migratorypatterns ago

Awesome research.

UpVoat for you.

neptunium1 ago


McKinsey & Company Starts Its Own Version of Bain’s Bridgespan http://archive.is/5F5tX

The announcement that Helene Gayle, the retiring CEO of CARE, was going to be inaugural CEO of the McKinsey Social Initiative struck us as noteworthy for reasons that other press outlets really haven’t covered.

Gayle is certainly an accomplished professional, having run CARE since 2006, and before that serving the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as its director of HIV/AIDS programs.

One interesting dimension of the story is the huge McKinsey operation, with $8 billion in annual sales in 2013, forming its own nonprofit consulting firm, as MSI will be. McKinsey has long had a social sector practice, at one time headed by Lynn Taliento, and many McKinsey & Company alumni have had major direct impacts on the nonprofit world. Notable McKinsey alums include Luis Ubiñas, until recently the president and CEO of the Ford Foundation; Sir Ronald Cohen, the British venture capitalist who is a huge promoter of social enterprise tools and techniques such as Social Impact Bonds; Bill Drayton, the founder and chair of Ashoka; Jim Collins, author of Good to Great (and a past contributor to the pages of the Nonprofit Quarterly); Jay Coen Gilbert, co-founder of the B Lab that certifies “B Corporations”; Chelsea Clinton, most recently taking a leadership role in what is now the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation; Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the current HHS Secretary, previously a vice president of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and president and CEO of the Walmart Foundation; and economist Peter Orszag, head of OMB under President Obama and previously with the Brookings Institution.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy suggests that the McKinsey Social Initiative will start life with a $70 million capital infusion from McKinsey & Company plus access to 25 of its consultants to work on MSI projects and advice from 10 McKinsey partners. The Chronicle piece implied that MSI has also started off with a $15 million infusion from USAID—if that’s so, it had to have been in the works when Raj Shah, a former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation official, was still USAID administrator—and $3.2 million from Walmart


neptunium1 ago

Sajid Javid - Outgoing Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_for_Housing,_Communities_and_Local_Government

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, or informally Communities Secretary is a Cabinet position heading the UK's Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, previously known as the Department for Communities and Local Government from 2006 to 2018.[1]

This department was created in 2006 by then British Prime Minister Tony Blair to replace the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.


The Secretary of State is responsible for the overall leadership and strategic direction of the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), EU Exit, the Race Disparity Audit and Integration. Ministerial Champion for the Midlands Engine.

Related to Center for Cyber and Homeland Security https://cchs.gwu.edu/daniel-koehler

Explained here: https://familycourtmatters.org/2016/08/01/family-counseling-for-de-radicalization-programshome-base-germany-daniel-koehler-princetonfree-university-berlin-has-a-grreat-new-market-niche-and-references-courtesy-2015-formed-center-for/

On Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-housing-communities-and-local-government


As of just this past month, July 18, 2016, the current holder of that role (Sec. of State for that Department since 2016) is Sajid Javid.

[Wiki says] The Right Honorable Sajid Javid is British-born (1969) of Pakistani parents, British-educated through college....

Interesting article.

think- ago

Sure enough, the former banker sits on a children's foundation...

Why are we not surprised? /s

Great idea to look into this, @neptunium1.

In 2008, King Carl XVI Gustav made him Commander of the Royal Order of the Polar Star for his services to Sweden.

Maybe we should not only look into those who were knighted in Britain...

neptunium1 ago

How interesting. A Swedish Royal family story also featuring on the main page of the Daily Mail website : Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden 'had her bottom groped' by photographer at centre of Nobel Prize Academy sex scandal 'before royal aide dragged him off of her'

Victoria is the daughter of Queen Sylvia.

think- ago

Yes, interesting, isn't it? What struck me as a bit odd - so the Swedish Royal Family made sure that Crown Princess Victoria would never be again be alone in a room with the guy - but the groping didn't have any other consequences?

I mean, they are the Royal Family! Why not exclude him from events? He seems to have been a notorious harrasser, why didn't they care, even when a member of their own family was groped by him?

I don't know, but I guess it must have been an open secret in Sweden how he (mis)behaved.


EricKaliberhall ago

All Royal families in Europe is part of the Global satanic pedophile cabal.

Hypocrites - https://childhood.org/news/

I don't know, but I guess it must have been an open secret in Sweden how he (mis)behaved.

Yes, open secret. It's ok to be a predator if you are a liberal predator. The culture/ liberal elite and the royals are the biggest hypocrites... They don't care about sexual abuse, when it's committed by their own.

neptunium1 ago

Lots on the internet about his many rapes over many years. He has a lot of influence in Sweden.

