21yearsofdigging ago

Don't know what to think. If you remember it was me who Fiona contacted and I put up her statement on here, then later Victurus Libertas did a nice job posting it. Someone gave it to Kappy. I my upload on steemit, as I didn't have any other place to post it). Funny though, have not had any contact with this guy and really, something just bugs me. Many of us, some ex Hollywood actors like myself, have been screaming about ritual abuse for many many years. For victims to come forth with their stories absolutely there need to be some REAL assurances for their safety

notagame ago

Throwing around names without real evidence is a dangerous game and it unfortunately becomes sensationalized

This. I hear you and understand your concerns. There are red flags everywhere. Even the way he's phrasing things. Very ''soy boy'' and he wasn't like that before. And all of a sudden NOW he's concerned about pedophilia in Hollywood? Really? Ignored it for years, but gets upset ten days ago? And who comes to his aid and defense? Robbin Young, the woman that sexted Guccifer 2 and is a known asset? How does that work?

Best advice for everyone: hold back. Let this guy prove himself. If and when he comes out with something detailed, evaluate things then and not now. He really does give off that scummy vibe. And your point about the victims, yeah, how's he going to protect them? The only way they could be protected is if they sued together. It would be hard to explain twenty former child stars committing suicide all at the same time. It's ultimately what brought down Cosby, so, yes, either they have to get together and do it, or one name -- that is so compelling -- would have to come forward. For instance, if Drew Barrymore or Culkin were to ever speak out, they would get a lot of attention. But again, PedoWood would go on the attack and even those two very notable personalities are not impervious to hired star whackers.

Go with your gut. I found another person that connects him to actual, definable summiest of scum stars. I've been trying to find the tweet the tweeter referred to, but the problem is that it's not a tweet. I think this scummiest of scum stars wrote to him on 4chan or wherever he had that renegade account. I should post the info. Could be one of these geniuses on here knows the message referenced.

Thanks for taking time out to message me. I really hope you do speak out one day. Get everything you know off your chest and see these molesters in prison.

jervybingly ago

I feel that Isaac Kappy is a meth head, therefore it must be true.

nancy_drew ago


toknwok ago

So much yes. I can't believe the way people are mindlessly getting behind this guy. His demeanour is really offputting--playing with his hair while he discusses crimes against children? Thank you for saying it. "Truthers" are way too gullible.

notagame ago

There are lots of red flags.

I think the point is that there is zero evidence. Zero. It's the biggest tell that something is not right.

toknwok ago

This dude is a C-lister at best yet somehow he knows all the darkest secrets of Hollywood? I'm just not buying it.

notagame ago

I know. And that's for starters!

If he knows, TELL! Don't say you're going to tell, DO IT!!! And even if he wanted to do it in bits and pieces, there's @entylawyer, for example. He outlines the story so you sometimes can identify the film, the A-lister, etc. that he's talking about. Even Mr. Grunge. When he came out with the story about SS's film and the body double he hired for the star. You could figure out the movie and the boy's name from the credits. Plus, there was a compelling way he told the story. You knew what he was saying had that truth to it. He did the same thing when he told about the sister of the friend he used to have. Definitely believed him. But this guy? He knows, but isn't telling, but he's telling everyone else to confess their stories? And he'll help them tell it?

Nope! He'd be the last person I'd trust.

risewithoutfear ago

People who are stressed out play with their hair. It's not a conspiracy.

toknwok ago

Good point!

kazza64 ago

say hello to david brock

paulf ago

You're very light on hard evidence and very heavy on emotional appeal here.

  • 'Our' names? Are you serious? Evidence doesn't belong to anyone. These are people he's met and some of them he knows. Nobody has a monopoly on names.
  • You believe this guy is associated with a huge powerful name that you won't name but it could be a CIA, religious or cabal but you don't know? This shouldn't be in here unless you can tell us.
  • You say he's a nothing-burger actor. So what? He would be the first to tell you that but he clearly moves in Hollywood circles.
  • He wasn't an activist in 2016 and 2017 because he only had his epiphany ten days ago.
  • Him defending Roseanne on Twitter because he wants to is not a 'trigger' nor is it anything suspicious. Neither is a sparse Twitter account. I had one for years before Q started posting in October.
  • The rest of your post is about other people's photos. Your point is...?
  • You don't mention Seth Green or Clare Grant or any of the other stuff he's dropped which was certainly news to me and to /pol/.

