SeekNuShallFind ago

Soros linked Chinese firm activity accelerating + other MAJOR Chinese endeavors @

SeekNuShallFind ago

Another good info source

SeekNuShallFind ago


HCSEC – run by Huawei UK staff and overseen by GCHQ – warned: "Huawei's processes continue to fall short of industry good practice and make it difficult to provide long term assurance."

Concerns centre around two technical issues: the consistency of software builds of networking products from Huawei supplied to UK telecom network operators, and (more particularly) Huawei's management of third-party components imported as part of a product build, both commercial and open source. "Security critical third party software used in a variety of products was not subject to sufficient control," according to an evaluation by GCHQ that followed a technical visit to Shenzhen by NCSC, HCSEC, and the UK telecom operators.

Professor Alan Woodward, a computer scientist from the University of Surrey, told El Reg that Huawei needed to improve its procedures, particularly in assuring the security of its own supply chain.

"The authorities need to be totally convinced about the security of Huawei products before they are incorporated into our critical national infrastructure," Woodward said. "The onus appears to be on Huawei to improve their processes to enable the UK to feel confident in giving the required assurances.

"The supply chain is becoming a classic attack vector so the UK needs to be sure not just about test examples of equipment, but that the processes then used to manufacture the equipment at scale are secure from interference."

SeekNuShallFind ago

This would explain the tension between Australia USA and China at the APEC meeting.

Australia received intelligence reports that Huawei personnel provided Chinese spies passwords to hack a "foreign network".

According to the Australian newspaper Chinese espionage services used telecommunications giant Huawei’s staff to get access codes to infiltrate a foreign network. They then mounted an attack.

The new information has emerged ahead of the first Australian ministerial visit to China in a year. Trade Minister Simon Birmingham is due to go to Shanghai next week, and a meeting between Scott Morrison and President Xi Jinping is expected at the APEC leaders’ meeting over the next two weeks, amid hopes of resetting the strained relationship.



Well, well. What are the odds in Vegas that Crookeds secret server had some "special" Huawei hardware installed in it?

SeekNuShallFind ago

China’s Huawei is the world’s largest producer of telecoms equipment – hardware that makes up a large part of the UK’s communications infrastructure, mostly installed and maintained by BT Openreach, including routers, switches, and the green boxes that stand on many streets.

A visit to Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen in 2017 also revealed that the company was failing to monitor the security of the third-party components used in its products.


SeekNuShallFind ago

US is warning other countries against using Huawei's 5G tech. Officials are reportedly focusing on convincing countries with US military bases.

Back in October, American politicians asked Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to reconsider Huawei's involvement in his country's 5G plans. Turns out Canada isn't the only US ally the government has warned against using the Chinese tech giant's products. According to The Wall Street Journal, the government has reached out to Germany, Japan, Italy and other friendly countries, particularly those where the US has military bases. US officials apparently talked to those countries' representatives, telling them about what they see as cybersecurity risks if they use Huawei-made components to build their 5G infrastructure.

Huawei has fallen out of favor with the US government after a congressional report from 2012 called it a national security threat out of concerns that the Chinese government could compel the company to give it access to sensitive data. Just before this year's midterm elections, the country even banned government personnel from using Huawei and ZTE devices.

WSJ says US officials briefed representatives from Germany, Japan and Italy in an effort to dissuade both government and commercially operated networks from using Huawei (and ZTE) components. In addition to discussing the possibility of Beijing forcing the company to comply with requests for data access, the authorities reportedly stressed 5G's susceptibility to cyberattacks and espionage, as well.

See, current cell towers are separate from their network's "core" systems in charge of transferring voice and data traffic. 5G cell towers, however, will have hardware capable of doing some tasks currently accomplished by core systems. While US military bases have satellites and telecommunications networks of their own, they're only used for sensitive communications and most of the military's voice and data traffic still go through commercial networks.

An official told the publication:

"We engage with countries around the world about our concerns regarding cyberthreats in telecommunications infrastructure. As they're looking to move to 5G, we remind them of those concerns. There are additional complexities to 5G networks that make them more vulnerable to cyberattacks."


