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letsdothis2 ago

Okay, so another Oppenheimer is Lisa Oppenheimer who is a Director at Bright Horizons. She also used to write for the Disney magazine. She is married to Steve Chilinski

CEO/President/Senior Executive of several international middle-market companies in a broad array of industries, primarily owned by premier PE firms, such as Bain Capital, Parthenon Capital and American Securities Capital.

voat related threads:

Bright Horizons, a large international child care network, is two blocks from Friday's Child Adoption Services Inc., which used to share an address with Podesta's cousin's 8 other businesses.

Looks like someone was really close to finding this a while back, but got buried. Read this article from this thread:

New address: Friday's Child Adoption Services, Inc. 90 Whitewood Road Suite 4 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901

Look what I found is in walking distance... Bright Horizons.

Bright Horizons Family Solutions Subsidiaries ....

Update: I found that Mitt Romney's Bain Capital owns Bright Horizons Family Solution. Where does Bain Capital/Mitt Romney fit into all of this?

Clinton Foundation connection:

See link

I have been investigating Project Spade, which appears to be show how the RCMP is willing to go to great lengths to prosecute and end international CP rings. Found this article which ties the arrest of Loskarn, and to a TON of other rings. There are ties to UPenn and that scandal (concrete, convicted proof), the Franklin scandal, University of Tenessee, George Bush, Mitt Romney (who purchased Lamar Alexander's company Bright Horizons, Loskarn's boss) and just a whole mess of things. Honestly, I am too ADHD to investigate this properly, but this appears to be a very interesting arrest that ties together many rings.

YogSoggoth ago

Mitt might have been an anchor baby, as his (g?)grandfather gave up US citizenship for Mexican. Why? Underage sex. They slipped back up North when the heat was off. Never re-registered. His Dad was a politician as well.

letsdothis2 ago

Sajid Javid is the UK's new Home Secretary. So which children's foundation board is he connected with? It's the London Early Years Foundation. Let's take a look...

London Early Years Foundation Trustees

Michael Garstka, Chairman

Michael Garstka is a senior partner with the global management consultancy Bain & Company in its London office.

letsdothis2 ago

The December 11, 2013 arrest by U.S. Postal Inspectors of Senator Lamar Alexander’s chief of staff Ryan Loskarn on charges of possession and distribution of child pornography in connection with international law enforcement’s Toronto-based Project SPADE, represents only the tip of an iceberg which connects Alexander to a network of Tennessee politicians and businessmen associated with child sex abuse.

Loskarn, who was identified as a child porn distributor, would have been in a position to identify actual or intended recipients of child pornographic photographs and videos found by postal inspectors in Loskarn’s possession, had he lived. Loskarn’s purported “suicide note,” which makes no specific mention of an intention to commit suicide, instead contains an effusive apology to his friends, family, and Senator Alexander.

Bright Horizons and Lamar Alexander

In 1998, Massachusetts-based Bright Horizons, a child welfare service company, merged with Corporate Family Solutions, a firm that provided similar services and which was founded in 1987 by Lamar Alexander and Bob Keeshan, who had been known to millions of American children as television’s “Captain Kangaroo.” The merged company, Bright Horizons Family Solutions, was acquired by Mitt Romney’s former firm, Bain Capital, in 2008. Alexander, the Secretary of Education under George H W Bush, has been tied to a network of Tennessee politicians and businessmen associated with government and private companies, including Bright Horizons and Omni Visions, Inc. of Tennessee, as well as state government social service agencies, such as the Department of Childrens’ Services, accused of endangerment and sexual abuse of foster and mentally challenged children....

It goes on.. a MUST READ.