throwitawayn0w ago

Didn't the investigative reporter that was just found dead in Haiti, make some new connection between the Clinton Foundation and the mining industry that's being developed there. I know Clinton's brother (Rodham) was on the advisory board of VCS (Viard) mining, that swooped in to start mining gold in Haiti, and just resigned this past March. I believe she mentioned that there were a lot of human rights violations taking place in these mines. Just something to look into!

Pizzaghost ago

Guistra's Goldcorp also acquired an Virginia Mining company in 2005. I believe this is tied to the high number of missing children the area.

ShoaNanas ago

Great ! others Giustra threads:

consolidate the data is the actual point

ScottKnight ago

Here's an update on Elpída: I spoke to a poster lad on one of their videos. I asked him if he knew who designed the logo he had no idea. I asked him about ANY suspicious activity and he assured me had he seen no evidence of any of the people working to help refugees are abusing them.

It doesn't discredit anything but it gives us hope that at least the kids in the pics(Elpída refugees) aren't getting abused

MAGABoomer ago

Wicked excellent synopsis OP. After reading that...what if Maddy was taken not just for the pedo stuff...but to get her father/mother to SFTU or BTFO? I've seen some posts indicating that Gerry might have been posting on some unsavory message boards and there were some hints of threesomes...but what else was Gerry into? With the addition of your information the abduction feels a bit more..>STFUpish/threatening. Is it solely sex related or something more?

LostandFound ago

That's some deep digging right there, you went so deep I recon you made Frank blush.

ScottKnight ago

Gods work. Keep digging

Scoundrel ago

Amazing. I hope this community stays together some how. This is literally thousands of people coming together to help children throughout the world and to out those who think they're hidden from justice. My skin is full of goosebumps right now.

FuckReddit69 ago

Biggest crowdsourced investigation yet. Im very proud to be part of this community. Let's hope we take all of these bastards down. No mercy.

Scoundrel ago

I'm with you buddy. Every sense the Wikileaks shit has not been the same for me. I was a normal person.. now I want to hunt these fuckers down lol