Let's look at some real facts about what Kappy has done in less than two weeks:

  • named names using his real name and his face in public, daring anyone he's named to come after him. That takes courage.
  • called out Seth Green for hiding trafficked kids behind his bookcase. This is an extremely specific accusation that can be checked.
  • called out Corey for his fake campaign to raise awareness.
  • doesn't want money. He did at first and then realized it would look bad so he dropped the request immediately.
  • wants abuse survivors to come forward and tell their stories.
  • has had assurances from serious people that he is now being protected.
  • despite being Jewish, has called out the secret pedo cult within Judaism as being the real problem and implored other Jewish people to police their own ranks. This is a really big deal.

How could this possibly be a psyop? It's stupid if it is. Why would a psyop name Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Seth Green, Dan Schneider and a whole bunch of others in order to distract citizen investigations? I don't get it.

Having watched all his videos and checked out the various things he mentions (all accurate), I think he's telling the truth and will provide useful information in the future. I really don't see the big psyop in his story: this is an ordinary bit part actor who's rubbed shoulders with the pedo elites, various alarm bells have been ringing for him until finally last week he has enough and starts calling them out because he can't live with the knowledge any more. His body language and emotions confirm this.

3141592653 ago

I agree

nancy_drew ago

Exactly! Well said.

risewithoutfear ago

Thank you for stating this @paulf!

I think it's very alarming, and telling, that certain members are doing their utmost to "debunk" Isaac.

Isaac is using his very much public platform to redpill people who, dun dun dun, are not frequent Voat visitors, or members.

I have a hell of a lot of respect for Isaac. Seems to me though that [certain] folks on here would only be thankful for Isaac redpilling is if he were 'offed' to "prove" he was legit. Which, hello, yes he is.

nancy_drew ago

Indeed. Agreed!

notagame ago

This makes no sense. None.

What you've written is a psyops rebuttal. It twists things, misstates things, and sets up straw man arguments in an attempt for me to explain things I've already explained and clear up things that are already clear. Like my name says this is ''notagame'' so I'm certainly not going to play one with you.

Since he has this caliber of troll defending him, you've confirmed he's an asset.

paulf ago

Ok Mr notagame - awesome credentials you have. This is an abbreviation of my real name which is trivial to find out. I've been posting on here for 18 months+ - also trivial to find out. I was also the board owner of 8chan /cbts/ when Q was dropping to us about child trafficking - again, trivial to find out.

If you can't accept that I think your argument is emotional without pulling the lame 'hur hur you r a stupid troll and that makes him an asset' argument, then all you've shown is that you can't defend your argument.

notagame ago

Again, a psyops reply.

You're blocked.

paulf ago

Blocked by a 13-year old. How will I even cope?

new4now ago


This is a Kappy video

The Dude has some problems, no doubt

Except for what he has been tweeting, there's not much info on him besides his IMDb

what inside info could this guy have?

Reditt conversations on him



notagame ago

Yeah, just read the first reddit link. Really interesting. Glad people are seeing through this before it gets nuts.

new4now ago

did you see his video?

very strange, for whatever reason

notagame ago

I couldn't watch more than a few seconds.

He's such a tool.

notagame ago

He could have the same type or info nothing burger actors hear because they're hanging around the periphery of power. You know, like the rumors on Data Lounge. Some of those commentators say they work in the industry and hear things. But in order for him to know things about rituals? He would have to be in the cabal. I doubt a member would open up to him because if he ever did tell, the member would be in big, big trouble for shooting off their mouth.

Hey thank s or the links. Am anxious to see what others found.

new4now ago

YW, hope everyone looks at the links

they can make their own opinion

notagame ago


Just put the evidence out there and let people make up their own minds. This is one movement where very different people have been galvanized into action. We think differently, and that's just the way it goes.

Cc1914 ago

Great job exposing this ! Definitely fishy .

notagame ago

Hey, thanks.

Appreciate it.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

What's wrong with Fiona Barnett?

notagame ago

Not sure why she just jumped aboard his train.

I think we get so desperate for people to believe us, that when they profess to, we don't look any further.

Baichu ago

Questioning and skepticism are important in this world now...very important. I want to believe that what I see is true and that everyone who is coming forward is telling the truth. But I cannot give anyone the benefit of the doubt.

Must question and be skeptical....always.

notagame ago


Especially when the stakes are this high.

voatwins ago

We can safely ignore him and continue to look for evidence.

While he hasn't provided any proof, the things he stated I did already suspect.