I don't often take Daily Mail articles like that at face value only. Timing of articles can be important and sometimes I get the impression that stories are placed for very particular audiences. The #metoo movement is mentioned as well. I also think that sometimes that movement is used to cover deeper stories.

think- ago

Remember that Princess Victoria suffered from anorexia when she was younger? She was sent to NYC for a year or so, and recovered. I'm not saying that everyone who is anorexic has experienced sexual abuse, but this came to my mind when I read that her family didn't call the guy who groped her out.

Makes you wonder whether she might have experienced sicker stuff when she was a teenager, by someone else.

think- ago

Princess Victoria's father has quite a reputation.

Oh yes, he has indeed!

neptunium1 ago

Turning out to be quite a journey.

neptunium1 ago

Sajid Javid, Deutsche Bank , Cayman Islands and illegal tax evasion questions:


MPs last night urged the Business Secretary to ‘come clean’ about a secretive ‘Houdini’ scheme used by investment bankers to dodge tax.

Sajid Javid was a senior executive at Deutsche Bank in 2004 when it channelled bonuses through the Cayman Islands to enrich hundreds of top staff in London.

Being questioned on Channel 4 : https://vimeo.com/159383144

neptunium1 ago

Why Is Strategic Intelligence Important? CIA Director on Future Role (1991) [William Colby]

OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD - The granddaddy of Lying Media, CIA control of what you read and think.

“Operation Mockingbird” was a fully implemented CIA program to spread disinformation throughout American media. CIA Director William Colby testified to the Church Committee that over 400 CIA agents were active in the US media to control what was reported through American mainstream television, newspapers, and magazines

A Bigger Picture: Child Abuse in High Places https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1446556

Franklin coverup: Former CIA Director, William Colby, encouraged DeCamp to pursue the pedophilia investigation, but Colby was apparently murdered in 1996 or so. He was found drowned in a river, I think, near his home.

neptunium1 ago

An insipid review from the FT of Maccoby's book Review: ‘Strategic Intelligence’, by Michael Maccoby

A skilful manager or leader will give employees something more inspiring to think about in place of fear. “When people are fearful,” Maccoby writes, “they may comply, but they don’t take the initiative. You will never drive out all fear from hierarchical organisations. People are wary of bosses who can hurt them. But by increasing fear you will squash any chance of creating a learning organisation.”

You can say that again.

neptunium1 ago

I'm going to have to do a separate post on this but for now this data dump:

Strategic intelligence (STRATINT) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_intelligence

Looks for a UK link and finds: STRATINT LTD https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/NI608667/officers

Director, Ryan Gawn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Gawn

Ryan Gawn is a foreign affairs expert and former advisor to UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan. A former Council Member of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House),[1] he writes extensively on conflict, campaigning, soft power and foreign affairs.

Currently Head of International Communications for ActionAid International,[2] he is also co-founder of Stratagem International,[3] an international political affairs consultancy working in fragile and conflict affected environments.

He has worked in South Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan,[4] and was part of the UN Secretary-General's policy team in 2005. He advises the British Council,[5] has worked with the FCO,[6] DFID,[7] and was a Director of Penn Schoen Berland.

Top tips for development campaigning in crisis regions by Ryan Gawn https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2013/apr/05/development-campaigning-top-tips

As borders become more porous, identities more mingled and ideas more diffuse, organisations are communicating with audiences in new markets and regions. Many are politically complex, volatile, and at varying stages of development. Nevertheless, the basics of campaigning remain, whether undertaken in London, Luanda or Lahore. Here are 10 practical tips to those seeking to influence in more unconventional places..

neptunium1 ago

Tag words: Michael Maccoby, Erich Fromm, Frankfurt School, satanism, CIA

The New Dark Age https://www.schillerinstitute.org/fid_91-96/921_frankfurt.html

Our universities, the cradle of our technological and intellectual future, have become overwhelmed by Comintern-style New Age "Political Correctness." With the collapse of the Soviet Union, our campuses now represent the largest concentration of Marxist dogma in the world.

Adorno was younger than Benjamin, and as aggressive as the older man was passive. Born Teodoro Wiesengrund-Adorno to a Corsican family, he was taught the piano at an early age by an aunt who lived with the family and had been the concert accompanist to the international opera star Adelina Patti. It was generally thought that Theodor would become a professional musician, and he studied with Bernard Sekles, Paul Hindemith's teacher. However, in 1918, while still a gymnasium student, Adorno met Siegfried Kracauer. Kracauer was part of a Kantian-Zionist salon which met at the house of Rabbi Nehemiah Nobel in Frankfurt; other members of the Nobel circle included philosopher Martin Buber, writer Franz Rosenzweig, and two students, Leo Lowenthal and Erich Fromm. Kracauer, Lowenthal, and Fromm would join the I.S.R. two decades later. Adorno engaged Kracauer to tutor him in the philosophy of Kant; Kracauer also introduced him to the writings of Lukacs and to Walter Benjamin, who was around the Nobel clique.

