Capital/Mitt Romney fit into all of this?

Clinton Foundation connection:

See link

I have been investigating Project Spade, which appears to be show how the RCMP is willing to go to great lengths to prosecute and end international CP rings. Found this article which ties the arrest of Loskarn, and to a TON of other rings. There are ties to UPenn and that scandal (concrete, convicted proof), the Franklin scandal, University of Tenessee, George Bush, Mitt Romney (who purchased Lamar Alexander's company Bright Horizons, Loskarn's boss) and just a whole mess of things. Honestly, I am too ADHD to investigate this properly, but this appears to be a very interesting arrest that ties together many rings.

YogSoggoth ago

Mitt might have been an anchor baby, as his (g?)grandfather gave up US citizenship for Mexican. Why? Underage sex. They slipped back up North when the heat was off. Never re-registered. His Dad was a politician as well.

letsdothis2 ago

Sajid Javid is the UK's new Home Secretary. So which children's foundation board is he connected with? It's the London Early Years Foundation. Let's take a look...

London Early Years Foundation Trustees

Michael Garstka, Chairman

Michael Garstka is a senior partner with the global management consultancy Bain & Company in its London office.

letsdothis2 ago

The December 11, 2013 arrest by U.S. Postal Inspectors of Senator Lamar Alexander’s chief of staff Ryan Loskarn on charges of possession and distribution of child pornography in connection with international law enforcement’s Toronto-based Project SPADE, represents only the tip of an iceberg which connects Alexander to a network of Tennessee politicians and businessmen associated with child sex abuse.

Loskarn, who was identified as a child porn distributor, would have been in a position to identify actual or intended recipients of child pornographic photographs and videos found by postal inspectors in Loskarn’s possession, had he lived. Loskarn’s purported “suicide note,” which makes no specific mention of an intention to commit suicide, instead contains an effusive apology to his friends, family, and Senator Alexander.

Bright Horizons and Lamar Alexander

In 1998, Massachusetts-based Bright Horizons, a child welfare service company, merged with Corporate Family Solutions, a firm that provided similar services and which was founded in 1987 by Lamar Alexander and Bob Keeshan, who had been known to millions of American children as television’s “Captain Kangaroo.” The merged company, Bright Horizons Family Solutions, was acquired by Mitt Romney’s former firm, Bain Capital, in 2008. Alexander, the Secretary of Education under George H W Bush, has been tied to a network of Tennessee politicians and businessmen associated with government and private companies, including Bright Horizons and Omni Visions, Inc. of Tennessee, as well as state government social service agencies, such as the Department of Childrens’ Services, accused of endangerment and sexual abuse of foster and mentally challenged children....

It goes on.. a MUST READ.

scientologistsaregay ago

"So, I would suggest making a list of all the accounts' currently supporting Isaac Kappy, and putting them on your WATCH list." Psy ops are staffed on both sides

letsdothis2 ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This sub continues to get clowned by obvious psyops, and this sub continually pushes obvious psyops. Kappy still? Fail.

notagame ago

Oh, dear God! I'm really starting to doubt everyone's sanity when they can't even spot an obvious shill/troll like Isaac Kappy. I posted this three months ago, days after he appeared as a big smelly fraudulent blip on our radar screen.

Why is there even a debate on this? The only thing that worries me is that because of people's stupidity in not calling him out, he may have gathered information from victims. If you remember, he was trolling for victims to contact him so he could arrange "safe spaces" for them to go if they told their stories. I was aghast and did my best to warn everyone with that post.

I pray no victim confided in him and that no one offering safe spaces did either. I hope it was a failed mission, but why do I doubt that?

StarAnon ago

Agreed. From minute one this guy sent up red flags. Crokin really glommed onto him. She's another one. I don't trust this guy any farther than can throw him.

notagame ago

Yeah, Crokin. She's a tool. She blew Burkman under the bus re: the Mueller rape accusation. Where is that tweet ...

