R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Pretty much everyone in the UK is ok with pedos.

DerivaUK ago

No one I know in the U.K. is ok with paedos - no one. On what do you base this aggregious and erroneous sweeping generalisation?

TrishaUK ago

How do you know 'Pretty much everyone' over in the UK? How many people do you know who are okay with pedos? Is that common knowledge in your circle of friends? I certainly do not know even 1 person who is okay with pedos, and I was born here and have lived here most of my life! Who exactly are you referring too?

derram ago

https://archive.fo/30fja :

UK's first Investigatory Powers Commissioner: Lord Justice Fulford • The Register

https://archive.fo/ULNVf :

Dutch court lets paedophile party contest country's general election | World news | The Guardian

https://archive.fo/8aTlW :

Top judge Lord Justice Fulford 'should be suspended over links to paedophiles' | Daily Mail Online

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2impendingdoom ago

Nothing is going to change until corrupt judges are removed one way or another.

EricKaliberhall ago

Keeping the aristocracy far away from the courtrooms is a must. It is becoming painfully obvious that blue bloods and pedophilia go hand in hand in Europe. Yet, they end up in positions of power. This evil circle needs to break...