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MercurysBall ago


Sabrina Meng Wanzhou and Annabel Yao: Huawei founder’s two daughters

The two daughters of Chinese smartphone giant Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, have been making headlines – and for quite different reasons. The elder one, 46-year-old Huawei chief financial officer Sabrina Meng Wanzhou, was detained by Canadian authorities this month at the request of the United States government, reportedly for violating sanctions against Iran; the younger daughter, Harvard computer science student Annabel Yao, 21, was a sensation at last month’s Le Bal des Debutantes (or Crillon Ball) in Paris.

Huawei founder’s debutante daughter Annabel Yao: ‘I still consider myself a normal girl’

Yao, chosen to perform the opening waltz at Le Bal des Débutantes in Paris, was one of 19 young women to make their society debut this year

While Le Bal des Debutantes in Paris each year is a nod to the tradition of young society ladies entering the elite social scene of Europe, these days it courts modern debutantes, aged 16 to 21, who are chosen for their looks, brains and famous parents – prominent in business, entertainment and politics.

The schedule at the event, organised by Ophélie Renouard, is full of young women such as Baroness Ludmilla von Oppenheim, from Germany; Julia McCaw, daughter of AT&T founder Craig McCaw; and Annabel Yao, daughter of Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei – the latter of whom was one of three debutantes chosen for the opening waltz this year.

Yao – a 21-year-old Harvard computer science student and ballerina who has lived in Britain, Hong Kong and Shanghai – is one of several Chinese debutantes in recent years. Hollywood offspring, such as the daughters of actors Forest Whitaker, Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone, have also become Le Bal regulars.

Seeing that debutante ball with very different eyes.

letsdothis3 ago

sigh.. every time I try to walk away....

Sexual abuse of children investigated at US-listed nursery in China

Beijing-based RYB Education was founded in 1998 and made its debut on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in September this year. It operates some 1,300 daycare centers and nearly 500 kindergartens in 300 Chinese cities, according to the data from its website.

Zhengong Chang Mr. Zhengong Chang is Independent Director of the Company. Mr. Chang is now the President of Beijing FYJS Investment Inc. Between April 2013 and April 2014, Mr. Chang served as a consultant to Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, and he was an independent director of the board of BOYA Software Group between April 2011 and April 2015. From September 2011 to September 2013

The Summit’s opening address is given by Lord Browne of Madingley, Chairman of the Courtauld Institute of Art, Executive Chairman of L1 Energy and Chairman of Huawei UK, Stanhope Capital and the Accenture Global Energy Board.

He resigned from BP in May 2007 in controversial circumstances surrounding his personal life.

An extraordinary picture of the young gay escort who brought about the downfall of Lord Browne has begun to emerge. Jeff Chevalier, 27, was described by an ex-lover as a former £35-a-time rent boy who turned to prostitution to escape a fractured and impoverished family background.

The revelations about the past of the man Lord Browne was reported to have introduced to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown raise further questions about the BP boss's judgment and shed new light on his decision to resign.

letsdothis3 ago

Guardian article: If the name fits ....

So when the venerable giant Andersen Consulting announced that it would, from this month, prefer to be known as Accenture - with the accent on the acc, please, and an unpronounceable squiggle over the t - there will have been celebration among certain manufacturers of merchandise, at least.

An unassuming blue-and-white building on Clerkenwell Green in London has been the nerve centre of much of this energetic corporate reinvention. This is the UK headquarters of Landor Associates, the world's largest naming consultancy; Nike, Coke and Pepsi have all passed through the doors of one of its offices in recent years in search of a makeover, as has BP for its current "Beyond Petroleum" sunflower rebranding, and it was to Landor that Andersen Consulting went, too.

A name change had been forced upon the company, but there were other good reasons for a change of identity. Profits - this being management consultancy - were in rude health, but Andersen had been associated with a string of controversial consultancy contracts, at the London Stock Exchange, the Department for Social Security, where it had been forced to pay back £23m for bungling its overhauling of the National Insurance computer system, and Wessex regional health authority.

Already, the result is being mocked within the industry, and the company being referred to as "Ace Ventura" after Jim Carrey's bungling movie pet detective. "Personally, I think it's dreadful," says one senior management consultant at another firm, characteristically insisting upon anonymity. "It's too long, and frankly it sounds pretentious."

SeekNuShallFind ago

Alexander Downer and Tony Rodham ties to Huawei too.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. That's interesting.