metism ago

This goes all the way up to the monarchy

moon_mous3 ago

The UK is one of the hubs and HQs of the elite pedo ring. The British Colonial Empire is now known today as 'Western Society/Civilisation'. Its infected the world. It is sick.

The Native American Indians have a word for this capitalistic sickness. They call it weiteko.

Funny I wonder if these files will also "disappear" like the others. Fuckers!

GHDW ago

Women do not belong in leadership roles

seekingpeace ago

If you haven't seen the documentary Sun,Sea and Satan, it's well worth a look.

A hard-hitting emotionally charged 60 min documentary by Bill Maloney (Award winning independent film director) who's family were all brought up in the UK care system. It covers Maloney's visit and interpretation of Jersey, Channel Islands, following the ongoing child abuse investigations of the children's care home 'Haut de la Garenne'. It highlights connections with the Sea Cadets and children being brought from London care homes for 'sailing holidays' on the Island.

The documentary contains strong language and strong opinions. Due to his and his family's experiences of Establishment care homes Maloney felt compelled to see first hand the response of Islanders to the alleged abuse claims and their general feeling for the Governing States. A mixed response of silence, anger and insensitivity is catalogued from this island of geographical beauty with an ugly underbelly.

The film includes mainstream news reports with Jeremy Paxman, Stuart Syvret, Lenny Harper, Esther Rantzen and Frank Walker. It is the opinion of Bill Maloney that if a child was required - Haut de la Garenne was the venue; if an adult was required - St Saviours Mental Hospital was the venue.

Sun,Sea and Satan

QuestionEverything ago

These files has been lost and reconstructed TWICE.

Judge said he lost the last one at a pub.. had to start the whole thing over: new depositions, everything..

Funny how they forget these little facts..

zarthos1 ago

Amber Rudd is utter scum. Not only is she defending pedos, but she is also a race traitor and a traitor to Great Britain. She is in a common-law marriage with a sub-saharan negro.

This might have been the factor that influenced her decision to ban National Action; A legitimate nationalist movement, that sought to protect the natives of British isles from the indignity of Jewish bankers, Masons and the onslaught of the third world scum.

think- ago

I hope the British public will not let them get away with it.

DerivaUK ago

Don’t hold your breath. The Brits are useless at kicking back to the establishment. France or other EU countries would have been on the streets weeks ago if their governement was inflicting the same cruelties. I despair sometimes. My pitchfork and torch have been polished and ready to go for a long time....soon come the fury, I pray.

carmencita ago

Probably because when the Commoners find out what the Royals have been doing behind closed doors there might be rioting in the streets. We can't have that now, can we.

DerivaUK ago

It completely floors me that my posts on establishment paedophilia get very little traction or even notice - irrespective of platform (but I throw out a test post about puppies or pooches and the comments and acknowledgments show me they do actually see my stuff). They’re in for such a hard time when the truth actually dawns. Priority is on removing our current Government at the moment. All attention to the financial - but children being raped and exploited by the elite? Meh. It pisses me off daily. I’m depending on the US takedown and national red pilling to bleed into the U.K. consciousness because they ain’t noticing what I put in their faces on a daily basis. Frustrating.

carmencita ago

I certainly find it Frustrating. I wonder if they would really get out into the streets if all of the information was released at once. Would it shock them, or would they go back to their Starbucks and Netflix Binging. What really worries me is the posts I see up on the board now. A lot of things that remind me of The Enquirer and people just lap up the Sexual Harassment Accusations of the Hollywood Crowd, and no more delving into who is shipping these kids here and how or what is going on in Haiti, or how is the Vatican involved in the CP and trafficking of children. No, we can have none of why there are so many missing kids. Much more important things to read. We have forgotten them, and fallen into complacency. I am not saying people don't care, it is just that they don't realize. Gosh, I hope I am wrong.


The UK will collapse under the weight of its own corruption. The establishment just keeps piling it on

Narcissism ago

Just don't want you to know the UK is run by Sick F$ck Pedos.

Markb63 ago

You can't handle the truth.

RimeTheBard ago

Man, imagine a world without this kind of debauchery.

Imagine a world without jews owning everyone in debt and running pedophile slave trades.

Podge512 ago

Makes you wonder why, in the Madeleine McCann case, the British Home Office refused to turn over Kate & Gerry McCann's phone records, bank/credit card statements and Madeleine's medical records to the Portuguese authorities (after the McCanns were formally named suspects in their daughter's disappearance) on the grounds of "national security"...

DamoclesofBenghazi ago


Lafall ago

WTF...again!? Also David Kelly death evidence 'to be kept secret for 70 years'