Ultimately, five volumes were produced for this study over the course of the late 1940's; the most important was the last, The Authoritarian Personality, by Adorno, with the help of three Berkeley, California social psychologists.

In the 1930's Erich Fromm had devised a questionnaire to be used to analyze German workers pychoanalytically as "authoritarian," "revolutionary" or "ambivalent." The heart of Adorno's study was, once again, Fromm's psychoanalytic scale, but with the positive end changed from a "revolutionary personality," to a "democratic personality," in order to make things more palatable for a postwar audience.

Discussion of women's civil rights was forced into being just another "liberation cult," complete with bra-burning and other, sometimes openly Astarte-style, rituals; a review of Kate Millet's Sexual Politics (1970) and Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch (1971), demonstrates their complete reliance on Marcuse, Fromm, Reich, and other Freudian extremists.



neptunium1 ago

A book review of Maccoby's The Leaders We Need: And What Makes Us Follow https://www.amazon.co.uk/Leaders-We-Need-Makes-Follow/dp/1422101665

n this context, "Personality Intelligence" best understood in terms of certain qualities that add up to a leader's personality. The leaders we need have it or can develop it with proper supervision and support. They also have or can develop "Strategic Intelligence" which is an interactive mix of analytic, practical, and creative elements that are needed to anticipate future trends, think systematically, understand how to design effective social systems, communicate meaning and purpose to motivate and educator collaborators, and partner with other types of leaders who complement these strengths.

Curiously, there is no reference in this book to the research of Howard Gardner who has made a number of valuable contributions to our understanding of multiple intelligences....

The omission of Gardner on this subject may be indicative of Maccoby's emphasis.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_intelligence

Strategic intelligence (STRATINT) pertains both to the collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence that is required for forming policy and military plans at the national and international level and to qualities that equip leaders to be effective strategists.

From the CIA website : The State of Strategic Intelligence https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol51no2/the-state-of-strategic-intelligence.html

neptunium1 ago

In 2008, King Carl XVI Gustav made him Commander of the Royal Order of the Polar Star for his services to Sweden.

Time to look into this a bit more.

Michael Maccoby http://www.maccoby.com/MMaccoby/

He graduated from The Mexican Institute of Psychoanalysis where he studied under Erich Fromm

Predatory narcissists https://www.openmindsfoundation.org/erich-fromm-on-predatory-narcissists/

Predatory narcissists were a focus for Erich Fromm, the psychotherapist and humanist who continues to influence public opinion with his well-considered and caring texts.

I’ve recently made the acquaintance of Dan Shaw, and I’m delighted to report that he is joining the Open Minds Advisory Board. Dan is a former member of a yoga cult who for some time has worked as a psychotherapist in New York. He is well known for the help he has given to former cult members over the years. He is also the author Traumatic Narcissism, a fine book, which is of particular use to therapists.

Biophilia – A synopsis of the concept as presented in Erich Fromm’s ‘The Heart of Man’

Fromm is searching for the essence of mankind, the characteristic that defines humans.

“Man is confronted with the frightening conflict of being a prisoner of nature, yet being free in his thoughts; being part of nature, and yet to be as it were a freak of nature; being neither here nor there. Human self-awareness has made man a stranger in the world, separate, lonely, and frightened” (Fromm, 1964, p. 117).

Fromm explores humans’ ‘Genius for Good and Evil’ and our regressive and progressive paths by investigating the dimensions of narcissism (benign-malignant), necrophilia-biophilia and incestuous ties (absent – incestuous symbiosis). In their malignant or destructive expressions, he calls these three concepts the syndrome of decay. This syndrome encompasses all tendencies directed against life and finds its expression in necrophilia, narcissism, and incest. I have always been particularly interested in his concept of biophilia. Hence, I summarised the key aspects of biophilia, as well as its opposite necrophila, below.

Interestingly, Fromm also had something to say about knowledge management: ‘Briefly then, intellectualization, quantification, abstractification, bureaucratization, and reification – the very characteristics of modern industrial society, when applied to people rather than to things, are not the principles of life but those of mechanics. People living in such systems become indifferent to life and even attracted to death‘ (Fromm, 1964, p. 59).