SeekNuShallFind ago

Whoa...this could be something BIG. Possible that Huawei (China) had access to 5eyes via UK


British spooks have been ordered to keep a closer eye on the Huawei employees who inspect Blighty's critical networking hardware for vulns and backdoors.

From now on, GCHQ will take a "leading and directing role" in choosing the staff who work at the Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre (HCSEC) in Banbury, Oxfordshire.

This base is known as The Cell and part of its role is to audit the security of the hardware which makes up Blighty's critical communications infrastructure. Its ultimate aim is to boost confidence among potential UK customers and stakeholders, such as telcos and politicians, by exposing vulnerabilities in kit used within the UK's Critical National Infrastructure.

The Cell's most important function is ensuring that equipment from foreign manufacturers cannot be clandestinely tapped into by foreign powers. With a Huawei-staffed cell inspecting Huawei gear, an obvious conflict of interest developed.


Let's find who the connections are between Crowdstrike, and Huawei. <----. Oh. Yeah. Let's.

SeekNuShallFind ago

China gained access to foreign network via Huawei employees

In August, Australia banned the Chinese telecom manufacturer from providing any equipment to its planned 5G mobile data network. Over the weekend, any rational person who doubted that decision saw just how wise it truly was. The Australian reported that ahead of Trade Minister Simon Birmingham’s planned trip to Shanghai, word leaked that Huawei employees had furnished China’s intelligence services with passwords and other information that allowed them to access “a foreign network.”

The security breach was not necessarily recent, but was, the paper said, within the last two years. It is another piece of evidence that Huawei and and fellow Chinese firm ZTE are joined at the hip with Chinese spies. Any government or company that uses their equipment runs the risk of exposing every piece of traffic to Chinese eyes and ears.


SeekNuShallFind ago

In recent weeks, the vendor, which was founded by a former member of the People's Liberation Army, has run into strife in New Zealand, the UK, the US and Canada. As it turns out, these countries, together with Australia, form the 'Five Eyes' intelligence sharing alliance.

Overnight, Huawei's chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, was arrested in Canada and extradited to the US. The shock development emerged just hours after British Telecom, one of the UK's largest internet service providers, said it would remove Huawei's equipment from the core of its mobile networks. Days earlier, the head of Britain's MI6 intelligence agency issued his own stern warning about the company.


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FractalizingIron ago

Excellent Post. Well done, Patriot.

flatbush71 ago

Right out of Bobby Meuller's playbook. She talks and walks and leave'em hanging.

singlebrain1 ago

Panic in DC, the walls are closing in. I wonder if another suicide week is in store?

Jimzay ago

Jeez something tells me that it might be suicide month for most people involved.

Eurelines ago

So, maybe, probably Huawei Technologies, got some of the secret tech from HRC server from US companies? Pay to play?

Squarecircle ago

Let’s play doorknobs and bedposts! Hang ‘em all

MatildaQ ago

It would seem that John Lord is chairman of Huawei in Australia. This article should raise alarm bells worldwide about what the Chinese government demand of Chinese companies. It involves 5G and harvesting personal data from citizens worldwide and giving it to the Chinese government.

WanderingTaurus ago

"much more pervasive technology because we're moving into the internet of everything, where just about everything will, one day or another, be connected to the internet by sensors and so forth."

This is all they want. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to include EVERYONE, connected to the net. Easier to control and manipulate mentally, emotionally, financially, and physically through health issues. We are all fucked with 5g.

MatildaQ ago

Frightening. I’ve heard too that 5G is a health danger but it will be sold to the masses as being safe, like asbestos.

SeekNuShallFind ago

The decision to bar Huawei and ZTE from supplying equipment to Australia’s 5G network was made amid the Liberals’ leadership ructions late last week, meaning it was largely overshadowed by the political turmoil.

But the decision did not go unnoticed abroad. It angered the Chinese government, which labelled it wrong and said it would compromise business relationships.

i_scream_trucks ago

What the fuck are john brumby and Alexander downer doing on the board of a Chinese comms company that's banned from bidding on major telecoms infrastructure contracts?

SeekNuShallFind ago

They WERE on the board in what appears as an attempt of a Clinton style pay to play. They were banking on Huawei to win huge NBN contract.

numina18 ago

Well, since HRC comes from a sociopathic mob family, it is no big shock that her brother is a crook, too. Those apples have not fallen too far from the tree.