One last thought on this, Jack Burkman is the one who is doing the press conference on this. I worked with him a lot when I was covering Seth Rich’s murder. He is NOTORIOUS for spreading fake news! Patriots, dare I say this is Very Fake News!


Jack Burkman is the “conservative” lobbyist running the press conference on the sexual assault allegations against Robert Mueller. I’ve interviewed him & talked to him many times in the past. He’s pushed the Russia Election Hoax! He’s notorious for spreading fake news.👇🏻 #QAnon

So she's ragging on Burkman for pushing fake news, and yet, she posts this shit:

JFK JR’s closet was like James Bond’s closet appointed by Q.👇🏻 Nothing to see here. Carry on. #QAnon

JFK Jr. is NOT ALIVE. And if he were, pointing to his closet looking like James Bond's because of a character named Q is a ridiculous fanciful stretch. And she's glommed on a lot of fake stories. She RT's everything so it's curious she's working against Burkman. Well, we'll see if she's right on this. Burkman is not backing down, but neither did the creepy porn lawyer so we'll see.

Baichu ago

What about his connection with Rhonda Barnett? Did he not have her on his "show" at some point or want to?

notagame ago

Fiona Barnett?

Have no idea why she talked to him. None. Like I said, it's scary. He's scary and a goddamn POS shill.

letsdothis2 ago

Maybe it's not such a bad thing that people continue to defend him because it led me to do some digging. And that's turning into a mindfield. Clearly, Brock et al are not very bright.

notagame ago

It's always a bad thing when people give defend a shill. Your investigation has nothing to do with people unable to distinguish a phony shill.

YogSoggoth ago

Not defending a shill, but I am still waiting for someone to groom me, and send money. Forlorn am I.

notagame ago

Yeah, being paid for talking smack. Now that's a gig I could rock.

You'd be great at it and pull in top dollar. I wonder if I put an ad in craigslist if it would get noticed. Something like:

"Need a shill? I whore myself out for cash."

YogSoggoth ago

Glad I did not need a sarc tag on that one. Heh heh. You would get top dollar too. I still wonder why no one has reached out, given my otherwise online history of capitalist comments. There is still time, and I still have hope that check will be coming in the mail. I really don't mind who signs the check. Cash is preferable. The Clinton's have been through enough, and they are good people. Those are just jobs that Americans don't want, but it is racist to call USA citizens Americans because that does not include anyone South or North of the racist USA while still being the Americas. Easy.

notagame ago

Oh, you're good!

Consider this a sample of your work.

YogSoggoth ago

Not until I find out if Sally Struthers is still alive. Meathead! He is a pedo! It all comes full circle here. Seriously, where is mah money?(sarc)

notagame ago

Right now it's going between the Honduran mob, the gathering mob in El Salvador, and the hoax false flags sent to Soros elite.

YogSoggoth ago

Chump change because of the exchange rate. No. There is money being spent in the USA. Sure, I can't pin it down right now,(bout to pass out) but I will be proven right. Costs more here than there. Why would Soros's son have to borrow Bono's sunglasses? Almost broke.

notagame ago

Yes, the payments to ANTIFA probably are more substantial. I was factoring in that most of the misanthropic specimens from the Stanford prison experiments still live in their parent's basement, but left out the big ticket items that Sanders and other socialist gummy bears have propagandized as "FREE"! So the tuition funding at UCLA's Department of Inadequacy still go on and these swollen melons of minds continue to major in Racist America: Studies in how Dirigibles and Balloon-Making Helped Shaped White Entitlement and Shame Lactose-Intolerant Minorities. This twenty-seven-year course teaches among other things the fine art of calling out 9/11 widows as they stand on street corners and wait for red lights to change. It also includes an aerobic-building section that comes in handy when scampering away from the widow's strapping, really pissed off son, but then it's hard to run with a backpack laden with commie pamphlets extolling the virtues of horse-faced ex-bartenders trying to grab their two-seconds of fame in politics by calling for the abolishment of ICE.