I just don't feel a strong urge to cast him down. Who would, and why?

TheMystic ago

Yeah Kappy is a strange character but he seems harmless enough and I don't want to attack him. Maybe someone can just straight up ask him how he knows all this information and if he is getting it from following Pizzagate ,CDAN, the chans etc. If he admits it and clears it up with his audience, that would help.

The problem is there are so many hanging on his every word. So when someone asks him about Tom Hanks and he is like yeah, dude is a pedo. They run out and spread it everywhere and portray it as exclusive info from a Hollywood insider.

toknwok ago

Gullible people are hailing him as some sort of savior, begging him to look into this and look into that like he has special powers. It's gross. Also if he's controlled opp, which seems possible, then we absolutely must not treat him as harmless. This is a war, people.

think- ago

Well, he claims to get his knowledge from being a Hollywood insider, which he obviously isn't, since he obviously hasn't gotten the names from insider knowledge, but rather from reading v/pizzagate and CDAN.

Imo everybody who clearly lies should be outed as being suspicious - before he becomes a household name for 'exposing' people, and posts crap. And then people might believe him since he was thought to be legit.

I'm a bit tired of these kind of people.

notagame ago

It's not casting him down. But you really have to make sure that he doesn't get traction in the validity department.

If it's clear what he is, people can do what they like -- even ignore the evidence. But it's on them, and not the community fighting so hard for truth.

think- ago

Isn't #SayBraveThings a handle that SarahRuthAshcraft created? A SRA survivor?

letsdothis2 ago

SarahRuthAshcraft - the clue is in the name. Initials SRA, 3 words, ash craft as in 'the craft'. The usual psyop calling cards. I'd advise caution (to put it mildly/kindly).

think- ago

Well, what I certainly don't believe is the stuff about the 'Hivites' she posted. Thanks for pöinting out that 'craft' is part of the name. Had realized the 'SRA', but not the meaning of 'craft' in the surname.

It's suspicious that she supports Isaac Kappy imo. (Same applies to Fiona Barnett, I'm afraid.)

letsdothis2 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

@think- Yes, it is.

notagame ago

That I'm not sure.

If it is, does this signal that he's also recruited SarahRuthAshcraft? Or is he just using it to promote himself under the guise of promoting her?

think- ago

I think the latter. To give him credibility. Don't know why Fiona Barnett feels the need to support him.

notagame ago

You're most likely right. He needs that credibility to be a leader.

Blacksmith21 ago

Looks like he's trying to hitch a ride to Sara and Fiona's credibility. Or, trying to do that before he is exposed, in an attempt to discredit S and F.

notagame ago

It really does. It's like pretending to be with a group to get into a bar where you don't belong.

And really, I don't hold anything against Sara or Fiona. They're on Twitter and someone presents themselves as a good guy trying to help. Perfectly understandable why they didn't think twice about it.

Blacksmith21 ago

New Intel: https://twitter.com/SaRaAshcraft/status/1024069686529536001

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft ‏ @SaRaAshcraft

Uh oh, looks like Ishmael may have chosen poorly... I wonder how many skeletons are in HIS closet?

Qanon #theGreatAwakening @POTUS @NSA @DHSgov @ICEgov #Pizzagate @Cernovich @LizCrokin @FionaBa47662575 @IsaacKappy @cronsell @CabalPunisher @LisaMei62

Blacksmith21 ago

He also may be really shitty at putting out info. He's probably on drugs like all of them and doesn't think rationally. Maybe he snapped. Perhaps he stumbled upon S & F T accounts and wound up mainlining a bunch of redpill and went nuts. Anything is a possibility.

notagame ago

No, you have to follow the evidence. Part of the evidence is what I posted. There's obviously more. There was a good reddit post.

He's probably on drugs

This. Yup, it'd be my guess, but there's more than just that.

abcdefg222 ago

Yes. He’s reaching out to and aligning himself with SRA survivors like Sarah.

think- ago

Even more suspicious imo.

abcdefg222 ago

I wish Kappy was just talking about his personal relationships, his personal testimony and verifiable facts. I agree that he is muddying the water but I don’t know if it’s intentional. He may just want to share what he’s learned. Either way, it distracts from the necessary conversations. I posted this in another post today because I think we need to focus on facts and demand justice for verifiable crimes. That’s what will make the most ppl wake up.

I agree there is a lot of muddying the water right now. We are talking about a lot of stuff that covers up real issues.....