Lugols_iodine_cure ago

Check out his involvements in haiti

MatildaQ ago

Julie Bishop was one of the MAIN INSTIGATORS with MALCOLM TURNBULL to overthrow a great PM who closed our borders and scrapped the heinous carbon tax. Dig further and you will find she is a Clinton groupie that gave millions $ of Australian taxpayers hard earned money to it. Along with Downer, Brumby etc., I hope they suffer the full extent of the American Justice system. In Australia some politicians get away with rape and murder; seems to be a common thread among NWO politicians. Indeed JDPENT LET THE AXE FALL.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Not so sure about Tony Abbott, unfortunately seems to be involved with Podesta.

The American Australian Council honored Tony Abbott, 38th Prime Minister at the home of AAC Chairman, Tony Podesta. January 2016


argosciv ago

Not so sure about Tony Abbott, unfortunately seems to be involved with Podesta.

The American Australian Council honored Tony Abbott, 38th Prime Minister at the home of AAC Chairman, Tony Podesta. January 2016


Source archived:

Oh I fucking love you! I went browsing through your comments to find the confrontation you mentioned here and found this^ instead.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter

Y'all happen to catch this gem?

This is just BRILLIANT when contrasted with other findings I have on Aus-US connections!

Wish I'd come across this sooner lol.

MolochHunter ago

wow. that kinda fucks me up. I wonder if it was an attempted pedomafia recruitment entrapment , rather than signifying that Abbott is a signed up member

the reason I say that is bc Abbott has been a staunch defender of a Sovereign Australia - he has admirably resisted both Globalism and Cultural Marxism. And he's not an arrogant Elitist, either, he volunteers in aboriginal communities and joins firefighters regularly fighting bushfires in his electorate

argosciv ago

He's a difficult one to gauge, to say the least.

Personally have my reasons to strongly distrust him, if nothing else, due to the whole revolving-door politics situation of the last decade+ in Aus.

The external influences of Aus politics are insane, too, and affect both 'left and right'.

I'd go into more detail but i'm not exactly in research mode at the moment lol.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Yep, Michael Smith is a great source for info on Oz connections.

MatildaQ ago

He’s excellent. The work Michael has done with CHARLES ORTEL on the Clinton Foundation is commendable. His detective skills have allowed him to search avenues that others don’t even think of. What Julia Gillard (an ex Prime Minister that was hated for what she put Australia thru) did to Michael to stop him from pursuing her criminal past, was disgraceful.

SeekNuShallFind ago

Michael is like a dog with a bone and his dig on Julia is still going strong. Julia is tied to the same Clinton globalist network...she's fuct.

MatildaQ ago

I’m so glad to here that. Thank you. What Gillard put Michael thru was disgraceful.

drstrangegov ago

I'm fairly certain this kind of nonsense happens in Seattle at big companies like T-Mobile. I recently went there and stayed at a hotel adjacent to T-Mobile. It was filled to capacity with brown and yellow people who walked across the street to go to work. A look through the window of those big towers shows exactly the kinds of stuff they think about. The propaganda that ruined them is all over their walls, their desks. This was in offices and conference rooms. I imagine the yellow and brown people sit in cubicles.

Pollycracker ago

So now we allow the T-Mobile Sprint merger knowing large amounts of the Huawei has already been deployed; so let's infect a second USA network, and for good measure let's connect a third and give the whole kabootle away. It's happening folks, NWO politics may be in check in this country, but NWO big business is moving right along at a decent clip thanks to the corrupted bureaucracies.

drstrangegov ago

T-Mobile must use Huawei phones, then? See my comment above.

jdpent ago


FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Tony Rodham has serious enemies in the international Chinese community and has been involved in numerous Visa scams.

Tony Rodham was involved with Gov. Terry McAuliffe in the EB-5 Scandal that targeted Chinese millionaires. Basically they set up a fake company for Chinese millionaires to invest in in order for those investors get US Visas. The investors later found out that the company was fake, they weren't getting Visa's and the money was laundered through the British Virgin Islands. $200,000,000 gone.

The lawsuits are still going through the courts, but the media has given the Clintons a complete black out on this scandal. Looks like we might be seeing some cracks in their defenses though.