But don't worry, I'm sure someone has their all-knowing, all-seeing, never-blinking eye on you. Regular Adenochrome supplements supplied in the Satanic rituals ensures these reptiles never sleep.

YogSoggoth ago

Huh, they ain't killed us yet! Here is some home schooling. Seminole wars 1 through 4 ( actually it was a long battle.) Only other to beat the Britain's and the newly formed Federals at the time were the Scots and the Northern Irish. All three or more still alive, and were former slaves. Which side are you on? Pretty easy question, no?

letsdothis2 ago


Re: Madeleine McCann

"Why did Philip Edmonds should choose Praia da Luz as his choice of holiday venue for the week 28 April to 5 May 2007 is not known.

What is known, Philip Martin Edmonds is the nephew of Margaret Hodge.

Margaret Hodge is the UK politician who has been accused of covering-up the child abuse scandal in the London borough of Islington involving Jimmy Saville

Dame Margaret Eve Hodge, Lady Hodge, DBE, MP (née Oppenheimer; born 8 September 1944) is a British Labour Party politician who has served as Member of Parliament for Barking since 1994.

Hodge was created Minister for Children in 2003[1] before becoming Minister of State for Culture and Tourism in 2005.

She was styled Lady Hodge after her second husband, Sir Henry Hodge, was knighted in 2004, until her appointment as DBE in 2015 when she became Dame Margaret Hodge.

She was born in 1944 in Cairo, Egypt, to Jewish refugee parents[4][5] Hans Oppenheimer (1908–1985), and his wife Lisbeth (née Hollitscher).[4][6] Hans Oppenheimer left Stuttgart in Germany during the 1930s to join his uncle's metals business based in Cairo and Alexandria, where he met fellow émigrée, Austrian-born Lisbeth Hollitscher.

The family moved to Orpington, London, where the Oppenheimers started their family-owned steel-trading corporation, Stemcor.[8] It is one of the world's largest privately held steel companies, with an annual turnover of over £6 billion in 2011.[9] Hodge is a major shareholder, listing her holdings in the Parliamentary Register of Members' Interests.[10][11] Stemcor was run by her brother, Ralph, until September 2013.

Hodge emerged as Council Leader in 1982, a post she held until 1992. Hodge was appointed MBE in 1978. However the end of her service on Islington council prior to her entering Parliament was marred by the emergence of serious child abuse allegations concerning Council-run children's homes in Islington.[20]

In 2003, following Hodge's appointment as Minister for Children, Panton went public with his allegations that he had been the subject of abuse in Islington Council care and that although he had repeatedly raised the matter he had been ignored. He identified Hodge's complacency as being ultimately responsible for the abuse that he alleged he had suffered.

Stemcor is a Steel company owned by the Oppenheimer family that includes both a guest at the villa where Madeleine went missing and a UK MP accused of covering up child sex scandals. Steel is used for pipelines. Viktor Pinchuk is a major Clinton Foundation Donor. Pinchuk made pipeline deals with Iran under Hillary's watch. Stemcor owns Chiatura, which mines manganese. Manganese is an essential component for URANIUM EXTRACTION. Bill Clinton travelled with Frank Giustra in 2005 to begin the Uranium One deal. Viktor Pinchuk fought for privatization of the Chiatura manganese mines in 2005.

Follow the money.

letsdothis2 ago

Also connected on Facebook William von Henneberg of FORTECHO SOLUTIONS LTD (@swordfish69 you might find this interesting)

previously worked at SPACECODE RFID, Tagsys RFID, Kenan Systems- Lucent Technologies

voat posts re Lucent Technologies

One being some very interesting microchips in a deal through Lucent Technologies. Lucent is interestingly close to Lucifer. Jared's brother is also a very interesting dude to say the least.


Fortecho Solutions is an international Active RFID solution provider based in the UK, and with offices in mainland Europe, Australia, and the USA.