But sexual assault is serious. It’s about power and control whether it’s committed against a child or an adult... and with me too, we can see Hollywood players people actively conspiring in the coverup. I personally think “me too” could help lead us to “them too” if we can align these types of crimes against humanity.

I think we need to focus on FACTS though.... The franklin scandal happened. Kids were tortured, raped, abused, and it the cover up more people were sent to jail AND killed. These are facts.

..... .....So is James Gunn a pedophile? Probably but I don’t have the proof. And before you see the big picture and can recognize what the evil people in this world are actually capable of— it’s hard to believe the claims. People aren’t awake. They want to believe they’re just jokes. I know I wanted to believe that at one point, but I never will again.

There are too many facts that prove to me that this country has a serious elite pedophile epidemic. I’ve studied Jeff Epstein and Lawrence E King players from Franklin at length and I know too much.

I think we have to demand punishment and accountability for the people that we KNOW COMMITTED THE CRIMES.



These people are AT LARGE IN AMERICA and we have proof of what they’ve done.

We need to demand action and once people start to see glimpses of the truth they’ll start to wake up. It is happening more and more and we just need to stay so fucking loud that they can’t ignore it and they have a moral obligation to act.

notagame ago

Well said.

If someone has personal testimony or witnessed things, fine. But just hopping on board and saying someone is a pedo is not helpful because, as you've stated, where is the proof?

Proof will get us to our goal.

TheMystic ago

Great work! I completely agree. I posted this yesterday:

Other than his info about Seth and the other handful people he knows from that group. Kappy really doesn't have any other insider info. He has talked about spending a lot of time on the chans . He said he has been following Q and pizzagate since the beginning. Quite a bit of the info Kappy drops, is just things he as put together from following these boards. He is not bringing these names up, people are asking him what to do you know about Hanks, Spielberg, etc. and he just responding with stuff he has read about them over the last couple of years. Think of it like having a live chat with a fellow pizzagater and asking them what do you know about Marina Abramović, you would respond with she is a Satanist, friends with Podesta and hosts Spirit Cooking dinners. That doesn't mean you run with and have insider knowledge of her, you just know this about her because you have followed this shit for awhile.

notagame ago


Healthy skepticism. While we're pretty open about accepting help, this is not helpful. Not.

think- ago

I'm not sure whether Kappy just wants to have his five minutes of 'fame', or whether he's trying to muddying the waters.

Anyway, he seems to have put together a list of names that can be found on v/pizzagate and in the comment section of the CDAN blinds.

notagame ago

Exactly. Nothing new. Just repeating ... parroting. He doesn't even say where he saw this stuff ... who told him about him.

Nope ... not buying it.

carmencita ago

He sends off some really weird vibes to me. There is some really weird stuff on his instagram. On the edge.

SeeHear ago


notagame ago

Nobody's dissing Fiona Barnett. I don't know enough about her to say she isn't authentic.

But her embracing this guy is off putting. Not sure why, but it's scary how he's worming himself into the community.

SeeHear ago

I believe him. It’s an awkward position to be put in. I hope he lives at least, so we can find out if he’s authentic

notagame ago

I have no problem with you believing him.

And, of course, I want him to remain healthy. It proves that there's way more than a conspiracy afoot when people fear for their lives over these sorts of allegations. I mean, why take a a YouTube video so seriously if you've done nothing wrong? You just haul the person making malicious statements into court and sue the shit out of them, but now? People feel they need protection.

It's absolutely the closest thing we've come to actual proof that pizzagate is real. .

SeeHear ago

If nobody sues these people, they are either disinformation or very real. I feel he is not saying everything he knows, rather saying what he feels safe enough to say- which resembles what the dedicated researchers have already learned. I always wanna have faith when people speak out... side note- been thinking about handing out flyers with the tweets of some of these comedians at the comedy store and the improv, but then I realized I might get beat up by pedos.

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

I wouldn't worry about pedo's beating you up, I believe they are the weakest people on the planet, physically, spiritually and mentally. If there was a 4th face to people, they would utterly fail at that too. Even other criminals in jail hate them.

They are hated universally and at least we can all agree on that. Why do you think they say "this politician/celebrity wouldn't fare well in jail" after being found guilty of CP or child abuse? Well no shit, that's the point. We don't want them to farewell. Automatic garbage disposal their ass in the most creative and cunning way you can and wear the most shit eating grin while you do it. Fuck the fear. Hand out your flyers and do anything else you think up. Your mind is limitless.

