I do not agree, that the childs were happy to be stolen.
But what I find very interesting, is how the helping hand of the foundation is a hand of someone anonymous.
Through all the pizzagate-email-code, instagram pics, the satanic "art", I think there is one aspect, that is always there: AMBIGUITY.
Those in the knowing understand it, but outsiders and normal people will never understand it. Why?
BECAUSE it's so evil, it's beyond the imagination of normal and mentally and sexually healthy people.
For example the clip above:
Every normal person watching the video, will view the hand in the final scene as the hand of the foundation and see it as a helping hand.
But there can also be a completely different meaning projected into it, too: the organization acts as a helping hand, therefore it is trusted and it's hand will be grabbed...
Radcliffe was founded by Frank Guistra, a $100M + donor to the Clinton Foundation. Big on mining rights which Hillary gave his companies in Colombia (or Haiti?) IIRC
micha_ ago
I do not agree, that the childs were happy to be stolen. But what I find very interesting, is how the helping hand of the foundation is a hand of someone anonymous.
Through all the pizzagate-email-code, instagram pics, the satanic "art", I think there is one aspect, that is always there: AMBIGUITY. Those in the knowing understand it, but outsiders and normal people will never understand it. Why? BECAUSE it's so evil, it's beyond the imagination of normal and mentally and sexually healthy people. For example the clip above:
Every normal person watching the video, will view the hand in the final scene as the hand of the foundation and see it as a helping hand. But there can also be a completely different meaning projected into it, too: the organization acts as a helping hand, therefore it is trusted and it's hand will be grabbed...
ConcernedEnough ago
Radcliffe was founded by Frank Guistra, a $100M + donor to the Clinton Foundation. Big on mining rights which Hillary gave his companies in Colombia (or Haiti?) IIRC
ShoaNanas ago
linked to https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1447678 should merge ?
Millennial_Falcon ago
What is "pro child trafficking" about the video?