We have a global client base spanning 32 countries, with a corresponding network of active resellers and installers in each.

Fortecho Solutions — formerly ‘Integrated Security Information Systems Ltd’, or ‘ISIS’* — was founded in 1996 to explore the viability of wirelessly tracking IT assets and personnel using Active RFID technology.

In 2000 Fortecho Solutions moved its focus to the art sector, where we applied existing technologies and invented new ones to create our suite of specialist systems. Fortecho becomes the market leader in wireless, object-focused surveillance systems, operating in hundreds of museums, galleries, offices, foundations, private residences and superyachts across the world.

letsdothis2 ago

Fortecho Solutions Proudly Sponsors The Art Masters Summit 2018

This exciting one day summit presents a host of speakers on the topic of disruption in the art market. As the role of technology challenges established practices, innovative artists, galleries, specialists and emerging jurisdictions are forging a new art ecology. In partnership with Fortecho Solutions and the Courtauld, The Art Masters Summit brings together sponsors and representatives from wealth management, overseas jurisdictions, wireless art security firms, art logistics providers, blockchain developers, leading artists deploying Artificial Intelligence, collectors and the arts and wealth media.

Founding lead partner sponsors the Bermuda Business Development Agency and Butterfield, partner sponsors AZ Real Estate and Fortecho Solutions and sponsors AirSea Packing and Easy Tiger Executive Search have combined to support an all-day series of panel discussions which focus on supporting existing and new collectors to discover new value in a fluctuating art market.

The Summit’s opening address is given by Lord Browne of Madingley, Chairman of the Courtauld Institute of Art, Executive Chairman of L1 Energy and Chairman of Huawei UK, Stanhope Capital and the Accenture Global Energy Board.

Lord Browne of Madingley,_Baron_Browne_of_Madingley

He resigned from BP in May 2007 in controversial circumstances surrounding his personal life.

Courtney Chevalier, 21, described her brother's introduction to the jet-set lifestyle of the former BP chief as a "culture shock" for the 27-year-old, who is one of six children.

Miss Chevalier told the Daily Mirror she regularly visited her brother and the 59-year-old Lord Browne at the peer's two homes in London and his residence in Cambridge.

One summer, Lord Browne took her, her elder sister Vanessa and Mr Chevalier to his home in Venice, she said, adding: "Jeffrey even saw Elton John's place in Venice. He said it was amazing inside.

"It all seemed so surreal. Tony Blair was often at some of the parties my brother went to. That sort of thing just became normal for him. I'm sure the public won't care about his [Lord Browne's] homosexuality," she said, adding that last year's break-up had hit her brother hard.

His profile on the internet networking site includes a long list of "favourite quotes" which include "I am not young enough to know everything" and "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another".

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/theawakening comment by @letsdothis3.

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letsdothis2 ago

Fortecho Lite

Completely standalone and controlled only by a touch-screen panel, Fortecho Lite is a slimmed down version of our museum-grade Fortecho software solution. It provides basic functionality with sophisticated RFID equipment monitoring your high value assets 24/7. Certified by the insurance industry, the system is ideal for private galleries, and private and corporate collections with less than 60 artworks.

Fortecho enables artworks and their locations to be monitored discretely 24/7 in real-time for theft, damage, and dangerous environmental change. Designed to be fully integrated with existing security infrastructures including CCTV, SMS, VMS, digital mobile radio and intruder detection systems.

Designed for... places of worship

Projects include Waddeson Manor

Waddesdon Manor was built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild between 1874 and 1885 to display his outstanding collection of arts and to entertain the fashionable world. Opened to the public in 1957, it's managed by The Rothschild Foundation, a family charitable trust, on behalf of the National Trust. Waddesdon is internationally famous for its collection of eighteenth-century decorative arts, together with important British, Dutch and French paintings

Crash over Rothschild's property was intentional

letsdothis2 ago

They are involved with some interesting art groups, like:

Why is the vimeo account of worldwide underground full of videos for dodge luxury yacht hire companies?

wtf_is_happening ago

Even if you can prove that Isaac Kappy is related to these people, it doesn't confirm that he is controlled opposition. (Look at the way Field McConnell, of the Abel Danger website, exposes the involvement of his own sister, Kristine Marcy, with a paedophile ring.)