Everyone by now knows damn well they are protected and it's up to people to expose this shit in any way we can.

SeeHear ago

Dan Harmon could beat me up.

Cc1914 ago

I’m not saying she is or isn’t authentic . Her story is horrifying to say the least . I will say that there is a person here on voat , who lives in Australia , and his dad is an alledged whistle blower that says FB is a fraud . I can’t think of his real name right now but he’s banned from voat his user name was horujuku ( not sure of spelling ) he may be just another unhinged Australian version of kappy working for the c I a or something ? He’s been on radio shows and given testimony etc .

3141592653 ago

Im pretty sure i remember always thinking that voater was suspicious

notagame ago

I'd like to hear what he has to say because I don't really have an opinion on her. Never really watched her videos nor do I follow her.

Blacksmith21 ago

horujuku was batshit crazy.

Cc1914 ago

Haha yep . But where did he get his court documents and why would he be interviewed by various reporters ? That kind of stuff is what makes me wonder .

Blacksmith21 ago

How do you know it was him? People who write batshit, manic missives, generally do not interview well.

TrishaUK ago

I believe Fiona Barnett totally. I hope this Kappy guy is legit. This is a video interview with Lift the Veil earlier:- Isaac Kappy w/ Nathan Stolpman - #SurvivorStories #PedoWood #QAnon

Cc1914 ago

Because he is the same on camera only toned down a bit . Here he is Luke McKee https://lolcow.wiki/wiki/Luke_McKee

Blacksmith21 ago

He still sounds batshit crazy in that description.

Cc1914 ago

Ya I know but I can’t help but think of all the ones who go crazy because of what they’ve been through . And he’s been on this way before pizzagate started . Who knows ?

Blacksmith21 ago

Whooda thought the Racine is Corrupt dude would be probably right?

ronnyCPI ago

Hey notagame, you're the one who doesn't pass the smell test. You and your lil shill buddies like "stunning takedown" Ian. Take your filibustering shill crap elsewhere and do us all a favor please.

nancy_drew ago

Exactly! Agreed.

Oh_Well_ian ago

buddies?? lol This is the FIRST TIME I have ever posted a comment on either a submission or comment from @notagame.

This guy just blew that CAPPY faggot completely out of the water, you tool.

or can you read? you don't like to read, do you?

Ahhh… I get it... attention deficit disorder

notagame ago

Hey, if you don't think this is important, it's fine. But there are red flags all over the damn place.

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure of kappy, but that list explains Jeff Koons role, and possibly even Pee Wee Herman. Ruebens? We have already tied Berny with the Pedos, so there is that.

think- ago

Roman Abramovic is member of the Committee of 300? Interesting....

Oh_Well_ian ago

Did you see the list??

A veritable 'who's who' of Trump haters and Satanic Order Elites

think- ago

P.S.: ..err...did you mean the list of members of the Committee of 300, or Kappy's list? I referred to the latter.

Oh_Well_ian ago

the former

think- ago

Oh ok, thanks. Will take a look.

think- ago

Yep, saw it. But apart from two or three names I didn't know, basically all have been among our usual suspects anyway. Even King has already popped up in our discussions IIRC.

notagame ago

Thanks! Now if can only get enough votes so people see it.

Chelsea? Oh, THAT Chelsea!!! Duh! Appreciate it.

Yeah, this guy is scummy.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/kFjpm :

Fiona Barnett on Twitter: "@IsaacKappy Hey Isaac, this is Fiona Barnett, Australian victim of CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse and MK-ULTRA. I support your efforts! Thank you for exposing what happened to us as kids."

https://archive.fo/LliPp :

Isaac Kappy on Twitter: "Are you a survivor of childhood sexual abuse? Please make a video detailing your story. I know it will be hard, but it is necessary. Please upload and share with the hashtag #SurvivorStories #SayBraveThings"

None :

https://archive.fo/zgzy4 :

from:IsaacKappy since:2015-01-01 until:2015-12-31 - Twitter Search

https://files.catbox.moe/4ttfk5.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/ykd60l.jpg :

https://archive.fo/CoyA9 :

from:IsaacKappy since:2017-01-01 until:2018-05-31 - Twitter Search

https://files.catbox.moe/ccs9i6.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/9fdjwr.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/hl2mvb.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/2vnhv7.jpg :

https://archive.fo/nbQiJ :

Hollywood's favourite photographer Tyler Shields on those Lindsay Lohan photos | Daily Mail Online

None :

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