Also why do you use that odd, mocking expression "troofer" on this subverse?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Not going to explain to those of such low level awareness about why Kappy is an obvious shill. Actually, we have done so many times. You chose to ignore. So you are not to be taken seriously.

letsdothis2 ago

Even if you can prove that Isaac Kappy is related to these people, it doesn't confirm that he is controlled opposition.

I'm putting my own points forward is all.

Also why do you use that odd, mocking expression "troofer" on this subverse?

I mean it for the 'concern trolls' in the truth community. But as you show me, that phrase may be misinterpreted so I'll take it out.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You use toofer and you fail. That is something Stephan Colbert does. You all need to focus.

letsdothis2 ago

You've just confirmed what I think about you. Tell me, when was the first use of that word?

letsdothis2 ago

Uhm, y'all need to look into the Sculpture Ranch, Santa Fe (from the Terry Pollack link mentioned above)

Contact: Alice van Buren or Nat Hesse, 505-471-8255

On FB Alice is friends with a variety of very interesting people, including the Oppenheimers. Look them up re pizzagate.

letsdothis2 ago

Award-Winning Photographer, Tamara Engoron Veneruso was born into an incredibly artistic family in New York City on the Lower East Side. Her mother, Dorothy won numerous medals for playing violin in the Bell Symphony Orchestra in NYC and for her amazingly delicate opera voice. Tamara’s father was an accomplished painter. Tamara’s work was recently in a group show with her daughter and nephew Lisandro Perez Engoron.

Considering the music background I'm wondering if retired professor of music David Kappy is a relative. Here's a bit about him:

According to his CV he taught at Univeristy of Washington and also at Wisconsin. His PhD dissertation was done at Yale.

M.M. and B.M., University of Wisconsin; D.M.A. in progress, Yale University. Member of Soni Ventorum and chamber music groups; numerous recordings on Crystal, Musical Heritage, Delos, Telarc, and American Gramophone labels, and with the Soni Ventorum Wind Quintet; recordings with Mannheim Steamroller; taught on the faculty of the Interlochen Arts Academy, and received a Fulbright Award to teach at the Federal University of Minas in Brazil (1985); Solo Horn with the Omaha and Lincoln (Nebraska) Symphonies, and the Omaha Opera; veteran of Grand Teton and Claremont Music Festivals, and the Festival de Inverno in Campos de Jordao, Brazil; extra Horn with the Seattle Symphony and the St. Louis Symphony.

Following the 1972 International Instrumental Ensembles Competition (Festival Villa-Lobos) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and winning the Silver Medal, the Soni Ventorum, through the auspices of the U.S. Department of State tours South America on its first of six U.S.D.S. international tours as a wind quartet .

With the resignation of Leuba, David Kappy, an experienced and enthusiastic wind quintet hornist who was teaching at the University of Montana was recommended by respected musical colleagues (including Bonnevie) and was invited to join the quintet and the University of Washington faculty.

McColl and Skowronek begin building instruments, Grossman opens several local businesses specializing in gourmet cuisine, Storch tours China and writes an article about her experiences during Beijing's Tiananmen Square demonstrations of 1989.

letsdothis2 ago

Toddy G's Pizza Joint - The Skateboarding Connection

An interesting angle back to Alefantis and Comet [AND BROCK]:

Funders and Supporters page 85:

Lists Comet Ping Pong as supporters of the DuPont Art Tunnels.

The DuPont tunnels are very similiar to the "Old Vic" tunnels:

The Old Vic tunnels are noted for having held U.S. President Bill Clinton's major fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation in May 2012.

The Old Vic tunnels have listed as Artistic Director: Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey flew on Epsteins Lolita express:

Now, Vans won the bidding to operate the Old Vic Tunnels and transformed them into a skate park called the House of Vans.

Is Vans "sketchy"? Let's see they cater to childrens footwear needs, hob nob with the pedophile crowd and they arrived on the scene with their name Vans in the 1980's when something known as "the pedophile van" was in the common vernacular.

YogSoggoth ago black and white checkered vans That was the shoe that launched them. There was a buyout, but remember that there is a Female ancestor named Joan Lucille Olander. OLEANDER (Heb. הַרְדּוּף mishnaic (harduf) or הִרְדּוּפְנִי (hirdufeni)), the evergreen shrub with rose-colored flowers that grows wild in Israel on the banks of rivers. Cultivated varieties having flowers of various colors are also grown. Its leaves are arranged at the nodes of the stalk in groups of three. In this respect it resembles the three-leaved myrtle . The Talmud (Suk. 32b) raises the possibility that by eẓ avot ("plaited tree"), one of the four species taken on the Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:40), the oleander may be intended, but the suggestion is rejected on the grounds that the Bible would not have required a plant containing a dangerous poison to be taken (see Rashi , Suk. 32b). A fowl that has eaten oleander "is forbidden because of danger to life" (Ḥul. 3:5). It is, in fact, very poisonous and its ground leaves are sometimes used as mouse poison. One tanna held that it was because of its bitterness that this tree was used by Moses to sweeten the bitter waters (Ex. 15:25) "for God heals with that with which he wounds" (Ex. R. 50:3). The Talmud (Pes. 39a) mentions a bitter plant called hardufenin which is not poisonous and was eaten as a salad. The reference is apparently to the Scorzonera, to which the name hardufenin is given in modern Hebrew. Given lack of family history, link to Hollywood, and federal government(Doral Beach) I am proposing without any empirical evidence that the Doran's are the Olander's through name change. Just a hunch. Doral: Indications, Side Effects, Warnings - Doral Corporation. Kaskel and Doral. The Forced Jewish Exodus of Paducah, Kentucky - Civil War .. He is a descendant of the original and worst carpetbaggers.

carmencita ago

The Old Vic tunnels are noted for having held U.S. President Bill Clinton's major fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation in May 2012.

The Old Vic tunnels have listed as Artistic Director: Kevin Spacey

So we involved Alefantis Bill C and Spacey. What a combo. I seriously can't imagine either one of them calling for their driver and heading home after an Event. Serious digging is needed. We always seem to get back to the Dupont Tunnels but never dig quite deep enough. DB is still very involved. Always has been.

letsdothis2 ago

I'm finding quite a bit of stuff and a picture is emerging for me. Back to digging...

carmencita ago

Thank you. I will try to dig again later tonight. I have always felt there is so much more to the Tunnels and JA and DB. This is for sure something else cooked up by the creator of CTR, SB and other Shill outfits he has cooked up. I was attacked many times as were others on Reddit by CTR.

letsdothis2 ago

Let Them Do Opening Reception

An exhibition of 10 artists, each who have been given a size 16 blank canvas Vans Authentic Skate Shoes to do what they want with.

Pizzagate - Pedophile Language and Symbols

I noticed that the Old Vic Tunnels were taken over by the "House of Vans", interesting. I used to skateboard myself yet always hated Vans sneakers because of their icky likeness to the super cheap K-mart skips that existed back then. I started looking into Vans and ties to pedophilia and then found out that, unknown to me was that in the 1980's popular culture was aware of "the pedophile van". Basically a white van with tinted windows.

"A large, older van, typically brown or white in color, and often with tinted front windows and no windows in the back."

Interesting, the Old Vic Tunnels - "art tunnels" taken over by Vans - a company catering to children's footwear needs, who converted the sketchy Old Vic Tunnels into a playground place for children to play and interact.